CHAPTER 44: Dolion




"Mm..h..." Zakiyye mumbled as he slowly opened his eyes. The sharp sunrays shining through the windows made him wince as they fell on his face.

Zakiyye got up , he was lying in someone's bed , he couldn't really remember anything but what he could remember was the boy inside him taking over his conscience entirely.

Zakiyye turned right , only to jump in surprise.

"WOAH!!!!" Zakiyye barely kept himself from fallin off the bed as he saw Samuel's dreadfully tired face , staring at him. His eyes slightly red from exhaustion with bags under them.

"S..samuel....w..what happened" Zakiyye asked, slightly scared of the repercussions of that question.

"Tell me everything Zaki.." Samuel said in a serious tone. Zakiyye sensed that he couldn't hide anything from Samuel now that he had involved him so deeply.

"sigh.." Zakiyye took a deep breath and began.

"Last year.. When I entered first year of Killer Academy , a boy showed up in my dreams. The boy you probably talked to. He was always crying and saying he wasn't the one who killed his friend....I was never really able to see his face clearly but ever since he had appeared by talents and instincts had become stronger but the pain in my chest , it was really hurting every day. So I decided to do some research on it on my own. I was always in awe of the red night anyways so I already had done some prior studying."

"Hm..." Samuel leaned back on the chair , " He was saying he had something , that he had to protect from someone.. he said he was called back by that someone....One thing's for sure...there was another one , it wasn't just the human child and the BlackWing. The murder was done by the third unknown entity. The BlackWing child died protecting it and the human child ran away with it . What it was and where it went I dont know might get attacked Zaki.." Samuel said with a serious look.

"Hmm..." Zakiyye mumbled. Seeing his worried look , Samuel changed the topic im an instant.

"LOOK AT THE TIME!" Samuel said as he quickly got up from the chair, "Man we gotta hurry or we'll be late for class." He began to hurriedly run around the room grabbing his stuff.

Zakiyye saw him and chuckled ,

"You didn't even look at the time.." Zakiyye said under his breath.





Noel fell down as he vomited blood , leaving behind streaks of it under his lips.

He was surrounded by white and grey rocks , the sky above him dark. No signs of any sort of life.

"What is happening...." Noel thought to himself as he sat up and rubbed the blood off his lips with his sleeve. He was wearing white hospital clothes , a simple white shirt and pyjamas, " I was in my room at the hospital when someone walked in...I didn't even see their face....and the next minute I knew I was here..."

cough* cough*

"Still...though ...the air here..its so hard to breath in...I..I am going to lose conciousness....w..who's t..that.."

Noel , with his eyes half open , saw a few figures come towards him , but before he could see who it was he passed out.

Giselle walked towards an unconcious Noel, she was accompanied by a boy in BlackWing academy clothing , but red hair , red eyes and glasses.

"Stone...grab him...we have to get rid of him...his abilities are the most likely to interfere with master's plan."

But just as Stone was about to pick him up , Lightning fell on the ground and made it shake. Giselle and Stone immediately retreated behind a huge boulder.

When it finally quieted down , Noel was nowhere to be found.



"Laila , you have to get a hold of yourself"

Michelle said as he sat beside a berieving Laila in the academy gardens. Krystallo and Malak had gone to the hospital , and were part of the team investigating Noel's disappearance.

"Noel...." Laila said with a fearful look as she was terrified for the safety of her friend.

"It was the Killers..." Laila said under her breath.

"It wasn't ...there were absolutely no signs of struggle....." Michelle looked at the sky , " Come on Laila ...we have to go to the principal's office..Malak and Krystallo might already have arrived."



Malak , krystallo , Michelle and Laila stood there infront of the principal of Yosei academy. A dignified woman , her hair a mix of gold and shining purple ,her eyes with a mixed golden and purple hue. She was sitting on a chair made of white wood , a marble table infront. Behind her a window open to the gardens behind the academy. Shelves on a side with books in stacks. Green vines with beautiful flowers growing all over the floor , creeping up to the shelves.

" I am sorry to call you in so suddenly...after the disappearance of Noel .... I had rather you take a few days off to recollect but with the tournament is so close... "

"The tournament..." Krystallo said in a soft tone which soundes a little furious.

"Yes Krystallo?" The principal said.

"The tournament...why is it still important....." He mumbled .

"Krystallo."Malak said with a decisive tone and placed his hand on Krystallo's back which brought Krystallo back to his senses.

"N..nothing..Sorry maam" Krystallo apologized and stood straight.

Malak smiled and rubbed his back.

"A minimum of five students are required to enter the tournament ..." said Principle Ivy ," I will be adding in a new student...thankfully one volunteered on his own...oh good he is here."

The team turned around to look at their new teammate and to their surprise , it was the same person they had talked about just a few days ago.

"Dolion..." Malak said in a soft tone but a serious expression.

The boy stepped in , his dark blue hair moving with slightest movement of his head, almost covering his right eye. Wearing Yose academy's uniform , his ocean like blue eyes , shone . He stood there in a shy manner , looking up with his head lowered.



A cloaked figure walked down a cave with walls of stones that were a mix of white and blue.. as they walked further inside , they reached a space surrounded with flowers of multiple colors , the stones also rainbow colored.

A small waterfall , reflected the colors in its clear water. There was grass, green , shining with power and there laid Noel, right next to the river in which the waterfall ended.

The cloaked figure , took some of the water in her dark, woman-like ,nimble hands and splashed it onto his face. He immediately woke up.

"Wh..what...agh my head.." He put his hand on his head as he felt a painful impulse.

"It will be over were in a location where the air is a bit too unhealthy..." said the figure in a woman's soft tone.

Noel looked up at the figure and a strong wind blew over , taking off the figure's hood.

He saw golden eyes with purple hair flowing. Dark, smooth skin and her lips giving a smile.

" Iris....the strongest Yosei..with the blood of a killer." Noel mumbled.

" that me? " said Aunt Iris as she smiled.
