Chapter 8

~Elmenhilde's PoV~

Elmenhilde Karnstein can only look in confusion as she watches these three individuals interact with each other, but her attention is soon drawn towards the young boy, something about him makes the hair at the back of her neck stand up and that aura of death and destruction is a bit overwhelming, to her he feels like a predator having his jaws at your neck and all you can do is close your eyes and wait for your end.

{He must be the master of death, to think that the boy who lived would be the chosen one to carry that title, fate sure is a fickle mistress... we were right to believe that he joined the yokai faction too, it really was the right move to reach out to Yasaka-sama}. Unfortunately for the petit vampire she was so distracted that she didn't notice a recovered Sirius shakely get up and walk towards her with a curious look on his face, she was taken out of her thoughts and was completely caught by surprise when she was lifted by her armpits, she was so shocked that she couldn't even react and just froze.

Sirius grins and lifts what he believes to be a very pretty doll "Harry look! someone left this pretty doll! We should take her with us for Kunou! I'm sure she would like it!".

Both Harry and Le fay turn their gaze towards Sirius only to gape and freeze the moment they saw Sirius standing there with a vampire in his hands, the bloody moron was presenting her like a hard-earned trophy with a grin on his face, Harry couldn't help but nervously say "Ermm... Sirius put her down..."

But Sirius was just to excited to notice the nervous looks that both kids were giving him and kept talking.

"Ooo~ we could buy some outfits for Kunou to play dress-up with her! and she can have tea parties with her too" Harry and Le fay can only sweatdrop as they watch the vampire's left eye twitch in annoyance.

"Umm.. mister you really should let her down..." A worried Le fay speaks up making Sirius stop and grin at her.

"Oh!? hello there!, who might you be? and please call me Sirius" said a cheerful Sirius having finally noticed the young girl standing there, he recognized her as the girl who made that barrier that prevented him and her from getting extra crispy from Harry's dragon breath.

"I'm Le Fay Pendragon nice to meet you mis- I mean Sirius" The girl corrects herself and introduces herself and Sirius was about to speak again when a soft voice cut him off.

"Would you kindly, put me down Lord black?..." Sirius jumps up in surprise and stares at the back of the doll's head slowly he turns the doll around to face her only to start sweating at the annoyed deadpan he receives from her.

Harry chuckles a bit at his godfather's predicament. "Sirius, that's a pure-blooded high-class vampire your holding there" harry grins cheekily as Sirius jumps in panic and quickly puts the vampire down, "bollocks! I'm so sorry!".

Elmenhilde was embarrassed and she knew for a fact that if she had a pulse, she was sure she would have had an impressive red face, but she collects herself and brushes her crimson and black victorian style dress and courtesies.

"Its a pleasure to meet you lord potter, lord black and lady pendragon" of course Elmenhilde knows about the people in front of her, especially Harry James potter the boy who lived, there wasn't anyone in Europe who haven't heard of him "My name is Elmenhilde Karnstein, envoy of the Carmilla vampire clan"

Harry and his company nod " Its a pleasure Lady Karnstein, as you know I'm Harry James Potter, Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, Peverell, and Heir Black and of course this is my Godfather Sirius Orion Black Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black and this pretty young lady is Le Fay Pendragon, please feel free to call me Harry and I'm sure Sirius and Fay-chan wouldn't mind to be addressed more casually"

Sirius and a blushing Le fay nod and Elmenhilde smiles in agreement.

"Then feel free to call me Elmenhilde, I believe Yasaka-sama informed you of the situation correct?"

Harry nods "Yes she told me of the raising conflict between vampire clans but I would like to get a more detailed report".

Elmenhilde nods with a smile "Of course, if you can follow me I'll guide you to the Carmilla clan castle and inform you of the details".

Harry and Sirius nods while Le fay looked a bit panicked but then Harry turns towards her "Want to come with us? I'm sure you didn't tackle me just for fun so I'm pretty sure you wanted to talk to me about something, we'll talk once Elmenhilde finishes her report, is that ok?"

Le Fay nods rapidly while blushing causing Harry to chuckle fondly and smile at her, he begins to walk while he signals her to follow them and Le fay runs to catch up with an excited smile, it seems like she's going to go on an adventure today! just like she wanted.


~Romania, Carmilla clan castle: Harry's PoV~

After a while of walking, we were guided towards a carriage pulled by two horses, I asked Elmenhilde about it since I was curious as to why they would still use carriages and she told me that most vampires were old-fashioned since they have lived for a long time and had acquired a taste for the simpler things however that doesn't mean they don't use modern technology it's just a preference.

It took about one hour to get to Carmilla castle, it was big and very old but as we went inside we notice that it was quite modernized, Elmenhilde informed us as we were getting a tour that the castle was home for most of the Carmilla clan who was a female-oriented clan, of course, this meant that they needed a lot of space and such the castle has been expanded with space magic on the inside, of course, Elmenhilde introduced us to some of the vampire elders, they were polite since all three of us were from very old houses and at some point even had dealings with our ancestors, they were surprised when I told them of me and Sirius having left the British magical community and joined with the yokai but they understood all too well as to why; they were very aware of the pure blood agenda and the mistreatment non-humans suffer under the British magical society's prejudice.

After the tour of the massive castle and the meetings with a few of the elders we were taken into Elmenhilde's room and she had us sit, while we were waiting for tea and snacks she proceeded to explain the situation in more detail.

We were shocked and appalled to find out that the conflict was started by the Tepes vampire clan, as a male dominant clan they follow different traditions and rules, they liked to be cruel, merciless and keep human slaves as blood banks and even as pets, this, of course, brought the church's attention and an increase of exorcists were sent to deal with all vampires, this brought the death of many vampires causing a meeting to called and most vampire clans agreed to find a more humane method to procure blood, new laws were created and peaceful negotiations began with human governments for donations and the buying of blood and thus this became the preferred methods to acquire their sustenance, however, the Tepes and a few smaller clans weren't happy for the changes but resigned themselves to follow the new laws since they lacked the power and number to oppose the other clans in favor of peaceful coexistence with humans.

That is until one Valerie Tepes was found to be in the possession of a sacred gear of Longinus rank, the sephiroth graal, it was the only reason the girl was kept alive since she's half human and the Tepes were racist against those of half blood, of course the poor girl had to suffer abuse after abuse in order to awakened the full capabilities of her sacred gear but the gear itself refusedto manifest, eventually she tried to escape a few days ago along with a young half blood friend named Gasper vladi but they were caught and Valerie was taken back after being badly injured, no one knows what happened to Gasper, but it's the common believe for him to be alive since his body wasn't found and the traces of demonic energy was found around the area, leading to the believe that he was reincarnated into a devil and taken under the care of a devil house, this made my eyes narrow, Yasaka had inform me of the method created by Ajuka beelzebub one of the four maou, in order to recover their species numbers, I wasn't a fan of this method since it seemed that many devils forced some of their so called peerage member into reincarnating into devil but I understood the need they must have had.

I close my eyes as I seep my tea. "So the Tepes clan plans to use this Sephiroth Graal in order to get rid of their weaknesses and strengthen their army... in other words, they plan to overthrow the elders and their new laws".

Elmenhilde frowns and nods. "They already started to rebel, there have been skirmishes all around our territory and mass kidnapping of humans in the surrounding towns not to mention the murders, they been acting like animals... they bring shame to the vampires".

I sigh {what a mess... but I think there's something else going on, according to Elmenhilde they have been getting bolder with their attacks and they still don't have access to the Sephiroth Graal, so someone must be supporting them from the shadows, but who?} I open my eyes and stare at the petit vampire in front of me, she gives me a subtle nod confirming my suspicions.

"I see... well Yasaka did ask me to help any way I can, officially this is us helping an allied faction so firsts thing first, we rescue Valerie Tepes from them, this will be a major blow to their plans and operations, afterward we will deal with the attacks and find information on anything suspicious going on around here, I'm sure you and the elders are aware that the Tepes clan is getting support from somewhere, we have to find who".

Sirius nods with a grin and speaks up. "There's a couple of contacts the Black family has here in Romania, I'll get in contact with them and see what I can find! this'll be fun". He barks out a laugh and I smile at him.

Le Fay shyly raises her hand and we turn to look at her. "I'll be happy to help in any way I can, in exchange I would like to make a request from you Harry-sama". I nod at her in agreement.

"Thank you Fay-chan, I'll be happy to grant any request for you as long as in my power to do so but we'll talk later ok?" I smile at her and turn towards Elmenhilde who is softly smiling at us, her red eyes glow happily.

"Thank you, we didn't know what else to do things were slowly growing out of control and the last thing we want is for the church to keep sending even more exorcists to deal with us... I'm afraid to say that things would have escalated and possibly started a war, if the Tepes would have gained access to miss Valerie's sacred gear we would have suffered even more losses...".

I nod in understanding, {if the Tepes get access to the Sephiroth Graal it would make dealing with tep3es more difficult even for the church}.

"Sirius see what you can find with those connections you mentioned, me and Fay-chan will go and rescue miss Valerie" I turn to look at Elmenhilde. "Do you know where they're holding her?".

Elmenhilde nods "Yes, she was taken to Bran's castle, unfortunately, she's been locked up in the dungeon and we haven't been able to confirm her condition...she was reported to be heavily injured during her recapture". the petit vampire eyes dull in sadness as she looks down.

" Bran castle? you mean Dracula's castle by Brasov correct?" she gives me a nod "Sigh... don't worry, we'll get her out and I'll personally protect her" I turn towards Le Fay "Thanks for helping Fay-chan, and don't worry I'll protect you too".

Le Fay blushes but nods resolutely "Yes! Valerie san doesn't deserve to be treated like that, we'll save her".

I smile and pat her head gently causing her to stutter a bit. "Of course, we'll rescue her, we'll start tomorrow afternoon so we'll have an advantage during the day".

Everyone nods and Elmenhilde signals towards one of the maids, she has blue eyes and pearly white hair "Please take our guest to their prepared rooms and prepare one for miss Le Fay".

The maid bows politely and we get up to follow her and rest from the events of today.


(Timeskip: 3 hour later)

~Harry's guest room~

The trio can be found lounging around Harry's room, Sirius is laying on the carpet in his dog form napping peacefully, La Fay and Harry are sitting on the bed, and they're about to talk about Le Fay's request.

~Harry's POV~

I smile at Sirius while watching him kick up from time to time. {He must be dreaming about chasing something hehe}. I quietly chuckle to myself and turns my gaze towards Le Fay who is also giggling at Sirius.

"So Fay-chan, what do you want to talk about? It's not every day someone tackles me like that".

Le Fay can't help but blush at the reminder of her blunder and shyly begins to fidget with her hands "I'm so sorry Harry-sama, my body just moved on his own, and then I must have stepped on some thrash left on the ground, the next thing I knew was me flying off towards you...".

I smile at her and nod. "It's all right, it sure was an impactful first impression thought" Le Fay pouts at me as I chuckle at her reaction.

Quickly she composes herself and speaks up. "Those spells you used, I have never seen magic of that scale, where did you learn them? can you teach me? and how did you have so much control over that much mana?" I lean back a bit at the intense look she's giving me which she notices and jumps back a bit in realization and shyly looks at me.

I sheepishly scratch the back of my head as I look at her. "Hm... Holy and Faith, are master rank light elemental spells and Fortune's Ark is a legend rank spell, I can teach you but my magic system is different from this world's so I'm not sure how much you'll be able to learn".

Le Fay cutely tilts her head in confusion. "Master?... legend rank?... another world?".she seems puzzled at my words so I clarify them for her.

"Thanks to my goddess Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld's blessing I was able to travel to different worlds, I learned magic from all of them so they tend to use a different magic system than this world's but my blessing helps me use them by making it easy for me through a skill named Perfect control, as for ranks? they go like this.

First is the beginner rank which covers your classic fireballs, lightning bolts, and etc, then after mastering those spells by the constant use of them, you unlock the intermediate rank, which covers eruptions, windstorms, ice tornados, and the like, then we have master rank, these spells are the pinnacle of mastering an element and they have a wide area of attack, they also have other effects that often are more intense, as they're widespread, of course with perfect control you can increase or decrease the power level of any spell, for example for the simple Fireball spell, without Perfect control, all the spell would have amounted to is just launching a big fireball at your target, but if you have Perfect control, you can freely modify the spell to your liking.

I'll use two examples, you overcharge the fireball and condense it, then by launching it at your target, the result is a big explosion of blue flames, another example is condensing the fireball and then blasting it in a widespread motion while maintaining the flow of mana, the result of that? a shower of superheated fireballs raining down on your targets".

Le Fay gapes at my explanation and I don't blame her, the fact that Perfect control can modify spells to this scale is both amazing and terrifying.

"As for legend rank spells? those can only be learned by those that have mastered both the elements and magic casting, plus having a massive amount of mana, or an overly large magical core is also necessary, these spells usually combine two or three elements together and the spells themselves can carry extra effects, for example, Fortune's Ark, is a spell that uses both light and lighting elements, also it's a spell that has a piercing and seeking effect, it can't be blocked or dodged and that's just the first part of the chant, the second not only damages your target again with a blowback effect but the light you release from it not only heals your allies completely but also buffs them".

At this point, Le Fay's eyes widen in further shock. "T-That's honestly terrifying... usually a magic user has to build up or charge mana and perform a mathematical formula to successfully cast a spell, it helps to have a magic circle or a focci like my staff but your magic was almost instantaneous and you were moving around at the same time". Le Fay shakes her head in disbelief.

"Magic users are usually weak to physical attacks that force us into close courters but with you, that isn't the case... it's amazing and I want to learn! please! teach me!."

I stare at her, she seems determined and excited to learn but I frown in contemplation. {I'm not sure if I can't teach her completely... without Perfect control, she won't be able to modify the spells sigh... what do I do?} As I was thinking of a solution the game seemed to give me the answer.


[Would you like to take Le Fay Pendragon as your second student?]


[Your title of sensei will allow for the gamer 'you' to pass down skills, spells, and techniques, however, you can only pass one down at a time and then you will have to wait a cool-down period before you can pass down another.]

[Skill scrolls and books can also be used on a student since the game will also affect them now.]

I smile at the game's notification and mentally click on the Yes tab. "Sure I'll take you on as my second student, I have another in Kyoto, she's the daughter of Yasaka the leader of the Yokai Faction, though she's my student in both the Keyblade and other things" I chuckle a bit "Be prepare, as my student I'll be teaching you more than magic and expect you to give it your all, it'll be tough and you will be in pain but I promise you, that you'll be the strongest magic user on this planet".

Le Fay stares at me for a moment but then she jumps up and fist pumps a bit. "Yes, Harry-sama! I'll be the bestest student ever!" I pat her head and gently take her hand and I close my eyes.


[Would you like to pass down the skill 'Perfect control' to student Le Fay Pendragon?]


Mentally I choose yes.

Meanwhile Le Fay is blushing at the sudden handholding until she notices a small light emerge from her new sensei's chest and merge with her, in her mind the full knowledge of the skill 'Perfect control' gets engraved, she shakes her head and can only gaze in shock, she feels like she can do anything with her mana now, she notices that I give her a knowing smile and a nod which she excitedly returns.

I spent the next few hours explaining what I was going to teach her and answering Le Fay's questions, she was curious about my Keyblade Oathkeeper so I told her about me being a double wielder and having a second one, she also tried to see if she would get chosen to be a keyblade wielder but sadly neither Oblivion nor Oathkeeper reacted to her she looked sad but I told her that either way I'll teach her everything I knew, of course, I also told her that it'll be hard to teach her since I have to go back to Kyoto and I had Kunou to teach too but Le Fay just then and there decided that she was going to quit her magical organization and join the Yokai faction, that way her new sensei can teach her and her fellow student more easily, after all, when will she ever have the chance to learn magic from other worlds again?.

The conversation and planning took most of the day until we notice it was late at night, a maid came in and told us dinner was ready, I awoke Sirius with a spray of water, and he awoke with a yip and chased me down the hall trying to bite me in the ass as a happy and cheerful Le Fay ran after us.

After a delicious dinner, we all went to our room to sleep and rest, we have a young lady to rescue tomorrow after all.


(Timeskip: next morning)

After a peaceful night of sleep, we got together and had breakfast early in the morning along with Elmenhilde who decided to keep us company and eat breakfast with us, apparently, vampires can eat regular food but they don't gain any nutrition from it, they need blood to sustain themselves after all.

Afterward, we went our separate ways, with Sirius who is going to meet the Black family contacts, who I'm sure are more on the shady side of things, so chances are that he'll be able to get some good information.

Meanwhile me a Le Fay flew towards the famous Bran castle and landed a few miles away from it however a surprise was waiting for us there.

My eyes narrow in suspension as we see too much activity outside the castle for vampires at this time of day, my eyes glow as I activate my Rinnegan and I look around at the many guards walking around, immediately I notice the demonic energy in some of them, some even had some type of corruption and in the basement which I'm guessing is the dungeons I find a weak energy signature, it isn't moving but I believe I just found our target, Valerie. "Those I believe are devils... but what about those flying about with black feathered wings?".

Le Fay looks around and points at some of them.

"Those are fallen angels Harry-sama and there seem to be stray exorcists around too".

I turn my gaze at her. "fallen angels?" {It seems like an angel's wings turn black when they fall in this world.}"I see... and stray exorcist? what are those?

Le Fay looks at me and proceeds to explain. "Stray exorcists are excommunicated exorcists that have committed sins under the name of the church, usually they're unhinged individuals who lost themselves to blood lust".

I turn my gaze towards the guards. "I see... so we have devils, fallen angels, and stray exorcists... it seems my suspicions were correct, the Tepes clan has been getting support from these factions, that also explains why they have been so bold with their attacks lately".

Le Fay nods. "Yes but I don't believe that the factions themselves are involved in this Harry-sama, more than likely they are Rogue members of both the fallen faction and members of the old satan faction".

I nod at her in understanding, Yasaka explained to me about the civil war between the new devil's faction and the old satan faction, the old Satan faction lost but they were still around and it seems that they threw their lot with the rest of the rejects.

"So something else is going on then? hmmm let's see, there are quite a lot of them out here but they're not that strong except for two devils who are inside, probably speaking with the leader of the Tepes clan... I believe Elmenhilde told me his name is Marius Tepes, once his father died he took over and began this aggressive conquest".

Le Fay looks a bit nervous so I pat her head gently, as I try to calm down my new student I get a new quest from the game.


[The new quest 'Save the Vampire Princess' has been received!]

[Objective: Rescue the injured Valerie Tepes and save her from losing her mind and soul from her sacred gear]

[Bonus Objective 1: Kill both ultimate rank devils supporting the vampires]

[Bonus Objective 2: Kill Marius Tepes, leader of the Tepes vampire clan]

[Reward: A new ally and friend]

[Bonus Reward 1: Random Skill Book]

[Bonus Reward 2: Random Holy Sword]

Mentally I close the game's window and grin at Le Fay to ease her worries.

"I know this must be scary to you Fay-chan, but don't worry I always have backup!"

I get up and walk away a bit. "Realize!"

Three white pillars of light appear and the wind picks up forcing Le Fay to hold her hat tightly against her head with one hand suddenly three beings begin to take form, Le fay stared in awe at the beings taking form in front of her, one seems feminine and is wearing what looks like shiny green armor, the other is male and is wearing a blue and silver full armor and the last one was the strangest, it looked like a mix between a bunny and a jester.

Outside the castle, all the fallen, devils and stray exorcist jump in fear at witnessing three pillars of light raise up to the sky and at the three enormous energy signatures that suddenly appeared, the devil's skin began to steam and burn from the intensity of the light while the fallen can only shiver and look fearful at such pure light.

Inside the castle, two devils and one vampire jump to their feet in panic and began to sweat uncontrollably, these three were Creuserey Asmodeus and Shalba Beelzebub two ultimate rank devils and leaders of the old satan faction, and with them, Marius Tepes, Valerie's older brother and current Leader of the Tepes vampire clan, these poor fools have no idea that today is their last day alive.