Chapter 3:The encounter and my new partner

Jones on his house quickly lock everything, his at the second floor, he enter a room and started opening the boxes, "Hello my beauties" Jones said as he pulled out AR-15, then he suddenly hears a huge bang down stairs, he quickly rash onto it, as he gets there he sees a puppy eating his meal, Jones quickly pulled his pistol from his holster,he aim at the puppy "don't you dear transform into a hideous monster" the pup bark at him while eating his food, Jones then smile and said "okay... that's a good start... continue on what you're doing.." as he slowly got close to it, still aiming at the pup, he raises his hand to hold the puppy, as soon as his about to touch her, he hears a knock on the front door, he quickly look at it, as the pup growl, Jones look at the puppy and sees it's watching the door, Jones about to walk on the door, suddenly the puppy start barking, Jones trying to calm the pup, as he turn to the door, the puppy slowly grow, Jones look back and see the puppy shape shift into an adult dog, Jones then point his gun to it, but then he wondered where his gun went, he look at the holster and see the pistol is there, his trying to pull it out but he can't, as he quickly doing all this, the dog slowly get close to him, and walk past him, as the dog blocking the way to the door, Jones slowly back off, and about to turn, when he hears a familiar knocked, three quick knocks, two slow knocks, and single loud knock, Jones smile a bit and tried to approach the door, when the dog growl on him, he raises both hand "okay... okay... I know, just let me, please" the dog reform back to a puppy back and looked at Jones, Jones then said "thank you... thank you" Jones slowly walk at the door, his about to knock back, but he remembers

"whatever you hear outside or who ever voice it is never ever open the door"

Jones then slowly put his hand down, and got shock as he hears a familiar voice "Jones? buddy? Are you home? can you open the door please?" Jones felt angry and sad at same time, "your dead, remember?" Jones reply

the voice chuckle as it says"what?.. dead? if I'm dead then why am I here talking to you?" Jones reply "cause that's not you" then the voice got little bit distorted"come on now mate?, open the door" Jones quickly answer "no" the voice continue and got little bit distorted again, "mate... open... the...door" Jones quickly reply again "no" the voice continue this time it chuckle and said "come now mate, just turn the doorknob, and pull the door" Jones about to reach on the knob, when he hears an echoing voice "no.. mate you know that's not me" then he closes his eyes and remember *Mike and him talking "come on now dude... we both know you're the only one likes my tuna sandwich" Jones said to Mike "oh come on now mate... you know that's not me... I don't want to have a fishy breathe" he said as he look away, then Jones said "oh yeah?... then what is that on your check?" Mike got mad and said "ow, your a detective now aye?.." he then wipe it of and pass it to Jones as he said "would you analyst this for me Mr.detective" he look away snobbing, Jones then take the sample, and smell it, he frown as he said "hmm... tuna" Mike smiled then slowly stand up, he run away laughing while Jones chases after him, "comeback here" Jones said laughing "you never catch me alive" Mike happily reply runs away* Jones got mad, then quitely said "screw your self" then the voice slowly change from normal to high pitch as it said "opeN THE DOOOOR!" Jones smiled "there you are" he teasingly said as he slowly back away. A huge long shrieks imitate outside, Jones get down as he cover his ears, the pup quickly run under the table, as it barking at Jones, telling him to come over, Jones quickly runs, as footsteps can be heard on the roof, loud banging in both front and back door, screeching glass on all the windows, Jones got under the table, as he yelled "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!!" As the pup howl in wolf tune, alongside Jones yelling, the noises and ruckus stop, Jones and the pup came out, as he stand, he hears an, eerie laugh slowly dim out, Jones madly look around, and the pup's eyes looking around as she growls, then they felt like the coast is clear, Jones sat down on the chair, he heavily breath, and can't believe on what happened, the pup see this and pounce on Jones legs, as she look at Jones, she's wagging her tail and bark once on him, Jones look at the pup and pat her "you're a brave one ain't you?" he said, As he felt relieved "let's make our preparation, shall we" he said as he slowly stroke pup's head, the pup woof at him, then he chuckle, the pup got down, then Jones stand up, he move back on the gun room as the pup followed, Jones start unpacking his guns and arrange them on the walls, he then look at the corner and read what he wrote on the last box *pet's stuff no need to open* he look at the pup and said "come..." they get close to the last box and Jones open it, he pull out a small blue police uniform for a puppy "this is from my little partner Jacob, *sigh* I even bought him other uniform so if he grow up he can wear them, but..." he turn it upsidedown and see a huge tere on it "he got hit by a car... he can no longer walk so, I just give him to my mother, there he won't get hurt, unlike if his with me" he sadly said, when the pup put his paw on Jones foot, Jones smiled and said "how about you wear it?" the pup spin once and woof at him, Jones smile as he said "you're a brave one ain't you?" he look at the uniform and see a blank name tag, he then look at the pup "hmmm.. I'm gonna name you?... Wolfy" he said while he wrote on the blank, the pup got excited and pounce on the uniform and quickly wore it, Jones got amaze as he stunned looking at the pup, the pup then pounce on the box, Jones startled as he look inside the box, all of the uniform vanish, he got confused "there's a lot of uniform in there, with different sizes, a combat knives and lots and lots of bullets" he shockingly watch the pup as it jump off the box, and reform in different sizes, "woah..." Jones said in amaze and quickly said "ammunition" he then catch a magazine of an Uzi, he got amaze even more when he said "combat mode" the pup then reform into a three foot wolf and pounce behind him disperse two combat knife as Jones catch it, snip it on his hand and show a stance and the wolf behind him on pron combat position, "wha...? wow time to learn new tricks" Jones haven't fall asleep, as him and the pup practice all night, it's near morning 3:53 Jones making Wolfy to shape shift to different sizes, when he regret one shape shift "beast mode" he then laugh as he said "haha like you can do that one" his about to turn around when Wolfy growl and slowly grow into beast size Wolfy hit the roof and Jones panicky said "stop, stop, stop... okay you win" Wolfy shrink a bit on her beast mode and woof, Jones get down as he sees massive shockwave came out of Wolfy mouth, windows shattered as the shockwave hits it, he then look at the windows "Oh noo... I'm dead" he then got shock as the windows regenerate "what the?... Ahh of course, everything here are entities" he said in amaze, he then look at his watch and got shock "it's 4:00 already?" he said as he look at Wolfy "can you watch over me?" he ask the pup as it slowly shrinks then it woof, Jones on his bed "wake me when it's 7:00" Wolfy woof and Jones fall asleep.

Jones felt paws rapidly pounding his chest, he slowly open his eyes, and see Wolfy on top of him, "Wolfy stop, I need more time to sleep" Wolfy got off and Jones turn to the clock, and sees it's already 8:26, he then quickly stand, "why didn't you wake me at 7:00?" Wolfy bark at him "ohh... it's my fault come on, let's hurry up" he quickly put on his shirt and rashly ran downstairs, he took 5 bread slices, give 3 on Wolfy as they run out, Jones didn't close the door on they're way out" a shadow of the smiling guys then slowly shuffle, on Jones side both him and Wolfy quickly run to Ellen "wait guys I'm coming... wait for me!" he said to himself.