CHAPTER 8: The Truce

"Huh..." Aunt Iris was in both shock and fear.

Jun went silent after making the declaration.

The principle , Mr. Kurookami , however, hardly flinched. It was as if he expected this turn of events.

"Sigh..What to do now.. I am about to lose two precious children of my friends due to my lack of self-restraint." he said leaning on Dr. Jackal's table.

Jun stayed silent and so did Batuhan.

The silence lasted for hours as everyone slowly left the room leaving alone Batuhan and Jun.

Moonlight came in through the windows. Jun lying on the bed, wide awake . his back turned to Batuhan sitting on the adjacent bed.

"I know you dont want to leave this place." Batuhan said softly.

"You know frankly, I dont care where I am anymore or what I do..." Jun said, without turning around.

"You are tired"

"I have been resting the whole day what are you talki-"

"You know what I mean...Jun , you are tired."

Jun stayed silent.

"Realizing we are safe now, your mind is refusing to endure anymore than it already has."

Jun turned around and sat up , facing Batuhan.

"Batuhan I-"

"Thankyou! Big brother Jun!! for protecting me this whole time!! thankyou so much!"

Batuhan looked into Jun's eyes with a soft face, full of gratitude that surprised Jun.

"Let me do it Jun"

Batuhan smiled

"Let me be the one who protects you now!

I will not let your past ruin your future!

Our lives have finally started and if you feel like you are too beaten up to carry on anymore!-

Batuhan stood up and banged his hand on his chest

-I will carry you on my back for as long as I have to! " he spoke with confidence.

Jun looked at him and he saw a faint image of his father and mother standing next to him .

He shook his head

The past is in the past.

He looked his brother in the eye

"Fine then! Show me how far you can take me." Jun challenged Batuhan

"I ll show you brother" said Batuhan and held his fist infront of Jun, who connected his own with his brother's.




"We are terribly sorry for our behaviour yesterday! " yelled Batuhan in the principle's office.

"Not reall...woah!"

Batuhan pushed down Jun's head with his hand to apologize infront of the principle and Aunt Iris.

"It is quite alright my boys!" the principle smiled.. "Aleena and Josh here will take you to your class

"Feel free to ask for whatever help you need." said Aleena, with Josh standing next to her.

"Wait, before we go , you still havent told us how our talents will be used after being honed here" Jun asked.

"Well, I was planning to tell you a bit later on but I suppose that wont be happening." Principle Kurookami leaned back in his chair.

"Well , you are new here so I will start with the basics- this world in which you are right now is filled with three kinds of species-

Those with an immense talent in killing , those blessed with love , beauty and power from nature and those who are loved by the demons.

The three species were in a constant struggle to overcome each other and rule all over this land and so , because of this , all three sides suffered huge losses of life .

When no side could take any more damage , they decided to come up with an agreement. Three academies rose from this deal,

The Killer Academy

The Yosei academy and

The Blackwing Academy.

and the details of the truce were that , every three years , students from the three academies will fight in a tournament . The winning academy decides which species rules over the land for the next three years.

All other species must abide by their rules and this can only be broken if the rules are targetted against their existence and peace, in which case an all-out-war can breakout."

finished the prinicple and took a huge sigh.

"So! Any questions? " he said , but both Jun and Batuhan were out of commission after realizing what they had gotten themselves into.

