
This story occurs five Yaltzen (centuries) after the great King and father of the strong new kingdom of Daven. The thirteen clans were created from the thirteen brothers who fought to gain independence from the ancient kingdom. This is not about the main royal clan but about the most important, the one that found its own way into the cold lands.

Before anyone else, wolves ruled the wild and harsh highlands. These lands were desolate, man had not come this far and the frozen landscape seemed empty. Prince Julian, came one day, climbing through the dangerous mountains with his wife and two children in search of a home; a new region to rule.

By facing the wolves, the prince decided to gain the trust and respect of these beings instead of going for hostility. That was how for generations, progressively, the wolves were accepting the man, being able to establish a connection with them. The wolf-man relationship was based on respect and not domination, with emotional ties that promised loyalty. That's how the saying "The son of the alpha will be the mate of the son of the prince" started.

Seven generations after Julian, the region was still ruled by his descendants. In this line, ruled Prince Reight. Reight had four children and by right, Fermind was the heir. His older sister never had the chance of being reigning princess, she was relieved from birth, to be nothing more than someone's wife.

Her father handed her over to the eldest general's son; John, when she was only fifteen years old. She was unable to conceive children until she was twenty-five. Rumors throughout the castle said that the heir's wife was also unable to have children.

This is how this story begins, with the birth of Crista and John's son.