Chapter 21

After Harry healed and woke up the battered girls they got scolded by a very angry professor McGonagall while Harry, Sirius, and Remus fixed the great hall with repair spells and time magic, except for Dumbledore's throne-like chair, they decided that he should fix his own damn chair.

After that girls looked defeated and depressed for a while but after Harry promised to dance with each one during the ball and promised to buy them their chosen ball dresses for them, they cheer up and left with big smiles on their faces already planning on going shopping later on.

Of course, they jumped Ereshkigal the moment they saw her but the goddess just dodged everything while smiling triumphantly, something that aggravated the girls even more, and to try even harder to hit her without destroying anything else, being scolded by professor McGonagall sucked and they didn't want to go through that again.

Eventually, they gave up and lay there on the ground trying to catch their breath while Ereshkigal just stood there and smiled something that really pissed them off again, they stood up and began to attack Ereshkigal once again this time they began to stop holding back causing the goddess to start sweating and regret her life choices however they were starting to cause chaos and destruction around the castle and Harry who came to check what the commotion was had to dodge the many spells, bullets, and skills being fired by the girls.

At some point Harry had enough and had to stop them before they started to really use mass destruction attacks and accidentally destroy the country, the girls were already at a high level of power one beyond the creatures of this world, and even though they were good at controlling said power in their anger and frustration they stopped holding back.

So Harry for the very first time scolded them, including Ereshkigal, he wasn't happy and was very disappointed with their actions right now and all for a small school dance ball, the girls feeling horrible and bad for being scolded by Harry of all people apologized and promised to stop and not do it ever again, even Ereshkigal apologized to the girls after they got scolded she was just having a little bit fun and explained that she was told about the dance ball ahead of everyone since she was a judge and decided to ask Harry to take her, the truth was that she has never been to a ball before and was never been invited to dance so she was being a little selfish.

The girls now felt even worse and hugged the goddess tightly, they had forgotten that despite Ereshkigal's attitude and friendly demeanor she had never had the chance to experience a lot of things because of being stuck in the underworld most of the time.

Of course, Ereshkigal hugged them back and apologized for being selfish, this made Harry smile he was aware of how lonely Ereshkigal's life was before she joined the Yokai faction and that up until then all she had was manga, anime, and video games to entertain herself, it was one of the reasons he never denies her anything wanting for her to experience everything fun in life.

The girls promised to help her get ready for the ball and so Harry gave them access to his in-game money 'though he did inwardly pray to Ama-chan in hopes that they wouldn't bankrupt him' and they happily took off to buy their dresses and make Ereshkigal the most beautiful girl in the dance ball.

Time went by fast once again, excitement for the ball reigned over the school many boys and teenagers struggled and dare to ask their crush and loved ones to the ball,

The were many tears shed or screams of victory during this time period, not that Harry and the group cared too much, they were all busy doing their thing.

Especially Harry who had started to give rides to the first years in his dragon form when asked, it became a normal sight to see Harry's enormous dragon form flying over the black lake with cheering first year on his back.

Of course, Harry was at the same time looking over the lake with his Rinnegan to map it and find the mer people's village.

Eventually, December 25 arrived, and with it the Christmas ball.


~Outside of Harry's wood masion~

Harry was waiting patiently for Ereshkigal in the living room of his Mokuton-created mansion, the rest of the girls decided to go ahead and wait for them in the great hall.

Suddenly he heard soft steps coming down the stairs and looked up catching sight of Ereshkigal slowly making her way down to him.

He noticed her beautiful black with red and gold details dance dress, her black tight high Stockings and arm long black gloves and her long golden hair put up in a fancy bun, she was blushing but smiling and Harry couldn't help but stare at her mesmerized by her beauty, he has always know how beautiful Ereshkigal is but tonight seems that she and the girls went all out.

Ereshkigal finally reached Harry and smiled brightly at him, Harry smiled back at her and gently caressed her face, Ereshkigal noticed Harry's beautiful black tuxedo with a deep emerald dress shirt and black tie, his messy hair all over the place but to her that just made him even more handsome in a wild kind of way.

Harry gently smiled and spoke up "You look beautiful tonight Eris".

Ereshkigal smiled and nodded happily, she took a step back and did a small slow twirl "You like it?" Harry nodded "hehe, the girls picked it out for me~ am glad you like it! you look very handsome yourself".

Harry smiled and as Ereshkigal stare into his eyes she couldn't help but reminisce about that small and skinny boy she met a long time ago, she teared up a bit when she remembered how afraid and hurt he was once upon a time.

Harry noticed her ruby-colored eyes and gently patted her head causing Ereshkigal to look up and say "You have grown so much Harry, that makes me so happy"

Harry smiled "It's all thanks to you Eris, now come on everyone is waiting for us".

Ereshkigal nodded and cheerfully grabbed hold of Harry's arm and hugged it tightly, Harry smiled and opened a dark corridor.

Both looked at each other one more time and grinned, they both stepped into the dark corridor.


~Entrance doors to the Great Hall~

The champions and their dates turned towards the dark corridor that materialized close by and smiled when they saw both Ereshkigal and Harry step out of it.

Harry waved at everyone and notice his fellow champion's dates, Fleur apparently had chosen Roger Davies as her date, he doesn't know much about him, only that he was a Ravenclaw and captain of his house Quidditch team.

Then he looked at Cedric who was going to the ball with his girlfriend Cho Chang, a beautiful and popular Ravenclaw who he believes is the seeker for her house Quidditch team.

Viktor seemed to have chosen a Slytherin, who he recognized as Tracey Davis, one of the most cheerful and fun Slytherins in the school, the moment she saw Harry she began to tremble a bit in fear but Harry just kindly smiled at her causing her to calm down and relax.

Cedric approached Harry and Ereshkigal with Cho and spoke up "Looking good Harry! Is that a muggle dress robe?".

Cho cheerfully approached Ereshkigal and began to ask and talk to the goddess about her dress, while Harry responded "Yes! It's very soft and comfy to wear a bit expensive but I think it's worth it".

Cedric nodded and smiled meanwhile Viktor and Fleur approached them, Fleur spoke up "You do look very handsome in it Harry" Harry smiled and nodded at her.

After the first bad impression he got of her Fleur spent a lot of her time afraid and avoiding Harry but having had the courage to get on Harry back when he was in his dragon god mode at the end of the first task she stopped being paranoid and afraid of him, she learned that as long as you don't anger him, he'll be kind and polite to you.

Harry smiled "You look very beautiful tonight Fleur" he gave her a thumbs up which made her giggle at his silliness.

Viktor Nodded "hmm those robes do look more comfy and easy to move in, my formal robes are a bit too stiff am afraid".

Cedric and Harry wince, no man likes wearing stiff and hard-to-move-in clothes.

Tracey nervously spoke up "L-lord Potter can I ask you something?".

Harry looked at Tracey and nodded "Sure but call me Harry, I'm not a big fan of titles and all this fancy talk purebloods seem to love to use all the time".

Tracey nodded and took a big breath to calm her nerves "I know you're not a fan of purebloods and trust me I understand, my father is a pureblood and my mom is a muggle-born which makes me a half-blood like you, my father was never a believer of the pureblood agenda, this made him many enemies and their children loved to bully and belittle me, luckily my best friend Daphne Greengrass protected me but now that they're all dead..." she looked directly into Harry's eyes only to receive a grin in return.

Tracy nodded to herself "with all his enemies gone and him finally being free to live in peace with mom we were wondering if you and Lady Yasaka would be willing to accept us and a few other purebloods in the Yokai faction?".

Harry raised an eyebrow and she continued "I know... why would a pureblood family want to join the Yokai faction right?" Harry nodded and everyone was now paying attention to Tracey "the remaining pureblood lords and my father want to move forward, they want to learn and grow".

Harry look genuinely surprised, Tracey continued "We want to change and we believe that joining the Yokai faction would allow us to find all that and more, so... would you and Lady Yasaka please allow us to be a part of your faction".

Harry thought for a while "Everyone can join the Yokai faction as long as you're willing to work hard and learn, I must warn you... we don't allow prejudice especially not to nonhumans would these purebloods be able to accept this?" Tracey nodded and smiled "Then I will speak with Yasaka who is going to be present tonight but you can tell your father and whoever else wants to that they're welcome to join".

Tracey nodded happily and couldn't wait to tell her dad the good news suddenly professor McGonagall stepped out of the Great Hall and spoke "Alright! everyone please line up accordingly!".

Everyone did so and looked up at her waiting for further instructions, professor McGonagall looked at everyone noticing their dresses and robes, and nodded "Please step in the moment you hear your names".

Everyone nodded and professor McGonagall step back inside. Once inside everyone present turned to look at professor McGonagall who cleared her throat and spoke up "Ladies and Gentlemen! we the staff of Hogwarts School of magic welcome you to the yule ball!".

Everyone clapped and applauded cheerfully, after they finished doing so Professor McGonagall continued "To start the festivities, the champions will open with the first dance! and then dinner, please welcome champion Cedric Diggory and his date Cho Chang!"

Cedric and Cho stepped through and smiled at everyone, McGonagall smiled and continued "Champion Fleur Delacour and her date Roger Davies!".

Fleur and Roger stepped through and smiled as they stepped through, some girls were beating or kicking their dates when they noticed them drooling over Fleur.

Professor McGonagall sweatdrop when she notices the beatdowns but continued anyways "Next is champion Viktor Krum and his date Tracey Davis!".

Viktor and Tracey stepped through and they smiled at everyone, though there were many jealous exclamations about Tracey being able to bag the famous Viktor Krum but they ignored all of them.

Professor McGonagall glared at the girls who were jealously speaking up causing them to straighten up and shut up, the professor grinned and continued "and last but certainly not the least Harry Potter and his date Lady Ereshkigal!".

When both Harry and Ereshkigal stepped through they were met with silence and so they looked around confused as to why the sudden silence only to see the blushing faces of the men and women in the great hall, except their group who were clapping and cheering loudly, they smiled and wave at everyone which of course caused everyone in the Great Hall to explode in cheers and compliments, there were even some wedding proposals being yell at them which caused them to chuckle nervously.

Professor McGonagall shook her head and smiled, she announced next "the champions will now open the ball with the first dance!".

Soft and slow music began to play and the champions grabbed their dates, slowly they began to dance around the dance floor smoothly, and everyone clapped cheerfully for them.

Harry smiled as he danced with his goddess "I've never been a fan of dancing but in moments like these, am glad that I've learned how to".

Harry gently twirls Ereshkigal causing her to giggle "Well the girls and I are glad that you learned how too, this is fun!".

Harry nodded and gently grabbed hold of her hand and hip and slowly lead her around the dance floor.

The champions danced for quite a while and enjoyed their time with their dates, except Fleur who looked tired and bored.

Eventually, the song ended and the dance finished with the men bowing to the women who giggled at the smooth maneuver, then the men grab hold of their partner's hands and gently guide them out of the dance floor and onto the champions' table where they sat.

After watching Dumbledore how to get their preferred dinner they copied him and began to eat while talking with each other.

Soon enough dinner was over and the many teenagers began to dance the moment music began to play again.

Harry got up with Ereshkigal and went to meet the girls, who were excited to start dancing with Harry.

Boy, was Harry glad that he wasn't human anymore otherwise he wouldn't have been able to keep dancing with all of them, tonight the girls showed him no mercy.

Each girl was dressed beautifully, Kunou and her mother dressed in beautiful loose yellow and black kimonos so they could easily dance in them, however, Yasaka was the one who caught the eye of every male at the ball, not that she cared or even paid attention to any of them, she danced only with Harry who smiled and as they danced he began to tell her what Tracey Davies had requested of them, she agreed but decided that the purebloods would be closely monitored for a while to make sure they're being honest.

Le Fay was next for a dance and came in a beautiful celeste blue, with white stars dance dress and she wore a small gold tiara, she cheerfully danced with Harry after both Kunou and Yasaka had their turned, the smile on her face told how happy she was that night.

Next was Valerie who wore a beautiful crimson red with black ball dress and a ruby necklace apparently Elmenhilde had sent it to her when she heard that she was attending a Christmas ball something that made her smile, she danced with Harry quite professionally with a big smile on her face, which impressed everyone in the great hall, when asked about she answered that since she was a Tepes she was forced to learn how to dance as not to bring shame to her family name, admittedly she also said that this was the first time she had enjoyed dancing ever and her ruby colored eyes which shined brightly with mirth was proof of that though she did also said that she wouldn't mind dancing more with Harry, something that made him sweat nervously.

Luna was next and she wore a one-piece silver dress, her hair in a messy bun and a beautiful sapphire necklace and even though she didn't know how to dance she had a lot of fun dancing with Harry who took it upon himself to teach her right then and there, Mr. Goop happily danced and jump around them, causing a lot of people in the Great Hall to smile and laugh in cheer at small purple slime.

Susan danced with Harry next, she wore a bright yellow with black striped ballroom dress, she seemed to be representing the Hufflepuff house colors with her choice of dress which got her a lot of thumbs ups from her fellow Hufflepuffs, her being a pureblood and having danced before, she elegantly dances with Harry, the girls gaped at them surprised that Susan knew how to dance like that meanwhile Yasaka and Ereshkigal giggle at their expressions.

Hermione was next and even though she was nervous she enjoyed her dance with Harry, she wore a pretty pink dress and had curled her hair, she blushed bright red when Harry told her that she looked very beautiful.

After that Harry continued to dance with the girls and even danced with Andromeda, Fleur and some of their friends, many of the boys glared at him in jealousy but then remembered that Harry was a big ass dragon and then they decided to ignore it.

He even caught Remus and Sirius dancing with both of their wives, both Yui and Satsuki seemed to be having fun if the smiles on their faces were any indication, he gave them a wave and thumbs up.

Eventually, the night passed by quite fast as everyone enjoyed their time, and eventually, everyone slowly began to leave, tired but Happy.

However both Harry and Ereshkigal decided to instead go ahead and watch the stars on the rooftop of the astronomy tower where they sat and enjoyed each other's company.

Harry suddenly reached towards Ereshkigal and grabbed hold of her hand causing her to look toward him, Harry smiled and said "You know... I had planned that when I summon first my girlfriends to this world I would take them with me to another one to spend some time with them and train after they spend some time familiarizing themselves with this world".

Ereshkigal nodded thinking it was a good idea, Harry continued "and I was thinking... if you wanted to that is.. do you want to come with us?"

Ereshkigal gasped, she knew what Harry was asking of her by requesting her to come with him and his girlfriends, her heart began to beat faster and she tear up but smiled and softly nodded, Harry, nodded and softly kissed her forehead "Then I look forward to spending time with you Ereshkigal... let's have fun you, me, Milim, Jessica and Fuu".

Ereshkigal nodded and then softly kissed harry on the lips, something that Harry both enjoyed and surprised him but returned the kiss nonetheless, Ereshkigal has always been lonely but since Harry came back from his journey she never felt that loneliness again, now she was surrounded by friends and family and even began to get worshipped again and it was thanks to her little master.

She decided right there and then to be with Harry forever not only as his friend but as a future wife, inwardly she was excited to see what the future will hold for both of them now that they were in a relationship, and she was looking forward to all the fun she's going to have.

Harry was happy that Ereshkigal accepted him, even after traveling to so many worlds he never forgot that she was the one to give him a chance to fight back against those that wanted to both destroy his life or control it.

He had always planned to get back to her and once he aged a bit more he would ask her to be his girlfriend, though along the way he fell in love with other girls he always told them that he was waiting for her but the girls didn't mind sharing and accepted the fact that a part of Harry's heart has always belonged to Ereshkigal.

So Harry was looking forward to spending some time with his other loved ones.


After that night the girls happily welcomed Ereshkigal to the dragon god's harem, Yasaka congratulated her old friend with a smile glad that she had found love in her life.

Harry had already told everyone of his plan to take the first members of his harem with him to another world for two or three years to both spend time with them and train to catch up with everyone else and now that he no longer had any restrictions on his system anymore and no longer had to deage to go to another world he was looking forward to going on vacation with them and having an adventure.

Kunou, Le fay, Valerie, Hermione, Susan, and Luna were sad at first but they understood that he wanted to spend time with them after being separated from them for a long time and that they had years with him already, besides someone had to protect Kyoto while he was away and they were planning on training even harder to catch up to him and everyone else.

Besides they were looking forward to meeting their harem sisters, from what Harry told them they were powerhouses on their own and they were excited to watch them in action.

And so time was spent going on dates, hanging with friends, and helping everyone in Hogwarts.


Eventually, February 24 arrived and the second task was about to start, everyone was already waiting in the stands prepared around the shore of the black lake and the public was excited to watch what the champions would do.

Though the day before the second task, the Headmasters had a bit of a problem with Harry Potter's something dear to rescue, they couldn't use Ereshkigal cause one she's a judge, and second, they didn't want to piss off the goddess of death and queen of the underworld, that would be asking for trouble.

They couldn't use Kunou either because she was the daughter of the Yokai faction leader Yasaka who was known to be extremely powerful, especially as of late and they didn't want to poke that hornet's nest.

They definitely didn't want to try anything towards Le Fay since she was a pendragon and it would be foolish to awaken the wrath of that family upon them.

Valerie was a big no too, she was a Tepes and they did want to do anything to her, if they did they would have both the vampire faction and yokai faction on them and that's something they didn't want.

Then there was Luna Lovegood, now they thought she would be easy to take and had no connections to any supernatural faction except Harry Potter so she was perfect!, however when they tried to stun her from behind as she was walking towards the Thestral pen to take her as a hostage she fought back, and dear Merlin! did she fight back.

She mercilessly beat the headmasters, being especially vicious against Dumbledore, and then dragged their beaten and unconscious bodies to Madam Pomfrey who just stare at her for a minute before she went to heal the foolish headmasters.

After getting healed, the defeated and humiliated headmasters continued to think about who to take as hostage for Harry Potter, they thought to use Susan Bones but Madam Bones promised untold suffering and pain upon whoever dared to touch her niece before the Triwizard tournament even started.

In the end, they ended up begging Hermione Granger to accept being Harry's hostage, though at first, they were going to jump her and stun her anyways but the fact that the slime known as Mr. Goop was with her and glaring at them in warning they decided to ask instead, one vicious beating was enough thank you very much!.

Hermione thought about it for a good long minute but in the end, decided to go ahead and do it to the relief of the headmasters, they would deny it but they cried tears of relief when she agreed causing Hermione to sweatdrop at them.

And so the day of the second task arrived and Harry along with Viktor and Cedric were waiting for the task to begin, however, Fleur was missing and they were beginning to get worried about her.

Eventually, she arrived but something was obviously wrong with her, she looked pale and was shaking.

The boys looked at each other and then proceeded to walk towards her to make sure she was okay, however, she caught them by surprise when she grab hold of Harry's hands "H-harry! they took my little sister!".

Harry narrowed his eyes "How? didn't she arrive with your parents last night?".

Fleur nodded "Yes... but this morning they couldn't find her anywhere, I spent all morning looking for her with them all over the castle but... we couldn't find her anywhere".

Cedric narrow his eyes, they knew that they were going to have to rescue hostages for the second task but this "isn't she 8 years old?".

Fleur teared up and nodded, Harry spoke up "That's not all... she's a veela like Fleur and veela are fire-aligned beings, being in ice cold water for too long is dangerous for them...".

He turned to glare at the headmasters who flinched upon noticing him glare at them, he turn to look at Ereshkigal who raised an eyebrow in question, Harry pointed at his brow letting her know to communicate telepathically with him, and she nodded right away.

Harry closed his eyes {Eris were you aware that they used Fleur's 8-year-old sister as her hostage? she's a veela and those idiots put her underwater}.

Ereshkigal's brows narrowed {no I wasn't aware of any of this... as a matter of fact, the headmasters told me to not worry about the second task and that they would take care of anything, I should have known not to trust these idiots}.

Harry nodded and cut off the mental connection, he open his eyes and saw Ereshkigal whisper to Madam Bones whose eyes widen, and then began to yell and cursed the headmasters to the surprise of everyone in the stands.

Harry turned his gaze to the still distraught Fleur "I just asked Ereshkigal if she knew anything about this but she was kept in the dark about and by the looks of it so was Madam Bones".

The champions turned towards the judges and saw Madam Bones begin to throw curse after curse against the panicking headmasters, Ereshkigal was grinning at their predicament.

Harry sighed heavily "Well fuck the second task, I'm not going to endanger a child for their entertainment, come on guys let's go get our loved ones back!".

The champions nodded and followed Harry towards the black lake, Bagman tried to stop them but Harry backslapped him sending him flying and crashing against the ground where he lay there in the heap unconscious.

Once Harry and company arrived near the edge of the lake he activated his Rinnegan and easily located the hostages, they were right where he located the merpeople village once when he was flying around in his dragon god mode, he saw them there floating in the water unmoving and unconscious, he didn't like it and so he waved his hand and the hostages were covered in an orb barrier like shell of energy, the water then was vanished from inside and the hostages woke up in a panic except Hermione who knew what was happening.

The merpeople began to attack the orbs with their tridents but they weren't doing anything to them.

Harry then close his eyes, spread his arms, and flared his energy, the ground began to shake and to the shock of everyone in the stands and the headmasters, the lake's water began to slowly split making a direct road for the champions to reach their hostages.

Harry smiled and then took off flying with the champions floating behind him thanks to his telekinesis and soon enough they reach their hostages.

Harry then made the orbs float up to them and then released them, the champion caught, grabbed, and carried their hostages as they floated while Harry carried Hermione in a princess carry, this made her blush and smile at him, Harry returned the smile and floated up along with everyone floating beside him.

Once high above the black lake he released his hold on the lake and the water came crashing down, this caused a lot of merpeople to die and get heavily injured along with destroying their underwater village but Harry didn't care, he saw them try to brake his barriers to get to the hostages and he was pretty sure that they were going to hurt them with how angry they seemed.

Harry flew happily with Hermione in his arms he turned his head toward the other champions and saw everyone smiling, they seem to enjoy the feeling of cruising through the air especially little Gabrielle who was smiling and whooping excitedly, something that made everyone smile at her.

The public was in silent shock, everything happened too fast for them to react but they just saw Harry Potter split the lake like Moses, fly with champions and then fly back with everyone, they didn't know what had just happened but they knew that they just saw something incredible.

Harry and company arrived and landed softly on the lake's shore, Fleur thanked Harry profusely and Gabrielle was happily laughing and jumping around.

Fleur quickly picked up Gabrielle and took her to her parents who hugged their youngest daughter, glad that she was okay.

Meanwhile, Harry walked towards the judges and stopped right in front of them, they were battered and injured from the beating that Madam Bones brought down upon them.

Harry glared at them "Whos idea was it to place an 8-year-old veela in an ice cold lake, which happens to be the home to merpeople, who are known to hate veela?...".

Harry's voice was calm and icy, something that made the headmasters begin to sweat in fear, Madam Maxime fearfully spoke up "S-she was safe! Nothing would have happened to her! We made sure to take precautions for this task".

Harry's eyes begin to glow as he glared at her "She was floating in the cold water, she was tied up and unconscious! How is that safe!...".

Harry then turned towards Mr. and Mrs. Delacour who had just approached them and asked "Lord And Lady Delacour, were you made aware of this? At any point did Headmistress Maxime let you know that she was going to stun, tie up and put your 8-year-old daughter deep in the middle of the black lake?".

Mr. Delacour spoke up "Please lord Potter, call me Alain, and no, of course, we weren't told or were made aware of this, otherwise, we wouldn't have allowed her to be risked like this" he glared at Madam Maxime causing to tense up.

Harry nodded "Please Alain call me Harry I'm not a fan of formality" he then turned towards Madam Maxime and summon Oathkeeper, he pointed it at Madam Maxime's chest right where her heart would be and it began to glow in bright white light, causing everyone to gasp at the sight of Harry's now well known legendary weapon, except Dumbledore he winced and took a step back remembering how he was so easily defeated by that weapon "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now...".

Madam Maxime began to cry and scramble to give a reason but a soft and melodious voice stopped everyone "Mr. Potter would you allow my husband and me to deal with Madam Maxime?".

Harry turned towards the voice and saw that it was Mrs. Delacour "If that is what you wish Lady Delacour but please call me Harry".

Mrs. Delacour smiled and nodded "Then please call me Apolline, my husband and I thank you for helping our daughters" Harry smiled and nodded "As for you Olympe... do enjoy the time you have left as headmistress of Beauxbaton when this tournament is over, I'll make sure you spend the rest of your days in prison for what you did...".

With that Mrs. Delacour along with Mr. Delacour took their daughters back into the castle to dry and warm Gabrielle.

Madam Maxime was left on the ground crying with the only other two headmasters staying with her, meanwhile, everyone went back to the castle, and only Ereshkigal and Harry stay behind.

"This is the one and only warning the three of you are getting... endanger someone else who isn't involved in this tournament and I'll kill you all...".

With that said Harry and Ereshkigal turned around and left, meanwhile Madam Bones glared at the headmaster "If he doesn't kill you I will! All of you are idiots! Who in their right mind endangers an 8-year-old like this! tch!".

Madam Bones turned around absolutely livid and cursing the whole way back to the castle.

That's how the second task of the Triwizard tournament ended, one headmaster going to jail for being a fool, an unconscious Bagman, and countless dead merpeople floating on the waters of the black lake after being crushed by the same waters that they called their home.

There was no winner or losers today but Harry and his friends were fine with that, no one they cared about was hurt and in the end, that's all that matters to them.