Wyvern of Old

Deylor tried to hold back the repulsive urge to throw up blood as he clutched his throat and the large wound on the left side of his chest.

Deylor saw the pitiful figure that was himself in the reflection of the shimmering light-blue glacier that had tore its way past him. Deylor could only feel the icy winds and numbing. It would only be a small matter of time before the pain would return from its sleep.

Deylor clutched at his black blade only for an unwanted pulling contest to form. The black blade, stuck in the unforgiving ice refused to budge. Deylor sighed before he released a burst of flames, releasing the blade and alerting the Wyvern of his appearance.

Behind the icy mist, Deylors conscience, shifting in and out of frame could make out two blaring blue eyes.

He was in the Wyverns Domain.

After working for 2 years in lost dungeons and clashing with dangerous beasts, Deylor had soon realized the limits of his power.

Unlock his very utilizable aura he had swapped quality for quantity. He could produce seas of swirling flames however there effect on beings that towered over him were negligible. He could fire a small beam of light that could pierce even the abominations of the fallen realm yet he had nowhere near enough energy to make a proper attack.

Deylor cursed as his blood stained the snow blanket beneath him.

What seemed like hours in merely a few seconds occurred as Deylor locked eyes with the Wyvern. Deylor turned his attention to the task at hand.

Breaking the wave of tension, the Wyvern raised its hand. Deylor could only grimace as he felt a huge source of energy forming. Deylor tried his best to coat himself in black flames however he could only watch as calamity struck.

And the world was turned white.

Tremors spread as the Wyverns right hand impacted with the ground. In an unpredictable instance, huge waves of ice broke out, coating the white blanket with another layer.

Deylor himself could could only watch before he himself fused with this unending attack.

And so Deylor was frozen.



Watching the falling snow, the snoring Wyvern and the picturesque landscape Deylor felt himself fall back. Into relaxation.

Finally, it could all come to a steady and numb end. But the constant numbing felt off, like it was inciting Deylor, giving him the last push to rest.

Deylors instincts flashed however they were numbed. Too late. Deylors only hand above the snow twitched.

At first it was a finger. Then it was two. Then three and then...


A swirling tornado of black flames rose from the ground and in the middle stood a lonesome figure.

His face tinged a light blue and dried blood on his unrecognizable silk robes. Deylors right hand trembled as it found itself stuck to a black blade.

Upon noticing the disturbance, two cold blue eyes rose. A dark Wyverns silhouette formed.

Deylor could only stare at its overbearing figure before his mind was packed with thoughts.

'One chance.'

'I've only got one chance.'

Several glaciers of Ice reached out in an instance.

An instance that Deylor had prepared for.

The horde of glaciers travelling at record-speeds could only keep going not even realizing that their target had long gone.

With an explosion propelling him Deylor boosted himself as fast as he could. With flame releasing from his legs in an unending cycle he soon met his match.

A tsunami of Ice constructs formed. Spears. Swords.Halberds. The constructs lay there as if ready for this last-chance attack.

The two condescending eyes still looked down at Deylor from the shadows.

Deylor himself could only hold back his screams of agony and childish tears as constructs soared past him leaving blood.

And soon, Deylor found himself in front of the Wyvern.

With flames coiling around every part of his body as well as scorches left in the snow from his travels the only way to go was forward.

An armada of constructs lay behind Deylor, ready to strike at a moments notice and in front lay a Wyvern. Standing proudly. The Wyvern constructed hundreds of thin barriers, to Deylors surprise each was like hitting a blunt wall. Deylor released a huge exhaust of energy as his right leg forcefully smashed through several barriers and Deylor soon found himself in a similar situation.

Right in front of the Wyvern.

The Wyvern readied another set of barriers but before they could even materialize from the dense fog that had been formed time slowed.

The world changed.

The world was dyed black.

A monstrous Titan stood in a dark world. Its standing had sent ripples flying across the flawlessly flat expanse.

The titan looked down upon the Wyvern in this slowed domain.

The wyvern had a change in its eyes, like a wave.

It was scared.

The wyvern could only wait and see its fate as it was being cornered by this Apex-Predator.

Only two glaring yellow eyes could be seen.

But that was not its biggest worry.

Deylor could only pray to every God he knew that his plan would work.

A huge mist had been bought forth indicating the forging of another several hundred barriers.

Deylor closed his eyes as he brought out all the energy from his body.

The Wyvern finally felt the black Realm retract and was still shook from the aftermath.

Deylor brought out two sources of energy.

One moved unpredictably as it swirled like Darkness.

The other was perfect and showered the surroundings with a shimmering white light. Obviously unnoticeable in the snow.

Deylor pushed them together despite their reluctance with all his might.

Deylor could only feel one thing as he looked at the two reluctant forces trying to stop fusing.



The ball of perfect white and black travelled forward, propelled by an unusual force they split the blue mist and travelled straight to the Wyvern.

The Wyvern could only move its body in instinct.

THe ball of unending black and white tore through the Wyvern as it ripped it in half.

A huge flaming tornado covered the Wyvern leaving the Aftermath in mysterious.

Soon, a white gleam was all that remained as a flaming vortex turned into embers in the atmosphere.

Deylor himself had fallen to the ground as he looked at the Wyvern.

The Wyvern was missing a head and the middle was split.

The Wyverns heart could be seen, half destroyed and yet still desperately trying to hang on. Deylor could only watch as the corpse of a Wyvern tried to reach out for him.

The heart stopped beating.

And the corpse fell creating a massive tremor as a small cloud of snow was sent out.

The once clean blanket of snow had been splattered with glaciers and spikes.

Deylor could only feel his consciousness fade away as he left. But just before everything cut to black.

Black cut to Deylor.

Two glaring yellow eyes.

Deylor could only look in fear before his consciousness slipped.

And any memory of the Black Tyrant vanished.