Days had gone by since we last heard from Camilla. She truly proved that she was an honest person. Ever since her last text, I have been getting calls and texts—non-stop from well-known and respected people.

After we shot the music video, my team and I got selected to star in another music video and slowly we started gaining massive recognition; especially on social media.

Leo had once called me to tell me how he saw me on TV and all that, but I still waited for the week I would be going to Italy.

Days later, Principal Tegan informed us that our class would be getting two new students.

The news of their arrival had already been announced and at this point, we were just waiting for them to show up.

We needed new faces.

"Alright class, am sure you've already been told about the two new exchange students." Miss Sheila said and the two new students walked in. "introduce yourself please."

The boy started, "Hi everyone" he waved, "Am Albert Fling."

"Am Amber Cain." She said and looked at Miss Sheila.

"Okay kids, welcome to Stan Ville." Miss Sheila said.

Almost immediately after their introduction, king walked in. She stopped at the door for a second, staring at the new students like she knew them, but as always; she didn't say a word.

Everyone's eyes turned to her, taking in the sketchy movements. She composed herself and walked to her seat, everyone's eyes followed her.

"Ok, you may take your seats." Miss Sheila said.

Both Amber and Albert started walking to their seat at the back of the class, because the front seats were already taken.

Before reaching their seats, Amber stopped at king's desk. Amber placed her hand on the table and whispered;

"Hello old friend."

King grabbed her hand and squeezed It.

Miss Sheila noticed the movement. "What's going on?" she asked and everyone turned to watch.

"Nothing." Amber smiled and walked away.

The class was not in order anymore, everyone saw what had happened and were slowly communicating about it.


Classes were over, and everyone headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

"I cannot be the only one weirded out by what happened in class today" Corinne said as she joined us for lunch at the table.

"I have a feeling those two know each other." I said, playing with my fork and spaghetti.

"I think Amber looks really cute" Parker said and took a sip of his drink.

Everyone flashed him a puzzled look.

"Dude she's new" Walker said with a straight face.

"what about Symone?" I asked with a hint of mockery.

"Nah, she's not the one." Parker replied.

Just then, a loud noise came from a corner of the cafeteria. People gathered to watch something.

"What's going on?" Ryker asked.

Taylor had just come out from the crowd.

"THE RAVENS are at it again." She sat down, then continued "They are doing the usual to new kid Amber."

Raven and her entourage had this thing for humiliating new students. But this time, they didn't get lucky.

"Oops." Raven said as she dropped her drink on Amber who was holding her tray of spaghetti.

Amber gasped for a few seconds, then threw her tray at Raven. Everyone's eyes widened; some kids started filming.

"How dare you!" Raven shouted, but Amber ignored. Instead, she squeezed out her hair and walked away.

Raven stood there, feeling angry and looking disgusting.

"What are you looking at!" she yelled. Everyone scattered and she ran to the rest room, Molly and Stephanie followed her.

"Seems like Raven has met her match" Corinne said.

"This should be interesting" Taylor said and continued with her food.

Everyone went back to their seats and continued with their chattering.


Days passed and the new kids Amber and Albert kept diving people things to talk about. They both claimed to not know each other, but something felt odd, things just weren't adding up. Everyone knew something was up but no one tried to figure out what it was, I didn't either.

The day of travel was finally here, we had all packed our bags and got to the airport.

"Sorry guys, it's a flight ticket for one person named Emiliana Sanderson." The receptionist said as we got to the airport.

My friends turned to each other.

"How could this be?" I asked, confused. I pulled out my phone to call Camilla.

"Hey—so, I'm at the airport right now, but the tickets say just for one." I said.

"Yes, just you." Camilla replied.

I frowned, "what about my friends?" I asked.

"This is your design, not theirs, so you're the only one required to be present." Camilla answered.

"But—" I tried to say but she interrupted;

"See you in two hours" she said and cut the call.

"It's ok, just go" Taylor said and placed a hand on my shoulder.

I still stayed face-down, looking at my phone.

"She's right, it's your design." Corinne added.

"Yeah, you'll be fine." Parker said.

"Just remember to send pictures" Ryker said.

"I will." I nodded with a smile and they all gave me a hug.

"Be good, okay." Taylor said, placing both hands on my shoulder.

Just then the receptionist announced my number and it was time for me to board the plane.

I waved goodbye to my friends and got on the plane and soon we were up in the air.

In almost two hours, I was in Italy and everything had gone exactly as Camilla had planned. I had a hotel room booked for me for as long as I would need to stay, alongside food, and everything else I would need.

I didn't see Camilla till the next day when she came to my hotel suite. We had conversations about the outfits, work, business deals and all that. She filled me in on everything that had—and was going to happen.

Since it was fashion week in Italy, Camilla suggested it'll be the best time to make our debut. Which is why she needed me to be present.

We got to the venue a lot earlier than everybody else. The models needed to get ready, we had to make sure everything was good enough to host our debut.

While we got ready, I confronted Camilla about not including my friends.

"But you could've brought my friends along too" I protested as we got ready. There were really gorgeous models getting ready to showcase my designs.

Everyone was seated. I peeked through the curtain; there was a large crowd.

"We can't have you distracted, that's why we couldn't have them. Its business, nothing personal." She said and continued getting ready. "Now get ready, we have a lot to do today." She said and left the dressing room, the models followed behind her.

I stood there, watching as she walked away. I let out a sigh and proceeded to fixing my self up. I needed to primp my makeup and pack up some of the cloths scattered on the floor.

"Good Afternoon ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered her today to witness the debut of a brand-new fashion line, designed and produced by 17-year-old Emiliana Sanderson." The announcer said and the crowd started clapping.

I still stood behind the curtains with my head sticking out a little.

"Pss... that's you." The announcer whispered.

I pointed at myself and he nodded. I slowly walked out and he handed the mic to me; I collected it but didn't say a word.

The entire place was silent. I have never had to speak in front of so many people before.

"Uh—Hi...Hey everyone" I stammered.

The announcer came back to the stage and collected the mic from me, and I walked quickly to a seat with my name on it. I was about to get seated when I heard my name. I turned.

"Psss, Emily." It was Amber. She signaled me to come over and I did. "hey..." she greeted and hugged me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and sat down beside her.

"My aunt kind of owns this thing" she answered.

"Okay—" I nodded, without even thinking or asking any more questions.

The announcer gave a brief introduction before leaving the stage. And the event started.

The models started walking, everyone was excited. Camilla turned over and smiled at me, I nodded in response.

They played the song I had sent to Roland and also displayed the flawless fragrance. Everything was literally amazing.

Some reputable fashion designers were present at the event, along with some producers and movie directors. Let's just say the room was filled with people I never thought I would ever see in person.

Soon the show was over and there were reporters everywhere. Camilla answered all the questions, but gave me all the credit.

She had also named it Emily's line. Since I wasn't taking any interview, I was getting bored just standing around. I had already taken a lot of photos for magazines and signed a lot of autographs.

Camilla gave me 15 minutes to do whatever, so I went back to search for Amber, but I didn't find her, instead I bumped into someone.

"Oh, am sorry" I said apologetically.

"It's fine, just don't run all the time." He said, looked at me then continued, "I'm Brian."

"I'm—" I started but he interrupted;

"Emily." He answered, "Yeah, your kind of a huge deal around here."

"Thanks." I replied, cautiously.

My eyes searched the arena, we were the only ones standing there, something about that made me uncomfortable.

"I've got to go" I said and left.

Brian stood there watching me, then his phone rang;

"I've found her." Brian said to someone on the phone.

"Good, now don't forget what you are supposed to do." The voice behind the phone said.

"Understood." Brian said and dropped the call.

Camilla and I had talked to Roland about making a music video for my song, Roland agreed to let me create and direct the video. Everything was working well, I was working my head off, but Camilla constantly told me that it is gradually taking me to a new chapter.

Amber and I got a little closer, we had no other choice. She was the only person I knew. Camilla was also really sweet, but I still missed my friends.

One day, I was on set directing my music video, when I got a call from Corinne, I was thrilled, but I wasn't allowed to answer.

"Who's that?" Roland asked when Corinne's call came in.

"It's my friend from home" I replied.

"Listen kid, you're going to be on the road a lot, you can't be thinking about what's back home." Roland said.

"What?!" I asked immediately.

"I told you, you won't have time for things back home." Camilla said.

"Things?" I shot at her.

"People, whatever.  We can't have you distracted kid, this industry requires focus and determination." Roland added, backing up Camilla.

Everything about their statement pissed me off, and I didn't try hiding it.

"You're crazy—you're all crazy" I said and stormed off.

Roland turned over to Camilla.

"Give her time." Camilla told Roland.


Back at stan Ville, everyone was jamming to my song. The dance team decided to make a dance video and send it to me.

I tried so hard to communicate with them, but I couldn't. First; the time zones were different, and I was always busy.

But, the rumor back at school was; 'Emily had gotten famous and let the fame change her.'

People were constantly coming at Taylor and Corinne, making fun of them for having a friend who didn't care about them.

"Did you guys hear what's going on?" Ryker said, at lunch with the squad.

"It's hard not to hear it." Parker said. He took a bite of his apple "These people are crazy"

"I don't really think so" Corinne said, plainly.

"What do you mean?" Walker immediately asked.

"Think about it, ever since Emily left for Italy, she doesn't even talk to us anymore. The only time we see her are on TV screens." Corinne said.

"She's probably just busy." Taylor said.

"Exactly, too busy for us. Seriously, it's just one phone call" Corinne argued. You could tell she was upset, and now—she had also made the boys upset too.

"Corinne are you kidding me?!" Parker said, almost shouting.

"This is Emily we are talking about. I thought you guys were friends" Ryker said calmly.

"I don't know...I don't know what to think." Corinne said, heavy-hearted.

"Well, I do." Walker said, angrily. "You all need to find something else to worry about" Walker added and walked out.

"She's only been gone for 3 weeks and you guys are already hating on her." Ryker said while getting up.

"Am not hating on anybody" Corinne shot back.

"Well then, find a name for what you're doing, or join the rest of the school." Ryker said and left.

Parker looked at Taylor and Corinne, then shook his head in disappointment before leaving.

Corinne looked at Taylor who didn't know what to say.

A group of girls walked passed them, giggling as they walked by.

"Look, they are all alone again." One of the girls said, and the rest continued giggling.

Upset, Corinne took her bag and left the table. Taylor sank her head into the table, waiting for the bell to ring.


Days went by fast. I spent most of my mornings working and at night I would have business diners with reputable people from the entertainment industry.

We spent a lot of time flying in and out of states for live performances and business meetings. With time, I got used to it.

I was getting ready for my stage performance in Italy when Camilla walked in.

"Hey." She greeted and sat on the floor close to me.

"Hi." I replied without looking up, I was fixing my guitar string.

She didn't say anything.

"What's wrong?" I asked, but she still didn't say anything. "It wasn't me; I swear. I have been sitting here for about three hours" I said rapidly.

She laughed a little, then continued "you didn't do anything wrong. If anything, I am the one who has wronged you"

"What do you mean" I asked, confused.

"Look kid," she got up, "I wasn't born famous or with anything I have now. I had to work for it. So, when I saw your journal, it reminded me of myself." She said.

"I'm not following." I said, shaking my head lightly.

"My point is, the agent who picked me up and groomed me, forbade me from communicating with my friends and family." She paused. "They said it will distract me." She said softly.

I didn't say anything,  I wanted to know where she was going with this.

"This lifestyle cost a lot, its actually very expensive. I have been through too much, just to live like this. I don't want to do the same to you" she paused again to catch her breathe.

"You have come way too far, you've accomplished a lot in over 3 weeks; less than two months, and that's more than I ever did in a year. You are an amazing kid, with a lot of talent, and a huge heart. But—you need your family."

My eyes widened, I cut her before she could continue "Wait, does that mean?" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, yes—you can go back to Stan Ville. All this will always be yours." She said with a nice smile.

I sprang up immediately, and gave her a hug. "Thank you so much!" I screamed in excitement.

"After I gained everything I wanted, I didn't have time for my friends, and because of that, I lost them. I don't want the same to happen to you." She said and wiped her teary eye.

I smiled, "Thank you so much" I said softly.

"We should go shopping so you can get stuffs for them" She turned to leave, but turned around "Oh wait, After the concert." She smiled.

"After the concert. " I repeated.

"Also, be careful with that Amber kid you run around with. She's bad news."

"What?" I said.

"I've heard her give you her opinions on things, she's not a good person, I can tell—and that Brian kid too" She said, clearly.

"If you say so. Yeah, I also don't think they are good news. Brian keeps trying to usurp me,or maybe he is trying to flirt with me?" I paused, " and then Amber? I don't know, it's just weird." I replied.

"Just be careful." She said and walked out.

I took a second to ponder on what I had just said and heard. Truly, something about Amber seemed off to me, and then Brian? I don't know what his deal is.

I turned around, gathering all my stuffs to get ready. This was going to be my last show and I needed to make it huge.  All the cities I had gone to in the past few weeks had been so memorable, but since this was the last, I wanted to go off with a bang.

I was almost done setting up my things, I reached out to get my charger when i noticed Brian's bag. It was open. I pulled it closer to me, checking to make sure no one was around, I looked inside. The first thing I saw was  a photo of king, I pulled it out and stared at it. I was so confused as to why he had a photo of king, but I couldn't do anything. People had started showing up, and I had to get to the stage.

I returned the photo and shoved the bag back to its position. I took one last look at myself in the mirror and a smile played across my face.

"Thank you." I said to my reflection. I grabbed my mic from the dressing table and went on stage.

As soon as I walked in, the whole place went wild. It felt good.


"Make some noise!" I shouted after performing, and the crowd went crazy.

I was done with concert and tours; at least for a while. In 9 weeks and counting—we had gone to over five different countries, it was a wild experience, but I still missed my old friends.

After performing, I spent some time signing autographs and taking photos with the people who had shown up at my concert.

Seeing people who were happy with my work, made me so happy. When I had no one coming up to me for a photo,  I stood still, to take in the view. It was a nice one.

As I got back to my hotel room, I couldn't stop thinking about the photo of king I saw in Brian's bag. I also noticed that both Amber and Brian were so close, they always had something to talk about, it was weird. Amber had earlier told me that her Aunt owns a thing, but I never saw an aunt or anyone.

'whatever' I said, shaking my head to get off the thought of Amber and Brian.

I packed my things, and the gift items I bought for my friends. I tried calling them before I slept, but no one responded.

The next day, I got up early, took a shower, got dressed and got ready. I met Camilla and Roland outside my hotel room.

"Good luck kid." Camilla said.

"Thank you." I said with a huge smile on my face. "I owe you."

She came closer, "yeah you do." She whispered and stepped back, "But now, you go do what you have to do"

"So long young miss" Roland said.

I smiled back at them, before heading downstairs to meet my ride. Outside, I turned around, looking at the hotel,

"I'll miss you." I said.

"Emiliana Sanderson?" A young man in a uniform called my name.

I could tell he was my driver. I raised my hand to indicate my presence and got into the car.


I arrived at Stan Ville safely, it was a little late, the sun had gone down. I went up to my room; Corinne, Taylor, Joey, Paesha, and Ruby were around.

"Hey ladies" I said in excitement, as I entered the room.

No one moved, everyone just looked up and turned their faces back to what they were doing.

"Um—hello?" I said, waving my hand in the air, but still nothing.

"You guys!" I screamed, excitedly.

Corinne looked up, "Emily, we're not deaf. We hear you." She said.

"Well then, act like it." I said while dropping my bags.

"We just don't care." Corinne said and rolled her eyes.

"About what?" I asked, confused.

"You." Corinne rudely replied.

"What are you talking about?" I asked calmy.

"We're busy, can't you see?" Ruby said.

"Yeah, like the way you were too busy in Italy to even call us" joey said in a loud voice.

"What the—" I almost said, but Taylor cut me.

"Save it. As Corinne said; we don't care." Taylor said.

"You guys are really not okay. I was in Italy working my head off, and I come back to this?! Where's this coming from?!" I yelled.

"Well, no one wanted you back anyway!" Corinne yelled back.

There was silence in the room for a moment. I ran my hand through my hair, I didn't understand what was going on but I was not having it.

"Corinne, what the—why are you so mad at me?!" I yelled.

"Even I tried to call you, several times, and you just ignored us!" Corinne screamed. She was hurt.

"I wanted to call you guys, believe me I did—I just couldn't" I shouted. I stroked my hair and took a deep breath. "The people I was working with cut off all my communication, and then time zones, I just couldn't do anything."

"Well's just...don't worry about it." Taylor said.

The room fell silent again.  For a long second, no one said anything. The room was a lot calmer now.

"Maybe I should have just stayed in Italy"  I thought.

"Oh, and—you don't live here anymore." Corinne said.

"You guys kicked me out?" I asked with an eyebrow up.

"Yeah. And you're out of the squad as well." Taylor said and left the room.

"That's ridiculous." I said.

"I'll tell you what's ridiculous, you're out of the dance team." Joey said and left the room.

"I made the dance team." I said.

"Yeah, but you got voted out. I'm the captain now." Zoey said and left the room. Ruby and Paesha followed.

"And—we also don't want to be part of your flawless fragrance anymore. Good bye Emily." Corinne said and walked out.

"Are you kidding me?" I said to myself. They had all left the room.

I stood there, alone in the room. I couldn't believe it. I didn't even understand what just happened.

I took a shower and went out for a walk, I needed some time to think, to clear my head, and maybe someone to listen.

I couldn't call my mom, I didn't want to bother her, and Leo would only make fun of me. Actually, he doesn't even know what has been happening.

The cold water from the shower calmed my nerves. I put on a black hoodie from my merch collection with a black leggings, grabbed my phone and my ear pods and went out for a walk.

As I walked the street, a lot of things went through my mind. I found a long bench and sat on it. The cool breeze blew passed me, accompanied with the song I was listening to; This was therapy.

"You don't look too happy." Someone who I didn't notice was sitting on the bench said.

"I'm not—" I didn't finish my sentence, I looked up to see it was king.

"Oh my gosh" I jumped up immediately, "I'm so sorry, I had no idea'' I said and covered my mouth but she just smiled and took off her mask and hood.

I quickly grabbed my jacket "I didn't mean any disrespect I'll be leaving now" I said and turned to go but she stopped me.

"Wait" She said.

My heart skipped I was sure I was done for "Please don't harm me am very sorry" I pleaded.

"For what?" she smiled "Here, sit" she said and tapped the bench

"I prefer to stand" I said holding my jacket to my chest, but she pulled me to the bench, I shifted to the edge trying my best to avoid eye contact.

"Am not a monster" she said looking at me.

I still didn't say a word.

"Hey!" She yelled to get my attention.

"Yeah, okay um..." I paused "wait you talk?" I asked, surprised.

"Not often." She replied.

"Well, that's news." I said.

"I heard what happened", she said.

I got comfortable on the bench, "News travels fast." I said, "I still don't even get it, I tried to explain but they just won't listen. I had a life in Italy I was living the life, but I come home and everything's a mess" I said with depression.

"I understand." She said

"No, you don't, you don't have friends" I said and immediately regretted it "Am sorry."

"Yeah, I don't know what it's like to lose friends but I do know what it's like to have your entire family disappear in front of your eyes" she said holding her kneel to her chest

"Am sorry I didn't mean it like that" I said.

"Why? You didn't kill them" she said bluntly and dropped her legs.

"Woah" I said looking straight ahead,

"What?" king asked.

"Never in my life did I think I would ever be the one to make you talk. "I replied.

She smiled. "I don't know why you guys are afraid of me."

"Now that am talking to you, I don't know either." I said.

There was a moment of silence between us. I couldn't open my mouth to say anything,  I didn't want to accidentally upset her. Everyone knew who king was.

Plus, the cool breeze softly blew passed us, playing with our hair as it passed. I took a deep breath to suck it all in.

"I heard you got kicked out of your room." King said.

"Yeap." I replied with a nod. "Wait how do you even know?"

"I know everything. " She replied casually.

I turned my head to look at her, and a smile fell from my lips. This was the first time I had seen her up close. She was beautiful.

Why was she always masked and hooded up?

"You can move in with me if you like" she said.

I looked at her "I think I'd rather live on the sidewalk." I said but she just looked at me with a side eye.

"What's it like being famous? King asked.

"How would I know?" I replied.

"Maybe because you are on every magazine cover." She spoke.

"It's hard, it's not easy. At all, you just have to look for the fun in it and... No, I don't know what am saying" I said.

"I can tell" she laughed.

"It getting late, we should head back to school" I said and we both stood up and walked to school.

Turns out king was serious about me moving in. I went back to get my luggage's, no one was in the room, I dropped the things I had gotten for them on the table with identification labels, took all my stuffs and left.

I moved in with king.

"You can set up, am going to go shower" king said and left.

I started setting up my stuffs.


The dance team and the complete squad had returned to the room, with some friends.

"Where's Emily?" Ryker asked.

"Yeah, I heard she's back" parker said.

"Well..." corinne started but Ryker interrupted.

"What's all these stuffs?" Ryker asked, pointing towards the table.

"It's from Emily" walker said and picked up a note I had left them.

"What does it say?" parker asked

"It just says; enjoy" walker read aloud.

"What's going on?" Ryker said and turned to the girls

"And, where's all Emily's stuff?" Caden asked looking around

"We kicked her out of the room" Corrinne said calmly.

"And out of the squad" Taylor said.

"And out of the dance team" Zoey said.

Awkward silence filled the entire room.

"You did what?!" Everyone shouted.

"Why would you do that?!" Heather yelled.

"Where is she?!" Sofie asked.

Everyone had something to say. Some of the boys tried searching the room for any of my stuff, while the girls tried to call me, but my phone was switched off.

"I don't know" Corrinne said.

"she's probably on her way back to Italy" Hayden said.

"What is wrong with you guys" Ryker asked.

"I thought you all were her friends" Parker said.

"well friends just don't forget each other!" Joey shouted.

"Which is what Emily did" Ruby said.

"She was in Italy, working. You know that!" Ryker yelled.

"This is not about Emily getting not getting back to you guys". Jayden said

"Yeah, you guys were just jealous!" Ryker shouted.

"Taylor never wanted her to succeed; and you kept telling her the flawless fragrance was a bad idea" Parker said.

Taylor gasped, opening her mouth to say something but Walker cut her.

"And you also thought Camila Vamplet was bad news" walker yelled.

"That's not true!" Taylor yelled in defense.

"Yeah, it wasn't like that though. "  Joey said, backing up Taylor.

"Oh shut up, what do you even know?" Katie said.

"Ok you guys calm down, yelling won't help and its already too late" Heather aid trying to calm everybody down, but the boys just stormed out together.

"Who gave you the right to kick anyone out of anything!" Amy shouted at Ruby, Pasha, and Joey.

"You guys messed up... really bad" Sofie said.

"Let's go girls" Katie said and everyone left.

"Now wh-" Ruby opened her mouth to say, but Corinne cut her.

"Dont." Corinne said, and walked out of the room.

The rest of the girls exchanged eye contact without saying a word.


By the time king calm out from the showers, I was fast asleep so she got dressed and also went to bed.

The next morning, I managed to get up early thanks to my alarm clock. King also got up early, but while we got ready no one said a word. I wanted to say something but I did not know if I should.

"Why don't you like associating with people" I asked, honestly, I didn't know when that came out of my mouth.

"Just because we live together does not make us friends, that does not also mean I like you or you should talk to me" she replied without looking up from the shoe she was lacing.

"Understood" I replied. Regretting opening my mouth.

"Also, I just don't like people; they switch up every time", she paused and took her bag heading towards the door "just like your friends did to you." King and left.

Why do I open my mouth?

I wished our conversation would have been longer because I wanted to tell her about Bryan, but it didn't. I just took my bag and left the room for class.

I got to class, there was no teacher.

"Emily!" Ryker shouted as soon as I walked in, I walked over to them.

"Wait, I thought you went back to Italy? Parker said.

"What? No" I replied dropping my bag and taking my seat.

"Then where were you yesterday?" Walker asked.

Before I could answer, Amber walked in and I called out to her but she only turned and kept moving

"Rude" I said,

The boys laughed a little.

"Since when are you friends with Amber" Walker asked.

"We actually became close in Italy" I responded still looking at Amber

"Where?" Mackenzie asked almost laughing

"Italy", I said looking confused "but I guess maybe not" I added and faced my friends who already thought I was crazy.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you mean Italy?" Hayden asked.

"Yeah, are you good?" Ryker said almost trying to feeling my head but I pushed his hands away.

"I'm fine... what?" I asked very confused.

"Amber never left school" Parker said.

My face went numb, "she was in Italy with me".

"Ok wait, where were you yesterday?" walker asked again.

"Well, you guys kicked me out of everything" I started but parker interrupted.

"Corinne and Taylor and some others, not us" parker said.

"Okay... but they also kicked me out of the room, so now I live with king. "I said and everyone started laughing.

"Now am really sure you have gone crazy" Ryker said still laughing.

"Ok I know it's weird, but it's true I swear "I said and turned to look at amber. "Do you think a person can be at two places? At the same time"

"Amber really never left school" Caden said.

"Seriously though, alright wait" I said and brought out my phone, "I showed them the pics I took with amber in Italy.

"Wait actually?" Ryker said, confused.

Now everyone was serious. We turned to look at Amber again.

"Ok, what is going on? "Caden asked and I switched off my phone.

"Maybe it's a look alike" parker said.

"I doubt it. The amber I was with seemed to know a lot about our school" I said scratching my cheeks.

"Something just doesn't add up." Caden said.

"It's weird I also met a guy named Brian and he had a picture of king in his bag" I said.

"I don't know if you heard but the other day Albert said some really mean thing about king" Karen who had been eaves dropping said.

"Yeah, it seemed like he had known her before" Mackenzie said.

"I think we should figure out what's going on" I said.

"I think we shouldn't get involved" Ryker countered.

"Dude something sketch is going on" I said, seriously.

"So? This is not our problem" Ryker argued.

"I agree with Ryker. For once let's stay out of it" parker said.

"Okay then, we will stay out of it" I said and put my hands out in defeat.

The teacher walked in and classes started.

School was over after a really long minute, but instead of going to the cafeteria for lunch, I went to the computer lab. I needed some answers on what was actually going on.

I got to the lab, no one was around, I had the lab all to myself. The first person I looked up was Amber Cain, but in the related searches I found Albert, Brian, some other people and a young girl named Astrid.

"Oh, my goodness." I gasped, looking at my computer screen.

The information google had presented about Amber, Albert, Brian and some kid named Astrid were disturbing. I had no idea who the Astrid kid was, there weren't many details on her, and the picture displayed was of a young girl who should be all grown up by now. I quickly took photos of all I had seen, I even made a short video, before deleting the search page I closed the computer and ran out.

As I ran out the door, I bumped into Albert.

"Whoa, easy there" Albert said

"Sorry I didn't see you there" I said but his eyes went straight to my phone.

"What do you have there" he said trying to reach for my phone.

"Oh, it's just, you know phone and books" I said as I raised my hands so he won't reach my stuffs.

"Sorry for bumping into you, but am in a hurry". I said and immediately ran away.

"Strange" Albert said to himself.

I ran to the cafeteria but couldn't find the boys, so I headed to the Arcade and found them, the people I needed were complete, the boys team.

"You guys will never believe what I just saw" I said, still panting.

"What?" Parker asked curiously

"Ok, first of all, calm down" Walker said .

We found an empty round table and we all sat down.

I pulled out my phone. "Amber and Albert are not who you think they are" I said almost whispering.

"Not this again" Ryker said. "I thought we agreed to stay out of this" Ryker complained.

"I know, its just... " I said.

"Do you have proof to back up your accusation"? Walker asked

"Don't ask her that!" Ryker said.

"Why not" walker asked, confused.

"Because she will tell us and then we have to get involved and do work" Ryker said.

"Can you not be so lazy for once in your life" I asked.

"Fine, oh mighty Emily, show us your proof". Ryker said mockingly.

I opened my gallery and showed them the pictures of the research I had done.

"What exactly am I looking at?" Ryker asked.

"Amber and Albert are or at least were drug traffickers" I whispered.

"Yeah, sure." Ryker rolled his eyes at my sudden news.

"That is a huge accusation don't you think?" parker said.

"I know, but that's what the research said. It's there" I said pointing to my phone.

"You really shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet" Walker said.

"But these could actually be true" Ryker said concentrating hard on the phone.

"Yeah." I agreed, "Wait why?"

"Think about it, Amber had indirectly talked about trafficking once and Albert..." Ryker stopped to think "I don't, know it's just—"

"Who's the kid though?" Parker interrupted.

"Her name's Astrid," I replied.

"Where's her full face?" Walker asked.

The picture of Astrid only showed her eyes.

"This kid kind of looks familiar" Walker said, zooming in on the picture.

"I don't know about that, but the information on her is quite disturbing" I said.

"Astrid Suarez, a 9 year old who lived in Columbia, best known for the name Baby. She has a criminal record for trafficking drugs and murdering 3 men in a fight" Parker read aloud from my phone.

"That's wild, a 9-year-old?" Ryker said.

"Apparently, she had a connection with Amber Cain and Albert Fling. But she disappeared and no one has seen her till today." I said.

"This is serious information and it's risky holding on to it" Walker said

"Oh yeah, I know that I just took some pics to show you guys, I will delete it" I said and got back my phone.

"We cannot tell anyone about this." Ryker said.

"Absolutely." We all agreed.

"Dropping the topic, I wanna go check out that new game over there. " Ryker said.

"Yeah, come on let's go." Parker added.

I got up to join them, "Can we go get food first?" I asked.

"I could eat." Walker said, agreeing with me.

"But the game." Ryjer complained.

"We'll do that after, pls." I begged him.

After a second, he agreed.

"Hear that ladies?" Raven said.

The Ravens had been eaves dropping on our conversation all along.


The next day, everyone had gotten the news. Raven had sent the information to everyone.

"What's everyone looking at?" I asked as I walked through the hall way with Stacey and Stella.

Just then, our phone beeped and we got the news too. Raven didn't send any news about Astrid.

My mouth dropped as soon as I read the text. I looked around, catching everyone's faces. People were talking about it. I quickly ditched Stacey and Stella and ran to find the boys.

"I thought we had agreed to keep this a secret." I said as soon as I found them.

They had also heard the news.

"I didn't say anything to anyone." Ryker said.

"Me neither." Parker and Walker said.

"Then who did?" I asked, crossing my arms in confusion.

"It was me." Raven said from behind.

We all turned.

"Raven?!" I said immediately.

"Yes—exactly. Someone needs to teach that Amber kid a lesson." Raven said, tapping her phone on her hands.

"You have no idea what you've just done!" I said, almost shouting.

"I do, I just don't care." Raven replied with a smile and walked away.

I turned to the boys, they didn't say anything. No one knew what to say, I rubbed my face with my palm and walked out.

'Maybe I should have listened to Ryker when he told me not to get involved.'

On my way to class, I overheard Albert talking on the phone at a corner.

"It's too late, everyone's found out already." Albert said.

His phone was on speaker, so I could clearly hear their conversation, even though I didn't exactly mean th eavesdrop.

"Well good. Now it's time for action." The voice behind the phone said. "You cannot mess up this time, I want her—dead or alive."

"Understood." Albert nodded and dropped the call.

He turned around to leave when our eyes met. I tried to hide immediately, but he saw me.

"You again?" He said.

"I know right? What am I even doing here?" I said, mixing every word with a nervous laugh.

"That's what I'd like to know" He said with a straight face.

"Why we are at places is not important" I paused, realizing how stupid i sounded "Am sorry, I got to go." With that, I ran away.

You would think that a rumor like that would be dead by lunch time, but it wasn't the case. Since the students didn't have enough time in the morning to talk about it, they decided to make it a topic at lunch time.

I joined the boys at the table during lunch. We could over hear people's conversations, because they weren't being quiet. Everyone had the news, and were all talking about it.

"I told you we shouldn't get involved. "  Ryker shot at me during lunch.

He was right, every part of me wished I had listened to him. But then again, I wasn't the one spreading the gossip right?

I buried my face in my palms "I know, I know, i should have listened. Am sorry "

"You dont owe me an apology." Ryker said.

"Actually, she doesn't owe anyone an apology. Raven was the one who let out the news." Parker said.

"Yeah, but how did she find out?" I asked.

"Probably the same way Em found out." Ryker said. He was clearly pissed at me.

"Oh God." I said, with a sigh.

Just then, Raven appeared at our table.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asked curiously.

I glared at her.

"None of your business." I replied.

"Its definitely the same thing everyone else is talking about right?" She said and started laughing.

The rest of us didn't find it funny.

"Anyway, have you seen Amber? I wanna know what she thinks." Raven said.

"Haven't you done enough damage? Just go away." I said.

Raven backed up, placing a hand on her chest. "Me? I didn't do any damage." She turned to me, "You were the one who got the news, I just helped you get the word out. Information like that is news worthy. I mean clearly." She added as she gestured towards the crowd of students talking about the news.

My mouth hung open. I turned  to face the boys, they also seemed startled by Ravens statement.

"You're welcome. " Raven said. She tapped my head lightly and walked away.

"This. Is. Not. Good." Walker said.

I turned around, looking at the crowd of students every corner. They had food in front of them, but no one touched it, they were all busy stating assumptions and drawing conclusions.

"What have I done?"


After school, I tried to talk to Corinne and Taylor but it wasn't a success. They refused to listen to anything I had to say. I went back to my room, king wasn't in. I took a shower and ordered food. I called Camilla and she was excited to hear from me. We talked about everything, I told her about my friends, she gave me some really good advice and told me that I was doing really well.

After my phone call with Camilla, kings phone started to ring. I had been in the room for about an hour now, but I didn't notice the phone. It rang three times, but I didn't pick, I had no reason to. After the call followed a text message:


I walked over to her bed and picked up the phone, I stared at the text message before realizing that the phone number looked really familiar. I grabbed my phone and typed in the senders number, and a name popped up from my contacts.

The caller was Brian.

Confusion and curiosity engulfed me.  Some part of me needed to figure out what was actually going on.

I decided to look through all of king's stuff.

Going through her stuffs was hard. I didn't even know what I was searching for,  but I still kept searching. I saw photos of Amber, and the full picture of the little 9-year-old kid in the photo amongst other things. I looked through other stuffs, and after about 5 minutes of searching, it became clear to me that; King was Astrid.

I gasped as I looked through her other stuffs. There were a lot of really old photos, I arranged them all properly on the floor. The photos I saw were bringing everything to light. Slowly, I was understanding the connection between Amber, King, and Brian.

  I merged the baby photo with a recent picture of king, the similarity was obvious. 

"But how?" I whispered, still confused.

Almost Immediately, as if on cue, Albert and Amber walked in.

I quickly hid everything I had.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked boldly.

"Where is King?" Amber asked, shutting the door behind her.

"She's not here—why?" I replied, very suspicious.

"Oh—okay." Albert said.

He flashed a look at Amber, they both smirked and began walking towards me.

I moved back carefully "What's going on?" I asked nervously.

With all the information I had, I was not taking any chances.

"You see we tried so hard to ignore you, but you're just too curious aren't you." Amber said, still walking towards me.

"You just don't know how to mind your own business." Albert said and brought out a gun.

I backed up till I reached a wall, and had nowhere else to go to, "It wasn't me; I swear." I was shaking.

"Oh, we know—Raven is also going to pay for that." Amber said and Albert knocked me out immediately.

I woke up at a warehouse, my hands were tied up to the ceiling with chains. I tried to pull it down but it didn't work.


By the time King got back to the room, the whole place was trashed.

"Emily?" she called out.

"What the heck?" She said, picking up her stuffs from the ground. "Where is she?" She began searching the room for me, on getting to the bathroom, the mirror was covered with a writing;


"No!" king shouted, and ran out of the room. She bumped into Taylor and Corinne.

"Albert and Amber have Emily!" King said, looking very concerned.

"Are—are you talking to us?" Taylor stammered.

"Yes! They have Emily." King screamed. Her phone beeped, a text message;


"What do you mean they have Emily?" Corinne asked, confused.

"I just told you Albert and Amber took Emily hostage, you want me to repeat it four times!" King yelled.

Taylor and Corinne shivered.

"No—no, we're sorry." Taylor said.

"What can we do to help?" Corinne asked, impatiently.

"I don't know. Maybe call the cops or something, I got to go." King replied and started running out.

Taylor and Corinne looked at each other in confusion, then started texting the boys, before running after king.


"What do you guys want from me?!" I shouted as Raven came in tied up also, she fell to the floor when Amber aggressively pushed her.

"Let go off me!" Raven screamed.

Amber squatted and raised Raven's head. "You think the world revolves around you, don't you?"

"Just wait till my daddy finds out, you all will be sorry!" Raven yelled.

It made Albert and Amber laugh so hard.

"Oh, poor simple Raven. Didn't anyone tell you? You're not getting out of here alive." Amber said with a grin.

"You know, I also had a daddy once, until your precious king killed him a long time ago." Albert said.

"That's because they were trying to kill her." I shouted.

Amber stood up and walked towards me. "And who told you that? Your research?" she turned away and continued;

"You see Astrid—oh sorry king, used to be just like us, if not worse." She turned her head to my direction. "she was the youngest, but she was also the strongest, the wisest and the most loved. Everyone adored her—but she was so stupid. She could've stayed with us—"

"But instead, she thought she was so clever. She ran away. The kid in your photo, with only her eyes is king." Albert said.

Raven gasped. "Tea."

I shot her the 'Are you serious' look.

"Who are you in reality Amber? First you show up at school, then somehow, you're in Italy. What is going on?" I asked, with every courage I had left.

"I don't need to know what's going on, just pls let me go." Raven pleaded, almost crying.

"You are smart. I like you." Amber said, pointing at me. "Curiosity kills the cat. Look where your curiosity landed you and you still want more information?" she added with a frown.

"What's the point of telling you? You're going to die anyway." Albert said.

Just then, Brian walked in with two adults.

"I thought you guys said you had her?" Brian asked.

"Brian?!" I shouted, very surprised.

"Who?" Raven asked, "oh pls spare me, I don't know anything." She pleaded.

"They will be used to lure king to us, she'll definitely come looking for them." Albert said.

The two adults nodded and walked out, Brian, Albert and Amber followed them.


"King wait!" Taylor and Corinne called out, while running.

"what?!" King yelled, almost impatiently as she came to a stop.

"Ok, chill." Taylor started.

"Yeah, we want to help too." Corinne completed.

"What can we do? Who do we call?" Taylor said, bringing out her phone.

"Here's what you guys can do, stay here and leave me alone." King said, impatiently.

"Hey, Emily's our friend too you know." Corinne said, took a pause and continued, "something like that."

"Look, I don't care about your anything, but coming with me is like heading for your own doom." King said, gesturing intensely.

Taylor who had been quiet all along spoke up, "Listen king, Emily—well we messed up with Emily, and this could be our chance to fix it. Please." Taylor said, emotionally.

King took a deep breath, but before she could say anything; the boys came running in.

"We got your text." Ryker said, holding up his phone.

"Can someone explain what's going on." Parker said looking very confused.

"Don't you guys just ask way too much questions, we're running out of time." King said, almost leaving.

Ryker stopped her, "Wait you talk?" He said jokingly.

"Seems so." Taylor responded with sarcasm, which made king upset.

"Alright, any minute from now, your friend and that bratty girl might cease to exist." King said, angrily.

"What bratty girl?" Stan; a friend of the boys asked.

"Uggh!" King yelled.

"She means Raven." Taylor answered.

"They've got her too?" Walker asked, surprised.

"Who are we even talking about?" Ayden was clueless.

His question drove everybody nuts.

"Oh my gosh." Taylor said, rubbing her brows together.

"This guy" Corinne added.

"Clearly, you guys are hopeless. Am leaving." King said and started leaving. Everyone followed her.

"Where exactly are we going?" Ayden asked again.

Just then king turned to face us, everyone stepped back. There was silence for a quick second, she stroked her hair slowly, it was clear she was affected.

"Look, I know there's more to the story than we actually know; but if there's anything I know, it's that we'll be fine." Caden said, convincingly. But that didn't seem to have any effect on king.

"What do we do now? Call the cops?" Ryker said pulling out his phone, but king knocked it off "Ouch" Ryker said, rubbing his palm as he bent to pick his phone.

"What are you? Crazy?" king yelled, "you can't call the cops."

"What the—a minute ago you told us to call the cops." Taylor said with a frown.

"Besides, we're just kids, what else can we do?" Ryker asked. But instead of answering, king just paced around.

"We need a plan." She said, still pacing.

"Which is?" Caden asked, putting his face forward as if expecting something.

"I don't know, you see me pacing randomly, don't you?" King said heavily.

"I got it!" Ryker yelled.

Everyone became serious, wanting to know what he had.

"Why don't we just head over there and beg them to release Emily." Ryker said, straight-faced.

"Seriously?" Corinne said. Everybody got angry.

"Where?" king asked sternly.

"Dude." Mark said.

"You think that will work?" Stan asked, sarcastically.

"I don't know, maybe." Ryker answered justly.

"No!" King yelled, "No it won't"

"So, then what?!" Corinne yelled.

Everyone was freaking out. Nothing like this had ever happened before, so no one knew what to do. Except King.

King walked back to her room and came out with a box.

"We'll need these." King said, opening her box filled with gadgets.

"What are these?" Caden asked, picking up a gadget.

"They are—" Gesturing to the open case, "my gadgets. I built them a long time ago."

"You made these?" Ryker asked, excitedly."

"Yeah." She picked up something, Ryker collected it.

"Cool." Ryker said, but accidently fires a shot, "Sorry."

"They are easy to use and they don't cause any permanent damage." King said.

"Woah." Corinne said, holding what looked like a laser gun.

"Not-a-toy" King said.

"Understood." Corinne nodded.

"I know exactly where they are, what they want and everything." King said while handing out weapons.

"We are going to have to be very careful, and quiet. I will disable the security cameras," king started, "These weapons should give all an upper hand. Caden; you'll create a distraction."

"Ok." Caden responded.

"While Taylor, you and Stan—" she paused, "No, Taylor you'll go with Corinne. You'll climb up to the roof, there are four entrances with guards at every point, so be careful. Everyone else will be on the lookout." King concluded. "Are we clear on everything? Any questions?" king asked.

"I bet I have a lot of questions." Taylor said.

"Yeah, can I stand lookout instead?" Corinne asked.

King didn't respond, instead she continued giving instructions;

"Ryker, I need you to do what you do best." King said.

"What? Look pretty?" Ryker said, fixing his hair.

"No. you'll be our eyes and ears." King answered.

"That's kind of a Raven thing actually. " Corinne said.

"They have her, so we'll have to improv." King said. She turned to Ryker to get his opinion.

"Oh, yeah. I can do that." Ryker responded with a smile.

"All this sounds really scary." Taylor said, "What if something goes wrong?" Taylor was worried.

"Which is why we all need to play our parts, Cau-tious-ly." King answered, took a glance at her watch and continued, "if all goes according to planned, we should be out fast."

"But what if—" Taylor started, but king cut her.

"If nothing."

"Well, if they are as twisted as you said, shouldn't we call the cops?" Corinne said.

"Or—have a plan B, you know; just in case." Stan added.

"Alright, Plan B." king started, "Plan B—" She paused, took a deep breath, "Plan B...Run." King said, "As fast as you can."

"That's your brilliant plan?" Ryker said, his brows squeezed.

"You better watch it." King pointed at Ryker, who took a step back.

"Goodluck" King said and ran out.

This time no one stopped her, they all stood there clueless.

"What now?" Taylor asked.

"Well... I don't know." Caden said, hopelessly.

"We do what she said. She knows this people, we don't. and besides for Emily, we owe this to her." Ryker said.

"He's right." Ayden agreed.

"And—we are wasting time." Parker said.

"Yeah, let's go." Walker said and they all left.

Everyone in school had heard the news and the whole school was disorganized.