I 3 I

'Okay, you put this on.' Marinette hands me her shirt and jacket, already wearing my signature f/o. 

'Fine.' I pull the clothes on, shaking my head. 'He's going to see right through this.' 

'Not if I can help it.' 

'And what if Adrien talks to you, thinking you're me?' I put my hands on my hips. 

'Then I'll die,' Marinette shrugs. 

'You better not embarrass me,' I say, folding my arms and smiling. 

Tikki flies out of Marinette's bag again. 

'But Marinette, what happens if someone is akumatized?' she gasps. 'Then what will you do?' 

'Don't worry Tikki,' Marinette says. 'It'll only be for this morning.' 

Tikki sighs, flitting into Marinette's pocket. 

'The plan is, you ask him to the movies, then make up some excuse as  to why you have to leave, and meet me back in the washroom.' Marinette claps her hands together. 'Got it?' 

'Right, talk to Pretty Boy, then get out of there.' I say. 'What if he says yes?' 

'Victory, then?' Marinette tips her head. 'Whaddya mean?' 

'Well, if you can't ask him to the movies, how do you expect to talk to him once you're actually there?' 

Marinette places her hands on either side of her face, a panicked expression covering her features. 'I hadn't thought of that.' 

'Of course not.' I roll my eyes. 'All you have to do, is pretend you're talking to Nino, or some other guy that you don't care about.' 

'But I do care!' Marinette wails. 'I do care!' 

'Fake it till you make it.' I shrug. 'That's all there is to it.' 

'You make it looks so easy,' She gazes at me. 

'Then it's a good thing you're going to be me.' I laugh. 

'Let's do this.' 


'What do you two think you're doing?' Alya demands, pulling me aside. 

'Huh?' Marinette scratches her neck. 'I don't know what- '

'-You're talking about.' I finish her sentence with a grin. 

Alya rolls her eyes. 'Let me guess, Marinette asked you to swap so you can talk to Adrien for her.' 

'You guessed it!' I clap. 'Now where is that boy?' 

'He just went that way with Nino,' Alya sighs. 'but this is a seriously bad idea.' 

'No it's not.' Marinette smiles. 'It's perfect.' 

'How do you expect to talk to him? If it works, I mean,' Alya raises an eyebrow. 

'That's exactly what I said.' I nod.

'Be confident. Be cool.' Marinette says to herself. 'Be Y/n.' 

'Hey Marinette!' A friendly voice calls. 

Just the guy we were looking for. 

'Hey Adrien!' I smile back, going over to him. I wink at the real Marinette and Alya, sitting down next to Adrien at the stairwell. 

'So, how are you?' He asks politely. 

'I'm good, you?' 

'Pretty good.' 

Awkward silence. 

'I was wondering,' I start. 'If you would like to go to the movies with me?' 

Adrien smirks. 'With Marinette you mean?' 

My eyes widen. 'What?' 

'Come on Y/n, I'd know you anywhere.' He scoffs. 

I blink. 'Really?' 

'Of course, dar-I mean Y/n.' 

I narrow my eyes suspiciously. Marinette may miss a lot of things, but I miss nothing. 'Were you about to call me darling?' 

'No!' Adrien jumps up. 'Definitely not.' 


'What's that?' Adrien says suddenly, pointing up at the sky. It's...it's....that camera guy. Pixelator.


'Crap.' I face palm myself. Waving a quick goodbye, I run over to Marinette, gesturing for her to follow me. 'We have to change.' 

'Right now?' Marinette says. 'But you were getting so close to Adrien.' 

I shake my head. 'It's Pixelator. He's back, which means you need to be Ladybug.' 

Marinette groans. 

'He's back again?'