You could have sworn the night before was a dream.
You would have loved to live in that fantasy—but it was five a.m and your alarm was blaring.
Luka shot up.
A weight had been lifted from your stomach and that's when you realized he had fallen asleep, holding you tight.
You pulled your blanket tightly around you, having no desire to move so early in the morning.
"I guess that's my cue to leave." He spoke with a hint of sadness.
You sighed, running your fingers through your natty hair. "I don't think Dakota would understand if he found you in my bed." You rolled your eyes.
He chuckled, "No, I know." He whispered. He stood and pulled his shirt over his head, but before he left he grabbed your hand and stared into your eyes. "I want to do this right Y/n."
You blinked. "What do you mean?"
He shook his head. "I want to take you out on a date, do things properly."
You thought for a moment, before looking up at him with a cheeky smile. "You're talking about doing things properly after waking up in my bed after kissing me for the first time in nine years?" You asked, leaning on your palm.
He blushed and dropped your hand, but immediately picked it up again. "Yes." He stammered out.
You considered this. "Luka-"
"I know where you are going with this." He started, startling you. "I know the timing is horrible, you and Adrien are still so newly separated and you have your child that will always come first. Let me redeem myself—let me do this right. We will go slow, I won't wake up in your bed again anytime soon." He smiled and this time you were the one blushing.
You took your hand from his and crossed your arms. "Okay. One date." You smiled. "We'll see how it goes and maybe I'll consider letting you take me on another one."
"So cruel." He chuckled before kissing you on your forehead softly. "Get some sleep."
You waved him off. "Yeah, yeah. You too." You smiled softly, before waving goodbye to him properly.
You turned off the television as soon as they stopped talking about Felix.
The good person in your was worried about the man. He had been such a nuisance, that the other piece of you was relieved he was gone. You tried to stick with your good-person-thoughts.
It was really damn hard not to be relieved though.
"You ready Dakota?" You called.
You were taking him to Adrien's new apartment today. He hadn't been over all that much, Adrien mostly stopped by to take him on little adventures.
It was important that your boy experienced both places, which is why you were putting your worries aside and taking him over.
You knew Adrien would protect him, but letting go was hard.
After another five minutes, you went to his room.
"What the-" His room was trashed. The clothes you had settled in a bag for him to take over were out and all over the place. He had throw each pair of shoes on the high shelf in his closet, almost as if he was thinking you wouldn't be able to reach.
He looked entirely guilty. "I don't want to go."
"Why not?" You asked, exasperated—trying hard not to yell at the small boy.
"Dad should just be living here with us!" He yelled. "I shouldn't have to go over there! Why won't you let him back here?" His eyes were filled with tears.
Just as you feared, you were the villain.
***"I don't think this is a good idea." You said to Luka as you got in his car.
"Why?" His nerves and shock was clear.
You sighed, holding your head in your hands. "Dakota was so upset this morning, just having to go to Adrien's. He blames me for not letting Adrien live in our apartment."
Luka was quiet, making you feel worse.
"Did Adrien say that to him?" He asked calmly.
You shrugged. "I don't think so—I mean I sure hope not." You emphasized.
He sighed. "Dakota is young, he will adapt to the change quickly. He's a lucky boy, being able to grow up with both of his parents, but sometimes relationships don't work." You could tell he was thinking about his own parents, who had tried multiple times to be together—hating each other even more in the end. "When you do what is best for you, you set your children up for a better future."
Now you were the one who was quiet.
"If you don't want to do this, then we won't. Dakota always will come first." He spoke knowingly. "I wouldn't let you do it any other way. But I also think you can have both." He smiled gently.
You sighed, resting your head against the back of your seat. "That's a fools wish isn't it? Believing you can have it all?"
He shook his head. "Nothing will be perfect." He admitted. "But at least you will be happy." He placed his hand on top of your head, almost like he was willing you to look at him. He smiled when your eyes met his.
"Fine." You laughed softly. "Back to the original terms then."
He nodded, his hand returning to the steering wheel. "A trial and error date then."
**The two of you arrived to a parking lot in the city. You always hated parking in them, they costed a bit of money and they were dark and creepy.
But alas you weren't alone so it was too bad.
Luka had jumped out of the car rather quickly, startling you. You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt, just to find that your door was now open and he stood holding onto the handle, with his other arm spread out wide.
You couldn't help but giggle. "You're such a dork."
"I believe the word you're looking for is, gentleman." He scoffed playfully.
You held onto his arm as the two of you walked towards the exit. "Oh yes of course." You snorted as he lifted his arm to lock his car.
**He pulled you into a little cafe.
It was quite adorable and sold things from pastries to full meals.
"What are you feeling?" He asked, in regards to the food choices.
You shook your head indecisively. "I'm just not sure! I'm don't know if I'm in the mood for nostalgia or a good meal." You chuckled, motioning to the pastries that resembled the ones you ate before school most mornings.
Luka smiled. "I'll choose for you, go find a table?" He offered.
Your eyes widened. "You think you know me well enough to not screw up my food?" You asked hesitantly.
Luka nodded. "Oh yeah." He winked.
You snorted. "This may make or break us Luka, you better choose wisely." You grinned from ear to ear.
He nodded, a serious expression forced onto his face. "Affirmative."
You laughed your way over to a table.
You struggled to contain your surprised when you saw Kagami enter the cafe, seconds after you sat down. It didn't take her long for her eyes to meet yours, she always knew how to find you.
You felt a surprising sense of nervousness pool in your stomach—just weeks ago you considered calling her up again.
Look where you were now.
"Oh, hello Y/n." She smiled effortlessly.
Kagami had grown so much over the years. She had many friends and she smiled without worry. She was still very stiff at times, but that was something that would never leave her. She spent years living with her mother after all.
"Kagami, it's so good to see you." You beamed.
"You as well. Are you here with Adrien?" She asked.
You shook your head. "Him and I actually—"
"Oh, Kagami, hey." Luka was there now, smiling at your old friend.
"Oh, I see what's going on. Y/n, if you had told me you were one for open relationships you could've just call-"
"No!" You felt the heat quickly rise to your cheeks. "This isn't what it looks like I promise. Adrien and I broke up."
She was surprised. "Truly? After so many years?"
You sighed, leaning forward on the table, but sitting up again quickly before she could scold you about table manners. "Truly."
"So you won in the end?" Kagami looked at Luka almost like she was challenging him.
Luka laughed awkwardly. "I wasn't aware there was a competition, but I will admit that I have been hoping for this for a long time." He smiled at you.
"Even though you screwed her over when we were younger? I'm quite surprised."
You choked on the water the waiter had so sneakily brought to you.
"Kagami-" you began.
"I'm trying to be better than that. I was a stupid kid and thought of it like a competition." He eyed her warily. "I know what I want now. I did that day too, but I had already ruined everything."
"But as people change things can be rebuilt." She agreed, always speaking sort of cryptically.
"I sure hope so." He smiled.
"Well Y/n, I'll leave you to your date. We must catch up sometime, okay?" She asked as she smiled brightly at you.
"Of course Kagami, I'll call you soon."
"Oh and send pictures of Dakota. He's adorable." She smiled before walking off to the counter.
"I haven't seen her in a while." Luka said as he took his seat across from you.
You shook your head. "Me neither. She's still gorgeous." You sighed dreamily.
He lightly flicked your forehead, a playful expression dancing around his face. "You're here with me." He chuckled, but then he fingers were under your chin and he was slowly pulling you closer to him. The look in his eyes was mischievous, and his smirk on further it. "I'll make sure you don't forget it."
Your heart began to race and you gulped. "I really hope you didn't mess up my food." You smiled softly, not wanting this feeling to go away.
And he didn't, he picked out exactly what you would have wanted.