CHAPTER 51 - Eisen.


A few small specks of light floated in the air , as their lights reflected off Laila's face.

"How much further-"

"Patience." Dolion said before Laila could finish her complaint.

They were in a cave ,considering how the walls were purely stone , arranged on each other in a haphazard manner but there were exotic flowers that gave off a small golden glow , filling up the dark and illuminating the way.

After a few more minutes of walking , they approached a curtain of vines hanging down.

"We are here...." Dolion pointed towards the opening in the cave and Laila stepped forward , waving the vines away with her hand , she stepped into a wide space , the roof higher than that of the cave. Though the variety of flowers and their colors were surprising enough but the drop in temperature was even more alarming.

Laila immediately grabbed her own arms with her hands ,as snow fell softly from above , the source of it unclear, .She was shaking , her breath cold, when her eyes focused towards the centre of the room , where she found a dome of glass , surround by white roses . Half frozen .

Dolion stepped towards the altar on which the dome was placed and signalled Laila to follow him. She stepped above the flowers and approached it as the image became clearer when it finally turned into a young boy , the most beautiful Yosei she had ever seen in her life , his cold body lying inside on a marble table , protected by the dome of ice.

She touched the ice and went silent.

"So it really doesn't hurt you does it? I was right." Dolion said.

"What do you mean?"

" The dome instantly freezes anyone who touches it , except....."


"A blood relative.."

"But I do not remember him...he is not in any of my ancestor's memories."

" Perhaps , to your ancestor , he was a distant relative ..we donot retain all of the memories , only of the people most important to us and events that held the most significance in their lives.'

" Who is he..."

"Eisen .... are you aware of the story of the first red night?"

" The night on which a Yosei was killed by a human and a Blackwing, followed by massacre of Yoseis ..."

" That is a false story."

" That cannot be true ... it is etched in my mind-"

"The massacre did happen , but , the Yosei child, who was actually Eisen , was not killed by the human and the BlackWing , rather he gave up his life energy for the human and entered into a cold sleep and it was done...right here in this cave."

" Why would that..."

"He was fooled.. by the human child...." Dolion touched the ice. " The human child , The BlackWing child and Eisen , were really close friends , however it would seem that the humans were under constant attack from the other species and his friends sought to help him . They tried to talk to their people , but who would listen to just children. When Eisen found out that his elders were planning to destroy his friend's home , he rushed to this place , where they always met up , alongside the BlackWing . Eisen had a heart as beautiful as his person , he gave his gift of nature to the human child but, as a result ,his own body froze and he went into cold sleep."

"Still, that does not explain the Red night."

" I am not finished.... the power did not react well with the boy. The human heart is one full of menace and pain but Eisen's heart was serene . The power he had handed over had become corrupted by the anger of the human boy. As he stood in front of his house to face off against the Yoseis , Eisen's father , he killed him. That is when , as the power used to kill Eisen's father belonged previously to Eisen , it reacted abnormally and tried to escape from the boy's body , but instead of escaping , it spread over a large zone and attached itself to the human family and every other human in the land. That is when the night turned Red. It turned red , from the pain of Eisen of having killed his own father."

Laila , fell down on her knees , unable to keep herself afoot .

"What of the ...BlackWing child...."

"While he tried to stop the human child from killing Eisen's father ..... he got his own head severed instead , by the human child and with the newly obtained power , the humans wreaked havoc for both BlackWing and Yosei "

" How use the power your friend sacrificed himself for.." Laila was boiling with anger. "How do you know .... all of this..."

" Because I am possessed by Eisen's soul.... he is the one who told me everything. Even though I am not his blood relative...he still honoured me...."

" Why is his soul..."

"I once came in here , having found this cave by pure chance and touched the dome...that is when he crossed over his soul to me....and gave me a mission."

"A mission?"

"A mission to wipe out all humans and regain his soul embers to revive him."

"How will you get back his embers...?" Laila stood up , her face serious...and determined.

" The killer boy who had infiltrated the library .... carries the true remnant of Eisen's power.....and here comes your turn." Dolion stepped towards Laila and took her hand , placing it close to his cheek.

" Will you , help me take revenge , for the sake of an innocent?" He looked at her with his oceanic eyes , awaiting her answer.

Laila , rewinded all the moments she had been shunned for her beliefs. Malak's look , Josh's promise ,his words , all of it. Her lips curved into a villainous smile and her eyes shone gold.

" I am sorry... Malak but ,this is what I was created for...." she whispered to herself and then she turned her gaze to meet Dolion's.

" You have gained my help....Eisen." she said and Dolion bent down ,kissing the back of her hand.

"Thankyou..." he said , hiding a mysterious and dark smile from Laila's eyes.


*Yosei Academy - Male Dorms...*

The clouds roared as they brought in rain.

Malak laid on his bed , with no lights except for the random flashes of lightning.

He got up as the raindrops began to tap on his window.

"I didn't think it was going to rain .....ugh" Malak had a severe headache that made him kneel.

" MALAK!!! LISTEN TO ME!!" a voice echoed inside his mind.

"Noel!!!!" Malak immediately recognized his voice," Where are you? Are you safe!?"


"What is it..ugh.."


"Who is Eisen.... Noel!!" Malak said , but the headache had already stopped, meaning Noel too , was gone.

Malak looked up and stared at the sky , his face annoyed.

"Noel..... you idiot!! What the heck am I supposed to do with just that AAAAAAAGH!!!!!"

"Well, that went well." Noel said as he stood up from the ground.

"..... Malak must be having a panic attack right now..." Aunt Iris said as she looked at Noel, utterly speechless. .

" I had to convey the urgency of the matter , since I wont be able to talk to him for a while now.... "

"True.... alright let's go , we have a long road ahead of us."

Aunt Iris said , as she picked up her bag , covered in her cloak , followed by Noel in the same attire.

"*Sigh*....I am not cut out for walking so much though..." Noel mumbled.

" I heard that..." Aunt Iris said , without looking back.

