The First Story: The Beginning Of All(1)

Chapter - (0) The Mysterious Blue-haired Girl

This is not a make-up novel but the truth that human beings asking for the answer since long long ago. I am not a normal person. I can't reveal my ID for some reason. Your readers will be able to read from different angles in this novel. It is short and you won't need so much time to read a single chapter. But this chapter might be long. So, take your time to read. These would be my life experiences of me. I am not from this universe but my physical body is from this universe and from the earth. I am here to share the pieces of knowledge from the past and far future universes like the multiverse. I was a normal human until before I awakened. You guys might be very interested in my journeys and adventures to find out the truth. Who is the god? More like who are the gods and where are they now? Who is the creator of gods? I can tell you all wanna know this answer even though you know that you cannot get the real answer. It might take many many years to get just a piece of the secret of a single universe. It does not even sure if there is still a hint to find right. Don't worry, I am here now. I could return with the truth. So let's get down to the Story now! You need to know the ranks realm level existences from human & other beings to higher beings. I also described it with an aura that can be seen if you have some extraordinary eyes. Well, Aura's colour can show the level of each existence. This list of ranks belongs to the charki cultivation system. I will explain about the charki lineage later.

Lv (0) - Non- cultivator - No Aura

Lv (1) - Normal rank (realm) - White Aura

Lv (2) - Extraordinary rank (realm) - Grey Aura

Lv (3) - Super Ultra ordinary rank (realm) - Black Aura

Lv (4) - Master or Expert rank (realm) - Blue Aura

Lv (5) - Grand Master or Matchless rank(realm) - Orange Aura

Lv (6) - Epic rank (realm) - Green Aura

Lv (7) - Legendary rank (realm) - Yellow Aura

Lv (8) - Guardian rank (realm) - Purple Aura

Lv (9) - Death back to Life or Angel rank (realm) - Red Aura

Lv (10) - Material God rank (realm) - Shinning Golden Light Aura

Lv (11) - Creator rank (realm) - No Aura

Lv (12) - Watcher rank (realm) - No Aura

There is a world, half dark and half light. Wars happen very often in that world. In that world, there is a beautiful princess from the light side. She is 16 years old, I guess. One day, the army from the Darkside chased after the princess while she was alone. She ran until she saw the forest. (There was a forest that exist between the domain of the light side and dark side since long long ago) The princess ran into the forest and hid. A little boy who seems to be 5 or 6 years old touch her from behind. The princess is frightened and also shouts. Of course, she did not shout because the army from the dark side are searching for her.

A little boy: Are you the sister princess? Do you remember me?

The princess: Who are you, little kid? Did we meet before?

A little boy: Yes, sister princess. You gave me some food to eat before...

The Princess: Oh... I remembered now. But why are you here in this forest? Do you know how dangerous this forest is? The people called this forest a Mythical forest. You could lost in the forest and will never get out alive. I hope this legend is not true

A little boy: This forest is not dangerous as you think, sister princess. This place is home to me. I know this forest very well. So, don't worry sister princess

The princess: Is that so? Then, do you know a good place to hide in this forest

A little kid: Yes, follow me, sister princess

The princess: Ok...

Meanwhile... the army of the dark side heard the sound from the forest and...

A soldier from the dark side army: Report sir, I heard the sound from the forest

Dark side army Commander: That forest is said to be a mythical forest. But I don't believe in such a bedtime story. Let's get that princess. death or alive. We can't miss this chance. We must get her no matter what.

Then...The dark side army entered the forest to chase after the princess.

The princess: They are following behind us. We must hurry

A little boy: We are almost there, sister princess

And then, they made it in time. The princess saw a portal(gate or door to another place).

The princess: Why there is a portal here? I thought we will hide in a cave or underground.

A little boy: This is the only place you can hide. I'm sure that we will be safe there.

By the time they entered the portal, they saw a small paradise...The green grasses and the windy and sunny weather inside of it. The flowers and fruits are surrounded like a circle the centre area was full of green grasses and a small house. That small house built with some woods and bricks...

The princess: Where are we?

A little boy: A small paradise...

The Princess: But why does this kind of place exist in the dangerous forest?

A little boy: I don't know, sister princess. Look! We are here.

The princess saw a small house in the middle of a small paradise. And she asked while walking...

The princess: Why there is a small house at the centre of paradise? Who is living here?

A little boy: A girl lives there...

The princess: Alone?

A little boy: Yeah!

The princess: How old is she?

A little boy: I don't know...

While they talk like that, a girl gets out of the house. And then she starts watering the grasses. A little boy shouted...

A little boy: Sister Sarumi...

Sarumi: Oh! hey... Kido(not Kiddo) Where have you been? Who did you bring here?

Kido: This is the princess, Mura...

Sarumi: Nice to meet ya! princess, Mura...

Mura thought in her mind that Sarumi would be at least 10 or 11 years old, at most 12... She is so cute with blue hair...

Mura: How old are you Sarumi?...

Sarumi: I don't know... Maybe 12, I guess...

Mura: So, you don't remember how old are you, ah...that's funny

The princess, Mura laughed...

Sarumi: Come on in, guests don't come here very often...

Mura: Ok...

Then, they all entered the house. The house seems to be small from the outside. But it seems bigger than it looks after they entered. Sarumi took the guests to the living room and said

Sarumi: Sit down and take your seats...

The princess, Mura and Kido sat down at the long table were hat placed in the middle of the living room.

Princess: This house is bigger than it looks...

Kido: Yeah! Sister princess. I also thought like that when I come here for the first time.

While they(Mura & Kido) talking in the living room, Sarumi went to the kitchen and took out many cookies from the bottle. And put them onto the plate. Then, she opened the milk bottle and pour it into three glasses. Sarumi returned to the living room and said...

Sarumi: Here comes some cookies and milk...Feel free to stay like your home...

Mura & Kido: Thank you so much...

Sarumi: Not need to say thanks. I'm the one who wanna say thank you to you because of visiting me.

Mura: Ok...

Kido was eating and could not talk because of cookies and milk are so sweet. There is a huge book on the table. Mura asked Sarumi while eating

Mura: What is that book?

The princess, Mura pointed at the book. Sarumi took the book at the centre of the table and said

Sarumi: Do you want to listen to 'some stories?

Kido: Yeah!....

Mura: Me too...

Sarumi: Ok, let's get started!

Sarumi clapped and said...

Sarumi: Story time! Kashatener... Story time!

Strangely, the book opened itself. The book seems to be empty both front and back but the middle two pages were different...

Mura: Did the book just open itself?

Sarumi: Yes...

Kido: Awesome...

Mura: But why the book is shinning with the stars? Is it a painting?

Sarumi: No, look carefully. They are beautiful right!

Mura & Kido: Yeah!

Mura: Is it a painting or real? It seems to be alive and so realistic...

Sarumi: It is real...

Sarumi zoomed in, the book view. Mysteriously, The book works like a hologram. The whole universe shape appeared in the book but she still did not stop zooming in.

Then, she stopped when ten universes are fully appeared on the book. And she said...

Sarumi: How about the first story's the beginning of all?

To be continued......

#credit to photo owners#

Q&A: Why the princess, Mura did not tell Sarumi about the reason of coming? Because...

1. The cookies are so sweet that she forgot why she is here

2. The milk is so good that she can't think straight

3. She doesn't want Sarumi to worry about her

4. She doesn't wanna talk about it at all

5. She thought that getting involved with her would be dangerous for Sarumi & Kido