Chapter 2: Introduction

Jones sigh "Me and my team were in a factory, I lead my man to this fight, if only I know

*Jones slam his fist on the table angrily sigh*

Anyway..We were about to bust down the biggest illegal drugs and weapon syndicate in history, when one of my man betray us he, shoot down my friend Jacob, then start shouting, calling out to his real teammates, the Russians. No one know his actually a spy, a spy who killed my best friend and start pointing his gun on us, but we were trained, it's die or take life along side you" Jones angrily said.

"Special force?" Ellen ask, Jones noded and continue "So there I was taking the call, saying our goodbyes to each other, as soon as I whistle that's the silent code to... Kamikaze, each and every single one of us take down enemy till our last breath, but soon after? I woke up, in a white room.. I thought I'm in heaven, but, surprise surprise, I'm the only one alive" Jones took off his shirt, they all got shock as they sees deep scars written on his body, Jones point each and every single scar he has "see that one on my rib, apparently the guy died as he stab me on my chest it didn't really goes through, it only cut two of ribs, see those circle like scars?, those are bullet holes, none of them hit any organ or nerves" then he turn around and lift up his hair, then he slide his finger to a huge scar "this one from the bastard who killed my best friend" they got amaze on the sight Jones right now, thinking they might have a chance, to live,as Jones put his shirt and hat on, Ellen look at them "Now you people know what this place is, how about you?" the timid guy from far introduce him self "H..h...hi I'm Miles... Greek Miles... people call me the geek... I... I am... ummm" Jones get close to him then pat his shoulder "Computer?" Ellen ask,

Miles nods "yeah...I...I..I..master..yes..hmmmm"

Miles nervously replied, then he stop shaking the female that sitting down on a beanbag said "So you're a hacker?..." she then smile and said "My turn, my name is Jessica Cruz, Jess in short, since we're here telling everyone our backstory, in media I am called... maiden of pain" Jones got shock and point at Jess "It's you? the one who kill two man using a single spoon?" Jones shockingly ask, Jess laugh then answer "yes" Jones quickly ask "why?" Jess pout "well.. it's they're fault, I told them not to touch to my friend, then they say they just wanted to feed her, those perverts so I put the law in my own hands"

Jones reply "by feeding them both the same spoon?"

Jess got mad she turn around cross hand.

Miles got scared while Jones and Ellen sigh, the one guy who ran to the bathroom came out, then said "guess it's my turn I'm a psychic"

Jones got confused as he said "that's a good start to get everyone attention"

then they see him, wiping his hand by a toilet paper that's floating on air, while he said

"I bit none of you will believe me... then explain to me... how am I doing this?" everyone got shock, Jones look at Ellen then said "Please tell me I'm wrong of..." Ellen shrug as she says "sorry... but yes, the town itself post those advertise to those gifted or skilled only" Jones got confused "then why..." Ellen continue Jones question "why am I here? for my child, my twin can communicate to each other even without talking to each other, and yes the town waited for me to retire" Jones drop in four "we're trap?" Jones confusedly ask, Ellen felt down as she reply "yes..I'm sorry to tell you this" then Jones hear "don't give up Jones, get up!" then he remembers broken pieces of his memories

"hold on tight there buddy we got you" a guy said near his ear, while his being rash to somewhere he didn't know, Jones broke loose of the trance, he heavily breath as Ellen ask "are okay okay?" Jones answer "yes I'm fine I just remembered something" all of the sudden Ellen remember something, she get closer to Jones "how did you enter this town?" Ellen confusedly ask, Jones reply "by the internet..." Ellen shrug and said "no... I mean how?" in Jones memory "I apply for a house" Ellen stand and got enlightened "I knew it... I knew it" she's bursting with joy as she said "you're a survivor" Jones and everyone got confused Ellen continue talking "everyone should meet you..." she's felt overjoyed until finally she sat on the floor "for three years, finally, we have a way to escape..." she suddenly start crying in joy as everyone in the room looked at Jones while he slowly stand up, then Jess said "so we have to protect him?"

Ellen stop crying as she stand while saying "no need, he can fight for himself, the beast and monster ability won't affect him" the psychic says"our only way out" he blank out while Jones fully confused then said "come on people, the introduction?" Jess clap her hand "you hear him people, there's still four more, that we don't know yet" she said in sassy matter, psychic sighed "right... my name is Joseph Williams, I'm a... you already know"

the teen about to speak, when a white guy at front of the TV said "name's Rexjhay Redalosa, the town is stupid then, for inviting me, I'm just an influencer, you know, travel, make music, meet with the locals, influencer stuff" he turn back to the TV as he smile, a silent man took Rex bag and pulled out a a musical board and two small speakers, he frown then said "hmmm.... his telling the truth" Rex quickly turn and shook, he weirdly chuckle as he said "yeah... to..told you..." then the guy pull out a tiny sock bag, "Oh.. what do we have here" he said as he pour what's inside, Rex shook as he sees shirt buttons fall off, the guy smiled and throw a knife at Rex, Rex press a button and massive shockwave shielded him "name's Zen Hokio, I'm an assassin..." then felt thrilled as he look at Rex,

Then said "too" Rex chuckle "how did you know?" he ask "only assassin's collect buttons for confirmation, to the client" he quickly replied, the teen then said "WOW.. you two done? am I the last one?" a girl from behind came "sorry I fall asleep, are we starting yet?" she said, the teen sigh "I almost forget about you" he disappointedly said "you really want me gone huh?" the teen chuckle as he hug her "we are the Mars" they both said "I'm Allan Mars" Allan said as he turn his back on his sister cross hand "I'm Anna Mars" she does what Allan do, both cross hand had each other back, every one chuckle Ellen laugh then cover her mouth, Jones got weirded out laughing, "you look like a mascot, at a fast food restaurant" said Jones they all laugh, then Ellen ask "so... what's you're skills?" Allan then answer "I'm a builder, it means what ever you want, I can make it, you name it I built it" Jones squint as he says "mmm... very useful" then Allan said "thank you very much, finally someone recognize my skill" as he look at Anna teasing her, Anna slightly nock Allan's head as she says "well at least mine are ability and skill" Ellen then ask "ability and skill? this might be interesting" Anna then disappear as she says "I can go invincible..." she reappear and said "what ever I'm holding or in my position can disappear with me" Jones point at her and said "now that's is way more useful" Anna bleh at Allan, then both bleh at each other, Ellen and Jones insect shake they're head as both saids "we're working with kids" both giggles, the crying girl soothe "I'm Emily... Emily Gray I'm a medium"

they got silence, then Ellen ask "you mean..." Emily quickly answer "yes I can see dead people, all those who died that's still walking on this town, and the guy who died, his soul is being dragged down by a huge purple like arm" Jones then said "that must be horrible" and ask "as you see him did you.." Emily quickly reply "as what his state are?...*sigh* yes, but it's way more than that, his distorted as quick as the hand grab him, into some kind of form..." Ellen then said "we'll see him soon" Jones smile as he said "then we better get ready, let's go?" they then stand up, Ellen followed them as they got out, Ellen at the door she told them "I forgot to tell you all, lock you doors, windows and both the ceiling and the attic" they all nods then Ellen says "whatever you hear outside or who ever voice it is never ever open it, everything they do is trick you, if you open even just a window, you're as good as dead" they all feel unease as they all look at each other, Ellen close the door and lock at then she shouted "meet me here tomorrow if you'll survive the night" Anna, Allan and Rex wave bye at her, then Rex said "she seems nice" Jones then said "hmm.. said the killer" they all giggles and Chuckle as Rex slightly hit Jones, both laughing as Rex wrap him hand on Jones.