
Deylor woke up in a daze.

Brushed his teeth, enjoyed the morning view and ate a hearty breakfast.

He later had a wholesome conversation with Jack and after that he quickly put his pet Rooster in its cage.

Wait a minute. Rooster?

A cold-metal foot imprinted onto Deylors back.


A furied voice violently assaulted Deylors eardrums.

Deylor looked from left to right before looking up with a look of confusion.

"Donuts?" Deylor asked in confusion.

The physical teacher's fuse had been lit.

"How do you even fall asleep in Physical?"

"Lets watch him do his punishment!"

"Yeah lets watch and lau-"

A beauty that could not be described in words entered the student's eyes.

As they saw Deylor move from left to right, his body in perfect correlation and symmetry their gazes only widened.

To them, Deylor was one with the broom.

Deylors every movement was smooth and fluent. His strokes so swift that dust trailed and leaves flew in a perfect square as he hit them away.







He was a master on the battle-field and in the house.

A true idol for the students.

That day rumours spread of the incredible sweeper and his talents.

"And that is why Martial arts are crucial for everyone."

The students gaped in awe as their professor re-assembled the 30 training dummies that he had beautifully taken-down.

The professor wiped some sweat off his forehead as he continued talking.

"I want you to find a partner and test out some Martial arts. Find your fit, not your favorite."

People scrambled in every direction looking for a partner, Deylor included however...

"Hey you wanna be my part-"

"Sorry, I'm not in this class."

"Looking for a part-"

"No hablo English."


"I'm just here to watch."


"Sorry, I don't do martial arts."

I didn't even speak. Deylor looked at the ground in dismay.

Was his social life such a tragedy?

Wait, Deylor had a moment of realization.

The teacher!

Deylor quickly ran urging every muscle in his body to aid his quest until...

"Sorry kid, i'm too tired go join a group if everyone's paired up."

And just as all the light faded a heavy, rough hand landed on Deylors shoulder.

"Hey, I'm look-" Deylor looked back to see a familiar face. The boy with the speaking powers.

John froze in fear. Sweat streaming down his stretched out hand. His mind in terror.

Was his life going to come to an end so soon.

"Me too!" Deylor spoke a bit too loudly, his excitement evident.

Deylor dragged John by the shoulder as he began his practice.

"Okay." Deylor steadied his breathing. "Tell me which hurts more."

Deylor did a quick attempt of a jab. John groaned loudly.

Deylor quickly pulled his arm back and did an upwards-kick. John groaned even more.

"Okay, which hurt more?" Deylor asked as he rolled his shoulders back.


Deylor turned John's face planted body around.

His eyes white and his hands in a praying position he looked quite pitiable.

Deylor speedily left the scene of the crime,

His reputation was already in the mud, no way was he going to drag it underground.

As Deylor left he heard a faint mutter.


Deylor quickly moved his head around him just to see people practicing.

Strange... thought Deylor as he continued his get-away.

A student smiled widely as they slowly walked away whistling calmly.

Too calm.

Inhumanely calm.

3 months later...

"You packed up Deylor?" Jack asked as he checked his uniform one more time.

"Mhm." Deylor nodded.

Months had passed and not much had changed.

Deylor was still a run-on-sight.

Deylor still had been avoided in classes.

In-fact only 3 things had visibly changed.

1. Body

Both Deylor and Jack had been fed well and trained well resulting in the two of them gaining solid-body foundations with a good amount of muscle.


Deylor had learnt how to make his Demonic Energy sharp whilst being dense and had also developed a flash technique.

On top of this he could use his control to now use the most efficient amount of energy to pack the most powerful punch.

Jack on the other hand could now use his sword energy in bursts rather than in one go which he would work off of.

Jack could also use this energy to send swords towards people.

And finally, unbelievably.

3. Social life.

Deylor had gotten closer to the 3 brothers however it was a more of a respect-your-boss type of relationship.

Quinton was slowly getting over his trauma as he now gave his offerings on a weekly basis rather than a daily and at the same time people had changed their 5-m Deylor radius to 3-m.

Life was improving,

As of now the students (Year 1) were heading to a coach so that they could go to the Viskaren Mountain ranges.

Within these ranges they would be able to safely hunt some small beasts, get combat experience whilst also having a suitable accommodation.

Rumours of a special test also rose.

Would this be Deylors time to shine?

Deylor whistled as he got onto the coach alongside Jack.

Unknowing of the events that were soon to come.