CHAPTER 79 : A cunning smile


" ALEENA !!!!!!!!" Josh screamed , as if the power of that scream and speed of his run would determine whether Aleena lived or not. 

Sadly , it turned out to be the latter.

Josh was too far to reach her on time and she had already begun to fall down. In that instant , Josh felt a sudden pull on his back . It was Jun , who had grappled on to his back to make a jump towards the end of the clif , using a grapple hook he had on hold. 

As Jun jumped , Josh fell back and Jun flew towards the edge of the cliff and down . He held on to the edge of the cliff and as he hung down , he ungrappled Josh's back and sent the wire and hook , straight down towards free falling Aleena . The hook barely managed to grab on to her and as she hung in the air , Jun called out Josh who immediately grabbed on to Jun's hand holding on to the edge of the cliff , and pulled him back up with such a force that both Jun and Aleena flew in air . Jun held on to Aleena by pulling back with the wire still hooked to Aleena and they tumbled onto the ground behind Josh.

Still , there was no time to rest , as Aleena's eyes went green and she opened her mouth , her fangs shining , about to bite into Jun's arm but a sudden thud on the back of her neck made her go unconcious.

The thud was from Samuel , whose eyes and mouth were all wide open , his face making an expression of pure shock and fear .

Zakiyye standing a few steps back , looked at Aleena and sighed .

" Let's take her back to camp , before she wakes up...." he walked back as Samuel helped Jun up.

" What is going on here...." Samuel whispered to Jun , whose body was still aching from the pain of being thrown on the ground.

" You..are going to find out soon enough..ugh..."

"Ah sorry...let's get you some first aid....first.."

Batuhan too , was barely present at the site. Too stunned to speak.


The team of the Killers was sitting around the fire they just made , Josh making a soup of some kind , with Jun explaining everything to the rest of them . They laid Aleena in a sleeping bag , near the fire as well .

" So , all of you kind of knew....except for me , Batuhan and Bow...and you guys didn't bother telling us?" Samuel said with his face buried in his hand and Batuhan's head was hanging low.

" I only had a hint from the principal's records ..... I didn't think she had already gone through a full transformation ..." Zakiyye sighed again.

" The fact of the matter is ....that not only has she gone through a full transformation , she is thirsty for blood...." Josh said as he spun the spoon inside the pot .

" How do you know that..." Jun asked .

" Dr Jackal , gave her some tablets to manage her thirst.... she was bitten by a vampire element BlackWing.... which is where her thirst stems from ....we need to find the BlackWing academy students...." Josh replied.

" We will surely see them at the temple ...but I fear that by that time she might get worse.. beyond repair..." Zakiyye looked towards Aleena , sleeping soundly... 

" Do you know where her tablets are ? Josh? " Jun asked.

Samuel and Batuhan were still in a state of shock and could hardly involve themselves in the conversation.

" Might be her bag.." Josh said .

Jun stood up and walked towards Aleena . Her bag was right next to her.

He sat down next to her , looked at her with some sadness in eyes , and opened the zip of her bag. But before he could dive in further , he saw a parchment inside her small bag.

He recognized it almost immediately from the distinct black paper and green writing on it as it was given to Aleena , by Zahhak , during their legendary visit to the Killer Academy grounds. The trip that ultimately led to Noel's capture .

He took it but could hardly understand a word on it . 

" you think you can translate this?" Jun handed the parchment , over to Zaki who examined it for a few seconds but shook his head.

" I could if I could use my book but unfortunately I am still in no state to use it ....the use of ' Search' has almost tore it apart and it needs time to restore..." he said.

Jun sat down next to him again and kept looking at the parchment.

" Knowing Zahhak and how worried he always is about her..... I am inclined to think he might have given her a mode of communication ....since only a BlackWing can read this.....he might have given her...thinking of a scenario in which she might turn into a BlackWing completely ....and she could communicate with him to obtain his help.....or is this all just wishful thinking....." Batuhan thought out aloud and when he looked up he saw Zakiyye , Jun , Samuel and Josh looking at him with dumbfounded expressions.

" W..what..." Batuhan was flustered by the sudden attention , when finally Zaki spoke to fill the silence.

" You ...might be on point here Batuhan....wouldn't hurt to try this.." He said as he stepped towards Aleena and sat down next to her.

" If we can wake her up , hoping that she might be in her senses , just a bit -" Zaki's arm was suddenly grabbed by Aleena , her eyes were open half way , she had heard everything faintly and was sweating.

" Zaki.... give that to" She spoke in a broken sentence.

Zaki handed her the parchment immediately and she held it up , still lying down , barely holding herself together.

As she looked at the parchment , her eyes went green and the words on the sheet of paper began to light up aswell , ultimately vaporizing and disappearing into thin air . 


"Zahhak ...."

Zahhak heard a faint voice in his head , 

" Big sister!" he said out aloud , as he took out a parchment from under his cloak , one similar to the one he had given to Aleena , alarming Noir and the rest of the gang that were focused on their loot claiming a loss of memory.

" Zahhak .... I need"

and that was all he heard.


" We had to knock her out again ..... " Samuel said as he laid her back down into the sleeping bag. 

The team had never looked so tired and helpless before . There was sadness in their eyes , due to their powerlessness to do anything for her.



Laila and Dolion were fast asleep around a fire with Krystallo on watch .

He was staring at Dolion's sleeping body , wondering how far did he have to bear with the presence of an enemy lying right infront of him.

" Why am I not taking him down... Laila is weak right now..she won't be able to interfere. I can just crystallize her for the time being until I take him out...he is strong....but.... isn't that better than just letting him get to the temple...what if there is something there he is is the perfect chance I have to mov-" but before he could get off the train of thoughts his mouth and body were suddenly tied up by vines.

Those vines pulled him back into the forest and he was gone.

Dolion , opened his eyes and sat up.

A cunning smile evident on his face.
