Cooked for you

As Merek was now an official Boxton servant, he could move around the place in open without having to hide behind the walls. He had just started yesterday, but still he hadn't spotted any suspicious person in the Mansion. How was he going to catch the rat when all the servants looked normal?

Fortunately, he wasn't the only one watching out for any suspicious person. The crown Prince had sent some of his men to disguise and join the workers preparing for the wedding so nothing could go wrong. However, all the disguised men were being extra careful not to come across the young Lord, or the general.

If Henry or Richard should mistakenly spot the disguised men, there was no telling what they'd do. It was easy for Merek to easily become a servant because of Anne. It was great advantage that he knew her of course, but he'd been trying to avoid her as much as possible.