Despite being evening, one of the rooms on the castle was getting frozen. Frozen to the point it was affecting the whole castle. The coldness was cooling down the castle. Though the other races may not notice it because the mana containing the coolness was purer than the one, they are used to. This phenomenon may look like natural for them. But that wasn't the case for the races who belong to the castle. They know that this phenomenon was not natural and they also knew where this was coming from.
The lord of the Pegasus clan was watching Daemon with keen eyes. He noticed the abnormality in the mana from the very beginning of Daemon's training. Since this was his domain, he was able to watch everything that happens here. What he saw really astonished him. A human boy barely of age 19 doing something extraordinary. The kid was practising mana breathing. For the Pegasus who can live for thousands of years, the mana breathing skill was also not easy. Even though they have superior physique and mana affinity, it was not an easy skill to acquire. Since their mana capacity are equally high too, they have hard time absorbing enough mana to replenish it. But since they have high life span, they would eventually master it regardless.
The skill, mana breathing was practised among the superior warrior races like the Pegasus, dragons and other beast races, it was a mandatory skill which was taught from a very young age. So, when they finish their training, they will also master this skill.
That skill somehow got in the hands of the lower species around a couple of hundred years ago. Though what they know is a tiny drop in the vast ocean, they astonishingly learned the skill faster than other superior races. It was because of their weak physique and lower mana pool. Even though they could learn this skill easily compared to the other beast races, they easily die from using this skill by intoxicating themselves. Their poor grasp on the concept of the skill contributed to it.
So, seeing one of them learning the skill while on the islet utilising the potent mana made him chuckle.
"Do you want me stop him?" asked his advisor.
"No need, let him be." Said the lord of the Pegasus. Sitting on his throne outlooking the God's Reach. He wanted to see how much the human kid can go.
On the guest suite Daemon was sweating profoundly. Even though the room was freezing and pieces of ice were piling up, and the cold itself was from him, he was sweating. The skill was far more advanced than he thought. He gritted his teeth in desperation and continued channelling mana in and out of his mana core through the pores. The potent mana paid off. He could sense his mana getting clearer and clearer. A sign that indicates his mana pool was increasing.
Firstly, what he did was, he ejected all of his mana from his body. Since he was going to use the potent mana, he didn't have any use for his mana from the lower realm. He knew having two different qualities of mana can have negative impact on him.
After the ejection, he took a mana potion from his dimensional ring and chugged it. Mana potion helps the consumer to rapidly absorb mana from the atmosphere. But it had limitations to how much it can replenish the consumer's mana pool. And it was very expensive.
After the potion started to take effect. He took advantage of the absorption rate and slowly started to open the pores of his skins. Mana started to sweep through the pores. He could feel the mana in his body. Squirming and hastily moving from one place to another and he could also feel his body getting slowly intoxicating.
Very dangerous. He thought. I have only started it and they are already poisoning my body. Not good.
He knew he can't stop now. Since the mana in his body will only intoxicate him further even if he stops now. He could always call for help if something goes wrong. But he didn't want that. He didn't like to ask help from anyone. Not now when they are here for an important meeting.
He closed his pores. Trapping the absorbed mana in his body. Gritting his teeth hard, he concentrated entirely on moving the mana from his body to his mana core. Mana started to vibrate in his body causing him extreme pain. But he persisted. The mana heard his will and slowly started to move in a unison. He felt extreme pain whenever the mana particles touch his flesh or blood vessels. In the end after what feels like an eternity and an eternity of excruciating pain, he finally managed to guide the mana particles to his core.
He felt intense relief when all of the excessive mana from his body settled on his core. He never thought the pain was this much. But even after feeling the deadly pain he continued. Since the mana potion was still in effect, he thought about utilising it.
He continued the same method. Absorb enough mana and close the pores. Then guide the mana to his core.
With each try he did it easier than the previous try. Still painful but he got the hang of it. Will he do it without the mana potion. No. He knows right now he won't be able to absorb the mana through his pores without the help of mana potion. It's too risky without the absorption of the mana potion even just to move the mana particles within his body.
He continued it until the mana potion's effect wore off. when he opened his eyes, panting heavily what he saw made him flinch. The half of the room was covered in ice. He could feel sweat sliding down his check. Even in this ice room he felt perfectly okay. It was because of the mana which travelled through his body made him warm. Then it hit him. Extreme fatigue washed over him. He let it take control over him. It felt like a mother's touch for him. He slumbed on the bed and peacefully slept.
Right at the moment the person who was watching Daemon also made his move. He himself appeared beside Daemon without anyone noticing him. With a wave of his hand, he dissipated all of the ice in the room to its original mana form. He slowly approached the peacefully sleeping kid and touched his forehead with his palm. Suddenly a streak of light entered through his body and a mark began to form on his forehead. It emitted a red colour and quickly dulled itself before fading into his forehead.
"This will surely be helpful for the future. I'll be watching your growth with great interest. Young Reinheart." Said the lord of the Pegasus with his grace and left the room almost like he hadn't been there.
Marakin was feeling very cold. He called to his father with shivering words.
"Was it always like this?"
"What?" The duke answered impassively while sipping his coffee and reading a book without bothering to look at his son.
"The cold."
"No. This is the first time I'm feeling it too."
"Something must have happened, right?"
"What something?"
"You know, the unusual coldness must be because of something?" Marakin asked his father warily. He knows his father doesn't like him too much. There was a time when he did that. but definitely not now. Not after what he has done. But in his defence, he did all of the dirty and cruel work for the benefit of his family. But his lord father doesn't like the way he did it. He favours his second son who is mentally too weak to even kill. He is too weak. Marakin had told his father when he was stripped of his succession rights. His father had roared at him gloating his brother's talent. But Marakin knows his brother is also a vicious bastard who did many vile things behind his father. But not as unlucky as him to get caught.
"How many times have you been here. 6,7? That's it. And how many days have you stayed here?" Duke asked his son. This time he was looking at his son. He was immensely disappointed at him. "You don't know anything about this land. Hell, even I who have been here for more than god knows how many times doesn't know this place fully. This can be a natural phenomenon or not. It doesn't concern us. If something happens the Pegasus are more capable of anyone here. They will take care of it." With that the duke resumed his reading.
"Yes father." He heard Marakin's weak reply.
He was fed with all the complains he got from others on his eldest son. He once thought Marakin will succeed him and bring more glory to the family. But he was proven wrong. His son had become something he never thought he would become. Vile, vicious and cruel. He started to beat people around whenever they denigrate the family. He felt happy that his son is protecting the family name. But his beating soon became obsession. He started to beat people whenever he felt irritated even by the slight things. He got fed up with complains of the nobles about his son. The last straw was when even the King summoned him for warning against his son. He had to make it right. So, he stripped of his son's succession title and made his second son the heir. Obviously Marakin was furious. He roared at him. He was put to jail for this and only released when he calmed down and accepted his fate.
That was 4 years ago. He also had to made sure Marakin doesn't attack Dracyian. So, he sent Dracyian to the Laeden academy. Where he is staying now.
Marakin turned to leave the room when he heard his father's voice.
"Don't make any more problems with that Reinheart kid anymore. I have already been warned by the king 'again' for you earlier behaviour." He sounded disappointed. Marakin doesn't like that.
"That was a lie. I never said anything about killing him." He said in desperation.
"Lie or not, you are convicted. You can't even refute it with your past behaviour."
Marakin was getting very angry at the useless kid who got him on this situation. He only wanted to relieve his pent-up frustration but it backfired him. And got him in big trouble with his father again. He vowed he will get back on the reinhearts and Daemon for what he did to him.
"Yes father." With that he turned on his heels to leave the room. He noticed the cold was getting low.