CHAPTER 45: Conversations.


"How did it go?" Malak asked an exhausted Krystallo.

"I got an ear-full..." He said with a sigh , " She said I shouldn't do anything or say anything that could change opinions and stop the torunament...."

"Well...she must be annoyed by the BlackWing rule..." Malak said patting his shoulder , " ..and besides , the tournament is a chance for all of us to meet up . Do you think they still have the crystal you gave them?"

"They do.."

" And is it still white? "

" Yes"

"So that means...they have no intention of betraying us..or that they dont have any evil form we don't know of."

" I do feel bad for lying to them though..about the crystal."

"This is war Krystallo..we need to know who we can trust and who we can't and ..ON THAT NOTE." Malak waved his hand , and wind began to blow , pulling out a hiding Dolion from inside the bushes.

Dolion stumbled but didn't fall.

"We are in the same team...donot embarass us with having suspicions against us Dolion." Malak said with a smile that hardly felt warm. Krystallo looked to the side knowing he actually meant that he has suspicions against Dolion.

"You have a way with words my friend..ow" Krystallo winced as he received a slap on the back of his head from strong wind.

Malak put his hands back in his pockets.

Dolion stood there , as if ready to be interrogated , blushing and staring at the ground ...not mumbling a word.

When Malak stepped closer to him , he realized that Dolion was actually quite short for his age. He was hardly upto Malak's chest.

" Dolion...why did you volunteer..." Malak asked him in a soft tone, but a demanding one.

Dolion tried to look to the side , but a gush of wind forced him to look up at Malak.

"I am sorry for being a bit ....pushy if you would say.." Malak said.

Dolion stared at Malak with oceanic eyes , finally he opened his lips ,

"I volunteered because I....wanted to ...let out"

"Huh..?" Krystallo and Malak both said in unison.

"I hav..have had to control my powers ...since I...joined...but I ...let them lose... " Dolion said , still staring at Malak.

" I.. I see.." Malak said as the unexpected answer made him hesitate a little.

" I promise..I wont be ..a burden.." Dolion gave a faint smile and raised his hand towards Malak , who shook it after a pause.

" Of..ofcourse.." Malak stuttered a bit.

" I..I have to go to class now."

" We will..see you in the training ground later then.." Malak said , as Dolion ran towards the hallway.


*BlackWing Academy.*

"Thi..this is too much work..." Noir said as he laid on the neon green grass , battered and tired.

Aag stepped towards him and offered her hand. He accepted and got up with support.

"Where is Zahhak?" Noir asked.

" Over here.." Noir heard a faint sound and looked up to find Zahhak lying prone on a tree branch, hanging like a piece of clothing.


"He was thrown towards the tree when he tried to go in for a frontal attack..." Aag said.

" I would like to stay here and contemplate life..." Zahhak said ..entirely drained.

" do that..." Noir said.

" Somnium , Aranea and Fenrir?" Noir asked as he looked around.

"Two of them gone to the dorms...fenrir left crying...he will probably come back later." Aag said.

" You were the only one able to hold your own today Aag....just like Stone are very strong."

" I wish I was stronger ..." Aag said as she supported Noir towards a bench and helped him sit down.

"We will find Stone , Aag." Noir said as she turned around to leave.

"Thankyou Noir.." Aag said , without looking back , and continued on.

" I guess you just got rejected.."


Noir yelled as Zahhak suddenly appeared sitting next to him.

"I guess you didn't have enough to contemplate huh." Noir said with an annoyed look.

"Not really , my life was pretty straightforward.." Zahhak said with a satisfied look.

" Your life? " Noir stared at him with despair and shock . At a loss of words.

" Stone disappeared like Giselle did didn't he?" Zahhak said , changing the flow of the discussion.

" We are not sure if he was taken or went one was with him to see it." Noir replied leaning back.

"He was very energetic and strong though.."

"Hmmm.. well the pre-tournament dinner is coming up...we might be able to get some information from the Killers." Noir said,

"Man that Zaki...he gave me a way too long list of books to read for that he could 'compare the differences'."

" I will help you with it." Zahhak said .

"You better...that guy is scary when upset."

" He could get us executed huh." Zahhak laughed a little.

"Haha yeah...he could."



*ACHOO!!* Zakiyye sneezed .

" Did you catch a cold?" Samuel said , looking at him with drowsy eyes.

" I don't ...know..." Zakiyye said as he recovered.

They were in the male dorms dining hall. It was evening and all the classes had ended.

Josh , Jun and Batuhan were also there sitting on the same table but,

"I can't eat a bite..." Samuel said with despair in his tone.

" Neither can I..." Josh sighed.

Zakiyye too, put his spoon back in the soup and sighed as he continued to stare at it.

*THERE IS TOO MUCH TENSION..* The three of them had the same thought as Jun and Batuhan had not eaten a single bite and were giving off hoards of negative energy, affecting the rest of them aswell.

"Why are they not talking to each other.." Samuel leaned in closer and whispered.

"I think they had a fight..." Josh replied in near zero volume.

"uhhhhh...." Zakiyye muttered.

Suddenly, Batuhan stood up.

"EEP!!" The three of them let out a small cry , horrified of what was about to happen.

But Batuhan only left with his plate. Jun continued to stay but no longer than 5 minutes , as he also stood up and left.

"HAAAAAAAA..." The three of them finally relaxed and began to munch their food.

"We have to get ready for the pre-tournament dinner." Samuel said.

"We just have to wear clothes tho..any type are fine right? " Zakiyye said.

"You can't wear a cloak and a hood..Zaki" Josh said.

"Bhuh..cough**" Zakiyye suddenly choked a little.

" I know you intend to sneak in, since luckily for you , the dinner is in Yosei academy this time. " Samuel said.

Zakiyye didn't say a word and gulped in some water.

" Sigh*...well don't do anything to get us kicked out . Professor Graham won't be able to take it."

" There is nothing to worry about..I have got my FRIEND with me." Zakiyye said with a lovely smile.

"Uhhhhhhh ..." Samuel put his head down on the table as Josh stared at him , with not really an idea of the context.

"Hm?" he mumbled while munching on his food.
