Schemes and Friends

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain and TheDonFluffles

Chapter 05: Schemes and Friends

— Daphne Greengrass —

Seeing Harry and Draco chatting about something as they waited for the Professor to arrive, she took a breath and approached.

Blaise had actually managed to befriend Harry (and possibly Draco, though the Malfoy was obviously suspicious of his motives) and claimed that Harry was just generally a laid-back person, but Blaise also wasn't making any real progress learning anything about Draco's plans or any of the things she needed to know about Harry.

If you want something done right, sometimes you just have to do it yourself.

As she approached, Draco spotted her first and his eyes narrowed in suspicion as Harry turned to see what he was looking at, brilliant emerald eyes locking with hers as he raised an eyebrow, seeing her approaching them.

"Good morning, Potter, Malfoy," Daphne said, her ice queen persona in full effect.

"Morning, Greengrass. Is there something you want from us?" Harry said happily, even as Draco glared at her. He wasn't as subtle as he thought he was.

"Yes, actually. Blaise and Tracey are partnering up for class today, I was wondering if you'd be my partner for today, Harry," Daphne asked, giving a slight shy smile as Draco's glare intensified.

When a girl acted cold to almost everyone, most boys would think she had feelings for them when she was even slightly warm to them, and people were already calling her the ice queen of their year.

Most of the boys in their year would kill to have her give them such a shy smile, Harry didn't seem to notice or care however as he simply smiled back.

"Sure, I don't mind," Harry said easily, and as he turned to Draco, Draco schooled his expression. "That alright with you?"

It was patently not alright with Draco, but she guessed it was too early in their friendship for Draco to think he could actually tell Harry not to partner up with her. So Draco wasn't as confident in their friendship as he liked to act? Good to know.

"Yeah, of course. I'll partner up with Nott today," Draco agreed, not quite hiding his annoyance but again Harry didn't seem to actually notice.

Why was Harry in Slytherin? The Hat didn't make mistakes, so either he was more cunning than she was giving him credit for or he was just very, very ambitious.

She gave Harry a grateful smile, a small thing that was barely noticeable but a smile all the same, amused at how angry Draco seemed at her stealing his partner. He definitely knew she was hoping to steal Harry out from under him, but they were both seeking to rule the Slytherin house so he shouldn't be surprised that she would fight dirty.

The easiest way to steal Harry away would be to date him, and use her position as his girlfriend to distance him from Draco, teenage boys were easily led around by their cocks after all.

Any further talk was interrupted as Professor Snape arrived, and the lesson started.

She quickly noticed that Harry was both very studious, taking the class very seriously, and also surprisingly good at potions. It was no secret that muggleborns and muggle-raised half-bloods had a disadvantage over pure-bloods and wizard-raised half-bloods; she'd been reading her books and practising for classes for months before school actually started.

Harry was a muggle-raised half-blood from what she'd learnt, one that apparently very much disliked his muggle family and never planned to go back from what he's talked about with Blaise (who bonded with him over terrible parental figures), but he was also impressively good at potions. He'd obviously studied beyond their assignments.

They chatted while they made today's potion, which would definitely get them an Outstanding grade, and she knew that there would be rumours of her crush on Harry going around by the end of the day given the whispers she could already hear.

Pansy was sneering at her, the shortsighted fool. She'd made it clear she didn't like Harry, seeing him as an unworthy half-blood that was leeching off her beloved Draco, ignoring that, half-blood or not, Harry was the heir of two very influential families.

If Harry showed even a hint of interest, Pansy's parents would sell her off to him in an instant to get some Black blood in the Parkinson family. They'd been trying to get the Malfoys to fully commit to an engagement between Pansy and Draco, but the Parkinsons were so minor that she was certainly a final resort.

If Pansy had a single brain-cell behind that ugly mug she'd be trying to use Harry's niceness to get into his good graces, angling to become a mistress of the Black family, she simply wasn't good looking enough to get away with being that mean.

Draco and Harry were friends, the fool was basically damaging her own plans by continuing to harass Harry, clearly to Draco's annoyance.

Harry didn't seem to care about Pansy's attitude, honestly if she didn't know any better she'd say he found Pansy funny, which should have been a massive warning sign to Pansy.

While brewing, she made sure to brush against Harry occasionally, acting embarrassed when it happened, their hands brushing together, or her body bumping into his for a second as they worked together, innocent enough from the outside.

Looking up at him after she accidentally brushed her growing breasts against his arm while trying to get one of the ingredients, she gave him an embarrassed smile, looking away from those gorgeous green eyes.

Harry was the best-looking boy in their year, and he'd definitely be her partner of choice even without the political implications. With them? A betrothal to Harry would make her own star soar, and keep Astoria and Tracey safe by association alone.

Her family would be overjoyed with such a partnership, and she wouldn't care if he got a second wife, hell, he could take every girl in the school as his mistress for all she cared.

She didn't try to push things too far, it was too early for that. She couldn't risk moving too fast, it was annoying that Draco had gotten him so quickly, but now he could play defensively while she had to go on the offensive and try and take Harry from him. If she pushed too hard and he became suspicious, Draco would easily convince Harry that she had foul intentions for him.

Hopefully Harry's new friendship with Blaise would help balance things out, since Blaise could help convince Harry she meant no harm and that her 'crush' was genuine.

Still, she thought she made some good progress, Harry seemed comfortable with her. She'd introduce him to Tracey later, and when Tracey inevitably wormed her way through his defences she'd let it slip the danger Tracey found herself in.

He wasn't some do-gooder white knight Gryffindor, but hopefully he could be persuaded to help keep her (and later Astoria) safe.

It wasn't a complete plan, but it was getting there and it revolved around her snatching Harry away from Draco, or at the very least worming her way into his inner circle.

Finishing their potion, they took it up to Professor Snape's desk, getting the dour man's attention. Taking their offered potion, he uncorked it and sniffed it, looking at it intently for a moment.

"A passable Wiggenweld potion, five points to Slytherin," Snape finally said, making her let out a silent sigh of relief. Snape was an intimidating teacher and even with a near-perfect potion they were merely seen as 'passable.' "Potter, remain behind after class is complete. I wish to speak with you."

"Of course, sir," Harry said easily, not intimidated by the bat-like professor's attention.

Returning to their desk, they cleaned up as they talked about nothing, engaging in the ancient art of small talk as she tried to work out what was going on in his head. She planned to ask him to walk to the great hall with her but Snape's 'request' changed that plan.

"Good luck with Professor Snape, Harry," Daphne said, giving Snape a glance out of the corner of her eye. "If you survive, maybe you could join me and my friends at dinner?"

"Hopefully, though Draco might cry if I don't give him some attention soon," Harry joked, ah he had noticed Draco's annoyance but thought Draco was just jealous of him spending time with other people.

She just giggled and waved as she went to join Blaise and Tracey, seeing the weird look some of the other students gave her, seeing the 'ice queen' acting so strangely.

Harry waved back, finishing putting away their cauldron as he walked towards the desk, Snape glowering at them all from his perch.

— Severus Snape —

He'd thought about how to approach this, how to approach Harry, since he'd first gotten sorted into Slytherin.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Harry said, unusually calm for a first year meeting him alone, given the reputation he had taken a lot of effort to craft.

A part of his brain called him as brash and arrogant as James Potter, but Lily was fearless as well.

Seeing Harry flirt with Greengrass all class hadn't helped, it was the exact thing James and Sirius would have done.

"You have performed… adequately in my lessons so far, Mr Potter," Snape drawled, making Harry blink. He was smart enough to see that this was not a compliment.

"Sir?" Harry said, seemingly unsure of where this was going.

"I'd like you to look at this, the potions grades of another student," Snape finally said, pushing over a parchment as Harry took it and opened it up.

The name was currently concealed, but it had the grades of that student's grades for all seven years.

"Almost entirely Outstandings, for all seven years. Even on assignments and classwork," Harry said, blinking in confusion. "They certainly seem impressive, sir," Harry agreed, watching as Snape took out his wand and tapped the parchment, revealing the name. "Li- Lily Evans, these are my mother's grades?!"

"They are. As I said, you are performing adequately, for Lily's son adequate is not good enough," Snape said bluntly, seeing he had Harry's full attention. "Lily was a true mistress of potions, far better than even me. In a better world, a fairer world, she'd be the professor teaching you, it was her dream before life got in the way," Snape explained, his voice almost soft.

"Were you friends?" Harry asked, making him nod, opening his drawer and pulling out a very old picture, a greasy haired boy sitting next to a beautiful redheaded girl, by the black lake.

Taken third year, before she fell for Potter's… charms, before he destroyed their friendship with his stupidity and jealousy. He wasn't so blind to ignore that much of the fault laid at his feet, if he hadn't driven her away then Potter wouldn't have been able to steal her like that.

"We were," Snape said, taking the picture back. "Which is why I won't let Lily's son settle for adequate. I believe you have your mother's potential, I intend to see that you live up to it," Snape said, shaking off the old memories as he pulled out a potions book. "You will study this, it has more advanced theory than is usually expected for your age group, but it will help improve your brewing in general. I expect to see an improvement in future classes, once you have finished it, we will discuss this further."

"Yes sir, thank you," Harry said seriously, clutching the book.

Giving him a nod, he went back to writing as a silent dismissal, seeing Harry walk away a few seconds later.

This wasn't easy, he didn't want to help the clone of James Potter, and seeing him as Lily's son wasn't easy.

Even those eyes were just a reminder that James Potter won, James Potter's ridiculous hair and smug face with Lily's beautiful eyes. It was an insult, salt on a wound he'd thought closed.

— Harry Potter —

My mother was a genius when it came to potions… I honestly found this class fairly dull compared to the actual spellcasting classes. I was still trying because it's still magical potions, but I'll admit I focused on them less than charms or even my illusions.

But my mother was a true master of potions, she would have taught at Hogwarts. In the back of my mind, I picture how classes would have gone if they were taught by an attractive redhead instead of the sneering Snape.

I'd probably have to tell Blaise to stop staring at my mom, I'd get shit for being a professor's son… I'd spend hours every week with her, learning her craft.

Maybe I'd have come to school with more knowledge than the second years, having learnt by watching her over the years.

What was it Snape said? A better world, a fairer world. I can't disagree, because I'm already wishful for that world.

But it can't happen, Lily Evans, or Lily Potter as she became, is dead because of some fucking dark lord. I'll never get to learn from her because she was murdered over something as fucking retarded as blood purity.

I've ordered a backlog of daily prophets, going back decades. It's going to take me a long time to go through them all but it'll help me piece together what I can from that era, beyond the books that were written once it was all over.

Professor Snape is right, I can't let Lily's talent, passed down to me, go to waste. Sure, I was already making sure to get decent grades but decent isn't enough.

Ugh, I've got so much to do. Especially since Flint is starting to bother me again, even with his current problems.

He's trying to save face by going for the easier target, me. So far, it's not been bad. He hasdn't tried to get into my room again, but some uncomfortable jinxes have been thrown my way.

As long as I stay with Draco, he doesn't try anything too bad, but when I'm alone that's a different matter entirely.

Heading out of the classroom, I spot Draco scowling as he leans against the wall.

"Yes, yes, you were right," I say, making him scoff.

"Of course I was, Blaise didn't discover anything important thanks to my careful actions, so the leader has deigned to give you her personal attention," Draco says with a frown, making me chuckle. "Did you see that ridiculous act? Daphne, who never smiles at anyone, acting like a blushing schoolgirl? Who does she think she's fooling?"

"Draco, you're getting angry over nothing," I say, patting him on the shoulder.

"I'm angry she thought such a stupid plan would work," Draco replies, making me shake my head.

"Look at the big picture, she thinks I didn't notice. We can use this against her, and all I have to do is play the role of the nice Slytherin like we were already planning," I point out, making him pause.

"Yes, yeah we can use this. She thinks she's getting between us, but she's letting you get close and you can start to spy on her, maybe even find something we can use to take her down," Draco mumbles.

I'm definitely the brains in this duo, but I'll let him think he's the master planner. Draco makes a good 'leader' of our group, he's got the looks and the connections, but for a Slytherin he never seems to actually think about things from a big picture kind of view.

"Exactly, when we get to the Great Hall, look angry then go and sit with Crabbe and Goyle, I'll go and sit with Daphne and her friends. If she thinks we've had a falling out, she'll let her guard down and think she's winning. We can 'make up' later, we're teenage boys after all, stupid arguments are practically expected," I say, making him nod.

"Yeah, we'll do that. Greengrass will never see it coming," Draco says, his pout vanishing to a smug superior smile.

Arriving at the Great Hall, I immediately break away from Draco and wave to Daphne, Draco storming past me like the drama queen he is at heart.

He should become an actor, because while he's not a planner he can definitely play the part of the pouty baby well, and I spot a slither of happiness on Daphne's face before she schools her expression, trying to hide it as she asks if everything is alright, playing the concerned friend.

I'd be grateful if I didn't know she was trying to separate me from my first real friend to win this ridiculous competition Slytherin seems to do, so I just convince her that everything's fine and move on, meeting Tracey Davis, Daphne's best friend.

I've heard about Tracey from Blaise, the other half-blood in Slytherin and she doesn't have my fame or bloodlines to protect her.

Some Slytherins have decided that I'm alright since while I'm a half-blood, that half happens to be two of the oldest and richest families out there, the house rings I'm wearing work as a powerful statement, reminding them that my lineage is better than theirs.

Some get jealous or angry over it, some get covetous (girls considering if they could become the next Lady Black), others get respectful because they see that I know the game and have the power to play it.

Lucretia taught me a spell to check my food and drink for potions, because apparently she's heard whispers of some plots to dose me.

Apparently one girl is planning to get me with an aphrodisiac, and set up a situation where I basically lose control and force myself on her, then guilt tripping/blackmailing me into taking her as a wife or mistress.

Even if all they achieve is getting knocked up (with some help from a fertility potion), it'd still be a massive win for some of the less fortunate Slytherin girls.

In Lucretia's own words, I could walk into the common room, take off my clothes and sit down, and there'd be a queue to ride my dick, even some of the girls who hate me would be lining up for a chance.

She also suggested I hold a competition open to all Slytherin girls to see who gives the best blowjobs, with the promise to take the winner as a mistress of House Black. According to her, I'd have a lot of willing competitors. I'm a golden ticket for a lot of these girls, a chance at a better life, a chance to massively boost their families influence and wealth.

It's funny, technically I'm courting Lucretia, with the potential of her becoming the future Lady Black, but she seems rather eager for me to enjoy the fruits of the fairer sex, as long as it doesn't result in any bastards.

She's not the possessive type, to say the least.

Tracey herself is fun, one of the more laid-back and playful girls in Slytherin but she's also a little jumpy and cautious, even if she tries to hide it. I heard that some upper year students tried to get into her room a couple of nights ago (she'd been sharing Daphne's room so she wasn't there), so I'm not surprised. What were two of Flint's cronies planning on doing to her? I can guess but I hope I'm wrong, it's the kind of thing that makes me thankful I'm male.

Finishing dinner, I wait until a certain someone leaves the hall before I make my excuses to leave myself.

Catching up to her, she turns back as she hears my footsteps, her eyes widening slightly as I nod to a classroom that should be empty at this time of day, slipping in.

Moments later, Angelina follows me in, seeing me holding a small envelope. Closing and locking the door behind her, she approaches me with a grin.

"Finally decided to part with it? I know it must have been a hard decision," Angelina teases as I hand over the envelope, checking to see that the picture is in there. She doesn't need to know about my copy in my black book.

"Very hard, I had to spend all last night going over it to help me finally decide," I say solemnly, making her snort.

"Thanks Harry, nobody else saw them right? You didn't pass them around the dorm?" Angelina asks seriously. I'm not offended, I'd be worried too, knowing a picture of her and her friends naked was out there in the wilds was probably always niggling in the back of her mind.

"Slytherin has private rooms, not dorms, and no. You got lucky since someone was helping me with my mail, you have no idea how much I get, but only I saw it," I agree truthfully.

"Thank Merlin, and now that dumb mistake is all cleaned up," she says, tapping the picture with her wand and burning it. "So, I guess I owe you, don't I?"

"As I said before, I'd have happily given it back for free, but there is actually something I could use your help with," I admit, making her pause for a moment, thoughtful before she sighs with a smile and shrugs off her robes, starting to unbutton her shirt.

"I have Quidditch practice soon, and I'm not sleeping with you. You can use my mouth or tits, but you're not cumming in my mouth," Angelina says as she unbuttons and parts her shirt, revealing the firm dark-chocolate skin and her large breasts wrapped in a red and gold bra, the symbol of Gryfinddor on her right breast.

"Erm, would now be a good time to say that wasn't an innuendo?" I ask, making her pause as she was about to shrug off her shirt. "I wanted you to put me in contact with the Weasley Twins, since you're on the same team. I have a matter that requires their expertise."

"The twins?" Angelina asks, the slight blush growing in her face again at the realisation that I'm serious. "I mean, I'd have done that for free-"

"Funny how that works, but if you can get me a meeting with those two and put in a good word so they don't turn me into a canary, I'd be happy to call us equal," I say, briefly looking down at her bra-clad breasts.

"You've got a half-naked girl locked in a room with you saying she owes you and you want her to set you up with two of her male friends?" Angelina asks, sounding almost offended which makes me chuckle.

"I'm well aware that half the students in the school would kill to be in my position, but unfortunately I need the Twins' assistance more than I want to take you up on your offer, and I very much do want to take you up on your offer," I admit, roaming her body with my eyes with clear lust which soothes her stung pride and makes her smirk.

"I'll set it up after Quidditch practice," Angelina finally says, making me nod gratefully before she steps forwards with a sly grin. "And this is to remember me by."

Flipping up her bra so her large ebony breasts bounce free, I barely see a hint of dark brown nipples before she grabs my head and pulls it in between them, my cheeks rubbing against either breasts as my head is nestled in her cleavage.

Despite myself, I immediately reach up and caress one of her breasts as she smirks down at me with a cocky smile.

"Greedy little shit, aren't you?" Angelina asks, and in response I simply need over and latch my lips around one of her nipples, making her eyes widen and a light moan slip out as I suckle on it for a moment, before nipping it very lightly and moving back with a grin of my own.

"Always," I admit, making her laugh as she fixes her clothes, trying to hide that her nipples have rapidly hardened. I think I awoke something in her just then.

"Heh, good luck dealing with the twins. They can be a pain to deal with, even to their friends," Angelina warns, heading for the door and unlocking it.

Saying goodbye, I let her leave first and wait a bit before slipping out myself so we aren't seen together.

Spending some time reading in the library, which is a safe space since Flint seems to be allergic to the place, I'm only mildly surprised when a colourful origami bird flies down onto my book and unfolds itself, revealing a letter.

The letter is an overly pompous and extremely verbose invitation to a meeting of 'great importance' with Frederick Von Weaselby and his brother Georgius Van Wozzleworth

It takes me a minute to translate it because they've somehow made 'meet us in the sixth floor corridor at 7' take up four pages, but I get there eventually and I've got a little time so spare so I go over my plan one last time and set off.

As I'm walking along the sixth floor corridor they mentioned, I walk past what I thought was an empty alcove, getting dragged in as someone reaches out and simply pulls me in, through the wall and into a hidden room I didn't know existed.

It's surprisingly tidy for a hidden room, and a potion set in one corner tells me that the Twins have claimed this room as a hideaway.

"And here he is, the man, the myth, the legend, Mr Harry James Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived!" one of them announces in an overly boisterous voice as I roll my eyes.

"And requesting our aid, no less. How far the Weasley Twins star has soared for the hero of the wizarding world to seek us out," the other adds. "So tell us, saviour of the magical world, what can we mere pranksters do for you this fine evening?"

"Don't you have a dragon to slay? A princess to save? Or a secret meeting with Merlin to continue your magical training under him?" The first continues, not giving me time to speak until I cut in.

"I'm afraid not, I checked the Divinations Tower but there was no dragon and Professor Trelawney is no princess," I cut in, making them grin in sync.

"Ah, told you those books were hogwash," one of them mutters. "Little Ginny will be so heartbroken, but alas! Fred Weasley, of the infamous Weasley Twins, at your service," Fred says bowing deeply.

"Oi, I'm Fred," Fred(?) says, making me sigh.

"You can have your identity crisis later, I'll happily deal with two Fred's instead of a Fred and George, Angelina said Fred was smarter anyway," I say, making them blink before one laughs and the other shouts a rather offended 'oi'.

"And what can Fred and Fred do for you today," the one I think is actually Fred says, as possibly George realises he's been had.

"You two are infamous for making sweets with… some slight after effects, I'd like to see if you can be commissioned," I finally admit, making them pause.


"Hired to make a sweet of my design, I'll pay you both of course as this is out of my league and I understand ingredients aren't cheap," I say, seeing the avarice in their eyes as they share a glance, going serious.

"If we were interested, what would you want?"

George(?) asks.

"I'd like you to make chocolate bon-bons that look and taste like these," I say, pulling out a packet of honeydukes chocolate I got an upper-year to get for me. "But with a slight twist, I'd like them to… rapidly find their way out the other end after some delay."

"Wee little Potty has a mean streak," Fred says, his eyebrow raising. "We can do it… but who are you planning to inflict these on? It seems rather mean, even by our standards."

"I believe this level of meanness has been deserved, does the name Marcus Flint mean anything to you?" I ask, watching them both blink before identical sinister looks appear on their face.

These bon-bons are identical to his favourite type and I've noticed that Marcus is a creature of habit, he turned his attention back to me and soon he'll regret that particular decision.

"Ah, you don't get along with your house's esteemed Captain?" George asks, smirking. "Say no more, you realise if he catches you he'll not hesitate to hurt you just because you're a first year?"

"He isn't hesitating already, believe me. Don't worry about me. I have a plan, speaking of which… do you think you could get them to me in time for Slytherin's first Quidditch practice this Saturday?" I ask, making them pause before Fred outright laughs.

"I'm not sure, but I'm damn well willing to try. Maybe we'll have to perform some sports espionage and find a way to watch that practice, something tells me it'll be one for the history books," Fred laughs.

"If you get caught, he'll blame you," I point out, making them shrug.

"He'll probably blame us anyway, we can handle Flint," George says easily. "You said you'd pay, how much?"

"Seventy-five galleons, paid up front of course," I say, extracting a bag of coins out of my pocket as their eyes widen.

I know the Weasley family is pretty destitute, they're both wearing hand-me-down robes, and Draco has mentioned them as 'embarrassments to pureblood kind' multiple times.

Draco might not like them, but the Twins are infamous for a reason and I'd rather have them on my side, or on my payroll. I can afford it.

"Deal," Fred says quickly, he obviously thinks it's too much but they need the money so they don't think twice about swindling a firstie. They should have negotiated, I was willing to go as high as a hundred and twenty five galleons if they pushed for it.

Expensive, yes, but worth it if they deliver.

"I do believe this will be the start of a beautiful, and mutually beneficial, friendship, Fred and Other Fred," I say, tossing the bag over.

"You think you'll want to hire us again?" George says, his eyes wide.

"Assuming this transaction goes well? Absolutely," I say, making them exchange a glance again. I do believe they're throughly motivated now, money in hand and the promise of more down the line.

"Then I do believe you're right, I can truly say it was a pleasure meeting you," Fred says, shaking my hand. "We'll even avoid targeting you when we start our all-house pranking spree."

"Actually, I'd rather you target me. I'm a big boy, I can take it, and it's better than the suspicion that would come with being the only one spared," I say, making him blink before he grins.

"As you wish," Fred says before pausing. "Huh we should consider pranking a full class except one person, that could be fun," Fred mumbles, George writing something down.

"It's been a pleasure, gentlemen, but I'll leave you to your work," I say, giving them an exaggerated bow as I turn and walk away with a grin, this has been a good day.

Arriving back at my room, I sigh as I notice that my eternal pile of letters has only grown, several new ones atop the trunk, before I pause.

One of them is written on regular paper, in an envelope that's been stamped.

Opening it up, I slowly read through with increasing disdain.

Ah, Petunia. Karma, the inevitable, had finally caught up with the Dursleys for their years of lies, of using me like a slave while claiming I was a deadweight, pretending they weren't living in a house I owned, that they weren't getting paid a fortune just for taking me in.

Vernon's almost lost his job, barely avoided jail, and the fines they've faced have been substantial. It makes me happier than Angelina's boobs did.

Petunia wants to ask for my help? More like she wants to make sure I don't know that they're squatting in my house, since if I kick them out they're well and truly fucked.

They'd be lucky if they could both get dead-end minimum wage jobs and afford a shitty apartment, and it'd be beyond justice to reduce those who treated me like a slave to being forced to work the most mundane jobs for the rest of their lives, with no retirement in sight.

So why haven't I?

Dudley. I don't like the fat bully, but he was just raised that way, I can't blame him for how those clowns taught him, he doesn't deserve potential homelessness.

Does he deserve to have his spending money slashed? To no longer get everything he wants immediately? Absolutely, but completely destroying the Dursleys would take him down and I can guarantee he'd turn to crime.

And he'd probably die, because he's not smart in the slightest. There's no cunning behind those piggy eyes, he's a dumb brute who's never needed to think about what he's doing.

That's why I'm not just ignoring them, why I haven't just had that house demolished or turned into an Aldi or something.

But while I'll answer and meet with her, does that mean I've forgotten the years of hard labour? Years of being called a deadweight layabout while they lived in my house, being told they put the food on my plate when they paid with my money.

Absolutely fucking not.

Oh, I'll meet with Petunia, but she's going to find that things have changed considerably. I almost hope she tries to treat me the same as before.

I don't buy into blood purity nonsense, but while I'm unsure about muggles, I know I'm superior to the Dursleys in every way.

— Bonus Scene — Narcissa Malfoy

Lucretia had truly surprised her, and that was saying something, as she had high expectations for her daughter to begin with.

Looking over the letter once more, she carefully considered the implications. Lucretia had clearly succeeded in convincing the young hero to 'court' her, and better yet, she'd gotten him to agree to have Narcissa as his noble tutor since he knew how overwhelmingly unprepared he'd been left for this.

A glaring mistake on Dumbledore's part, and a very curious one as while she didn't like the old man she couldn't deny he was a very adept player of the game.

Why leave the Potter heir so woefully unprepared for the role he'd find himself in when he returned to the wizarding world?

Of course she also had to give Draco credit, managing to befriend the young saviour when he first returned, without any prompting from her or Lucius. Draco had legitimately impressed them with his cunning and foresight, something they didn't say often.

Of course from Draco's letters, Harry had his own cunning, she wondered if Draco even noticed that he seemed to be following Harry instead of things being the other way around as he seemed to believe. She read between the lines, and Lucretia had all but confirmed that Harry was the mastermind behind Draco's schemes.

The Nice Slytherin, it'd been done before of course but never by someone with as much star power as Harry Potter.

She was looking forward to meeting Harry for herself and judging his nature in person rather than through letters, especially since he wanted to meet with his magical family.

He'd had such a rough time with the muggles, it was only natural that he'd want to meet the magical side of his family, she doubted it would even take much to convince him of the inferiority of muggles given what Draco had told her.

Plus, she was genuinely grateful that Harry had slain the Dark Lord all those years ago, allowing her family to get out of his madness unscathed and with their fortunes increased.

Yes, she was genuinely looking forward to meeting Harry James Potter, even as all the benefits this could provide her family flashed in the back of her mind.

She should have been Lady Black, Andromeda was a muggle-fucking runaway and Bellatrix had a loose grasp on her sanity, but Sirius has taken that away from her, which had been an unpleasant discovery since she believed the fool had also been banished from the family.

But now there was a chance to reclaim the Ladyship for her family, Lady Lucretia Black sounded excellent, perhaps not as fitting as Lady Narcissa Black, but those days had passed, and unless she divorced Lucius and married Harry herself that wasn't going to happen, as amusing as that image was. Ridiculous of course, but an amusing way to achieve her lifelong dream after Sirius took it from her.

She'd have to use her time with Harry to make sure that Lucretia's courtship was successful, the girl had always cared more about her wand skills than her social ones, but with her there she should be able to make sure things went in the proper direction, even if she had to take hold of Harry's cock and guide it into Lucretia herself.

She wasn't letting this chance be taken away from them.