Mabel smile and say the game just begun, and go upstairs

In rich house

Rich call Ariyan for them to have new plan

Rich) Ariyan now we have to hitte hard and achieve our dreams

Ariyan) rich am not doing this anymore, I know I have hurt my family enough, , I don't need Ramzy money anymore, I don't need anything; am ok with the one I have

And don't try to hurt my family because now I have to protect them

Rich try to shoot Ariyan but Ariyan was fast and go down

It turn into fight but rich is strong and he have skills in fighting but Ariyan manage and save himself and go home

The next day rich is in some restaurant have his lunch and Ramzy plus his guards Arrived there

Ramzy go straight to rich table and sit; he call the servant to bring him a wine

After that

Rich stand up and point his hand at Ramzy face

Rich) how dare you barge into my table, without greeting and acting tough guy

Ramzy) smile and say, sometimes some people mistake step on my foot, and say sorry; while some are walking on my heart and don't even realize their are hurting me,

Ramzy catch rich hand and turn it with force

Rich shut ageeeesss

Ramzy push him and rich sit back

Ramzy) is it painful or; awww sorry, but negar be careful with my family, if not you will regret ever come to this, Earth

And Ramzy put some money on the table and left

Later Ramzy and his boys is in some coffee shop having coffee and one of them see mabel passing around she park the car and walk

The guards bring their head together and make plan, and one tell Ramzy to go and use the plan on mabel

Ramzy rush to mabel fast and his boys follow him

Ramzy try to talk to mabel but she still ignore him

Till Ramzy hit his leg on something and fall down

Ramzy pretend as if he has fainted

Ramzy guards shut boss boss but Ramzy continue stay quiet

And mabel stop and turn Ramzy is still on the floor while his guards are try to rase him

Mabel rush to him

Mabel hold Ramzy chick with fear calling him

Out of thinking she diced to give Ramzy mouth to mouth resuscitation

When mabel place her mouth on Ramzy own to blow air into his lungs

Ramzy quickly reply to the kiss; mabel realized it a plan she push him and stand up

Ramzy too stand up

And mabel stretch her hand at Ramzy

Mabel) how dare you; mabel don't know what to say again self

And do like she is angry and return to her car and start it she returns to home

In P. R. Mansion

Mabel enter

Mabel) mum how are you

And someone respond from the dining table

Mabel quickly turned to see the person

And Ramzy rase his hand and say, hi

Mabel was going to him to say nonsense

Ramzy mum from kitchen; she made a black coffee for Ramzy

Ramzy mum) my son thank you the other day, if not you I will have been died by now

Ramzy) mum it nothing human need help

And he smile and rase his eye brows at mabel

Mabel get angry and go upstairs

Ramzy and his mum have conversation and he tell her how things happen, he tell his mum he is still alive; but he have to do something before come home. that is why

His mum was so happy and hug him

Ramzy mum cry and thank God,

Ramzy weep his mum tears and tell her not to cry

Mabel is coming to downstairs and see how Ramzy is weep his mum tears

Ramzy mum) my son but you need to come home we need you

Ramzy) mum hmm if i return home right now mabel life will be in danger; and I don't want to loose her; so I have to finish everything before";

And Ramzy left

Mabel return to the room

Mabel) does that mean Ramzy know; rich plans or,

I have to talk to Ramzy about rich plans before rich attack him again

Mabel come out, Ramzy mum try to talk to her but she say she is coming

And go out to search for Ramzy

In some traffic 4 guys come there

They keep on follow mabel and they kidnap her to some uncompleted building

Rich is with some pastor inside the building

Rich bring mabel in front with so much anger

Rich) I told you not to play stubborn towards me; but you keep on ranting around

And he drag mabel force to sit, when mabel try to go back he slap her

And shut at her and point gun at her

The marriage things was going on, rich and mabel is getting married, rich tell the pastor to do things fast, before he shoot him to death

The pastor was so afraid because rich has already beat him before and slap him so many times

Rich is about to put the ring on mabel and someone give warning shoot

Rich guys rush around but still not see anybody around

The return and tell rich they didn't see anybody

Rich tell the pastor to continue what they was doing

Then one of Ramzy guards appear and say hello wait small

Rich guys try to remove their guns to kill him, but before they could rich to their guns someone shoot them from behind

And Ramzy enter the uncompleted building with police

The police manage and catch all rich boys

rich try to execape but Ramzy shoot him on his chest on his right side; just when Ramzy try to get him, another gang arrive that gang was strong and with a lot of different guns, they start shooting; and Ramzy hide side of the building; and the gang took rich away

Ramzy) shit damn; this guy shhhhhh ah and he trough the gun on the ground; he is so disappointed that he could not kill rich

Mabel run from the uncompleted building and hug him but Ramzy didn't respond to the hug, he hold mabel hand and go to the car still he didn't talk, he open the car door and drag Mabel inside the car and drive home

His guards follow him with another car

And the police Take rich guys to jail

In P. R. Mansion

Ramzy open the door and come out, with so much anger

He run go upstairs straight to his room

He hit the war so many times his guards follow him, they try to stop him;

Because he's hurting himself by hit the war

Ramzy) he was just in front me; damn I should have kill him

And the guards tell him is not his fault because those gang save rich

And Ramzy remove the fake taatoo from his neck and trough it on the floor

He has already hurt his hand

Mabel too enter the room and see blood on Ramzy hand

Mabel mention Ramzy name and rush to him hold his hand and drag him to the bed and make him sit

Mabel bring the first aid box and treat it for him

Ramzy was so disappointed in himself

Mabel shut at him so many times but he didn't open his mouth and mabel hug him

At rich gang yard

They arrived

And carry rich inside

They manage and remove the bullet from his body

They give him something and he sleep