The neighborhood

Hi guys thanks for reading my story *note* this is actually the 2nd part of the whole story I want to publish this one first for it's the only interesting one from the two spoiler tittle the final story is named 'The neighborhood Never ends.

I switch the horror info to action cause this story actually only had small horror part on it so... it's literally action from a lot of part.

Meet David Jones a guy who quit military and looking for a place to crash in, when he got stock to a town where everywhere he look is a hungry monster, everything he can touch want to eat him.

Upon exploring and taking clues of what have happened to the people living her.

David Jones well soon find out the secret and the story behind of this foreskin town, what really goes down and how the town got created, why they can't get out and why people only suffer if they stay longer as they're lives end.

-*.Welcome everyone to The Neighborhood.*-