I 1 I

Rifling through my school back, I discover that my science book is missing. I quickly glance at the clock on my bedside table. It's almost time for school-and I'm going to be late again. 

'Marinette!' I call from my room, assuming my ever-clumsy twin borrowed it.


'Marinette! I need my science book back!' 

She still doesn't reply. 

I run across the hall, lifting the small trapdoor. It swings open with a creak, and a surprising sight meets my eyes. 

'Ladybug?' I gasp. 

The red costume-clad girl turns around, her eyes widening. 

'Oh-I-uh?' She stutters. 

'What are you doing in Marinette's room?' I smile. 'I mean, is there something going on?' 

'No,' Ladybug replies, scratching the back of her neck. 'It's just-I uh-Marinette needed me to-uh...' 

I squint at her earrings, noticing the last spot flickering. 'I think your earrings about to-' 

'Oh shoot,' Ladybug hops behind the bed, a bright light telling me that she just transformed back to her usual form. 

'Do you want me to leave-or?' I glance at the door, slowly walking towards it. 

'Yep, that would be great!' Ladybug calls back. 

I turn around, stepping to the door when something hits me on the back of my head with a clunk. 

It's Marinette's lucky charm. But what's Ladybug doing with Marinette's charm? 

'That's my sister's charm,' I bend over and pick it up from the floor. 'Ladybug?' 

She clears her throat from behind the bed. 


'This really isn't the first time something related to Marinette's turned up right after I've seen you,' I squint. 'And I would know Marinette's anywhere...I don't know why I didn't see it before.' 

Ladybug sighs. 'Y/n...you can't tell anyone.' 

She stands up, revealing my twin and a-bug mouse? 

'Oh my god. You're Ladybug!' I squeal, running over and hugging her. 'I knew it.' 

'You did?' Marinette stammers. 'How did you know?' 

'Come on,' I cross my arms. 'How could I not.' 

Marinette giggles. 'Why didn't you say anything?' 

'To be honest, I wasn't a 100% sure until now,' I say. 'So who's Cat Noir?' 

'I don't know,' Marinette shrugs. 'Our identities are a secret, remember?' 

I bump her shoulder. 'Supposed to be.' 

She laughs again. 'Whatever. Besides I could never keep a secret from my favourite sister.' 

'Your only sister,' I smirk. 

'Just promise not to tell anyone.' 

'Of course,' I nod. 'Wouldn't want to put you, or Paris in danger.' 

Marinette regards me with a suspicious expression. 'Not even Adrien.' 

'Why would I tell him? I don't even like him.' I point a finger at her. 'You do though.' 

She blushes. 

'You know, I always thought you would be good with Cat Noir.' I say thoughtfully. 

'Ewww...' Marinette groans. 'Adrien's tons more legit than Cat Noir.' 

'We're late for school.' I point out. 

Marinette squeals loudly. 'Crap! I was supposed to meet Alya at the library this morning to study! And Adrien has fencing practice today, I need the perfect excuse to see him!' 

I shake my head. 'I don't know how you managed to pass Grade 10.' 

'Grade 11 isn't that hard.' Marinette complains. 

'We still have to show up,' I say. 'Oh, and I need my Science book back.' 

'I didn't take it!' She says. 

I sigh. 'Let's just get there.' 


'Marinette,' Alya calls from the door. 'Where the hell were you?' 

'Held up with something,' Marinette bites her lip. 'Sorry Alya.' 

Alya groans. 'You missed first period. And Chloe tried to kiss Adrien.' 

'She WHAT?' Marinette screams. 'THAT LITTLE B-' 

'Hey Y/n,' Adrien smiles as he walks by. 'Marinette.' 

'Don't freak,' Alya says once he's gone. 'She didn't manage it.' 

Marinette lets out a sigh of relief. 

'You really need to get over it,' I say. 'Or at least talk to him.' 

Adrien and Nino are sitting by the stairwell, talking about some video game or something. 

'Go talk to him,' Alya gives Marinette a gentle shove. 'Y/n's right.' 

Marinette squeals again. 'I don't know-uh,' 

'Attention!' A loud voice says from the sky. Wait what? 'I am Lightning Bolt!' 

A girl in a yellow costume flies down from the sky, holding a huge...pen in the shape of a lightning bolt. She aims it at Chloe, and a bolt fires down, leaving nothing but a scorch mark. Kids scream and run in all directions-complete pandemonium. 

'It's time for Ladybug to come,' I hiss in Marinette's ear. 'Go, I'll cover for you!' 

'Take shelter!' Alya yells, gesturing for me to follow. As I try to run after her, a lightning bolt hits the pillar next to the door, blocking it. 

'Go!' I yell. 'I'll be fine.' 

Understatement of the year. I turn around, as Lightning Bolt floats over me, staring right at me. 

I cover my face, waiting for the blast. 

'Well you look like you're in a bad situation, darling.' A black shape swoops down, lifting me up. 'This is certainly a cat-astrophe.' 

Cat Noir places me down on the school roof. 

'Hey Kitty,' I smirk, using my sister's pet name for him. Cat Noir blushes. 

'So, what're you doing after school?' He smiles flirtatiously. 

'You asking me out, Kitty?' 

He blows on his claws. 'Maybe.' 

'You're definitely more flirty than I last remember. Or at least what Ladybug said.' I tap my forehead. 

Cat Noir rolls out of the way as a bolt hits right where he was standing. He picks me up again. 

'Ladybug talks about me?' 

I roll my eyes. 'She may have mentioned you.' 

'You know her then?' 

'You have no idea....'