First born

An icy breeze blew across the frozen steppes. The wolves watched over the castle, protecting the foundation of the son of the Wolfhearts. Reight waited in the cold throne room, arms folded and staring into space. Leila walked in with a newborn baby in her arms, bowing slightly in front of her husband.

"Look, it's a boy!" - said with joy. Reight jumped to his feet and ran to see him.

"This is, the rightful heir...Ketone" - proclaimed, knowing that those words would affect that line that he had previously appointed to reign.

Lay in bed, Crista was exhausted after giving birth, completely perplexed, not even knowing if it had been a boy or a girl. Her mother had taken the newborn away before she could even see it and Marla consoled her sorrows, preparing the water for the bath, trying to comfort her.

"You did a great job. You gave birth a boy, I saw him." – she said, with enthusiasm to the young mother. Without a drop of joy, Crista looked down at the ground with sorrow, as if carrying a pain penalty. "Would you say the same if it would had been a girl?" – she asked.

"Well, what I say is not important…. boy or girl, doesn't matter."- Marla replied. "Is sad Marla, I am the first born but I have nothing. That boy I gave birth, worth more than me. He is the heir."- Marla's smile slowly faded as she watched Crista's tears fall, brightened by the fire of the fireplace.

In the same dark and cold night, Reight called his sons to discuss the order of succession. On the table were the deeds and the written law, next to these documents a half-full jar of wine and winter bread. As soon as the boys arrived, he stands up to talk. Fermind, a little impatient, made a subtle gesture for him to sit down.

With almost no excitement he announced: "My dear sons, what I have to say now has already been discussed with His Majesty the King and the members of the Highland Council." - A little surprised, Fermind and Tail exchanged glances. The prince took a cup of wine in his hands and continued.

"I have officially declared that the line of succession will fall to Ketone and his descendants. So, the right of succession to the throne is revoked from this moment from Fermind." – he said, waiting for the unavoidable negative answer of his older son. Fermind's expression communicated anger and confusion. "What?" – he asked, with a hoarse voice.

Reight slowly approached his son with a look of tenderness, seeking forgiveness, and removed the royal ring from his hand while gently touching his face. Fermind remained motionless for a few seconds, thinking about his next words. A sarcastic smile came to him, and he took his father's hand gently.

"I'm surprised that you decided it just like that, without considering my opinion or the opinion of your other three children. Without looking back to the thirteen years of preparation and training that you forced me to take." – Fermind said. "And no, I'm not denying, I'm glad you that at least recognized my sister's line."- he finished. "Don't be rude with our father, he's doing the right thing" – claimed Tail.

Fermind turned his gaze to his brother. "Don't mess with me Tail, you don't know what it feels like. They never gave you the right." - He prod to his younger brother. "Sure, but if it was, I wouldn't be as angry as you are. Your reaction just reflects how entrenched you are on the throne." - Tail said with a haughty tone. Fermind took a couple of steps back, unaware of his own father and brother, and without another word, he walked to the door and took up his sword, preparing to leave.

"Listen to me father, may the right that has been revoked today never be granted to this line again. My descendants will not touch the crown and will not live in a castle. The wolves and I will leave and won't return unless is necessary. For the rest, you have my support to defend the people." – he finished and leaved the room. The prince slowly sat down, his face reflected anguish as he drank from the cup as the last detail.

Fermind went to his room looking for the company of his wife. She was knitting by the fireplace when saw him coming, "He was born well?" - she asked with a serene look. Fermind sat down next to her and rested his head on her, "Yes, but we have to go Daniele, my father has decided that Crista's son will reign" -he said with sorrow. Daniele kissed her husband's forehead. "He's fine, we'll live in peace."- she replied. "Our future is not very promising outside of this castle, that worries me."- Fermind continued. "Well, we'll find a way. Our children will have no part here. It's okay if we leave." – encourage Daniele.

The next morning, the servants packed the carts with weapons and supplies, as well as some belongings of Fermind and his wife. The prince was in the throne room, with his wife and children, and Ketone in his arms, ready to fire the young man.

Fermind entered with his wife with twelve servants. "Father, is time for us to leave."- he said, hoping to provoke some remorse in his father. The prince gave the child to his mother and stood up to bid farewell to his son. "As you want, but you know this is your home." - he said somewhat roughly. The hopes of receiving love from him at least once, were dashed at that moment. "I'll be fine, the mountains are rough and I don't think I'll need much" - said Fermind a little proudly. Crista brought her son over to her brother as she smiled. "I hope our descendants will be allies." - she said a little happily. "Surely they will be." -he proclaimed and kissed the baby's forehead.

As they leave the room, Reight turns his back to them, with sorrow printed on his face. The presents began to murmur, talking about the fact. Leila looked at her husband, foreshadowing the rebuke she would give him later.

Fermind and Daniele went out on horseback followed by the caravan of servants and some civilians who decided to go with him. The pack of wolves separated, the son of the Alpha decided to go with Fermind, almost as if he knew that he had made the best decision, being faithful to the son of the prince.

In the castle nothing was silent, the maids and servants came and went, preparing the lunch banquet. "I can't believe the prince let young Ferd go, it's crazy." - said one. "Well, the boy did well to leave, his father insulted him when he chose Lady Crista's son as heir." - said another. "You're right Ana, it was an insult, although... I guess the man considered the fact that Ferd has no offspring."- Uma said. Suddenly Marla entered to the kitchen and they all shut up. "With babies or not, Daniele is a princess Clara, her honor remains." - she said as she cut an apple into pieces. The maids looked at each other, as if wanting to ask something, but decided not to disturb the dreaded Marla.

Back in her room, Crista was silent as she nursed the little baby. Her face was sad, her gaze was lost, there was in her a strange feeling for her son. Her husband had not come for three days, he was trusting that the baby would be a girl and that there was no reason to worry. John wasn't a good man, he obviously didn't love Crista and he hung out in brothels with prostitutes. There was nothing for him but hate, disdain and contempt. She sent a letter when her brother left, ordering two men to murder John. She sang lullabies as John was burned alive, trusting that she had driven the plague away from her child.