
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain, Beans, TheDonFluffles, Malcolm Tent and Mike, God of Lore

Chapter 06: Awakening

"I don't know why Draco puts up with a half-blood like you," Pansy says in lieu of saying hello as I pause my reading, looking up at my bitchy classmate.

Can a man not do some extra-curricular reading in peace? I didn't even know Pansy came to the library.

"And I know why Draco avoids you like the plague," I reply calmly.

This has been a long time coming, Pansy is jealous of the attention I get from Draco and it wasn't hard to work out why, especially with some help from Lucretia.

Her parents really want her to marry Draco, but Draco has better options. The Parkinsons are basically broke, and they don't have any real influence or power.

The Malfoys are very wealthy and influential, Lucius having the ear of the minister of magic, as Draco is fond of boasting.

The Parkinsons have been trying to get the Malfoys to agree to an engagement but realistically Pansy is the backup choice, she's the last option if they don't find anyone better.

Pansy has probably been ordered to try and get Draco's affections, but it's really not going well because she annoys him.

She's average at best in looks, and she's a bitch with an ear-grating voice.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Pansy says shrilly, making me smile. "You can't talk to me like that, half-"

"Pansy, I'm going to be the next Lord Potter and the next Lord Black, half-blood or not, do you really think you are better than me?" I ask bluntly, making her scowl angrily.

Lucretia suggested I put a stop to Pansy's bitchiness, otherwise I look like someone who can be pushed around. How I handle her, Lucretia left up to me.

Well, she offered to just curse the ever-loving shit out of Pansy but I can handle a jealous girl on my own.

"Your desperation for Draco's attention is obvious and annoying, Draco sees you as an irritating hanger-on who follows him around and can't take her lips away from his ass. Of course Draco also enjoys the constant praise, but even then you managed to wear on his patience so very quickly. Lemme guess, daddy told you to try and date Draco so your desolate family could leech off the Malfoys' success?" I continue, before she can speak. "You are nothing but a last resort, and you know it. Draco has plenty of better options. Pansy, I am better than you. I'm smarter, richer, and my lineage is much more impressive, if you care about that kind of thing."

Pansy has been going increasingly red as I talk, not even looking up from my book, anger clear on her face.


"I'm also far less short-sighted, because if I wanted to seduce someone, the last thing I'd be doing was constantly antagonising their best friend. The same friend who is also his cousin. The Malfoys want to meet with me because they want to get the support of the next Lord Black, which means I'm in a position to shoot down your chances of ever becoming Lady Malfoy with just a few choice words into the right ear, and you, genius that you are, decided the best plan was to pick a fight with me because I'm a half-blood?" I ask, my tone mocking as Pansy starts to go pale. "Pansy, you're not particularly attractive, your family is poor and unimportant, you have mediocre grades, you don't have the looks, skills or pedigree to back up your attitude. Run along, you're just embarrassing yourself."

Pansy goes to respond, seeing that I still haven't looked up from my book, but with a scoff she turns and retreats, stomping away angrily.

This is just the start. Pansy isn't really a threat or even an issue, but Lucretia had a point. Besides, I don't want to deal with her being like this for seven years.

I don't really buy into the whole 'I'm better than you because my family is older/richer than yours' but most of Slytherin do and I might as well use the power at my disposal.

Flipping the page, I notice a couple of other Slytherins around, so word will get back to the house soon enough. Honestly, you'd think people would have better things to do in a magic school than gossip but ah well.

Gossip is useful, after all.

— Pansy Parkinson —

Stewing in her anger, she glared towards where Potter was chatting with Draco and Zabini.

How dare he insult her like that?

Draco laughed at something Potter said, too far away for her to hear the words, but she definitely noticed when Draco glanced her way for a moment before looking away.

They were laughing at her.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go, why did Potter even end up a Slytherin anyway?

She was supposed to be in Draco's inner circle, to win him over since his father wasn't thrilled at the idea of Draco marrying a Parkinson, but Potter slipped into Draco's good graces before she could even try.

Potter's words repeated in her head, making her scowl to herself. She hated that he insulted her family like that, but she hated that he was right even more.

Her family weren't important or wealthy, Potter was right, and she hated it..

Lucretia approached the three boys, making Draco stiffen as she got Harry's attention, making him say something to the others, before getting up and moving over to a small secluded corner of the common room, Lucretia casting a privacy charm of some kind to stop anyone from listening in as she and Harry talked.

Harry's relationship with Lucretia was a point of gossip, she seemed to be tutoring him but nobody believed it was just that.

The Malfoys probably wanted Lucretia to become the next Lady Black, which meant he was right.

They'd break negotiations with her family in an instant if they thought it'd help their chances of achieving that goal.

Her attention was drawn back to Draco and Zabini as she barely heard her name, unable to make out what they were saying.

Over the bustle of the common room, she barely heard Draco's voice.

'Merlin no, Harry's right. She's unbearable.'

His back was facing her so she couldn't see his face, but the words made her flinch back. She'd fucked up, and as much as she didn't want to admit it, Potter was right.

She was short-sighted, antagonising Draco's best friend was a bad decision. She'd cursed herself in the foot by trying to drive Potter away. Hell, her family would probably sell her to Potter as a mistress if he showed even a hint of interest.

Because he was the next Lord Black, which meant as much as she hated it, half-blood or not, he was in a better position than most.

Essentially, fuck.

— Next Day —

She needed to fix her fuck-up, unless she wanted to go home for winter and tell her parents that she'd sunk their chances basically immediately.

She'd heard them talking about her again, during classes, and it was never positive.

She needed to fix things, and that meant making things up with Potter. That shouldn't be hard, he was a goodie-two-shoes boy hero.

Seeing him set off after class, she watched him part ways with Draco, he did that quite a lot. Potter seemed to like exploring the castle, but this gave her an opportunity to get him alone.

Following behind, she had to half-jog to catch up with him, he walked rather fast, calling out to him as they moved through a fairly empty corridor.

Turning to face her, Potter gave her a mildly annoyed look as he sighed.

"Really, Parkinson? Can't you take a hint," Potter said bluntly, making her forcibly suppress her anger.

She was a Slytherin, she could be cunning.

"Can we talk?" Pansy said, trying to sound remorseful. "It won't talk long."

"Fine. What's up?" Potter asked, arms crossed as she looked around. She didn't want to be seen kissing up to Potter, reputation was important in Slytherin and she'd had a bad enough start without tanking it further by being seen apologising to the half-blood.

The Slytherin house was pretty divided about Potter, plenty didn't like him but others looked past his half-blood status and saw the potential of getting in good with the future lord of two powerful families.

"Can we talk in private? Please," Pansy said, making Potter sigh before he gestured at her to follow, heading into one of the empty rooms.

Hogwarts was massive, it had plenty of places for two people looking for some privacy.

"What do you want, Parkinson?" Potter said, already sounding done with this conversation as he leaned against a dusty desk.

He had a casual indifference about him that annoyed her, like he was dealing with something unworthy of his time and attention. It stung her pride, but the thought of losing her chance at becoming Lady Malfoy stung harder.

"Look, I'm sorry for how I've been-" Pansy started, Potter cutting in.

"No," Potter said simply, making her blink.

"What?" Pansy asked, caught off guard.

"You aren't sorry, you just realised that I was right and that you shot yourself in the foot by being a bitch. Honestly, you must be very ambitious because you certainly aren't cunning," Potter scoffed, making her clench her fist.

"No, I really am sorry. I was jealous you were getting attention from Draco, and that your families are better than mine," Pansy said, almost struggling to finish the sentence. "I was being a… bitch, and you didn't deserve that."

"You know, almost everything you just said was the truth. You are jealous of both my relationship with Draco and my family's wealth and influence, waned as it may be, and you were being a bitch," Potter said, before smirking. "But you're sure as fuck not sorry. I'm not that gullible."

Her apologetic look faded to her far more comfortable scowl, arms crossing below her chest as she gave him a glare.

"There it is. No, you're not sorry. You just realised you were being an idiot, and that if you'd been more cunning you could have found your way into our circle of friends already," Potter chuckled. "So let me guess, you were hoping I'd be gullible or soft, that I'd buy into your bullshit and you'd get an in with Draco?"

Shit. He was smarter than he looked.

"Yeah, I thought so. You really need to get better at controlling your expression," Potter said smugly, before pausing. "You really aren't as important as you think, honestly I don't care if you get into our little circle of friends, watching you try to woo Draco might even be funny."

"Wait, you'll help me anyway?" Pansy asked, baffled as she tried to work out what was going on behind those green eyes.

"That wouldn't be very Slytherin of me, would it? I don't mind giving you an in, but I also don't see a reason to do so. So, how much do you want me to help you?" Potter asked, as she paused, her eyes narrowing.

"What do you want?" Pansy asked, her tone carrying a hint of respect. She'd underestimated Potter.

"I really don't like you, you know? You remind me of my cousin, just as dumb, just as arrogant," Potter said, making her face scrunch up in disgust. He was comparing her to a muggle?

"I don't like you either, what's your point?" Pansy spat back, making him smirk as he stood up.

"Beg. Get on your knees and beg me to help you get into our circle of friends," Potter demanded.

"Absolutely not, I'm not going to grovel at your feet," Pansy snarled, making Potter grin.

"That's fine, as long as you don't mind me crushing your chances when I meet with Uncle Lucius and Aunt Narcissa," Potter said with a shrug, as a shard of ice stabbed into her chest.

Potter was much more ruthless than she realised, his nice, friendly guise falling away to a dark smile.

"You-" Pansy started, making him chuckle.

"Oh, Pansy. You should have picked your fights more carefully, because I am your better, this mere half-blood is more important than you'll ever be," Potter said with a smile.

— Harry Potter —

I can't deny I'm enjoying holding this power over Pansy, because ever since I've gotten here she's been a snippy bitch finding any opportunity to insult me.

She's only going to get worse as time goes on, I've seen it before. If she thinks I'm a pushover, she'll keep escalating and I don't feel like dealing with that.

I am almost certain Draco has no interest in her, but she could be mildly useful to us so I don't mind adding her to our little group, as long as she understands her place.

Pansy hesitates, rage clear on her face, before she falls to her knees, looking up at me with a mixture of anger and embarrassment.

"P-please, Potter, I need this. I'm sorry I was such a bitch," Pansy says, the words almost hurting her to say.

Looking down on the girl who thought she was my better, still thinks she's my better, it's a unique feeling of power that I can't say I dislike.

"I'll be nicer, I won't insult you anymore, please help me," Pansy begs, making me consider my options.

"And what's in it for me? I don't care about the insults of someone so clearly my lesser, so how can you make it worth my while to help you out?" I ask, making her hesitate as she glares up at me.

"What more do you want? I'm already begging on my knees," Pansy spits out, before freezing.

"Which is a good start," I reply, staring down at her. I'm slightly distracted by the return of the whispers, the tome stashed in my room speaking to me in words I do not understand.

This feels right, which is a concerning thought, like I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to.

Power, Authority, the sensation floods my body and mind.

"Kiss my foot," I order, watching her scowl deepen even as she flushes in embarrassment, hesitating again before she kneels down and very briefly kisses my shoe. "Again, put some effort into it."

Revelling in the power I have over my classmate, I watch as she leans down again and presses her lips against my shoe, longer this time as she peppers my foot with kisses for almost a minute, I can almost taste her disgust and shame.

"That's enough, stand up," I order, Pansy basically shooting to her feet as I give her a cold look. "Do you still think you are my better?"

"N-no," Pansy lies, making my eyes narrow. The deceit is clear in her shaky tone.

"Yes, you do. I told you, you need to get better at hiding your emotions. Even now, you think you're my superior," I scoff, making her pale. "Even after you gave your first kiss to my shoe, out of sheer desperation."

"T-that doesn't count," Pansy says weakly, making my eyes narrow before I smile.

"Oh? Then it isn't worth helping you for. We can fix that, kiss me," I order, watching her freeze.

I can see the indecision on her face.

"How do I know that you won't just refuse to help me after all this?" Pansy asks, making me scoff.

"You don't, you didn't know that before you begged at my feet," I say simply. "But I'm your best chance. You're smart enough to know why Lucretia is spending time with me, aren't you?"

"She wants to be Lady Black," Pansy replies, making me nod. Even if we are keeping our courtship secret, people aren't stupid.

"Not quite, her parents want her to be Lady Black. Which puts me in a powerful position over your future. You're a Slytherin, you should understand the importance of staying on the good side of the powerful if nothing else," I say coldly. "You fucked up, and I'm giving you a chance to make up for your mistakes."

Pansy scowls, stepping forwards as she gives me an angry look. Even still, she obeys as she leans forwards and plants her lips on mine for the briefest of moments.

Before she can step back, my arm wraps around her waist.

"You can do better than that," I say, no order, as Pansy hesitates before she leans in again, our lips meeting as my tongue slips into her mouth.

She tastes surprisingly good, and as my hand slips into her robe, she stiffens for a moment but doesn't pull back as it moves under her skirt and caresses her firm booty.

I can feel her anger, her hatred at being controlled by a mere half-blood like me, but I can also feel her submission, and it feels so right. There's respect as well, oddly enough.

Breaking the kiss, I let her step back, shame and arousal on her face, a deep blush on her cheeks as she avoids my eye contact.

"Here's what's going to happen," I say, making her look towards me hesitantly. "I'll help you befriend Draco, to get into our circle of friends, I'll even put in a good word for you with the elder Malfoys, but in exchange you work for me now."

Pansy hesitates, but she's done too much to back down.

"W-what would I have to do?" Pansy asks, making me smile.

"Whatever I want, within reason. It'll be our little secret," I say, my offer on the table.

I can almost feel a connection between us, the whispers in my mind fading slowly.

"F-fine, but I'm not sleeping with you," Pansy says, making me chuckle.

"As I said, within reason. That said, if you insult me again, I'll be putting that bitchy little mouth of yours to better use," I warn, gripping her chin as my thumb rubs against her lips, her face burning red at the implication. "Do we have a deal?"

"I- fine, we do," Pansy says, hesitating before she gathers herself.

"Good girl," I whisper, seeing her embarrassment grow. "Now, we're going to the Library, we can work on the Transfiguration essay together, your grades are terrible and the Malfoys won't want an incompetent daughter-in-law."

"I, right, you're right," Pansy says, fixing her robes as she catches her breath.

As we walk to the library, my mind races.

What the hell was that all about? Even now I can feel the whispers in the back of my mind, nearly inaudible but ever present.

Making Pansy submit felt right, but I never saw myself as the domineering type.

Even as we start on our homework, I can feel a connection between myself and Pansy, our minds touching, melding. I think I need to read that grimoire a little more carefully, because this is no mere illusion.

— Later —

"Okay, explain," Draco says as we reach my room, making me chuckle. "Why are you and Parkinson suddenly buddy buddy."

"Pansy is a sycophant, but she could be a useful one. She wants to get closer to you, and realised I was the best way to do it. Besides, don't pretend you don't like having her around to praise your every action," I say, making him scoff.

"So you're suddenly best friends?" Draco asks, making me shake my head.

"No, she's my minion in exchange for me helping her get close to you. Another one for our little faction. Pansy isn't exactly a high value recruit but she'll be useful all the same," I say, making him pause.

"Did you use me as currency?" Draco asks, watching me nod easily. "You better have gotten a good deal, I'm priceless."

"I got Pansy's servitude and obedience, she'll be a useful tool," I say, making him grin.

"You could have gotten more, she's getting access to me after all," Draco says pompously, before chuckling. "Still, I guess it's worth putting up with her, I'm pretty sure I've won over Nott, he's accepted that he isn't going to beat me or Greengrass. Crabbe and Goyle as well, if those two count for anything."

"Hey, don't doubt the usefulness of dumb muscle," I say. "You're certainly not going to do any physical labour, you might ruin your perfect hair."

I don't think I've ever heard those two even talk, they're kinda just always there, following Draco around like a pair of silent bodyguards.

"At least I have good hair, unlike that bird's nest on your head," Draco scoffs, running a hand through the hair he probably spends more time on that he does his studies

"Well, your sister seems to like it," I say with an easy shrug.

"I'm not even going there, I know better than to question that mad woman's tastes. You have my sympathies," Draco says.

"Seriously, dude. What did she do to you?" I finally ask, making him shudder.

"…a great deal, let's just say you're lucky you're an only child. She went through a phase where she wanted to be a potion mistress, I was fed so many of her 'creations'," Draco almost whispers, trauma clear in his voice. "One made all my hair fall out, my beautiful hair, another turned me yellow, and those aren't even the worst ones. I'm warning you, you have no idea the danger you are placing yourself in."

"But, and consider this, she's really hot," I say, with all the wisdom of a teenage boy.

"Yup, you're doomed," Draco sighs. "This is why I'm the brains of this operation."

"It's cute that you still think that."

— Fred Weasley — Saturday —

Today was the day, gripping his omnioculars (bought with Harry's generous donation to the Weasley Twins Foundation for Mischief and Magic), he knew he'd want to see this over and over again as he kept his eyes on Flint.

Plus, enough people hated Flint that many would pay to see his shame.

George was busy running interference, and he was well hidden under a disillusionment charm as he checked his watch, counting down the seconds.

Harry had quite the mind, and Fred didn't really want to know what Flint had done to deserve this particular fate, but he was pretty sure Flint had it coming.

Flint was an asshole of the highest order, dumb as a troll and twice as cruel.

As the delayed laxative in the bon-bons they'd replaced Flint's with came into effect, he realised they'd underestimated something.

Explosive diarrhoea would have been bad enough, but what happens when it hits while Flint was flying in front of his team at high speeds?

The result was devastating to say the least, and Flint's team would likely never forget this horrendous moment as Flint evacuated his bowels, with enough force for it to escape his robes and trousers and spray backwards into the horrified team.

Burke, being directly behind him, got the worst of it, the brown spray hitting him directly in the face before he could dodge.

The rest of the team got off lighter, their trained reflexes allowing them to dodge the majority of the chocolate rain, but Fred made a quick decision as the screaming and shooting started.

He didn't mind getting caught here by Flint, but if he got found lurking around after this, the Slytherin team would likely hold a reenactment of the witch burnings with him as the special guest, so it was time to leave.

Slipping away, he paused as he heard the sound of spells being cast, but seeing that they weren't aimed at him he kept moving.

Yeah, he wasn't getting caught around here.

Still, this was a wonderful success, from a certain point of view. He and George were quite a bit richer (and closer to being able to afford to make their own store), and Flint would probably never quite recover from 'accidentally shitting on his teammates'.

Now he just needed to make sure the Slytherin team never learnt who was actually responsible because some of those spells he could hear being cast sounded rather dark.

Sucks to be Flint.

— Harry Potter —

The twins delivered, to glorious effect.

Flint is no longer the captain of the quidditch team, mostly because he's had to be taken to St Mungo's for emergency care.

I'm not entirely sure what happened, but apparently Burke got caught in the… blast, and he was highly unamused. A duel broke out and somehow half the Quidditch Team ended up in the infirmary, detentions have been handed out, and the entire team have demanded Flint be removed from the team.

I've sent the Twins a bonus for going above and beyond, because Flint is now officially neutralised.

It also means Slytherin doesn't have a quidditch team this year, since most of the team are banned from quidditch this year, breaking their win streak and making Flint public enemy number one.

"And how did you pull this one off?" Lucretia asks, highly amused as we sit in the quiet corner of the common room under a privacy spell.

"I didn't," I say, making her raise her eyebrows, clearly disbelieving. "I just hired someone else to do it for me. The Weasley twins are useful people to know."

"Ah, they are an entertaining pair. Their pranks are honestly rather amusing, well… after I demonstrated why they shouldn't target me," Lucretia drawls, a smug look on her face. "They prefer victims who don't fight back quite as ruthlessly. Well done, a masterfully executed character assassination. If Flint is smart, he won't come back this year when they finish fixing what his teammates did to him."

"I said I could handle him," I say simply, pride filling my chest. I'm not worried about Lucretia knowing this because she's got too much to lose by spilling my secrets and has no love for Flint or the rest of the Quidditch team.

I've learnt she dislikes the sport entirely, and hates how much people obsess over some 'idiots chasing balls'.

"You did, and how wonderfully you cut him down. Honestly, it's rather arousing, I'll be visiting your room tonight, a performance this wonderful deserves a reward," Lucretia says with a sultry tone, her foot brushing against my leg. "In other news, my mother wants to meet with you."

"When did she have in mind?" I ask, making Lucretia smile.

"Next weekend, there's some rules in the Hogwarts charter that'll get you out of school for 'family business.' You'll need to get permission from Professor Snape but he truly doesn't care what we are doing to be honest, I've used it to get out of school for far less," Lucretia says with a grin. "Of course he's also a family friend, so even if he was feeling particularly dickish, he won't be a problem."

"That works for me, I'm going to meet with my muggle Aunt on Sunday, so Saturday works for meeting my Aunt Narcissa," I say.

I replied to Petunia, she'll have to make her way to a muggle town near Hogwarts to meet with me because I find inconveniencing her entertaining and my letter was remarkably curt. Even an idiot would be able to tell I'm not thrilled at the idea of meeting with her.

"I thought you didn't like your muggle family?" Lucretia asks, making me scoff.

"I don't, at all. I'll see what she has to say, but if she's expecting me to be so easily pushed around as before she'll be very surprised," I say darkly. "We will see."

"Good luck, just remember, you are better than them, from what you've told me they'd be homeless and in jail if it wasn't for you, I suggest you make your aunt remember that if she gets uppity," Lucretia says, she's the little devil on my shoulder.

The sexy, sexy devil.

"Believe me, I intend to. They treated me like a servant while squatting in the house I owned, that's not something I'm going to ever forget," I say with a soft growl.

Our conversation moves onto more pleasant things as Lucretia teaches me how to cast a defensive charm. I've definitely gained some jealousy over being tutored by one of the best students in Slytherin, but Lucretia seems to be rather feared throughout the house.

As we study, she enjoys teasing me by rubbing her foot against my thigh and crotch, the angle of our seating stopping other people from noticing what she's doing, but I get my own back by using my little trick to affect her senses, making her feel something teasing her nipples, a spank on her ass.

The look she gives me promises either pain or pleasure in my near future, making me smile innocently.

— Next Morning —

"Again?" Draco asks. He really should learn to knock as he looks up and away from the naked Lucretia draped over me.

"Once again, Draco. You didn't see me here, now be a good boy and wait outside, you can have your friend back when I'm finished with him," Lucretia says, smirking as one hand wraps around my shaft, gently stroking me.

"Ugh, you two are revolting. Harry, I'll be in the common room, if you don't come down soon I'm setting off without you," Draco scoffs.

"It's a Sunday, I'm having a lazy lay-in," I say simply, making him scoff even as he leaves, muttering about us. "Does he just not know how to knock?" I ask as he closes the door.

"He really doesn't, believe me on that, you'd have thought he learnt the first time I sent him back through the door after he just sauntered in, but you'd be wrong," Lucretia sighs, but before I can respond she slips under the quilt and my mind is no longer wondering about Draco's lack of manners.

And Draco thinks I'd ever give up this because Lucretia is just a little dangerous?

The dude clearly doesn't have a sex drive, because no sane teenage boy is giving up their hot kinky older girlfriend.

— Later —

With Flint gone, and Pansy tamed, my life has become considerably easier. Without Flint to start things, most of his lackeys aren't willing to start trouble with me, not when I've been spending so much time with Lucretia.

I still get some unwelcome looks and muttered comments, but that's nothing to me.

I spent a lot of the day with Hermione, she's very smart, definitely more book-smart than me, and so very eager for friends. We got our charms homework sorted easily, and it should be an easy Outstanding.

Hermione is hungry for knowledge and attention in equal measure, I'm probably her best friend and we've only had a few conversations.

Having connections is a useful thing, the twins are good for dealing with enemies in a way I can't be linked to, Hermione is useful for academic help, and Pansy is useful for stuff I don't want to do, and so I can feel powerful, to be perfectly honest.

That doesn't mean I don't genuinely like Hermione, she's shy but actually quite fun when you get her out of her shell a little, even if it's a slow process.

Besides, it helps my reputation, since Slytherins get a reputation for being blood purists and I'm happily spending time with a muggleborn.

Why people would think I'm a blood purist when I'm a half-blood myself, I don't particularly know, but then the public have never been the smartest anyway.

Individual people can be smart, but the general public are always dumb.

Walking through the halls, I consider what to do with the rest of my day. I'm still exploring this gargantuan school, trying to memorise the hallways and rooms (which is made infinitely harder by the fact that the school doesn't seem to enjoy being stationary). I could go back to studying my book… which I can't deny fills me with both trepidation and excitement.

There's more to that tome than simple illusions, danger perhaps, but there's power to it as well.

And I do so enjoy power, in all its forms. I didn't come to the magical world to settle for cantrips and cheap tricks.

Lost in my thoughts, I somehow miss the woman standing in front of me until I quite literally walk into her, making her laugh.

Shaking my head, I go to apologise before pausing as I stare into my own green eyes, blinking in confusion as I stare down my own female twin, same black messy hair and emerald green eyes, and out of sheer instinct I go for my wand making my female doppelgänger burst into laughter as her entire body shifts.

Growing a few inches, her hair shortens and turns to a spiky pink, her chest growing several sizes and her hips widening as an impish grin grows on her face.

"Someone's jumpy, easy tiger," she laughs, seeing my hand resting on my wand. "Lost in your thoughts?"

"What the fuck?" I eloquently ask.

"Heya, Harry, sorry for the surprise, I just wanted to see what you'd do," she admits with a chuckle. "I'm Tonks, by the way, we're kinda cousins on my moms side so I thought I'd come see how my famous little cousin was enjoying hogwarts."

"Tonks? Odd name- wait, wouldn't that be Nym-"

"Don't finish that sentence," the almost certainly Nymphadora Tonks says cheerfully, the name having rung a bell from my research on my family tree.

Her mother was a Black, Narcissa's sister, who ran away and married a muggle, getting disowned for the shame she brought.

"Tonks it is," I say, seeing her own hand hovering over the wand in her hip holster. "I didn't realise you were still in Hogwarts, to be honest."

"Seventh year, if I was born a month earlier I'd have started earlier and graduated last year," Tonks explains, tossing an arm over my shoulder.

She's taller than me by quite a bit, though how much of that is natural is certainly up for debate given her earlier showing.

Which means as she pulls me closer my face gets pushed against her very large breast, which I certainly doubt are naturally this big.

"So, you free? Wanna see how you're doing in the snake pit," Tonks says playfully.

"I am, though the snake pit is just fine, thank you," I retort, breaking free of her rather strong grip as she gives me a playful smile.

"Ah, they've gotten to you already," Tonks says mournfully, clearly joking around.

I knew I had other cousins around, but I honestly hadn't realised she was still in Hogwarts.

"Come on, we've got a lot of catching up to do," Tonks says, gripping my arm and I get a feeling I don't have a say in this.

Not that I'm complaining that much, as she pulls me away. Guess I'm meeting a lot of family this week.

Author's Note: This chapter is a little shorter because I wanted to get it done before I go on my trip, and I was working on very limited time. This month is super busy.

Yes, the Mindflayer fuckery of Baldur's Gate slightly changed my plans for this fic. I always planned for some lovecraftian fuckery, and Mindflayer fuckery is basically on the same page.

Credit to Don Fluffles on the discord who weaponised my need for attention to get this fic updated over any other one.

Also, happy birthday to me. Wait, what do you mean I was supposed to get presents and not give one to you guys?

Also oddly appropriate for me to write this since I'm going to the Harry Potter studio tour later.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I'll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else's but my name is on the server so it's basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here's the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it's expired, add my (The Pumpkin King#1234) and I'll invite you myself.

I've finally started to use my pat reon for something, mostly I've just added some discord integration so that my pat reons can read early previews of chapters. This won't affect regular posting, but if you wanna read my works a day or two early then consider checking it out

Link: Pat reon. com/TheDarkWolfShiro