CHAPTER 80 : A Thorny Glare


" Zahhak , where are you going?!" Noir said in a tone a bit louder than his normal as he held Zahhak's arm , keeping him from running away at full speed.

" Aleena needs me Noir! Let me go I have to get to her as quickly as possible!" Zahhak tried to pull away but Noir's grip only got tighter.

Noir , finally frustrated , pulled Zahhak towards him and as he stumbled forwads , bumped his head into his own .

The impact made Zahhak dizzy and fall on his back on the ground.

He held his forehead with both his6 hands a tiny bump visible.

" Get a hang of yourself and tell us what's happening!!"

Zahhak , sat up , as the pain finally settled.

The red glow of the moon and the orange light from the fire reflecting off of him .

Noir , Aag and Somnium stood around the fire in a circle , with Noir standing right infront of Zahhak and Somnium standing behind the two captives , who too were looking at Zahhak with dumbfounded expressions.

" Aleena..." he finally spoke , " Has turned into a BlackWing completely...and she is in trouble.."

" What kind of trouble..." Noir asked , softly as he sat down , his body in air, and patted Zahak's shoulder.

"Her Vampire element ..... is causing her problems...I am not sure...but I think that might be it." He said with his head lowered.

" I see..." Noir stood and after a few minutes of thinking , he spoke.

" Here is the plan , we continue towards the temple and once we reach , we will send you a message."

" Noir I-" but Noir cut off Zahhak's statement with a smile ,

" You go to your sister , things might get a bit too dangerous for her and those around her..."

" Let me go with him too." Somnium spoke up.

" Huh? But we need you to-" this time Noir was the one cut off ,

" We need to take Giselle too....she is the one responsible for this ...also we will need her help." Somnium said , " Zahhak you won't be able to control her if she goes out of it and I can put her to cold sleep if needed...Giselle and Stone will both be under my chains that I have set in their souls , so if they even think of betraying us , the chains will devour them and they will forever turn into shadows."

Somnium glared , as if staring right into the souls of the two captives.

Giselle and Stone , both shivered.

" I really...." Giselle spoke hesitantly , " Don't know what you all are..talking about."

" We need to set out right now." Somnium said .

Zahhak was staring at Somnium , his eyes welling up with tears but before they could fall he caught them with his sleeve.

" Thankyou...everyone."

After a few minutes of preparation , Somnium , Giselle and Zahhak were ready to leave.

However , before they set out , Somnium whispered into Noir's ear, " I don't think they are lying about not remembering anything.."

" What?" Noir replied in a low tone.

" My chains seem to be interfering with whatever grabbed a hold on their minds and hearts.....if I let go they might revert back...however , stay on your toes , and stay observant of Stone's actions and words to Aag..."

Noir nodded and waved as the three of them began to walk.

" Oh ! Wait!" Zahhak said as he held out his hand and a black feather appeared , " I need to let the Killers know of my arrival there."

He shot the feather forwards -


" GAH!!! " Jun cried as something struck him on the back of his head , causing him to fall , face-flat into the ground.

" Jun!!" Samuel , Batuhan , Josh and Zaki ran to him in worry.

" What the he...huh?" He held the black feather in his hand.

As he held it , it vaporized and suddenly disappeared into thin air.

" Zahhak..." he said, " Is coming here to help Aleena."

" that...ohhhhh...his odd mode of communication...I remember it now..." Samuel shook his head.


" Laila!!! Wake up!!" Dolion shook Laila's shoulder to wake her up.

Her stress and depression had made her fall into a deep sleep , almost forgetting she was in a tournament.

Her eyes had bags under them , her hair hardly as glowing as it used to be , as she rubbed her eyes , the tiredness was evide t on her face followed by extreme worry as she comprehended what Dolion was trying to convey to her.

" We have to look for him!" She tried to get up but immediately fell to the ground again as she found her feet crystallized again.

The night , her fatigue and tiredness had gotten to her and she was unable to discern that the material holding down her feet was not Krystallo's crystals but Dolion's ice , so when Dolion said ,

" Krystallo...he trapped us both..." showing to her, his own feet trapped in ice , she felt something stuck in her throat.

A fearful anxiety of possible betrayal.

" Why would he-" but before Laila could finish , she heard a sound , a wail , a scream come out of the forest.

" Stay down Laila!" Dolion posed in a way to shield her , his own feet tied down creating a hindrance.

Suddenly , a number of , what looked like men made out if vines , stepped outside of the trees .

Laila and Dolion felt a pressurizing wave of power that made them both break a sweat.

These beings , whatever they were , were strong , but there was one thing in them that caught Laila's eyes and made them go wider.

Each one of them had a crystal embedded inside ,.

" Krystallo's....crystals..." Laila murmered in disbelief.

" Is he ...really trying to take us both out...?" Dolion said as he looked towards Laila, who was too stunned to respond.

"....." a wave of questions rose up inside her .


Krystallo with his mouth tied up in vines was glaring with golden eyes towards his former comrades , Hawk and Thorn.

The vines around him were shining as they kept drawing power from his soul to activate the men vines , attacking Laila and Dolion at the moment.

Hawk and Thorn looked at him as he silently glared back at them .

He was furious...and they knew it.
