35. Vicious Beginning

When she had imagined her future, she was sure she would be a world renowned famous model. She wanted to be just as famous as you and Adrien, maybe even more.

She worked for it everyday, ate a stringent diet and exercised until her muscles ached to much to move.

But like always, her mother forbade her.

"You can be serious?!" Manon remembered snapping at the older, stressed out woman.

Her mother was losing her strength when it came to her daughter. Day after day she would go to the studio just to come home to her overbearing daughter.

"It's not good for you Manon." Her mother sighed. "I always told you I wanted to keep you out of the spotlight."

But she was for the spotlight. How could her mother not see that?

She knew the things she had done was wrong. She should have never taken down Agreste and join the team of the mysterious man. He was the most wicked man she had ever met and she knew she was getting in to deep.

He was so serious, always calculating.

Always betraying someone.

"This is perfect!" He was grinning and she had never seen the man so excited.

She sat quietly on her chair, her legs crossed as she patiently waited for him.

"Manon don't you get it?" He grinned. "This will do it!" Manon noticed his kwami shivering towards the ceiling.

"They separated themselves! It's perfect." He laughed maniacally. "Once I get the address of his new place, taking him and his miraculous will be simple."

"Do you really think that will draw them out?" She asked.

"Of course." He snorted and she had never heard him make such an undignified sound. "Y/n thinks she is done with him, but their love story has been fated since the beginning of time." He grinned.

He took a step closer to her and leaned his face in. "And once I get rid of him, she will be all mine."

Manon, like always, pushed him away. "Is that really the goal? Just getting your hands on a person who has no desire to be with you?"

He shrugged as he walked back towards his thinking area. "You wouldn't understand dear girl." He shook his head. "That woman is completely intoxicating. She is the key to ruling this world."

He was right, she couldn't understand.

She didn't know what was so special about you, just a girl who has made some questionable decisions. How would you change anything?

**You hated leaving him there.

You had been staying the past nights at your parents house, due to the threat.

You may have also been avoiding Luka.

You couldn't help it, every time you walked those stairs you thought about him waiting for you at your door—ready to make good on his declaration.

But alas, he never was there.

You wondered if he didn't believe you, if he thought you were still with Adrien.

You reached the top step and you felt your heart stop. His hood was black and pulled up. It wasn't a typical outfit choice for him, but it couldn't have been anyone else.

Your hopeful glasses soon fell away when you realized the person at the door wasn't Luka at all. He was way taller than the person creeping too closely to your door.

"Hey!" You snapped and the person jumped, beginning to shake as their head turned slowly towards you.

Your eyes widened. "Amara?" You gasped.

Your bandmate scoffed, clearly angered she was caught. "Yeah?" Her brows were furrowed and you could tell she was contemplating running.

"The hell are you doing?" You asked, stepping closer. She must've not realized how intimidating you could be because she took a step back and hid her hands behind her back.

"You've been doing it—haven't you?"

She didn't say anything, just stepped closer to your door.

You towered over her, never feeling so intimidating as yourself. The last time you felt this much power...was when you were PeaceWrecker.

You shook off that feeling. "Why?"

She grimaced. "We want to go back on tour! You leaving ruined everything. Just because you have a family doesn't mean we should all get screwed over!"

You blinked, honestly to stunned she would say that to react. "What?"

"You heard me! That's it now move so I can leave!"

Did she not realize this was a crime-? "You seriously think you being on tour should have been my priority?"

"You said you would only be gone a few months and now-"

"My boyfriend, was being charged with aiding a terrorist and you put my son in danger! Are you fucking serious Amara?"

You thought about all those nights on your tour bus, the two of you laughing and drinking your asses off. She was definitely your favorite in the band, but now.

You pulled out your phone and called the police.

"What are you doing?" She asked shakily. "Y/n! It's really not that serious! I'm sure we can talk out a number or something to make this disappear."

Your hand slammed on your door next to her head as you towered over her. "I've got ten times the amount of money you do." Your eyes darkened. "I don't need yours."

**You watched sadly as the police arrived, dragging away your screaming ex friend.

Stepping inside you pulled out your phone once more.


"They got her." You whispered, completely relieved your son could come home.

"I'll bring him back over."

**"Thank you." You whispered as Adrien stood near your door, ready to leave.

He had arrived back in town that morning and settled down in a new place. The two of you were still deciding the best way to tell Dakota that you weren't all going to live together again.

"Well I should-"

"Do you want to stay and tell him goodnight?" You asked softly.

You almost missed the way his eyes lit up, part of you wondered if he was excited to stay for you or your son.

The two of you made your way to your boy's room, laughing as you read him bedtime stories and how he refused to get in bed until he hugged you each three times.

Kissing his head you turned and saw Adrien plugging in Dakota's race car nightlight. "Good night lovey." You smiled.

"Good night mom." He smiled sleepy. "Good night dad."

You left his room feeling confused.

"I didn't sell the house." You had expected his voice to be hesitant, but he stood tall and confident as you turned.