chapter 4:The meet up, Invaders. part 1

on Ellen house, all of the residents are gathered, the new residents telling they're names and capabilities to the old residents, Jones got to the back door and startled everyone, Jones stop and took a breather, "sorry I'm late, *deep exhale* what did I miss?" Jones struggling ask, a guy with monk appearance stood in amazement "woah... I can sense it" he said as he raises his hand toward Jones while eyes closed, Ellen smile excitingly, as a buffed up guy said "sense what?" Ellen then excitingly whisper to herself "oh... this is what I've been waiting for" the monk open his eyes "Our way out..." old residents gasps as Wolfy enters the house skipping, she gone to the very back, then sat down as she woof, every old residents panic and pick up random things as weapon, new residents got confused, as they're about to rash Wolfy, Jones quickly rash to Wolfy and taunt "battle mode" as he dash and slide turning to old residents, his left hand on the ground while his right hand holding a kukri, Wolfy on the back reform into a wolf growling on them, they all got stunned at the sight both Jones and the wolf showing, "If you lay even a finger onto her, let's see who's gonna drop first" Jones eagerly said, everyone slowly back away, as they put back the things to where they pick it up, "sorry, it's our bad... nothing from this place can be trusted" the monk said, Jones stand up and tosses the kukri on his back as he said "Wolfy" Wolfy reform back to a pup,as they wondered where the kukri gone, Jones then point at the monk "what are you... who are you?.." Jones ask "I'm Don Ching... they call me Oracle" Ching answered, a buff guy then said " I'm Jack... that's you're dog?" he point at the pup Jones answer "yeah?.. what about it?" Jones aggressively reply, jack smirk as he said "I eat little doggy for dinner, so ever that ugly ass shit get near me?, that's toss" Ellen then said "Jack don't..." Jones stop her and said "really now" he look at Jack straight in the eye and said "beast mode" Wolfy voice slowly change as she growls, she slowly growing and every got scared as they quickly back away other than Jones, "okay.. okay.. you can stop now... quit showing off" Ellen panicky shouted, Jones smiled "ahhh... you're no fun" he raise his arm as he said stop, Wolfy stop growing and happily sat down, Jones get near her and he rubs her belly "nice girl... who's a good girl, who's the good girl?, that's right it's you" he teasingly said to Wolfy, "uhmm... dude?" Rex nervously said, Jones look at them and ask "what is it?" Ellen shout "stop showing off" Jones laugh as he said "shrink" then he look at Jack "I thought you eat little doggy?.. what happened there?" Jack embarrassedly said "okay I get it... get that demon away from me" Jones took Wolfy and sat near Allan "can I pet?" said Allan Jones answer "yeah go ahead" as Allan about to pat Wolfy, Jones scare him, Allan shook as he jumped, Anna hardly laugh and followed by everyone, "bro that's not funny" Jones chuckle "yeah it's not funny..." they stop laughing, Jones then smile and said "because it's hilarious" Allan then said "haha.. it's hilarious.. whatever dude" they giggles, Jones then pass Wolfy to Ching, Ching slowly stroke Wolfy as his talking "you are our way out... the key to freedom" Ching said as Wolfy get down and stand guard at way in, Ching continue "have you meet them already?" Jones look at Ching and said "yeah.. how did you know?" Ching smile and said "well of course... they haven't seen you on the list.. but then, here you are.. they're potential prey, but as soon as they know you're the key that we've been waiting for, they'll attack you" Jones got confused "what do you mean?" he ask Ching clear his throat "the town's rules, won't apply to you, it means they can attack you, they are allowed to do whatever they want.. see on the rule you can only take food from the fridge and eat it during the daytime, it start from 8:00 to 4:00 but during the night you're not allowed to eat anything from the fridge" then Jones quickly ask "what about the guy who took a beer and die?" Ching look at Ellen as he sees her nodding, "that's his fault, on the drinks, either juice, beer or water inside that fridge, you're not allowed to drink any during the day cycle, you can only drink out from the fridge during..." Jones quickly said "night?" Ching nods, then Rex quickly ask "what about if we have our own?" Ching points at him as he said "that worked, it's not from this town so the rules won't apply to that" Rex sigh as he said "lucky I pack some" everyone said awww "how about us?.. we didn't know this is gonna happen" Jess frustratedly said "how can you be like. oh yeah I'm gonna be stranded why not pack?" Joseph madly said us both look around and only saw only two of them so frustrated "what about you guys?" ask Joseph, Zen answer "an assassin always prepared" Rex smile and said "up high" Zen got weirded out but high five on him anyway, Jess point at

Emily and ask "how about you?" Emily look down and mumble, Jess then ask "what?.. louder baby I can't hear you" Emily then said "the spirit told me what to do... so I have no problem" Jess hold her hip as she say "unbelievable" Joseph then look at the Mars "how about you two?" he ask, both Anna and Allan look at each other, Anna giggles as Allan said "really...? you forgot what I'm capable?" Jess and Joseph got confuse as Allan slowly said "whatever, you need.. I can... build it... name it, and I... make it" Jess and Joseph slowly understand, as they slowly get close to Allan and whisper to him, Allan then smile as he said "yeah I can make those" Jack then said "you really are useful kid" Allan smirk while looking at Anna then Ching quickly said "but she's way more useful" Allan got mad and said "oh come on" Anna giggle, Jones look to the rest of the residents then ask "how about you people?" "I'm Darwin Irwin, I'm a wrangler, I can tame any unique animals" Darwin proudly said, Jones then whistle, Wolfy quickly came close, as Darwin startled "woah now... I'm not a pet food" they laugh then Jones pat Wolfy on the butt, Wolfy felt satisfied and gone back to her position, a silent dude just came out of nowhere "I'm Dante... I'm another assassin" he calmly said, Jones get close to Ellen, and he whisper "what the hell Jack's ability?" Ellen whisper back "he can copy and pass other people capabilities to someone else" Jones nods while he secretly hide his awe over Jack's ability, but then at the same time, laughing over the thought about Jack's buff up, but has a support ability, Ellen notice Jones smiled like his about to laugh "is there something wrong" she ask to Jones "huh... oh no, just remembered something" Jones quickly answer, suddenly a huge guy came out from the kitchen, snacking on a potato chips, while holding more junk foods, Jones stared at him while the other new residents quickly stand, as they're impressed and confused at the same time, Jones squint as he said "woah... big guy, still not enough food?, you seems an interesting one" the huge guy smile as he said "yeah.. I look so big huh? but it's so important" Ching look at Jones as he introduced the huge guy "this is Billy... we call him Tank" Jones shook then said "his that hard?" Ching answer "not just hard... his the only strongest on this room" Jones shakes his head "I gotta test this" he said old residents sighed as the new residents got excited, big Billy then called over them to go at the backyard, the new residents cheers in joy and excitement, as they follow, the old residents sighing as they slowly followed after them, while Ching smiling as he said "you're all going to pay after this" Jones look back and ask "what?" Ching look at him "you will see it soon" Jones got uncomfortable as he gulp, they gone at the yard, Billy's turn around "so what do I lift first?" he confidently ask, Jones look at everyone, while they shrugs as his eyes passes them, "dude... you're the one who want to test him" Rex tensely said, Jones look down as he sees Wolfy happily wag her tail, Jones then smiled as he said "okay then?... everyone get back inside" Jack then said "hmm. that's new" as they enter back inside and look outside, Jones slowly back away as he tell Billy "hold you hands out" Billy do so as Jones said "Wolfy" Wolfy jump up on Billy hand, Billy chuckles and laugh as he says "seriously now... a puppy? what am I gonna say... his cuteness are so heavy?" Jones then laugh and replied "it's a her and no... good luck" Billy got confused suddenly Jones give command to Wolfy "beast mode full size" Billy got a bit scared as he sees the pup growl on him, he thought she's gonna bite him, but he got surprise as Wolfy slowly grow, he stand his ground, and grunts as Wolfy reaches about eleven foot, everyone got amaze and surprise of both Wolfy and Billy, that's the only time they saw a giant dog being lift up by a human being, then Jones notice Billy about to struggle, Wolfy's height is now 16 foot, they all look under Wolfy and sees Billy's body shrunk, Jones then raises his arm, Wolfy stop growing, Jones start clapping, and everybody applaud, Wolfy shrunk back, then she happily skip back to Jones and sat in front of him, Jones kneel down and pat Wolfy while she happily tock her tongue out, "good girl" he said while stroking Wolfy, Billy then shouted "ahhh!... I'm starving.. give me food!" Jones and the new residents started to look around, for they don't recognize the voice they just hear, Ching slightly laughing while the others sighed and just continue to get inside, "over here you dumb idiots" Jack lightly slap his forehead while he chuckle, then he points at Billy everyone look at him, and got shock, they ran after him to check, while Jack gone inside the house, Jones slowly walk to Billy, as he get there his a bit impress saying "woah... another buff guy" Billy look at him and hold his hand out "pay up" he said Jones confused saying "wait what?.. why?" Billy still holding his hand out.

While Jones check his pocket for some cash, Billy says "I need the fat to fuel my strength" everyone got confused, as Rex said "now I know why, you keep eating" Billy smile, still holding his hand out "So?.." he ask, then Zen handed him a back pack, Billy quickly open it, and drool as he sees junk foods, Rex chuckle as he sees Billy pull out a bag of potato chips, "wow Zen we have the same chips flavor, potato seafood surprise" Rex joyfully said as he look at Zen about to enter, Zen suddenly stop halfway, "I don't carry around my belongings" Zen said while his eyes close and start walking, meanwhile Rex then look back at Billy and he frowned, as he sees the bag are the same as his" and he quickly cap his back and said "No.. my ration..." he kneel and started grieving, Jones confusedly says "ration?" Rex stood while saying "yeah *sub* like I said *sub sub* I pack" Jones madly said "yeah we know you pack... but what you pack a huge truck loaded with foods?" Rex calm down "no, not that" everyone slightly sigh in relief as Rex continue says "I have two truck" they look straight at Rex with no expression, Jess ask "what?" as she step closer once to Rex, "I have... two, trucks, full of food... and drinks" Rex calmly said, Jess and Joseph slightly laugh while looking at each other, then both look back at Rex they laugh up a bit as they step forward once, Rex step back once, Rex then slowly turn around as both Jess and Joseph fakely laugh, Rex then laugh as he ran away while Jess and Joseph chasing after him, all three are running in circles in the yard, Jones then clap his hand as he said "okay guys, that's enough.. apparently my pet got hungry thinking what Rex said" they stop while still teasing each other, Jones grind and fakely smile as he madly ask "who wants to become dog food?" they suddenly stop, as Allan quickly go to the house while saying "yeah see.. don't mess with the boss, or we turn into meet can" Allan panicky said while phasing, everyone chuckled as they start walking in, Jones and Billy talking to each other "so if you... do you're thing? you shrink?" Jones ask Billy nods and said "that's why I always eat" Billy and Jones are the last one to enter, both stop as Jess stop both, they look down and see everyone is hiding from something, both crouch and Jones walk forward at the front, he got there and slightly peek at the corner, "there's three of them" Zen said as he point where they are, Jones sees a shadow like figure under the stairs, creepy smiler outside the window, and the mayor right at the middle of the old residents, they get ready to come out and help them...