Legends Of Armara (1)

Writer: This is the novel before "The 100 Material Worlds Adventures of Armara" and "The Secret Behind The Mask". The very first novel of Armara..."The 100 Material Worlds Adventures of Armara" novel will come after this novel is completed. And it will be very good and exciting. hey, don't forget to give like and subscribe or support this "Great Willium" Novel, too. I thinking of dividing the novels but a collection would be better. Because you don't need to find the next novel one after another, right?

chapter-(0) Opening Of Hidden Destiny

This is the beginning of a miracle...
Armara's Mother was a Japanese and his Father was an American. They live in California (US state).
It started on his birthday.
Young Armara is 12 years old now.

Armara came back from school. He put his shoes back in their place and said...

Armara: I'm Home...

Armara's mother is cooking dinner and said...

Armara's Mother: Do you remember that tomorrow is your 12-year-old birthday?

Armara: Yes, mom...

Armara's Mother: Tomorrow, your father will take a break from his work for you

Armara: Did dad come back?

Armara's Mother: Not yet! You should have a bath, Armara...

Armara: Yes, mom...

And then Armara had a bath. After he wore his clothes, his father came back from work...

Armara's Father: I'm home...

Once Armara heard his father's voice from the door, he run and hugged his father and said...

Armara: Dad, you finally came back...

Armara's Father: Yeah! It's your birthday tomorrow, right?

Armara: Yeah!

Armara's Father: Here is the birthday cake for tomorrow. Put it into the refrigerator...

Armara's Father gave Armara a birthday cake box. Armara took it and put it into the refrigerator as his father said.

Armara's Mother: Dinner ready!

And then, they had a sweet family dinner for the last time. Armara's father said while eating.

Armara's Father: What do you want for your birthday present?

Armara: I want a Nintendo Switch, Dad...

Armara's Father: Oh, yeah! Then, go buy one tomorrow at the mart. I will give you the money you need...

Armara: Thanks, Dad...

Armara's Mother: Hey...Don't talk too much while eating. Eat the meals first then talk as you want...

Armara: Ok, ok...

Then, they had their dinner. While Armara helps his mother with washing plates, his mother said...

Armara's Mother: What kind of present do you want from me, Armara?

Armara: Thanks, mom. But I'm not greedy. Just Birthday cake and Nintendo Switch are already enough for me...

Armara's Mother: I know. But I also wanna give one just like your father. Wait... I got an idea. let's go upstairs, Armara... I have something for you...

Armara: What is it, mom?...

Armara's Mother: It is a family treasure...

Armara's Eyes shined...Because he likes one-piece anime a lot. Let's continue...

Armara followed his mother. She entered a storage room.

Armara's Mother: Wait a minute...Let me find...

Armara: Ok...

50 minutes later,

Armara: Are you sure that it is here, mom?...

Armara's Mother: Pretty sure...just a second. Ho, it's here.

Armara saw a little box in his mother's hands and said

Armara: What is that little box? It seems old...

Armara's Mother: Ah, yeah! It is older than you can imagine...

Armara: How old is it? Do you know, mom?

Armara's Mother: I don't know either. My mother, your grandmother gave me this. But when I was young, my mother said she also got it from her mother. That means it is a family treasure, handed down by generations after generations since ancient times...

Armara: Awesome!...

Armara's Mother: Yes, it's a miracle treasure...Do you remember? When you were only 3 years old, you became very sick

Armara: No, mom...tell me

Armara's Mother: Sure...At that time, I and your father were worried about you and that you will die because of that illness. So, we took you to the hospital but...

9 years ago,

Armara's Father: The medicine does not work for his illness...What do we gonna do?

Armara's Mother: We should take him to the hospital first...

Armara's Father: Let's go. We must hurry...

Armara's Mother: I should call my mother and tell her about this...

Armara's mother called a phone call to her mother, Armara's Grandmother, and told her about Armara's serious illness...

Armara's Mother: Mom, your grandchild is very sick right now. You should come and take a look at him...

Armara's Grandmother: I will come, just tell me where to come...

Armara's Mother: We're going to the nearest hospital

Armara's Grandmother: Ok, I'll be there in a minute

Armara's Grandmother(in her mind): Maybe I should bring that thing with me...

Armara's grandmother took an ancient box with her before she goes to Armara. She drove the car like a drunk driver...

Taxi driver: Hey, slow down..., grandma...

Armara's Grandma: Sorry, kiddo...

In the hospital,

Armara's Father: We finally arrive...You, go on... I need to find a place to stop the car

Armara's Mother: Ok, I will go first...

Armara's mother took Armara to the hospital counter.

Operator: What can I help you with?

Armara's Mother: My son's illness is getting stronger. So, I took him here. Can you help me find the best child doctor?

Operator: You're so lucky, Ms. The best child doctor in America, is here now in this hospital...

Armara's Mother: Ho... Can you ask him to check my son's illness...

Operator: Sure, ... here is the room number

Armara's Mother: Thank you...

Armara's Mother rushed towards the room. she entered and saw a doctor.

Armara's Mother: Are you the best child doctor?

Doctor: Yes, ...What can I help you with?

Armara's Mother: Doctor, please check my son's illness. The medicine from the clinic did not work at all

Doctor: I see, let me check first...How long he has been passed out?

Armara's Mother: Since this morning, doctor. We gave him the medicine from the clinic last night. But he got worse instead of recovering from his illness

Doctor: This is not a normal illness. I checked it but there are no signs of disease. So, I can't tell what kind of illness he affected...

Armara's Mother: What am I gonna do if even the best doctor can not cure my son?

Doctor: I'm so sorry for your son, Ms. There is nothing I can help with since there are no signs of disease

Not long after Doctor said that Armara's Father entered the room.

Armara's Father: Will he be ok, Doctor?

Doctor: I'm not sure. What sure is that he is not sick nor in a coma

Armara's Father: Then, what is the actual case?

Doctor: I don't know either. If he keeps happening like this. He will die soon...I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take your time with the last moments of your child. I won't take any tax or money for him...So, I will take my leave first since I have other things to do...

Armara's Father was shocked by what he heard from the doctor.

Armara's Father: How could this happen to my son?

And then both Armara's mother and father started to cry.

Writer: "As long as there is still hope, the true destiny will come"

At that time, Armara's Mother received a phone call from Armara's Grandmother.

Armara's Grandmother: I arrive at the hospital, tell me the room number

Armara's Mother: There is no need to stay here any longer. We're taking him back home, mom

Armara's Grandmother: What! Is he recovered?

Armara's Mother: No, mom. Instead of getting better. It gets worse over time. And even the best child doctor said that he can not cure him at all

Armara's Grandmother: I see. Then, don't waste any time. Let's go home...

15 minutes later,

Armara's mother put Armara on his bed.

Armara's mother: What do we do now, mom? Are we gonna lose him like this?...

Armara's Grandmother: No. Not under my sights. Listen, there is still a chance to cure our little Armara

Armara's mother and father were shocked by what she said. Their tears in eyes dried out.

Armara's Mother: Really?

Armara's Grandmother: Yes...

Armara's Father: Then, what are you waiting for, just tell us already...

Armara's Grandmother: Ok. Ok...calm down

Armara's Grandmother took an old box. And opened. A green emerald necklace appeared.

Armara's Mother: This is...

Armara's Grandmother: Yes, this emerald is the mysterious emerald that you heard in the bedtime stories told by me and your grandfather.

Over 20 years ago,

Armara's mother's name is Marya. Young Marya likes the bedtime stories from her mom and grandfather. So, in her youth days, she would not sleep without listening to any bedtime stories.

Young Marya: Where did the mysterious emerald come from Grandpa?

Marya's Grandfather: I'm sure that it does not belong here. This means that the mysterious emerald is from another world

Young Marya: Really? That's a miracle, grandpa...

Marya's Grandfather: Hohoho, yeah!...

Back in the present day,

Armara's Father: What's that?

Armara's Mother(Marya): Is that the mysterious emerald from the bedtime stories when I was young, mom?

Armara's Grandmother: Yes...

Marya: But how you got it, mom?

Armara's Grandmother: No, it had always existed with our family since ancient times

Marya: So, the bedtime stories told by mom and grandfather were true...

Armara's Grandmother: Yes, it is true...

Marya: Then, let's try to use it on Armara

Armara's Father: Can it save our Armara?

Marya: Maybe...Anyway, it's better than doing nothing

Armara's Father: Ok, then...

Armara's Grandmother put the emerald necklace on Armara's neck.

Marya: So, what now?

Armara's Father: It has no effects on him?...

Armara's Grandmother: Be patient

The emerald necklace started to shine. Armara's body raised into the air. Everyone shocked.

Armara's Father: What's happening?

Marya: Look like the emerald reacted to Armara. Which means he is accepted by the emerald.

Armara's Grandmother: That's right. He just gained the inheritance of the emerald necklace. He will be cured completely.

Soon, little Armara woke up. Opened his eyes and started to cry because of hungry.

Marya: So, it worked...boohoo...We thought that we are going to lose him...

Armara's Father: Yeah! We are so lucky...

Armara's Grandmother: This emerald saved our family from many disasters since the time that our ancestors got it from a Mythical Martial God.

Armara's Father: Wait, that emerald came from a Martial God?

Armara's Grandmother: Yes. They existed in ancient times. Just like a legendary story about dragons.

Armara's Father: I do believe now...Can I know why the Mythical Martial God gave to our ancestors?

Armara's Grandmother: So, you also like the bedtime stories and legends, ah!

Armara's Father: Haha, I'm just interested in it...

Marya: I wanna listen too...

Armara's Grandmother: Fine, I will tell you about it. Just wait a minute.

Armara's Grandmother got out of the house and went to her car.

Armara's Grandmother: Ho, there you are.

She took a book and went back into the house.

Marya: What's that book? It looks new...

Armara's Grandmother: It is the oldest book in our family history books.

Marya: What! It must be the oldest record in history...

Armara's Grandmother: Yes, we inherited every record from the old generation to the next generation...

Armara's Grandmother opened the book. And the book started to shine that just like a shining star...

To be continued...