Chapter 1: Welcome neighbors

As a moving truck slowly drove away, David Jones gaze to his new house and said "Well here I am, home sweet home."

He happily sigh and start lifting the boxes one by one, as he about to carry the last box.

A neighbor came by to him then said "hey there neighbor."

Suddenly the happy feeling Jones felt vanished, as he about to reply to her, when he sees the lady's weird messy hair, an eerie smile and wide open eye lock on to him.

"Hi neighbor" he replied with forceful smile, his neighbor start talking "I am here to tell you, that the mayor have called out upon..."

All Jones hears after this is mumble ans mumbles of word, as he stare at his neighbor face.

"That smile, those eyes, what with all that make up?, is this a prank or that's just what she really look like ?" he wondered to himself as the forceful smile his showing slowly dissipate, he broke loose to the trance and see his neighbor waving at him saying "Neighbor are you alright?"

he replied "Ya... yeah... of course I am" he forceful smiled

"what was that? I'm not that type of person why did I judge another being" he wondered as his neighbor say "well if you say so... I'm merely just a messenger, see you there" as his neighbor about to turn, he stop him.

"Where? I'm sorry I'm only half listening, you know a lot of boxes makes me bit tired" he ask as he chuckled,

his neighbor replied "Oh I've been there, the Town square the mayor ask of all the residents to gather there"

"Oh I'll be there" he replied as his neighbor turn around he says "Thank you neighbor"

The neighbor quickly shuffle away he wave bye to his neighbor.

"Is that how he walk? wei... no what's up with me this day" he wondered to himself as he sigh in relief and felt a bit free, he continue on what his doing as a shadowy figure out in the forest, looking at him says "I guess only one of them are stupid" followed by an ominous laugh as he vanish to the shadows.

9:34AM. All of the residents are gathered at the square and Jones are the last one to get there, as his there he hears everybody so noisy already, this guy talking to that girl, those from afar talking to each other, but as his walking by the people, his looking around to see if the one called him are there, but, he couldn't find her, infact none of the people there looked like the neighbor he encountered, as he continue to look around, a black guy gone to the front raising his hand to silence everyone, people in the front sees it, as a guys elbowed the guy besides him and they look at him the chatter suddenly stop, as some of the people look uncomfortable, Jones notice this and look at the black guy,

"Hello everyone I see you're all well, I know this past few weeks is a bit, TIRESOME, as some of you call it, BREATHTAKING" the mayor said as he chuckle,

"I call all of you hear today, as to welcome our new neighbors" he said then smiled Jones hears the guy beside him whisper to himself "Oh no... new victims" as Jones got confused squinting his eyes looking at the guy the mayor continue talking then Jones look back "I know some of you already knew who I am, but for those who's new to this town, I am Robert Smith you're mayor, if you have any questions you'll welcome to ask me..."

A random girl at middle of the crowd raise her hand, mayor points at her,

"You... what is it dear?" he ask the, girl put down her hand,

"Yeah... umm... what's up with the messen..." She shortly ask as the people beside her quickly rash to her and cover her mouth to shush her, the mayor weirdly smile obviously trying to hold his laugh, a woman whisper to that girl "never trust the mayor" and she said to the mayor "it's nothing sir, she just wants to know where to get a message at"

Both the woman and mayor smile and lock eyes to each other, "Is that so.." the mayor ask while smiling,

"That is so" said the woman smiling back at him.

Both then stoped staring to each other and the mayor, wave his both hand once,

"I guess that's all I'm gonna say today..." he said and he politely bow then walks away but suddenly stop and look back at them, then leave a words "good luck" in ominous tune.

Jones walkthrough the crowd asking people to let him through, he got to the woman and ask " what was all that about" woman look at him then smile "for your safety" said the woman

"what?" Jones confusedly ask.

The woman loudly clap twice and said "alright neighbors you know what to do" everyone start going out to their homes, Jones and every new people on the town hears a lot of locks clicking on just one house, they look back at the woman as she said

"new neighbors come with me, we're not allowed to discuss this outside" as she madly look at the church.

Jones close the door behind him then start walking straight to the dining room, as he get there he then ask "now... what was all that about?"

the woman deeply sigh then starts talking "I know you all won't believe me, but the mayor isn't our friend, his one of them.."

a guy with a beer quickly ask "one of who?" the woman quickly stand "where did you get that" she ask with fear look on her face

"at the fridge where there's a lot of beers and foods, snacks" he joyfully answer.

the woman got unctuous "oh no... what time is it" she quickly ask

Jones look at his watch then said "11:29" "why?" he quickly asked.

The woman slightly panic and look at the guy who's holding the beer "you haven't open it yet, right?" she ask as she's holding the guy's arm the guy chuckle as he confusedly answer "no?"

"what is this all about" the guy ask

"you haven't smell it, taste it or lick the bottle? right?" the guy continue chuckle "oh no, that's disgusting, why would I..." he shortly says as the woman cut him off

"are you sure?" she calmly ask, the guy slightly got scared as he replied "ye... yeah?"

the woman stand up straight and point at the back door "get out"

Jones cut off the crazy conversation then said "woah now... no need to kick him out it's just a beer"

"THAT JUST BEER KILLED MY HUSBAND!!" she madly scream the room got quite, then she push the guy "move" she said as they follow them both, they got on the back door and she slide it open, she tilt her head gesturing to get out, the guy step out of the house, then he lift his arms while holding the bottle

"well.. here I am, what else do you want me to do?" he madly ask as he turn to look at them, the woman then close the sliding door and lock it, then she ask the teen male beside her "lock the front door"

"what?" the teen confusedly ask "I said lock... the front door!" she madly said

then Jones tap the teen shoulder then says "just go do it kid" the teen rashly gone to the door to lock it, the woman look back at the guy as she said "throw it"

"what?" he confusedly reply, Jones sigh then said "just do what she says, so we can stop this nonsense"

the guy throw the bottle at the straight, it shatter then he look back at them, he lift his arms again "what a waste" he sadly said but they didn't notice the bottle slowly evaporates Jones reach to the door's lock, the woman quickly stop his hand.

"wait for it" she says Jones "wait for what?" the guy suddenly got dizzy.

"I don't feel so great" he said as he turn around and puke, the woman slum her hand on the door,

"you liar" she madly ask then start screaming "you open it didn't you, you open it..." while everyone got disgusted, then the teen came back.

"what did I miss?" he happily ask then his expression change, as he sees the woman got angry on the guy puking outside.

"what happened here?" he ask the one near him.

Jones then madly ask "aren't we going to help him?"

"no... his good as dead" she quickly replied "but..." Jones shortly said as the woman shush him.

"the show is not over yet" she said as she walk back at the dining room, then she touch the door frame as and leave a word "if you're all ready to listen, I'm at the other room"

they look back at the guy and see he still puking, then suddenly he start vomiting blood "guy's please... help me, my stomach... it hurt... it hurt so much" he beg to them as they continue to watch, while got disgusted one of them cry as they helplessly watch him begging, he vomit his own heart on the ground still continually betting, he got shock, everyone watching got shock, the one crying cover her mouth as she sat down on the ground, the teen ran out about to puke, the guy kneeled as he said "please help" his eye slowly turn white, then he drop and squash his own heart that's still betting, "that's..." the guy on the back of Jones said as he got noxious holding his mouth and ran about to puke, then all of the suddenly they hear sizzling bubble as they look at the guy slowly evaporating, they got scared and ran to the woman, Jones stay and look at the guy's face that evaporate in half, then he sees the guy's eye quickly glow red, he rubs his eye and see the guy's eyes are white, but it cought him off guard as he sees the guy's dead face smiling, like the one he sees before, he then quickly

turn around and got to the dining room. as he got there he then look at the woman and said "what the hell is that!" he angrily ask, then he look around sees confused and scared faces, and he sat down on a chair

"That was... *sigh* That was messed up" he said as he hold his head confused.

"this place isn't what you people think it is, the free house, free food, free everything... the advertisement is just a bait, for who ever got trick by it." she pause then continue "they already pay they're life" the woman sadly said while patting the one near her crying,

"who are you?" Jones ask

"I'm just like you, a victim of this forsaken town, my name is Ellen Gold an ex marine, who were supposed to find a perfect retirement place for me and my family" she sadly answer and ask "how about you?"

Jones reply "I'm David Jones I was a military..."

Ellen quickly ask "was? what happened?" Jones reply "have you ever think of putting a bullet inside you're teammates head?"

Ellen got confused and ask "wha... why?"

Jones quickly reply "one word" he stand up look Ellen on her eye then said "corruption."