Mist over the River

Deylors neck instinctively turned with every tremor and shock that jolted through his legs.

A black colossus fell trees as it left behind scarring footsteps on the forest floor. Soon, it found itself stopping soundly.

Nothing but the sound of wind blowing ensued as two monstrosities stood still for an old staredown.

The titan of Black tilted its head down as it saw what could only be described as a materialized bonfire. A furnace of waving flames was formed from its trail. The black Titans very existence flickered as its jet-black figure almost joined with the dark attire of its surroundings.

Only two glaring yellow eyes could be seen.

Deylor himself looked carefully from around half a mile away at the edge of the forest. His worried breaths reached his eyes but he paid them no mind as he watched the two beings of destruction face off.

Deylor touched his right hand only to realize it was shivering in sweat. Deylors eyes began to wince however he watched as the flaming beast walked forward.

The flames behind it rowled in excitement as if ready for a fight.

The black titan kept its upward stane as it looked down upon the flaming behemoth.

The flaming beast did not halt at all as it continued its steady stride towards the black titan.

This routine continued until the flaming beast was just a few meters from making contact with the black contact.

Soon, the flaming demon reached the black titan. And it walked on.

The black Titan was gone. Never there.

Deylor groaned in pain as his vision split and swapped.

On one side, the black titan stood still, in a world dyed black on a flat expanse of black that went beyond ones reach.

On the other, the flaming beast walked on. Behind its raging mess.

Deylor clutched his stomach as the pain coursed through his body like an electric current.

And then he woke up.

"I better remember to catch something to eat today." Deylor rubbed his stomach as he checked the side of his head.

'Blood.' Was the first thought that came to Deylors mind as he looked at the partially dried blood running down the right-side of his head.

Soon, pain returned as he gritted his teeth.

'I must have hit my head during my sleep...'

Deylor sighed as he remembered his sleepless night in fear of the flame tyrant seeing his fragile figure.

'The tyrant ran quite late though considering the fact that it didn't meet even after a whole night. I couldn't even hear it. Does this mean that I am finally making distance on it?'

Deylor smiled in satisfaction as a cold wind brushed the side of his right cheek.

In a world dyed black.

A black tyrant watched with gleaming yellow eyes with its head tilted downwards towards a boy.

Black messy hair, black strands that stretched across his body and two long horns. A small black outline around his eyes and his relaxed atmosphere bore a stark contrast to the world dyed black. The tyrant watched in silence before the boy got up and began his steady pace towards the land of Giants.

Unknowing of the terror next-door.

Deylor had been on a steady pace, taking breaks whenever his feet reached a particular level of aching and being sure to take ample amounts of water.

The day had been uneventful, the most exciting part being the most tiring part as Deylor remembered the ample minutes of him missing a desperate hog-like beast running in exhaustion.

After finishing his share of the hog and dimming his fire, Deylor stored the remainder of his hog-meat in a small self-made pouch. Deylor was soon in need of a place to sleep however he was somewhat lucky today?

A small light grew brighter by the second in the nearby area.

Curiosity over surged through Deylor as his legs moved before his mind. Upon reaching the area Deylor looked around in confusion.

Currently he was in the middle of a large expanse of plains.

And his place-to-sleep was a little hungry.

A hoarse and quiet sound was made as the wind broke apart.

A large mouth opened behind Deylors innocent backside and went for a bite.

Deylors instincts pushed made him turn his head when he felt a rush of adrenaline in his veins.

Deylor could only see a bottomless abyss close as he fell inside.

Deylor felt hazy as his eyes opened and closed steadily.

A bright line shined enthusiastically above him as he felt his backside connect with a cold stone floor.

Deylor could only blink several times as his eyes failed to recognize the dashing words in front of him which seemed to be part of some foreign language.

The last words however did connect to him somehow.

Remains of Istakale


Deylor clung to himself with his arms as he trod through a frozen expanse in nothing but thin silk robes.

"Too cold."

Deylor stood still as a huge icy gust of wind threatened to blow him off his feet.

Several corpses dyed a light tinge of blue from the unending snow could be seen as Deylor walked through the snow.

Deylors flames didn't seem to affect the temperature at all as he stopped wasting his energy senselessly.

Deylors footsteps came to a halt as he looked at the long trail of steps he had left behind, soon to be toppled by the snow falling.

Deylor went through a large stone door with several markings.

Deylor walked in, desperate for heat and warmth only to hear the door shut behind him in response.

'Well that's not a very good sign...' Deylor hid his negative thoughts as the temperature got slightly better, though still freezing.

Deylor could only see a sword.

In a stone.

On a once, luxurious red carpet that was now ripped and torn. Deylor sighed as he realized he needed to find real shelter soon.

Deylor looked at the sword in an intense moment.

Deylor reached his hand down to lift the sword.


Not even a little budge.

"Screw this."

Deylor took the sword laid behind it and left peacefully.

Deylor looked down at his new or rather only prized possession. The blade was black and after brushing off some dust and webs it was good as new.

Though it could've been a bit more shiny.

Deylor stopped admiring his sword as he saw a large ominous door, easily big enough to fit a dragon.

'Yeah. Not doing that.'

Deylor walked away as he begun admiring his new prized possession again.

Alas, fate was on a busy schedule.

Deylor was soon yanked by an invisible force into the now somehow open gateway before it shut behind him.

Deylor cried inside as he stared at a large frost dragon, awoken by the loud sound that resounded from the gateway.

'I hate my life.'


A large glacier pierced the expanse.