CHAPTER 50 : Allies and Pride


Jun and Batuhan stood with Samuel and Josh infront of them , their heads hanging down.

"So ...why exactly did Zakiyye take such a dangerous step...." Jun asked in a serious tone ," And that too , alone."

"Uhh... I honestly have no excuse .... " Samuel said as Josh remained silent.

" Sam is there something you and Zaki are hiding from the rest of us ?" Batuhan said.

"At this point , saying 'no' would be an obvious lie , so I will have to admit but.." Samuel stopped.


" It is Zaki's secret , I am not the person to decide on whether it should be revealed or not. The only thing I can tell you is that it is related to the red night."

"The Red Night again huh... I suspected as much ..." Jun sighed.

" Where is Zaki right now ? " Josh asked.

" Still in the dorm...we still can't decide if we should reveal what happened to the principal and Dr. Jackal , but his head injury worries me." Jun said.


"Dead asleep..... He almost died yesterday.... and he must have accepted it ...but now that he survived , he is probably scarred by what happened... Still I must say..." Jun looked at Samuel, "Letting him go in alone...was a very bad decision."

Samuel made an agonizing face and looked down .

" I know.." he muttered.


*YOSEI ACADEMY- Academy gardens*

Laila walked back and forth , her silver hair floating in the air as she did . Krystallo , Michelle and Dolion , were sitting under the tree , watching her.

" She is worried .." Krystallo said.

"My ! what an astute observation.." Michelle replied sarcastically .

" Do you think Malak will come? " Krystallo said.

" No....he definitely won't"

"You are probably right . Even though he looks perfect and almost is , even he acts distant when he is really hurt." Krystallo sighed.

" Do we even have time for this infighting when Noel is already missing ?" Michelle touched her hair.

" I don't think we do.."

Laila finally stopped walking around in the garden and began walking towards the academy.

Dolion stood up , and followed her.

After walking for a while in the hallways . Laila came to a stop.

"What is it Dolion ?" She turned around to see him staring at her with his oceanic eyes.

"I just wanted to say.... you were not the one who was wrong...Malak isn't being realistic."

"..." Laila had no reply for what Dolion had said. Dolion kept talking.

" Yesterday night , I sensed strange energy from that boy who invaded the library.... he is possessed."

"Possessed you say...:"

"Possessed by the soul of the human boy , who began the Red Night..... The one who took the power of the Yosei blood and made it his own."

" do you know that..." Laila asked , taken aback by his declaration.

" Because I was there....when it happened.... and I .... need your help ."


Laila stood there , silent.



"Oh right...No more door.." Samuel said as he retreated his hand into his pocket , that he had intended to use to knock on the door that he and Jun had broken down this morning.

" are right..."

Samuel heard a voice come from inside Zakiyye's room. It was Zakiyye itself.

Samuel immediately entered and looked at the bed and saw Zaki sitting silently with a bowl of soup in his hands , looking at Samuel with relaxed eyes.



Samuel hugged him tightly as Zakiyye barely managed to save the bowl of soup from flipping over.

" I am so sorry!!!!!!"

" You will be sorry if you don't let go of me...!"

Samuel instantly let him go.

"What are you even apologizing for?" Zakiyye said as he finally regained his breath.

" For leaving you alone."

" Its not your fault that I am too weak to defend myself..."


" If Jun hadn't been there I would have been dead right now....and no one is to be blamed , but me."

Zakiyye said and lowered his head.

" I believe I should receive this much gratitude in person don't you think?" Jun said smiling , as he entered the room , "Oh and uh ..sorry about your wasn't on purpose"

" Jun you..met Dolion right?"

"The scary , crazy little Yosei boy? Yeeahhh...." Jun replied as he shuddered.

" Dolion ? He was the one who attacked you? "


"But why would he so go far as to try to kill you..." Jun said.

" For you to know that ... you will have to know my secret." Zakiyye said.

" Well if I am already caught up in this ... I think its only fair I should know ."

"Sigh...alright." Zakiyye told him everything about him and the boy possessing him.

" Well..... that is...something....but..what role does Dolion have in this.." Jun asked after trying to absorb the impossible kind of information he had just received.

"I believe that... Dolion is possessed the spirit of the one he had warned us to be careful of..the one who wants to kill me , the boy inside me."

" He is already this close to us?!" Samuel said , shocked.

" He is onto us and we donot even know what he is after ...or what he will obtain from killing me ."

"You said you got the book right ? What does it say about the event ?" Samuel asked.

" The information I got from Noir , states that the book Blackwings have says that there were three friends , a Yosei , a Blackwing and a human . This book also had the information. The difference lies in who killed who. In our book , there is no mention of a Yosei altogether. According to what we have , A BlackWing killed a human , and the night turned red because of its blood. In the Blackwing's book , both the BlackWing and the human child were killed by the Yosei child , and in this book ... " Zakiyye went silent for a second.

" In this book...?" Samuel asked , as he gulped.

" In this book . the Yosei was murdered by the human child. The Yosei blood was used , to give the human child power , equal to that of a Yosei . After obtaining power , the human child also killed the BlackWing. The night turning red was a side effect of the power he had obtained ."

As Zakiyye finished , Samuel had a flashback of what the boy had said to him . His pleas that he had not killed anyone.

" So this book is a fake one too huh....we know for sure the human child was not the one who started the killing.." Samuel said as he shook his head.

" The fact that they have been tampered with , proves that , this was a very significant event and the three species are trying to put off the blame on themselves. Who orchestrated this.. and is doing it ..I don't know." Zakiyye said as he stared into the bowl of soup that had now gotten cold.

" What we DO know is that Dolion will stop at nothing to take your life..'" Jun said , " What happened in the past is not so important if its already made its way to the present. Dolion is the one who knows everything that happened."

" Hmm.." Zakiyye and Samuel both hummed in unison.

" Don't be so depressed, we are making progress . That's what matters..though I have a proposition." Jun said.

" A proposition?" Zakiyye said.

" Tell everyone on the team , tell them what's happening."


" We all want to protect you Zaki , you are a brother to us . Gaining allies is important in any war. Dolion himself must be building allies. You need people on your side you can trust."

" I know ..... Jun...from the point you saved my life...I realized how insignificant my pride and my hesitancy was. Neither of them can save me. So I won't listen to these feelings anymore...I want to survive this..." Zaki said as he looked up with determination in his eyes.

Jun and Samuel both smiled in relief .
