Punting the Fool!


~Diagon Alley, Outside Gringotts: General PoV~

Harry's body begins to let out streams of light that seemed to dance around him before yelling at Dumbledore. "Get ready!"

Dumbledore couldn't help but gape in shock at Harry's display of magic. Not only was it an impressive display of mystical lights, but also the sheer amount of raw magical power the boy was casually letting out.

Harry's Oathkeeper begins to glow ominously at its tip, "Let's see you deal with this! Sunray Blast!", Stars of light shoot out from the tip of Oathkeeper and speed toward Dumbledore, causing the older man to jump back with his eyes widening in shock as he raised his wand causing a shimmering shield of magic to appear in between him and Harry's, only just blocking the shooting stars, which as soon as they had hit, they detonated in small bursts of sparkling light sending the old man flying up off his feet and then crashing back onto the ground. Meanwhile, Harry, who was floating a bit off the ground, snapped his fingers and a dome of light shimmered into existence surrounding him and the older wizard and sealing them both within. Outside of the dome, Fawkes can be seen flying frantically around it, trying to get in, he even tried to flame inside, only to end up crashing into the dome and slowly sliding down to the ground where it lay there unconscious.

Dumbledore, while moaning in pain, was slowly crawling onto his hands and knees while looking up at Harry, trying to calm him down, "Harry my boy, You've gone too far! All I was just trying to do was protect you! It was a shame about what happened to Sirius, but he wasn't related to you by blood and the protections your mother's sacrifice created for you wouldn't have lasted as long as they have if you had lived with him! As such I need you to continue living with the Dursleys! it's the only way to keep you safe!"

Harry glares at the old fool and shakes his head in pity, "You think you have all the answers don't you Dumbledore? All that power that your various positions have given you has gone to your head causing your brain to rot! Those so-called 'protections' are long gone and the only reason the Dursleys aren't dead, as of yet, is because they too were victims of your schemes and manipulations!"

Taking a deep breath Harry continues, "Know this Dumbledore, when Britain's magical community screams; 'save us!' I'll look at them, and whisper 'no', and then they will remember why Dumbledore. Just as I blame you, they too will blame you as well! Blame you for trying to make me a martyr, a sacrifice for all their sins. A TOOL that you would use and then discard, and they will see, as I have seen, that you're no Leader of the Light, you're nothing but a monster in the skin of a man!" The cold look in Harry's eyes sends a shiver down Dumbledore's spine but also angers him.

Dumbledore felt a surge of anger rise within him and couldn't stop himself from yelling at the child throwing a tantrum, "And what would you know! You're just a brat! What I have done was for the GREATER GOOD! With just a single noble sacrifice, you would have saved the Wizarding World Harry! Honestly, you should just be happy that with your single insignificant death, thousands of lives would have been saved! So I say again; it's for the GREATER GOOD that you simply listen to me and DIE honorably, boy!" Dumbledore snarled.

Many in the crowd, which had now surrounded the dome, could only look on in shock and growing disgust at the words coming out of their once respected Leader of the Light mouth, the Aurors who had just arrived rushed forward only to stop in their tracks in disbelief of what they had just heard come from Dumbledore's mouth.

Meanwhile Le Fay could only shake her head in sadness at how far the people her ancestors had helped and protected had fallen... She wondered how her ancestor; Arthur Pendragon, the once King of England, would have reacted to this man's words. {Probably by punching him threw the nearest wall.} She mused.

Harry just continued to glare for a few moments more while reflecting on what had just been said {It hurts to know that someone just wanted me to die for their own selfish goals. That someone went to such lengths to ensure that I was weak and unable to protect myself... The day I found out about the prophecy when I absorbed Riddle's memories infuriated me, almost to the point of coughing up blood. That these two fools could become so obsessed with it boggles the mind. But now after having lived for so long and having met so many people and learned so many things, I couldn't help but feel sad that someone could plan and manipulate so many life's so callously.}

"Geez... I really hate selfish people like you." Harry mutters while looking up toward the sky in contemplation, "Dumbledore, you're nothing but a tyrant wearing a facade, one of a gentle and kind grandfatherly old man, and the worst part? Everyone within the Wizarding World believes it; and since you've come to power, they've become sheep, ready to be led to the slaughter; but it doesn't matter anymore, as it's no longer my problem. As of this day, The Potters, Blacks, and the Peverells have cut ties with the Wizarding British community. Today we leave this cesspool of a country to join another supernatural faction and have decided to wash our hands of this country with joy in our hearts and a pep in our step." Harry smirks.

Hearing this, Dumbledore jumps up quickly with anger and indignation twisting his facial features, as a gasp of shock can be heard coming from the surrounding crowd.

"NO! No, no no! I won't let you ruin my plans with your stupidity boy!" Dumbledore knew what Harry's statement meant for the Wizarding World, let alone Britians. The loss of three prominent families was a major blow, both financially and politically, not to mention that joining another one of those hidden inhuman factions meant that Harry was now aware of the other powerhouses of the supernatural world, meaning even further loss of control of his tool! {I can't let him leave!} Dumbledore thought with growing panic and so proceeded to unleash a barrage of spells only for Harry to easily bat them away with Oathkeeper, sending the spells flying and crashing against the dome making the public flinch at the loud gongs and explosions against it.

Meanwhile Le Fay stood still with shock! The Potters and Peverells were old, OLD, magical families, possibly even older than her own Pendragons family. Not to mention the loss of the Black's political power and money and now they were all leaving the Wizarding World behind, just as her ancestors had done so long ago.

"Is this what the Order of Merlin; First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Founder of the Order of the Phoenix, Supreme Mugwump of the ICW, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot amounts to? All of those titles and achievements and you can't even bring down a nine-year-old? How pathetic!" Harry mocks with a huge shit-eating smirk growing on his face once Dumbledore had stopped slinging useless spells at him and to catch his breath from the impressive amount of magic spells he'd tried to hit Harry with. Not giving the Old Fool too much of a break, Harry raises Oathkeeper and points towards the sky, his body and Keyblade begins to glow in beautiful white light once more.

"Let's see if you can dodge this! Faith!" A pillar of light comes bursting out of Harry and begins to spread around him unleashing beams of light all over the area inside the dome, Dumbledore in a speed that's impressive for a man of his age, begins to Apparate and dodge the beams but some were too fast and end up grazing him causing burns and his clothes to get damaged.

Harry's Oathkeeper then begins to glow in a golden light and Harry vanishes in a burst of light to appear in front of Dumbledore and proceeded to hit him with a downward swing sending him flying only to get hit from behind again as Harry appears in another flash of light, this proceeded to happen, again and again, the only thing Le Fay and the public could see where flashes of light and Dumbledore being bounced around until he lands on the middle of the dome and Harry appears once again this time in the air above the old man, he spins Oathkeeper in his hand and then points downwards towards Dumbledore who was trying to get up. "Holy!"

Multiple orbs of white light form in a circle around the tip of Oathkeeper and shoot out at the same time, the old man barely had time to apparate before the orbs hit him instead they hit the ground and unleash an explosion of light.


~Heaven, Seventh Level of Heaven, God's throne~

Meanwhile in a place sitting above the clouds with a bright white ceiling high overhead. Guarded by a large gate that has a white stone path and stone buildings, which appear to be floating.

This is the Seventh Heaven, the present location of the Sacred Gear system, and the God of the Bible's throne, where it once was the location where the God of the Bible resided within Heaven, before his death. In there we find two high-ranking angels staring at God's system intently, some time ago it started to react to something down in the human world, and beautiful white light can be seen periodically shine and burst from the system.

One was Gabriel, a beautiful woman with curly blonde hair and a voluptuous figure, who is known as the most beautiful woman in heaven. She is a Seraph and she has 12 wings growing from her back. She turns to the other seraph. "Bother, what is going on with Father's system? I've never seen it act like this..." She was nervous and a bit scared but at the same time hopeful, this was the first time in a long her father's system seemed to look so alive and that white light is so beautiful that she can't help but admire it.

Michael, whose appearance was that of an incredibly handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes. He has twelve wings growing from his back, and unlike other Angels whose wings are white, his wings are colored gold, symbolizing his position as the leader of the heaven faction. He wears a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head.

"I don't know Gabriel... It has never done something like this before or at least not since father was alive but I will send a few angels to investigate, it seems that whatever is causing these reactions comes from London " Both seraphs can only continue to stare in befuddlement at God's system as it seems to look both more active and alive with light.


~Diagon alley, the dome of light on the street outside of Gringotts: Harry's PoV~

Dumbledore reappears and looks in fear and shock at the explosion of light before turning to look at Harry cautiously.

{I must admit, watching the old man dodge spells like 'Faith' and 'Holy' like that was rather impressive even though he wasn't quite fast enough...} I stare at Dumbledore after my spell is finished. He was hurt and bleeding from multiple wounds. He seems to be sweating and breathing heavily too, though he looks a bit proud of himself for being able to dodge my spell, too bad for him that I am holding back by a lot.

"Not bad..." I float down to the ground and stand there for a second. "Too bad you already look dead on your feet, it's about time I finish this... I don't have the time to play with you any longer and besides, I'm sure someday I will be forced to come and finish what I started today, so how about I show you and all of these people a legend rank holy light spell... Let's see if you can still stand after this, Leader of Light!"

I close my eyes and light begins to shine and glow around me, I begin to chant.

"O light that rains down on heaven and earth, bring my enemies to their destined annihilation, Fortune's Arc!"

Not for the first time today the crowd, Dumbledore and Le Fay could only look on in shocked amazement at the beautiful light show and the raw amount of magic that was visible around the area Harry stood. Le Fay was definitely impressed. {Amazing… There were no mathematical formulas nor any magical build-up with those spells. They were fast, very fast, this was clearly some kind of quick trigger magic on a massive scale, but the most amazing fact was that it was so carefully controlled!} But soon everyone had their eyes widened at the end of the chant as Dumbledore raised his wand and braced himself, he begins to cast protective spells in hopes of weathering this magical onslaught.

"Protego maxima! Fianto Duri! Repello Inimicum!"

I see Dumbledore in a desperate move cast the strongest protection spells I know exist for wand users and overpowers them with his magic but I know that it'll turn out useless this spell always hits, it can't be blocked and can't be dodged, as soon as I finish chanting and the orb of light surrounding me bursts, I watch as Dumbledore can only look up in shock when a giant magic circle forms above us and white lighting begins to fall from it on every inch inside the dome surrounding us and his protective spells fail as soon as the spell hits the magic shield shattering it easily.

"Arghhhhhh!" Dumbledore's scream of pain is the only thing that can be heard as everyone is temporarily blinded by the light coming out of the spell.

The spell runs its course and the old fool is standing there with eyes white and wide open, his mouth agape in a silent scream of agony, smoke and the smell of burnt flesh can be perceived by the public and me however I wasn't done.

"And grant us the divine protection of thy brilliance!" Harry chanted.

I gently swing Oathkeeper and a rainbow-colored light bursts out of my body and blasts Dumbledore off his feet until he crashes into the dome I created, he soon falls to the ground in a heap and stays unmoving, he's not dead I can still feel his energy but he'll be feeling that for a while.

I grin to myself happy to have finally had some payback at one of the main reasons for my suffering but deep down I know it's not over, I'm sure that eventually I'll be dragged into this fool's plot once again but next time there won't be any mercy, I let go of the Oathkeeper and it vanishes in motes of white light, I snap my fingers, the dome shatters with a sound of breaking glass and begins to disappear.

~Le Fay's PoV~

{Those spells were incredible… And beautiful! Such a pretty light display~ But they were clearly far above and beyond any of the typical wand user's capabilities! I doubt even a Seraph could pull magical spells like that off, at least, not anymore!} Le Fay loves magic and she has dedicated a lot of her life to her magical studies but she has never heard or read anything about the existence of such spells, she begins to bounce from foot to foot in excitement. {Ooooh~ I wonder where he learned those spells... Gasp! What other ones does he know?! maybe... hopefully, he'll want to teach me!} Flames of determination can be seen in Le Fay's eyes while she fist bumps wildly into the air, causing the crowd around her to step away from her.

~Harry's PoV~

I stare coldly towards the unconscious and heavily injured Old Fool, I turn toward Ragnok who is standing in front of the gates of Gringotts having witnessed Dumbledore getting thoroughly defeated. "Ragnok, do make sure that a copy of the will gets to Madam Amelia Bones, it'll take a while for Dumbledore to recover, so she can use that time to make sure this old fool pays for his crime..." Ragnok nods and inwardly is glad that the boy considers them allies now he didn't want to mess with such a monster.

Screams of pain can be heard now that silence drowns the area, everyone turns to look at the source of such screams of agony only to see an angry Sirius black slinging spell after spell at a crawling Severus, I walk towards them when I see the Auror's begin to approach Sirius and with a wave of my hands a powerful gust of wind sends them flying and crashing against the buildings around the alley.

Once I was beside Sirius I could see the tears streaming down his face, my heart throbs painfully at the pain in his eyes. "Sirius... It's ok, don't dirty your hands with such garbage."

Sirius stops and falls to his knee crying. "This bastard is the reason James and Lily are gone! If we let him go he'll just be set free with the help of Dumbledore."

I gently pat him on his shoulder. "I know but let me take care of h-"

I was cut off by arrogant and obnoxious laughter, we turn to look at the source and we see a bleeding Severus laughing mockingly at me, and Sirius he stops his laughter and glares at us. "T-that's righ-t! I can get away with anything! It's the only good thing about dealing with that Old Buffoon hahahaha! And I don't regret it! T-that bastard Potter stole my Lily from me! S-she was mine! MINE! That's why you and him had to d-die! But no-o! Not you, you little shit! had to not only survive b-but you also somehow defeated the Dark Lord!" Severus screamed aloud only to stop when he started to cough.

Sirius was about to say something but then he felt Harry's power begin to increase, his eyes widened, and turned to look at Harry only to see his eyes glow he gets up in a hurry and turns towards the public. "Everyone getaway! Run!" He begins to run and the public in a panic began to scream and get away as quickly as they can, only to see a young blonde girl wearing an oversized witches hat raise her hand, and a powerful-looking barrier forms around Sirius and her, Sirius turns towards Harry only to see him take a deep breath and with a roar unleashed a torrent of flames at the downed Severus who could only look in fear as the raging inferno rushes towards him in high speed.

As soon as the flames hit the slimy bastard he doesn't even get a chance to scream, he was instantly cremated on the spot, everyone in the area can feel the intense heat coming out of the dragon-like flames, everyone was sweating and some were even scorched by the heat itself while the girl struggles to keep the barrier up, Sirius witnessing her struggle screams at Harry. "Harry! Stop! you're going to kill everyone!" This snaps me from my enraged state and soon I let up my breath attack. I look at the street only to see it reduced to molten rock and ash as for Severus, there was nothing left of him.

I sweat-drop and the public begins to panic and run away while the girl tries to catch her breath but a look of amazement can be seen in her eyes.

I breathe out heavily and hot white steam comes out of my mouth while I glare back towards where the slimy son of a bitch once was. " Burn in hell bastard..." Sirius runs back to Harry and whistles at the devastation brought about the street. "Merlin Harry... That was so cool!" I chuckle at my Godfather glad that his tears are gone, "Yeah but I think I overdid it a bit."

Sirius barks out a laugh. "What was what Ereshkigal said to me when she and Kunou were teaching me how to play video games? Ah! There's no such thing as overkill!" I stare at Sirius and can't help but laugh at Sirius's statement.

"Yeah, that is true... So… Feeling better?" He nods at me and gives me a soft smile, I smile at him and we begin to walk towards the entrance where a shocked and scared Ragnok can be found staring at the devastation brought about the street, thankfully the bank's wards protect him, and the bank from the heat as he sees that some building were quite damaged from lord potter's attack.

Sirius and I arrive with the Goblin King and smile at him. "Well Ragnok now that that's finished we have to leave, thank you for your time." I bow at the waist at the goblin king followed by Sirius, Ragnok shakily nods.

Sirius and I step back a bit and I raise one of my hands and gently wave it, opening a dark corridor, we give the old Goblin King one more grin and turn around to leave.

~Le Fay's PoV~

{He's leaving?! Noo~ I have so many questions! He can't leave yet! I don't know where I would ever see him again! What should I do? WHAT DO I DO?!} Perhaps it was her panic or the fact that she didn't have too much time to think but at that moment Le Fay's body reacted on its own and she started to run as fast as she could to catch up to Harry however Harry's ridiculously high luck stat bared his ugly mug, causing Le Fay in a moment of clumsiness to trip upon Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore's unconscious face not only breaking his nose but also leaving a shoe sole like bruise on his face, of course, this sent the poor girl flying at high speed screaming. "Kyaaaa!".

~Harry's PoV~

Sirius and I hear a cute and girlish scream making us jump and quickly turn around only for me to be tackled in the stomach by a blonde and blue missile.

"Ack!" blood sprays from my mouth and my eyes bulge in shock from the missile, of course, this ends up sending me and the missile crashing into Sirius who was gaping in shock. "Oof!"

Sirius, the missile, and I get sent flying through the air and into the dark corridor which closes as soon as he goes through leaving a sweat-dropping King of Goblins and a groaning old fool lying on the floor, who was completely forgotten for hours until Ragnok owled the ministry to come pick up their garbage from the front of his bank.


~Romania, Carmilla Territory: General PoV~

An internal conflict has begun between the factions of Vampires due to the Tepes faction coming into the possession of a sacred gear with the power to tip the balance of power between factions. but this causes the vampire faction to compete for control of this sacred gear causing a civil war to erupt between the Tepes and Carmilla vampire factions.

This powerful sacred gear is in the possession of Valerie Tepes, a short blonde hair and red eyes girl who is at least 15 years old. She's pushed and abused to awaken the power of her sacred gear, the sephiroth graal

The Tepes Faction is planning to use her power to enhance their soldiers by removing the traditional weaknesses of Vampires, the Tepes Faction attacked the Carmilla Faction in an attempt to raise its power and territory of course the Carmilla faction became disgusted by the Tepes' side actions and viewed it as them spitting on their pride as vampires however as of late the Tepes clan has begun to attack and kidnap humans in the surrounding areas around the Carmilla clans territory, this begins to cause worry among the vampire elders and such they reach out towards other factions for support, most turn their backs on them, however, the Yokai faction accepts in exchange for an alliance, this, of course, makes the Carmilla clan glad since the vampires had sensed the awakening of the master of death and had sensed him to be in japan.

In an open field away from any human towns and surrounded by trees we find the Carmilla clan's envoy, It was in this area where Yasaka and Elmenhilde Karnstein said envoy decided she would meet with the envoy of the Yokai faction, she's been waiting patiently sitting on a blanket and reading a book under a big beach umbrella, she's is a pure-blood vampire and the sun and her don't mix so she's using it to create a bit of shadow, it's been a few hours but she did get forewarned that the envoy had other matters to attend to, so she doesn't mind to wait.

It was only when a black pillar of what she can only describe as solidified darkness appeared that she looked up from her book only to sweatdrop at the pile of limbs that came flying out of the darkness.

The pillar of shadows soon disappears as she stares at the three individuals who are groaning and trembling in pain on the ground.

~Harry's PoV~

{Damn it and my accursed luck stat, I sometimes wonder if the System simply enjoys putting me into these situations just for shit and giggles or if it's Ereshkigal's weird sense of humor that the game is adapting to}.


~Yasaka's Palace, Kitchen: General PoV~

Meanwhile, in Kyoto in the palace kitchen, we see a panicking Yasaka and Kunou fighting a monster that seems to be made of both tomato soup and cheese while Ereshkigal who is wearing an apron sneezes out of nowhere.

"Achoo~". the monster stops its attacks on both kitsunes and says "Bless you creator" and then continues to attack the mother and daughter duo.

Ereshkigal can only sweat-drop as she can't believe what's happening.


~Back to Harry Co.~

"Ugh... Sirius, did you catch the numbers on the bus that just hit us?" I moan from my position on the floor while looking up at the sky in disbelief.

Meanwhile, Sirius, who was laying facedown on the ground as his soul was slowly leaking out from his mouth, "Ahhhhh~ What a beautiful and warm tunnel of light! Oh, James! Ohhhhh and L-Lily too! Eh? Why do you have that bat Lily? Lily?!"

I sit up in a hurry and quickly grab Sirius's soul before it can continue to fly away causing the soul to squeak out "Ick!" As I proceeded to shove it back down his throat, "Stop walking toward the light! Mom is going to re-kill you If you die idiot!" I shout at the semi-dead man.

Hearing the quiet and feminine groan of pain coming from behind me, I turned around only to see a small blond girl, who had been wearing what seems to be an oversized witch's hat on the floor not that far from us. She seems to be struggling to get up.

"And just who are you?" I ask while standing over her.

The girl jumps a bit in surprise and turns her head towards me from where she's lying. I can see her blushing in embarrassment at her blunder. "I-I am LE FAY PENDRAGON!" She answered, loudly.

I wince at her volume but chuckle inwardly {She must be really embarrassed hehe... At least now I know it wasn't an attack, she has no darkness in her heart. I only see a warm and kind light coming from within her.} I get up and walk towards her and reach a hand towards her and smile. "Nice to meet you, Miss Le Fay, I am Harry Potter and I've got to tell you, that your first impression was... Super effective!" I say while I wink at her, making her blush as she reaches for my hand and I lift her up onto her feet. Now standing face to face, she shyly stares into my eyes while I smile back at her as the wind blows gently at our hair.