WebNovelAshen Sun95.00%


Hi, author here!

As the title says, I am going to take a break from posting chapters. The reason for this? Although I love the characters and the story, and I have lots of things planned, I don't like how I am writing the whole book.

As I said, I am taking a break, so that means that I am not dropping the book. I will surely come back in late December or in early January. It is quite a time, I know, but since I am taking a break anyways, I am going to do it well.

So, what am I going to do in these 2 months? Related to the book, I will dedicate myself to making a clear structure of the book, what I want to happen in any chapter, and finally write some of them before posting again. So yeah, I am going to do everything I should have done before starting the book, sorry for that.

And also, not related to the book, by the time I post again, I will have finished the most stressful part of the year, so there is a chance that I post quicker chapters, maybe even daily. Who knows?

Also, coming back to the book, not only I will plan future chapters, but I will also revise the chapters I have already posted, and depending on what I see, maybe I rewrite everything again, or just edit some things (the most probable option), or I leave it as it is now.

So, without anything more to say, I apologize to the people that actually liked my book (or at least read it).

See you until further notice!

Btw, if you want to insult me there in the sypnosis there is the Discord's server.