The day before the wedding

Time fled by quickly until it was eventually the day before Ara and Hamon's wedding day. She woke up early that morning and stretched her hands before getting out of bed with a yawn. She wasn't able to sleep well because of the thought of the wedding being tomorrow.

Her thoughts had been drifting off to how everything would turn out after tomorrow. Her life would change, and everything wouldn't be the same again.

After taking a bath, Ara went down for breakfast. But was met with only Henry sitting in the dinning hall, he sat on the head chair, she knew their father wasn't home as always, and Anne had said she'd come down after she was done doing whatever it was she was doing.

"Good morning." She greeted the quiet Henry. He looked like he was lost in thoughts, after hearing her voice, he glanced up at her with a slight nod of his head as a reply.