CHAPTER 9 : With Our Backs Turned

" Yay! you decided to join!!" Bow's face glowed as she saw Jun and Batuhan enter the class.

"Hurry I saved this whole row for all six of us!"

"Yeah..Bow has been threatening to pierce anyone who dared come near" said Samuel.

"I was gently suggesting-"

"That you would take their eyes out and give them to the Yoseis to bury. "

"Well, its a thought to consider".

"What are we children ? saving up seats for each other in class? " Batuhan laughed

"No but , who decided only children could want to sit next to the people they trust most?" Aleena answered Batuhan , who smiled in response.

"Interesting perspective , so befitting the class president." Josh smirked sitting next to Aleena.

"If only I could share some of this wisdom with all of you." she replied.

Jun was the last one to sit down.




and the first one to fall asleep.

"Bow I think he just beat your record.." Samuel chuckled under his breath.

"WOW...." Josh , Bow and Aleena looked at him with astonished eyes while Batuhan was hardly bothered.

"I have a grand idea ." Josh took out a marker but as he moved his hand to Jun's face , Jun's hand reflexively struck his and the marker flew right on to hit the professor on his head.

"Wow he doesnt miss his targets even when he is asleep.." said Bow while all six of them were standing outside of class.

"Sorry about that" Jun said rubbing his eyes .

"Why am I being punished too though?' Samuel asked Batuhan.Batuhan shrugged his shoulders.

"The professor thinks we'd leave a teammate to sleep if a war breaks out" sighed Aleena.

" Best first impression I have ever made in life. Thanks Jun!" Batuhan looked at Jun who had just fully recovered from his sleeping spell.

"Hey I said I was sorry but it was Josh's fault to begin with."

"I say this is the perfect opportunity to discuss our game plan." Josh said.

" What game plan?" Samuel asked leaning against the wall.

" How to dodge tonight's patrol!"

"We have night patrol?! but we already did one 5 days ago" Bow cried.

"We cant avoid it, too many senior students have been attacked and some are fatally injured" Aleena said with a serious face.

"Didnt the truce guarantee peace? " Batuhan asked.

"It does but did you really think it would be strictly followed? Not to mention the tournament is to be held this year, trying to take out the fighters before the fight begins is basic strategy." Samuel sighed.

"A dirty strategy ." Jun said

"Who is askin?" Samuel shook his head.

"In any case the patrol cant be dodged. We are second years so we shouldnt be this cranky about it." Aleena said

"Whoever it is , they are able to take out our strongest , this tournament already looks grim" Josh said .

"I have no respect for bandits. Nor do I fear them. If they can only take us down while our backs are turned, I doubt they will be much of a threat to face head-on. We can take em." Jun spoke in a confident tone , which reflected on all of them .Everyone smirked , accepting the challenge.


Principle's Office.

"The number of students attacked , this doesnt look good Kuro. I fear we might end up going to the dark age" Iris said.

"We already ARE in the dark age Iris. Ever since Adonis and Aslihan's murder, my heart has never known light" Principle Kuro said looking out one of the huge windows in his office.

"Unless we find out the reason behind their assassination- the enemy has us in the palm of his hands" Iris said.

"And that is what we must do , Iris. The lives of these children depend on it."

"Your orders" Iris stood up, her hands tied behind her back.

Kuro turned his head around , his eyes glowing red,

"We Attack."
