Raven and I were still tied, we had our hands tied behind us. Amber stood guard.

"I want water." Raven said, immediately after waking up. I just stared at her.

"You're in no position to be demanding anything." Amber said, leaning on the wall.

"You can't keep us locked us like this." I said, almost yelling.

"Who said I can't?" Amber said, pushing herself out of the wall. "Do you really think you're ever getting out of here? You'll probably end up somewhere in the ocean." She added, squatting  in front of us.

"I didn't do anything wrong." I shot at her angrily.

"Of course, you didn't" she smiled, "you're just so unfortunate." She added as she raised my chin up, "you girls are the bait and we can't just set you free." Amber said, dropped my face and stood up.

"Over 400 people in school and you choose me as bait?" I asked.

Amber laughed, "Why do you think you're so special?" Amber asked with both hands on her waist.

"Ok, if you're going to keep us locked up like this, can I at least get a separate room." Raven said, "Or at least my phone, because I can't stand you both.

I opened my mouth to say something but didn't.

"Well?" Raven asked.

"Aren't you just amazing?" Amber asked, referring to Raven.

"Yes—I know." Raven rolled her eyes as she replied.

"Why are you so mad at king though?" I asked, looking up at Amber.

"Since you're going to die anyway, why don't I complete your research." Amber said and started walking.

Raven and I made eye contact.

"You see king...Or Astrid, or whatever she goes by these days, was like a sister to me, we were closer than close. We literally grew up together. We thought nothing could ever separate us. Astrid wasn't always so quiet and concealing, she was everything you could need in a person or friend." Amber paused to clear her throat. "Even after so long, I still praise her." Amber said, with a chuckle.

I didn't say anything, neither did Raven. So Amber continued;

"We only ever had each other, No parents, family, nothing. We had to survive, so at very young ages, we would steal cars, rob people, sell drugs and all that street madness, we never got caught. But suddenly, everything changed. Sisters became strangers." A tear dropped from her eyes, she wiped it.

"We kind of got ourselves mixed up with the wrong people and everything, so we had to escape, we had to leave Chile. On crossing the border, we got caught." She paused,

"well, I got caught. King was able to escape. The people I work with right now were the ones we had issues with. We stole from them, and they wanted their money and diamonds back. I was able to escape from prison because I have level 12 computer knowledge." Amber added.

"level 12?" Raven asked, confused.

"Oh my gosh, yes." I replied, "That's how you were at school and Italy at the same time." I said with my mouth slightly open.

"Impressive." Amber nodded and walked towards a table. "You see, I was never at any of those places, I was always here."

"Huh?" Raven said with a frown.

"Those were prototypes, very useful ones." Amber said, opening a closet with three prototypes, "See, Astrid makes them too, she's a lot better."

"When Astrid heard that I was arrested, she did nothing. I would've gone back for her, but she completely forgot about me. She started a new life and now..." Amber opened her arms, "I'm here with these low lives."

"Look, there should be a really good explanation to all this—or what happened." I said calmly.

"What kind of explanation?!" Amber said almost yelling.

"Okay well, there was news that she was involved in some other shady things too." Amber saw herself to a seat, then continued "Apparently, she has—or had; since he's dead now, a family. Sources say that she found her twin brother and all that, somehow, they got mixed up with Brian and Albert, and they had a saga where they went an eye for an eye. Astrid lost her twin brother, and both Albert and Brian lost their entire family."

Amber rotated her chair, then got up but didn't move. "Astrid has a lot of scores to settle. So, let's hope she shows up or else—" Amber paused and tilted her head a little.

She meant that we would pay if king doesn't show up.

Amber opened a box, brought out a gun and shot a photo of king on the wall. It made Raven and I shiver.

"That's for three months in jail." Amber said with a serious look.

She turned around and walked towards us, we tried to move backwards while sitting on the floor but we couldn't go too far.

"You see, for years now we've been searching tirelessly for Astrid, I have to give you some credit Emily, you found her in seconds." Amber said and turned to raven; "And you just couldn't keep your mouth shut." She added, pointing the gun at raven.

"Amber don't!" I yelled.

"Pls—pls." Raven begged but Amber started laughing.

"I haven't had this much fun in a long time." Amber said and became serious again, "you have no idea what's in store for you." She added, with a wicked smirk.

Just then, we all heard loud noises from outside. Albert came running in.

"Amber come quick, we need you." Albert said and left immediately.

"Don't you dare move." Amber said and ran out.

"We have to get out of here, this is our only chance." I said trying to free myself.

"I don't know about that, she said don't move." Raven said.

My eyes widened. "Are you crazy, or just playing dumb?" I asked.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Raven said and turned away from me.

"You cannot be serious right now." I said, still trying to untie myself. "Didn't you hear them? We are not getting released." I said but Raven still didn't move.

"You know what? Fine, I don't care." I said and got my hands free. 'yes', I said lightly and untied my legs.

I got up.

"Nothing still?" I said to Raven, "Not only are you stubborn, but you're also really stupid. Am done wasting my time on you." I said and ran to lock the front door, to ensure no one comes back in.

"Pss—Emily." A voice said from the window. It scared the crap out of me so I fell holding my chest. She crawled in to help us.

"Gabrielle?!" I yelled, as I recognized the person.

"Who?" Raven asked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, confused.

"I'll explain later, lets go." Gabrielle said and crawled back out through the window.

"Wait for me pls." Raven begged, just as I was about to climb out.

"Oh, come on. Are you kidding me." I groaned but went back to untie her.

"Let's go." We both whispered.

We crawled out of the window to meet a lifeless body on the ground.

"Oh my gosh!" Raven screamed.

"Shut up!" Gabrielle and I yelled. Raven held my hands tightly.

"This way." Gabrielle instructed and we quietly headed left.

"Where do you think you're going?" Brian caught us, pointing a gun at us.

"We're screwed." Raven whispered.

My heart sank. If we weren't done for before, we sure were now.

Before Brian could do anything, King knocked him out. Our eyes followed him as he fell to the floor, we all stepped back.

"Astrid?!" Gabrielle yelled on seeing king.

"What are you doing here?!" king yelled, taking off the mask she was wearing.

"I could ask you the same thing!" Gabrielle yelled back.

"What—No time for that." I interrupted.

"I just want to go home." Raven begged.

I held her tighter.

"The front is cleared, there's a black van waiting for you." King said, "Go now." She added and began running in the direction we came out from.

"Where are you going?" Raven asked king.

"Just go on without me!" King yelled while running.

"She still hasn't changed much." Gabrielle muttered under her breath and we started running.

"You guys know each other?" I asked, breathing seriously, but Gabrielle didn't answer.

Before we found the black van, the police showed up.

"Hands up!" An officer yelled, pointing the gun at us.

"We are not the criminals." Raven said.

"I know." He said, "but are you kids ok?"

"Yes." We replied in unison.

"Stay here where it's safe." The officer said and we all nodded.

"Surround the parameters." He spoke to his walkie-talkie.

King ran back to the cabin.

"Amber?!" king yelled, searching around for her, "Amber?!" but came to a stop after she felt a gun to her head from behind. She took a deep breath, slowly closed her eyes then opened them.

"Hey old friend." Amber said, still pointing her gun at king.

"Listen, there are cops outside, we have to get out." King said without moving.

"You're not getting out of here." Amber said lightly.

King turned around, and Amber dropped her hand.

"Really?" king said, looking intensely at Amber, "You've been looking all over for me, well here I am. I'm not afraid of you, or anybody else, what could you possibly do to me." King boldly said.

Amber didn't say a word, instead; she pointed the gun at king's head, but king knocked it out and held Amber tightly.

"Amber listen, this is not you." King started but amber pushed her away and a fight broke out between them.

Both girls were letting out their anger towards each other through punches. King blocked every of Amber's hit, she did want to fight, she just wanted her bestfriend back.

After some time, King broke out of the fight, grabbed the gun and pointed it at Amber.

"Go head!" Amber yelled, "Do it, what are you waiting for? Look at me, I have nothing to lose." Amber yelled.

King shook her head lightly, and emptied the gun of its bullet. She threw the gun aside and walked forward to hold Amber who was almost crying.

"Listen, I don't know exactly what I did wrong but am sorry, I swear I am, I have really been messed up lately. I know I can't fix the past but we can fix the present and create our future, pls." king said, with teary eyes. "Just come with me please, we'll start over, just the two of us, like old times."

King walked towards the table having guns and drugs on them.

"This." Addressing everything on the table, "This is not us. We don't want all this, that's why we tried to escape; remember." King said convincingly.

Amber got up, wiped her eyes. "Just like old times?" Amber smiled softly.

King nodded, "Just like old times."

They hugged each other. Amber held on tightly to King like she would disappear if she let her go.

"Its okay." King said, as she felt Amber's breath on her neck.

"We have to leave right now, there are cops outside." King said.

Amber nodded, grabbed something and they ran out.

We saw them coming running towards us. Raven moved back immediately.

"You saved her?!" Raven asked loudly, pointing at Amber.

"Quiet down." I said, hitting her gently.

Just then, the boys and some others came in running.

"Woah!" Ryker shouted and all of them jerked to a stop on seeing us all.

"Everyone deserves a second chance." King said and looked at Amber who smiled back at her.

"Well Taylor, nothing bad happened." Stan said. Taylor rolled her eyes in response.

"Am just glad you all are ok." Corinne said, calmly.

"Who's she?" Parker asked. He was talking about Gabrielle.

"Better question, what are you doing here?" I asked with folded arms and squeezed brows.

"We kind of go a long way back." Amber said and put a hand on Gabrielle's shoulder.

"You guys know each other?" king asked, pointing at Amber and Gabrielle.

"Yeap." They both replied.

"I met her immediately I got out of jail." Amber said.

"And I know Amber is a crazy person." Gabrielle said, tapping Amber's head. "plus, you guys are trending seriously." Gabrielle added, pulling out her phone. She was right, we were all over the news.

That was how she found us.

"Well—I'm just glad it's all over." I took a deep breath.

A cop came up to us; "Are you kids okay?" he asked.

"Yes." We all replied and three other cops came out with Brian, Albert and three other members.

As they passed us by, our eyes all met but we were interrupted by an officer.

"You kids have to get back to school, get in let's go." He said and we got in.

As he drove, no one said a word till we got to school. He dropped Gabrielle off first before taking the rest of us back to our school.

The press was already at our school, so the officer helped us get in, avoiding the press and paparazzi's.

"Are you guys okay?" some kids asked us as we walked to our rooms.

"What a day." Ryker said, as he fell flat on his bed.

"Today was crazy." Stan said, walking to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"No kidding." Parker agreed.

"Raven!!!" The Ravens ran to her.

"Uggh—get off me." Raven said, "Where were you guys?" she asked.

"Am sorry." Molly said sadly.

"And you?" Raven asked Steph.

"Come on Rave, we couldn't leave school even if we tried." Stephanie replied.

"Whatever. I can't even look at you girls right now." Raven said and started walking away. Molly and Stephanie followed her.

By the time we got to school, it was late so I just took a shower and stood on the balcony. School was still talking about what happened.

I needed to clear my head, so I called Leo.

"Don't you just love to trend." Leo mocked me.

"I still can't even believe what just happened." I replied.

"I guess that's what you get for being too nosey. You're like trending all over, but not in a good way." He said.

"You're a crazy person. Camilla would always say 'Any publicity is good publicity.'" I said calmly.

"That explains it." He paused, "Am kidding, am just glad you're okay." Leo said.

"Me too." I said with a smile. "life is crazy." I added, laughing softly.

"Why are you so happy?" Leo asked, confused.

"A couple of weeks ago, I was tired of dance drama and school issues." I started.

"Ok—ay." Leo said.

"So, I needed—Or wanted new problems because I got tired of the same thing" I said.

"you're a crazy person." Leo laughed, "No wonder you got kidnapped."

"Hey! Watch it." I said, still laughing.

"Mom was so worried; she didn't stop complaining. Megan and I had to come home to help her rest. She's fine now." Leo said.

"Thank God." I said lightly. "I'm actually thrilled it's all over, I hope things will go back to normal." I added, resting my arms on the balcony.

"No, they won't, I've already started getting calls from unknown people, asking about you." Leo said.

I let out a sigh. "Oh well."

"It's fine." He said, "I've got to go." Leo added and hung up.

I rested my head on the balcony for a while before I heard footsteps, it was Raven.

"Hi?" I said, surprised to see her.

"I owe you an apology, I—" Raven started but got interrupted.

"So do I." Amber said from behind.

Raven and I turned around and Amber started walking up to us.

"I was..." she started but paused, "I don't know. Am sorry." Amber calmly said.

"It's fine." I replied, "You had your reasons, which I still don't get, but it's fine. It really is." I assured, nodding slightly.

"For real?" Amber asked.

I nodded "Yeah, we're good. Let's just dead the issue, It never happened. "

She stared at me "Thanks." Amber managed to say with a soft smile and walked away.

"Well—Um..." Raven stammered.

"Its fine Raven" I smiled.

"I wasn't apologizing, am Raven." She said boldly.

"Established." I blurted out.

"Anyway, you're a really cool person—Not cooler than me though." Raven said.

I nodded, "Let's just be happy with being alive."

"Yeah." She said, "Good night Emily."

"Good night Raven." I said and she turned to leave.

"Also, No more sticking our noses into other people's lives." I said.

Raven raised her hand as if about to take an oath "I swear. No, I promise. Never again."

I let out a chuckle "Good night."

I stood on the balcony by myself for a while, I didn't know where to go; back to Taylor and Corinne or to King and Amber.

As I turned to leave, I met king standing behind me.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

She looked at her watch, "It's late, lets go." She said and started moving, I followed her.

Amber, king and I stayed in the same room that night. I wanted to talk to Corinne, Taylor, my Tameless team and my dance friends, but it was already late.

'Tomorrow' I said to myself and fell asleep.

The next day, the rumors had reduced a bit and school was back to normal. King and Amber were closer than close, the boys and I were cool, but still no word from Taylor, Corinne, Joey, Paesha or Ruby.

During lunch time, I spoke Camilla, she heard about everything that happened.

"That's not good for your image kid." Camilla said after I explained everything to her.

"Am sorry." I managed to say.

"It's fine. It's also an advantage, because it adds a boost to your popularity." She added.

I let out a chuckle and she continued, "Get ready though, you'll be attending a lot of interviews."

"I can imagine." I said, "What do you think they'll want to know?" I asked.

"Everything. You're a new face in the industry, plus this event that just happened; you're going to be trending for a really long minute." Camilla said.

"Oh well." I said with a shrug.

"Well—you'll be fine. I've got to go." Camilla said and hung up.

She wasn't wrong. We were on the news and on some magazines. It felt good to be back in school, and free from trouble.