Chapter 20

The arena prepared for the first task was full of excited students from Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang.

Many were there to cheer and show support to their chosen champions but everyone was also there to watch Harry Potter in action.

Teachers, students, and ministry officials were looking forward to what their Hero would do, imagination ran rampant and everyone was expecting something extraordinary.

They didn't know that their wishes will be granted and it would once again change everything they thought they knew about the famous Harry Potter.

The girls chose to sit on the front row of the stands along with Remus and Sirius, all of them were excited to see what Harry would do.

Ereshkigal was sitting with the headmasters as a judge along with Madam Bones who was also sitting with judges as the ministry representative and as a judge.

Both Ereshkigal and Madam Bones were cheerfully having a conversation while the headmasters just waited in silence for the first task to begin.

Suddenly Bagman appeared in his high seat ready to start his job as a commentator, he swiftly casts a Sonorus spell and spoke up causing everyone to look up towards him "Welcome to the Triwizard tournament's first task!".

Everyone in the arena cheered loudly, some even began to shoot multi-colored sparks into the sky with their wands.

Bagman grinned and then began to laugh "Hahaha yes we're all excited aren't we?!".

Everyone excitedly screamed "Yes!".

Ereshkigal giggled "Everyone seems excited~".

Madam shook her head "Sigh... they seemed to have forgotten that people have died in these tasks".

Ereshkigal just smiled at her "Humans have been doing things like this for a long time Amelia, honestly, it's the sort of thing that I have come to expect from humanity".

The headmasters turned towards Ereshkigal and stare at her, but she ignored them and continued to look at her friend while Madam Bones nodded in agreement to her statement "We're a destructive race by nature huh?".

Ereshkigal softly nodded "Yes, you really are" she turned towards Madam Bones and smiled "but Amelia, you should relax and enjoy yourself, with Harry and the girls here there's no way anyone would die in these tasks" Madam Bones smiled and nodded.

Meanwhile, Bagman began to cheerfully explain the first task " Hahaha! then before we start, I'll explain what the first task entails!".

Everyone cheered once again, while Bagman continues "This task will have the champions each facing a fiercesome dragon!" everyone in the arena gasped except the girls and Both Remus and Sirius.

Bagman continues to speak "and in order to pass the first task! they must retrieve the golden egg guarded by the dragons!".

Bagman chuckles at everyone's gaping faces "The golden egg itself is a clue for the second task! So if the champions want time to prepare they must obtain it!".

Ereshkigal grinned "Dragons huh? how bloodthirsty of all of you, to pit dragons against children knowing full well how dangerous such beings are though... I wonder how you wizards were able to convince dragons to take a part in this tournament, usually, they don't bother with silly little things like this".

The headmasters and Madam Bones turned toward Ereshkigal with confused expressions on their faces but they choose not to say anything and just focus on the announcements.

Bagman continued to explain the task "A few minutes ago the champions chose their turn and dragon at random! here's what they got!, first we have Cedric Diggory! facing a Swedish Short-Snout!".

The Hogwarts students along with the girls, Sirius, and Remus cheered.

Meanwhile, the headmasters and Madam Bones clapped politely, however, Ereshkigal raised an eyebrow {Swedish Short-Snout? What is that? I don't think I've ever heard of that type of dragon...}.

Bagman waited a bit for the cheers to quiet down and then spoke up again "Going second the lovely miss Fleur Delacour! facing the the Common Welsh Green!".

The Beauxbaton student cheered loudly for their champion.

This time however Ereshkigal was beginning to suspect that something was wrong {Common Welsh Green!? What in the world is that!? That sounds like a pest...}.

After the french students cheered, Bagman continued "next the famous Viktor Krum goes third! and he's facing a Chinese Fireball!".

Durmstrang students cheered along with the many Quidditch fans present in the arena.

Ereshkigal just looked done with everything, nothing made sense to her {Chinese Fireball?..}.

After everyone quieted down Bagman continued, this time with a big smile spreading on his face "and last but not least! our Hero! the fourth champion of this Triwizard tournament!... Harry Potter!".

Everyone in the arena cheered loudly, the girls, Sirius and Remus being the loudest, even Mr. Goop was cheering by flying around excitedly.

The Headmasters clapped politely but inwardly they were seething, they hate the fact that Harry seems to be the favorite of this tournament and not their students while Dumbledore inwardly hoped that Harry would get hurt facing his dragon meanwhile both Ereshkigal and Madam Bones cheered loudly with everyone else.

Bagman grinned and waited for everyone to calm down a bit and then spoke up " Harry Potter will be facing the terrifying Hungarian Horntail!".

The arena was once again full of cheers and loud clapping, the excitement was at an all-time high right now but eventually, everyone calmed down excited for the first task to begin.

Bagman smiled and raised his wand and shot a few multi-colored sparks into the sky "with that done let the first task begin!".

Everyone expectantly looked towards where the entrance of the arena was, they say the tent flaps open and out of them stepped out Cedric walking into the arena with a proud grin on his face, inwardly though, he was terrified but he also felt confident enough to be able to pass this task, hopefully without getting barbecued in the process.

Once he went inside he immediately caught sight of his dragon, the Swedish Short-Snout was standing in front of the golden egg glaring at Cedric causing him to gulp.

Meanwhile, the girls and Ereshkigal stared at the so-called dragon.

Le Fay "That's a wyvern...".

Valerie "Definitely a wyvern".

Kunou "Right? but for some reason, wizards call these dragons".

Luna just tilted her head "Oh~ that's right I have forgotten about this... yeah that sure is a wyvern now that I know better".

Remus and Sirius sweatdropped and felt ashamed about once believing these things to be dragons, thanks to Harry and his instant dungeons they now know what a dragon really looks like and how much more dangerous they are, both of them looked down in embarrassment.

Ereshkigal stared at the so call dragon "... that's a wyvern...".

The Headmasters and Madam Bones turned towards Ereshkigal, Madam Bones choose to speak up this time "What do you mean? That's clearly a dragon." the headmasters nodded.

Ereshkigal turned her gaze towards them "Amelia you're telling me that wizards and witches see that thing and they call it a dragon?... Are magicals in Britain blind?".

Madam Bones looked confused but Dumbledore decided to speak up "Of course, this is a dragon, what else could be? Have you not ever seen a dragon before Lady Ereshkigal?".

Ereshkigal glared at Dumbledore "Of course, I've seen a dragon! Don't forget who it is you're speaking to you fool! That's clearly a wyvern! Dragons are gigantic! They can speak! They have arms with claws! and can use magic! How is that lizard with wings a dragon!?".

The headmasters began to get nervous about the now angry goddess, they know full well from her mythology how terrifying and dangerous Ereshkigal can be and they didn't want to face such horror, Madam Bones calmly spoke up "Ereshkigal, what is this about? Why are you so upset?".

Ereshkigal turned her gaze towards Madam Bones, a serious look prominent on her face "Amelia... do you have any idea who it is your people are insulting by calling those things dragons?".

Madam Bones began to get a bad feeling "...n-no?".

Ereshkigal just closed her eyes and tiredly rubbed her face, suddenly she heavily sighed and spoke up "In the supernatural world dragons are considered the most powerful beings in the world, they are power incarnate! All known dragons have the power to bring death and destruction to the world but the most famous and powerful ones are feared by even the most powerful beings in the supernatural world, two of these dragons are so powerful that they have been the undisputed number one in the top most powerful list".

The Headmasters and Madam Bones began to fearfully shake and sweat "These dragons are so powerful that they have earned the title of Dragon God and recently a third one has appeared and its power is way above the other two pushing those two dragons to the number two spot!...".

A pale Madam Bones shakily questioned "A third one?".

Ereshkigal opened her eyes and looked at them "Sigh... you'll get to meet him soon enough, there's no way that he'll stay silent after finding out about this".

With that omen hanging over their heads, the headmasters and Madam Bones decided to just turn their attention towards the arena to watch how Cedric will do with this task but they couldn't help to shiver at the thought of one of these dangerous beings showing up.

Meanwhile, in the arena Cedric was concentrating on how to get past his dragon, everyone in the arena was quiet, waiting to see what he would do.

Suddenly he waved his wand and then pointed at a loose rock close by and it transformed into Labrador which began to run and bark at the dragon to distract it.

Bagman spoke up "Excellent use of transfiguration! but let's watch and see if his plan works.

The dragon turned towards the loud and annoying dog and began to chase it trying to catch it in its jaws"

Cedric having watched his plan work ran as fast as he could and grabbed his golden egg, he then took a quick look back and watched his transfigured dog get roasted by the frustrated dragon that was unable to catch it in its jaws.

So Cedric took off as fast as he could towards the exit and literally leapt out through it, the dragon finally noticed too late and could only roar in anger at being fooled.

In the tent Cedric was on his knees taking big gulps of air trying to catch his breath, Madam Pomfrey approach him and began to use her wand to scan for any injuries, once she confirmed Cedric was ok she helped him up and took him inside the medical tent to rest and relax.

Half an hour later a new dragon was placed inside the arena and Bagman began to announce "What a daring escape plan from the Hogwart's champion! an amazing display of ingenuity!".

The public cheered loudly, glad that Cedric had passed the first task and was ok.

Bagman waited for the public to calm down and then began to speak up "Next we have miss Fleur Delacour! let's watch how she does!".

Fleur stepped into the arena looking proud and confident but the moment she saw the Common Welsh Green laying there staring at her she deflated a bit.

The arena was silent, everyone in the stands was staring intently at Fleur waiting to see what she would do.

It was because of that silence that after waving her wand in a complicated manner, that her singing voice could be heard loudly through the arena.

Bagman whispered not wanting to break the mysticism that Fleur's singing voice created "incredible... what a beautiful voice, what could she be planning?".

Fleur began to slowly walk towards the dragon who was now heavily blinking as if trying to stay awake but eventually it lay down its head and began to snore.

Fleur as quietly and quickly as she could, went to where her golden egg was and grabbed it, unfortunately, the dragon choose that moment to snore loudly and fire a small plume of flames as she was walking back to the exit, unfortunately, her dress caught on fire and she began to panic a bit, she began to pat her dress quickly to put out the flames as she ran towards the exit.

Bagman spoke up once Fleur was out of the arena "Amazing! Miss Delacour charmed the Common Welsh Green to sleep! Very well done!".

The arena once again become full of cheers and applause, and the headmasters, Ereshkigal and Madam Bones clapped while smiling.

Meanwhile, in the medical tent, Madam Pomfrey was rubbing Fleur's hands and legs which were burnt by the dragon fire with the essence of dittany.

After the arena calmed down from celebrating Fleur's victory and the next dragon was brought out, Bagman continued "Next is the world famous Quidditch player!, the seeker! Viktor Krum!".

Everyone cheered once again, this time even louder since Viktor had fans from all three schools.

But right now Viktor didn't care about any of that, as he stepped into the arena, wand at the ready and glaring at the Chinese Fireball who was intently staring at him, he acted fast and hard and began to cast spell after spell, towards the dragon's eyes which caught it off guard by the sudden attack.

Bagman grinned and excitedly spoke up "and Krum! attacks the Chinese Fireball head on! what bravery!".

The dragon tried to take a breath to shower Viktor with its dragon fire but one of Victor's spells hit the dragon in one of its eyes causing it to roar in pain.

Viktor saw his Conjunctivitis Curse hit the dragon in one of its eyes and grinned, he then continued to fire the curse until he was able to hit the other eye, the dragon being both blind and in pain roared and trashed around wildly.

Meanwhile taking advantage of the distracted dragon Viktor ran and picked up his golden egg but as he was turning around to run to the exit he was suddenly slammed by the dragon's tail as it trashed around.

He was sent flying a bit but was able to quickly roll on the ground and recover, as soon as he did he took off running towards the exit where Madam Pomfrey was already waiting for him to check him over.

The public finally began to cheer loudly after being horrified by Viktor being sent flying by the dragon's tail, they were excited and relieved that he was okay.

The Headmasters took a breath when they saw Viktor being taken away to the medical tent.

Ereshkigal smiled "That was close but he did a great job!".

Madam Bones nodded "Sigh... yes he was brave but a bit foolish".

Ereshkigal giggled but inwardly was both excited and a bit worried, Harry was next and she can bet that he won't be in a good mood.

Meanwhile, the girls smiled, they were glad that the champions were ok and were excited to watch Harry next.

Bagman clapped and spoke up "Excellent show! to face a dragon head-on like that! too bad he wasn't fast enough! but he seems okay! ladies and gentlemen!".

The public cheered one more time, the school champions were able to pass their task and that made everyone both excited and happy about their excellent performance.

Meanwhile, Harry was waiting inside the champions' tent but he definitely was in a bad mood, he just glared at the entrance to the arena as he waited for his name to be called.

Meanwhile, once the trashing dragon was removed and replaced with the Hungarian Horntail, Bagman began to speak up excitedly "We all know who's next right!?".

The public began to cheerfully chant Harry's name which made Bagman smile wildly and continue "That's right! The one and only! The hero! The fourth champion of the Triwizard Tournament!, representing the Yokai faction!... Harry Potter!".

Harry stepped inside the arena his eyes hidden in the shadows of his bangs, suddenly he stopped and snapped his fingers, a dome of light appeared around the arena and the inside of it expanded.

Bagman excitedly spoke up "Amazing! Harry just raised a ward around the arena and expanded the inside! obviously he wants to protect us but why would he need that much space for!?".

The public cheered at the thought of Harry trying to protect them.

Kunou stares at her sensei and notices his frown "Oh... sensei's mad".

Valerie and Le Fay stared at Harry, Le Fay spoke up next "He must be very offended by the fact that wizards and witches call those wyverns, dragons".

Luna hugged Mr. Goop tightly "Hmmm well we have faced real dragons before and they really don't look like that, so if I was one and someone confused my kind to those tiny and weak wyverns I would be upset too".

Valerie then spoke up "Well dragons are known to be very prideful and Harry isn't an exception, though I have wondered if he has a hoard of treasure hidden somewhere...".

The girls began to imagine Harry in his dragon god form rolling around a pile of gold like an excited puppy and began to giggle at the image.

Meanwhile, Sirius and Remus could only say one thing the moment they saw a piss-off Harry walking into the arena "Aw shit!~".

Susan and Hermione were confused by their friends' conversation and reactions but they decided to just ignore it for now and turned to watch Harry, they were looking forward to how he would tackle the first task.

Ereshkigal grinned as she stared at Harry, knowing full well what he was about to do "fufufu..".

Madame Bones and the headmasters did not like the laugh coming from the goddess.

Harry stood still for a little bit until he looked up at the dragon and glared at it, his eyes taking on a dragonic look and glowing ominously.

The Hungarian Horntail actually took a step back, its instincts telling it that if it moves, it will lose its life, and thus just stood there and fearfully watched the extremely powerful little human continue to glare at it.

A heavy pressure began to be felt by everyone in the arena, and the public began to get nervous but unknowingly they were lucky that Harry raised a ward to protect them from his power, otherwise they would have been crushed.

Suddenly Harry lets out a roar, a green and black aura begins to flare up and swirled around him until the energy formed an orb engulfing him in it, it then began to grow until it was enormous, and everyone in the arena looked up in shock as they witnessed Harry Potter be engulfed in energy, silence reigned as they continue to watch in silence.

Ereshkigal smiled wildly while the headmasters and Madam Bones began to become nervous and sweat profusely.

Suddenly the enormous orb begins to crack like an egg until with another roar Harry in his gold and silver dragon god form emerges, his black mane flaring in the air as he suddenly breathes a torrent of white fire from his jaws towards the sky, then he spreads his pair of wings and flaps them once, his ethereal feathers shinning and glowing in the rays of the sun.

The public looked up in shock and silence, Bagman looked up and paled, the headmasters paled and then looked up, and Madam Bones gaped while looking up at Harry's enormous dragon form.

The girls and Ereshkigal giggle at everyone's expressions and both Sirius and Remus felt proud that Harry was able to prank everyone in the stands.

Even the now terrified Hungarian Horntail was looking up at Harry, it had turned completely white to the point that it looked like an albino, Harry look down at the Hungarian Horntail and then roared at its face.

Every person in the stands covered their ears to protect from the painfully loud roar however the poor dragon was unable to resist the horror of being roared at by what its instincts were telling her was an apex predator and fainted with foam coming out of its jaws, its legs pointing up and twitching.

The girls and Remus turned towards Sirius and grinned at him causing him to twitch one of his eyebrows in annoyance, it seems like they were never going to let him forget how Harry literally roar the soul out of him the first time he saw Harry's dragon god form.

After Harry was done roaring and scaring the Hungarian Horntail to unconsciousness he grabbed his golden egg and put it into his inventory, he then turned towards the public and open his jaws and pointed at himself "This... is what a goddamn dragon looks like!".

His voice snapped everyone back from their shock and they only had one thing to say "He can talk!?".

Harry narrows his eyes causing everyone to shut up again "Yes! Real dragons can speak! You see these?!" he raised his foreclaws and wiggles them "That's right! Dragons have arms and claws! see this too!?".

He raises his arm and opens a claw towards the sky and shoots out an orb of lightning that goes all the way through the sky, completely bypassing his ward and the clouds high above, suddenly it detonates unleashing a storm of lightning that made everyone in the arena scream in shock except the girls, Ereshkigal and both Remus and Sirius who looked up at the cool display of elemental manipulation.

After the spell stops Harry speaks up again "Dragons can use magic! This is what a dragon is idiots! Not this tiny lizard with wings!" he picks up the unconscious Hungarian Horntail by the tail and points at it "This is a wyvern! The next person to call it a dragon is getting a dose of dragon fire in the face!".

Harry then throws the unconscious wyvern aside and walks toward the Judges' seats and moves his head closer to the headmasters, Ereshkigal and Madam Bones.

The Headmasters froze, paled, and look close to having heart attacks, Madam Bones just froze meanwhile Ereshkigal smiled fondly and approached Harry's snout, and gently caressed it "Feel better now?".

Harry closed his eyes and slightly nodded "Yes, much better...".

Hermione and Susan were gaping at Harry's dragon form, they turned towards the girls who just smiled and shook their heads letting them know that they wouldn't explain now.

Meanwhile, with Harry and Ereshkigal, Harry was enjoying his petting when Madam Bones spoke up "Err... Harry can you go back to the arena? So we can give you and the other champions your scores?..." poor Madam Bones, she just looked so tired of everything now.

Harry nodded and turned around he walked to the middle of the arena and sat on his hind legs, the judges except Ereshkigal sweatdropped.

Madam Bones just sighed heavily "...let's just continue... he doesn't look like he's going to change back...".

As the judges were scoring the champions, the public stared at Harry's gigantic dragon form in silence, Meanwhile, Harry was listening to an excited Charlie Weasley ask about his dragon form while the other dragon handlers took the unconscious Hungarian Horntail out of the arena.

The champions were called out and stepped out on to arena only to freeze the moment they saw an enormous golden with silver underbelly dragon giving them a grin and a thumbs up.

Cedric looked up at the dragon and recognized its emerald green eyes "Harry? Is that you?".

Harry lay down with his snout in front of Cedric and spoke "Yup~ I can't believe you recognized me, Cedric!".

Cedric just shook his head and spoke up "Your eyes gave you away and do I even want to ask?".

Harry grinned "I'm just showing everyone here what a real dragon looks like, hopefully, everyone will stop calling those tiny lizard dragons".

Cedric chuckled in amusement as he shook his head while Viktor grinned, Fleur looked like she was struggling to not reach out and touch Harry's shiny gold and silver scales, it seems like she's getting used to the crazy that is Harry Potter, whether that's a good thing or not? Nobody knows.

After some time and after Bagman recovered enough to announce the results of the first task he began to speak up once again "O-ok! the judges have given their scores so without further ado here are the results!"

He smiled and pointed at Cedric "First is Cedric who received the following! scores, 7 from Madam Maxime!, another 7 from headmaster Wolfgang, headmaster Dumbledore gave him a 9! Madam Bones gave him an 8 and finally, Lady Ereshkigal gave him another 8! this makes his final score...39!".

Everyone cheered and applauded Cedric causing him to blush especially that Harry still in his dragon form was clapping loudly with the public.

After everyone calmed down Bagman once again, cheerfully spoke up "Next is miss Delacour who received the following scores!, 9 from Madam Maxime!, 8 from headmaster Wolfgang!, 8 from headmaster Dumbledore! another 8 from Madam Bones! and from Lady Ereshkigal a 7!, making her final score...40!".

Everyone cheered loudly once again, the champions turned towards Fleur only to notice her missing, they began to look around for her until Harry felt someone touching one of his wings, he turned towards who was touching him which caused the other champions to look too, only to sweatdrop when they caught sight of Fleur happily and gently stroking one of Harry's feathers.

Bagman sweatdrop too but decided to ignore this and continue "Errr... sigh.. next we have Viktor Krum! who received the following score! from Madam Maxime, he received an 8!, from headmaster Wolfgang he got a 9! from headmaster Dumbledore an 8! from Madam Bones another 8! and from Lady Ereshkigal another 9! making his final score... 42!".

The arena was filled with loud cheers once again, Viktor smiled a tiny bit causing a few of his female fans to blush, he turned towards his fellow champions and was happy to see them clapping and cheering too, though he sweatdrops again when he saw Fleur sitting on her knees on Harry's back, he looked up towards Harry only to receive a deadpan from his dragonic face, letting him know that, yes he was aware that Fleur decided to perch on his back.

Inwardly Harry was wondering why is it that everyone wants to take a ride on his back...

Bagman continued "And next, finally the one and only Harry Potter! Who received the following, from Madam Maxime 9!, headmaster Wolfgang a 9!, from headmaster Dumbledore a 7!, from Madam Bones a whooping 10! and from Lady Ereshkigal another whooping 10! making his final score... 45!".

Everyone went wild! and cheered even louder, it seem that everyone was impressed and excited about Harry's dragon form instead of being afraid, it was a shock sure but all of the Hogwarts students knew that Harry was a kind and mellow guy 'unless you piss him off' and wouldn't attack anyone without reason.

The champions clapped and cheered Happily while Harry waved at everyone with a grin which got the public even more excited when they saw his fangs.

Bagman grinned widely and spoke up "With this! The lineup for the next task is this... going first is Harry Potter! next, going second Viktor Krum!, going third miss Fleur Delacour! and last but not least, Going fourth is Cedric Diggory!".

Everyone applauded and cheered loudly once again, Harry grinned and grabbed both Cedric and Viktor with one of his claws and threw them onto his back with Fleur, and with a powerful flap of his four wings took off and flew around the arena close enough for the public to almost touched him and he flew by the girls, both Luna and Kunou grabbed Hermione and Susan, then jumped up to his back along Le Fay, Valerie, Sirius, and Remus, Harry continued flying until he reached where the judges were sitting and as he flew by Ereshkigal suddenly grabbed Madam Bones and jumped onto Harry's back, poor Madam Bones was screaming her lungs out from being so suddenly grabbed and carried into the sky by Ereshkigal.

Harry then smile and took off into the sky and started breathing out small white fireballs which exploded into shiny sparkles of light causing everyone in the stands to excitedly stand and cheered even louder.

This is how the Triwizard tournament's first task concluded however among the cheers and exclamations of excitement, Albus Dumbledore was for the first time in his life, truly and utterly afraid no... terrified.

It was now that the old headmaster understood that all of his plans were doomed to fail from the start, that he never stood a chance against Harry Potter, he now knew that his death was soon approaching and that no one in the world could protect him, who could even stand against the boy's powerful dragon form.

Suddenly a realization hit him like a ton of bricks, he began to think back on Ereshkigal's words -These dragons are so powerful that they have earned the title of Dragon God and recently a third one has appeared and its power is way above the other two pushing those two dragons to the number two spot!- {Harry Potter is the third dragon god!}.

With this realization, Albus Dumbledore just sat there on his seat while the entire arena cheered loudly completely unaware of an old fool's growing despair.



After the first task both Harry 'who was back in his human form' and the girls celebrated in the Great Hall, along with Remus, Sirius, and Ereshkigal.

Eventually, they were joined by the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs who followed Cedric into the great hall to join everyone in celebrating, even the teachers joined in the celebration.

They partied late into the night until Professor McGonagall told everyone to go to bed, which everyone did, not wanting to upset the fiercesome woman.

Harry and company went back to their wooden mansion to rest after a fun and exciting day.

Time pass by quickly as the group continued to enjoy their time with friends.

Harry and the girls quickly figured out the second task from the golden egg, especially Harry, Valerie, and Kunou who were supernatural beings and could understand the mermaid song within the golden egg.

They told the other champions who grew concerned and worried but Harry promised them that no one would get hurt, by now Fleur and Viktor knew that despite his overpowering aura and power, he was a friendly and kind person and so they decided to trust him.

However that wasn't important right now, at this moment Harry was the witness of what he can only call a battleground, he look around and found the girls all over the place unconscious within a destroyed Great hall.

He looked up and sweatdrop when he saw Luna hanging from the ceiling unconscious and mumbling incoherently, he then turn to the right where he saw a slightly burned unconscious Valerie laying on the floor by the Gryffindors table, smoke trailing off her body, he then spied Kunou laying face down within a puddle of blood, thankfully still alive by the continuing twitching her body did then he saw an unconscious Le Fay laying within the destroyed Slytherin table, cuts littered her body.

He then turned towards the teacher's table and saw Hermione unconscious with Susan laying on top of her, both were within a small creator where Dumbledore's throne-like seat was supposed to be.

As Harry watch the devastation in front of him both Sirius and Remus approached him "W-what happened here?..."

Remus nervously chuckled while Sirius answered his question with a grin on his face "Well... Minnie announced that there's going to be a Christmas ball and well... it all started when Luna asked who would go with you and then all hell broke loose...".

Remus continues "Yeah suddenly they all stood up and tried to get out of the Great Hall to look for you when Le Fay shot the first spell and hit Valerie with a holy fireball but then she was hit with a wind spell by Kunou and sent crashing against the Slytherin's table".

Sirius chuckled and then continue the story "And that was when Luna and Kunou had an intense keyblade battle in which Kunou caught Luna off guard and got her with an explosion of light which launched her into the ceiling, Kunou celebrated her victory but Mr. Goop decided to join in and proceeded to bat a distracted Kunou with some rather impressive dark lighting spells and body slams".

Harry, Sirius, and Remus turned toward the smiling purple slime who was now jumping on top of Kunou in victory, Remus then continued "and then both Susan and Hermione had a very impressive wand duel, spells were flying everywhere! Until Susan got Hermione with a Bombarda Maxima which Hermione was thankfully able to shield against but the pressure got her and fainted, Susan was about to walk away victorious but then suddenly collapse with magical exhaustion".

Harry sweat dropped again "... well I guess is too late to tell them that I already asked Ereshkigal to the ball right?".

Both Sirius and Remus stare at Harry for a long minute before they began to laugh uncontrollably, meanwhile, the girls moaned and grunted in both embarrassment and annoyance, they should have known that Ereshkigal would have already asked Harry and since he's unable to say no to her, of course, he would take her.

Harry just nervously chuckle and hoped with all his heart that the girls would beat his butt too hard, well when they've recovered from this battle that is.