In rich gang yard

One of the gang) how dare that guy to try something like that, boss don't worry so far as we are here we will help you

The gang promise rich to stand by his side

In P. R. mansion

Mabel; why are you hurting yourself


Ramzy) rich supposed to die today but because of my careless he run

Mabel hold Ramzy hand and say calm down please; you try your possible best but those guys stop you from complete your mission

Ramzy hug mabel, and say he loves her so much he promise to help her; he will not let anyone hurt her

Mabel) is ok ram I know you care about me and I know how much you love me;

In downstairs

Ramzy come there

Ramzy mum hug him and welcome him back

Ramzy mum) now someone will be happy everyday

Mr Rahul) Ramzy we thank God you are still save

Ramzy smile and hug him

Ramzy mum say this return of Ramzy cause for celebration

All the family celebrate

In evening time in Ramzy room

Mabel go close to him,

Mabel) finally I can go close to you like first

Ramzy turn to her and place his hand on her waist and pull her close Ramzy go for mabel lips but mabel stop him

Mabel) I have a question for you

Ramzy) what; mabel that is not fair

Mabel) you know I love you, and I can't stand the pain of losing you. but still you return as someone else not my Ram why do you do that

Ramzy) mabel sometimes if life change the music, you have to change your dance style so it will match

When I realized who is after me I diced to come in a way that my family will be save

They have conversation

Till they sleep off

Early in the morning in P R mansion

Ramzy and Ariyan meet on their way to downstairs

Ramzy) good morning Ariyan

Ariyan) fine morning bro

Ramzy) meet me in the kitchen we have something to discuss about

Ariyan was afraid because he think Ramzy will do something to him

In Ramzy room

Mabel wake up but she didn't see Ramzy on the bed

Mabel) Ramzy is not here; where did he go in this morning

Mabel go downstairs

In the kitchen

Ramzy) Ariyan why do you do all this

Ariyan was silent he didn't say anything feel ashamed

Ramzy) I want you to manage one of my company; as time goes on if you know about business I will open one for you

Ariyan was shock because all the things he has done; Ramzy still give him chance to be a manager in one company

In Sofia room Ariyan hug Sofia and spin her around

Sofia) I hope you didn't do any bad thing again

Ariyan) Sofia can you believe what happen

Sofia) what happen that make you happy like that

Ariyan) finally bro said I should manage one of his business

Sofia) you are happy, hmmmmm I think you say you want to kill him

Ariyan apologize and say he is sorry for try to do something like that

In rich gang yard

The gangs plan what to do; so they will have updates from Ramzy

One of the gang suggest they should go close to P. R. Family

The gang plan to send one of the girl in the gang to pretend she loves Ariyan so she will bring them information about Ramzy

Because Ariyan don't have girlfriend

Now Ramzy forgive Ariyan for everything he did and Ariyan has change completely

In P R mansion

Ramzy Ariyan and mabel plus Sofia wants to go to beach

Their are so happy together

Mabel) now Ariyan you are grown now you have to get married

Ariyan and Ramzy try to say no Ariyan don't need girlfriend

But Sofia support mabel

Ramzy) Ariyan it your time

And Ramzy go close to mabel start playing romantic

Ariyan) we are here ooooh

And they smile and say let go

Mabel and Ariyan pick one car and Ramzy and Sofia too pick one

In the beach

Ramzy and mabel is in somewhere celebrate and talking

Ariyan and Sofia too is discuss how to help Ramzy protect the family

After that they start playing around

Ariyan and Sofia was playing, and Ariyan was going back back, and he crush someone

The guys who Ariyan crush was 4 guys, the guys rush Ariyan to beat him

One slap him

Sofia call Ramzy,

But the guys still come forward to beat Ariyan more

One rase his hand to slap Ariyan again, and some girl come stand in front of Ariyan

One guy try to slap Ariyan again and the girl catch his hand

The girl fight against the guys and save Ariyan

Ramzy and Mabel rush there

Ramzy) thank you so much, girl

The girl) ohh it nothing am happy I could be a helper

Ariyan) thank you girl; am Ariyan and he stretch his hand

The girl too stretch her hand and say, am Barbara

Mabel and Sofia thanks Barbara for t helping Ariyan

Barbara is the girl who rich gang send to come and get updates from Ramzy

They talk to each other and laugh

Ramzy get call from office and he go with mabel

Ariyan and Sofia return home

Ramzy and Mabel rich at office,

But the office was quiet as nobody is around

The moment Ramzy and mabel step in

Everybody shut yeeeeeeeeee

Ramzy workers congratulate him for winning a big contract again

And they say they are happy he is still alive,

The next 3 days

Ariyan is on his way going to work and see cloud of people stand around some girl some are said they should kill her

Ariyan stop his car to see what is going on

Barbara is the girl who they want to kill

Ariyan rush inside

And ask them to stop. It was tough situation but Ariyan have to save Barbara

Ariyan shut at them and ask them what Barbara did that they want to kill her

One say Barbara still money from them

Ariyan was surprise because he know Barbara is good girl

But that was some of Barbara and her rich gang plan

Ask the amount of money Barbara still

They tell him and he pay for it, Ariyan pick Barbara and both of them go to Ariyan office


Am poor guy I need someone who could help me so we will create a movie production

If you know you want to do chart me on Whatsapp +233245987849