I 2 I

Cat boy carries me to the nearest house, which happens to be Adrien's. He puts me down inside the room, right next to the bed. 

'You're not out of danger yet, darling,' he smirks. 'I know the guy that lives here, he'd be fine with you chilling here 'till the danger's over.' 

'Would he now?' I raise my eyebrows questioningly. 'I know him too.' I add. 

'Oh, you know Adrien?' Cat Noir ruffles a hand through his messy blonde hair. 'Tall, blonde, deviously good-looking?' 

'If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were describing yourself,' I shake my head. 

'Definitely not,' Cat Noir says. 'I'd better go. When Adrien comes back, just tell him you know me.' He winks. 'That should solve everything.' 

I watch from the window as he jumps over buildings. 

That boy knows how to charm. 

After a few minutes, my phone starts ringing. 

'Hey Marinette,' I pick it up. 'Extinguished Lightning Bolt yet?' 

'The flame is out,' Marinette says, and I can hear her smile through the phone. 'Where you at?' 

'Adriens,' I sigh. 'Cat Noir randomly dropped me here.' 

'What?' Marinette screams through the phone. 'Hang on I'm coming.' 

The sound of footsteps fills my ears. 

'Shoot, he's coming-gotta go.' I hang up, cutting of her protests. 

'Y/n?' Adrien asks, coming into the room. 'What are you doing in here?' 

Is that a false tone of surprise? 

'Well....Cat Noir, that idiot, brought me here.' I explain. 'You know, to shelter from Lightning Bolt.' 

Adrien flinches. 'Idiot?' 

I watch his reactions carefully. 'I wouldn't say he's an idiot.' Adrien scratches the back of his neck. 'He's just....' 

'A reckless daredevil who flirts with everyone?' I finish. 

Adrien laughs. 'You could say that.' 

'Anyways-I should probably go.' I say. 

'Do you need a ride home?' He asks. 

'That won't be necessary,' A familiar figure jumps  through the window. 

'Oh hey, m'ila-Ladybug.' Adrien says. 

'Hi Ladybug?' I smile brightly. 'How you know I was here?' 

'Intuition,' She shrugs. 'So, ready to go?' 


And with that, she waves at Adrien, picks me up, and swings out the window. 

'What were you doing?' Marinette fumes once we get home. 'At Adriens house? In his room? Near his BED?' 

'Chill out M,' I smile. 'Blame Cat Noir if you will.' 

'Oh I will.' Marinette clenches her fist. 'I will find that cat, and crush HIM!' 

I laugh. 'It's not like I like Adrien. He's ' I say calmly. 

'Just a friend.' Marinette  laughs derisively. 'JUST A FRIEND.' 

She collapses on my bed, half sobbing, half laughing. 

'Why couldn't it have been me!' 

The little bug mouse comes out of Marinette's purse. 

'Hi,' she squeaks. 'I didn't get a chance to introduce myself. I'm Tikki, and you must be Y/n.' 

'Hi,' I smile. 'Oh my god you're so cute!' 

Tikki's laugh sounds like bells. 'Marinette's told me so much about you.' 

'Good things I hope.' I turn back to the bed. 'Marinette. Calm down. I'm sure Adrien would love to talk to you, if you didn't foam at the mouth every time he did.' 

'If only you could help me.' She sighs. 'WAIT.' 


'Remember when we used to swap?' Her eyes light up. 'When we were little, to trick Mom and Dad?' 

I gasp. 'You don't seriously want to-' 

'Of course!' She jumps up. 'You can talk to Adrien for me!' 

'I don't think this is such a good idea, Marinette,' Tikki squeaks. 'What if something happens, and you don't have your earrings.' 

'Just for an hour,' Marinette pleads, glancing at Tikki. 'Just for the morning tomorrow...please.' 

I sigh. 

'You can ask Adrien to go to the movies for me!' Marinette says. 'It'll be perfect.' 

The evening ends with me finally agreeing. Why can't I say no? 

God this is going to be a disaster. If I'm completely honest, Adrien is just a friend. 

But there is someone I like....unless that person is actually-