Chapter 23

~Hogwarts, Third task maze~

The champions and the public were waiting excitedly for the signal to begin and luckily they didn't have to wait long.

A loud bang from a cannon echoed through the area and Harry ran straight towards the maze, the public cheering loudly as they watch their hero shoot off at high speed.

Harry's friends and companions began to chant his name as they watch him approach the entrance to the maze, they knew he would win but they also were aware that Harry had other plans, especially since they notice Le Fay discreetly raise a ward and seem to prepare for something.

Harry walked through the entrance of the maze and began to easily traverse it, but since he had promised not to fly over the maze's wall to keep things a bit fair he began to move at high speed instead, he wanted to give the other champions a bit of a chance, no matter how small of a chance it was.

He continued to traverse the maze when a few Acromantulas jumped down from the trees and pounced on him, however, Harry easily dodged them by side-stepping and jumping over them, once he landed he proceeded to punch and kick the overgrown spiders to death causing them to explode upon impact with Harry strikes, eventually the rest of the Acromantulas gave up and ran away having learned the hard way that they were no match for Harry "Huh? Aragog must have worked overtime to make more children with his mate... I guess that's good? At least they're recovering from Kunou's extermination".

Harry shooked his head and continued on, he noticed early on, that the maze was moving on its own and changing, so he decided that he had to keep moving quickly unless he gets sealed in or slowed downed, suddenly he heard another cannon shot "Ah there goes Viktor's turn".

Harry grinned and kept walking while watching the wall closely, eventually he reached another big room and in the middle of the room he noticed a Sphinx laying lazily there, he slowly approached it and the Sphinx immediately tensed up the moment she saw him and sense his energy.

The Sphinx suddenly stood up in a panic while shaking a bit "Y-you can't g-go on until you a-answer my r-riddle..." Harry looked at the Sphinx who was trying to maintain a brave and strong front, it confused him as to why she seemed so scared of him when he hadn't done anything to her, so he opened his mouth to ask but was abruptly cut off.

The Sphinx couldn't handle the enormous amount of energy and the dangerous aura surrounding the boy in front of her anymore, so she panicked and began to plead loudly "I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" to Harry's surprise she actually layed on the floor and curled herself into a ball there.

Harry sweatdrops and stares at the poor terrified Sphinx, who was now sniffling and trembling on the floor "H-hey? Relax I'm not going to hurt you..." Harry was actually a bit concerned for her at this point.

The Sphinx tensed up when she heard his voice but slowly peeked from her curled-up position and stare at Harry "R-really?".

Harry actually chuckled at the silliness of the situation "Yeah I promise I won't hurt you, so could you please tell me the riddle? so I can move on?" a cannon shot was heard by both of them signaling Fleur's turn to go into the maze.

The Sphinx having calmed down a bit stood up and cleared her throat in an attempt to regain her wits "Okay... your riddle is this, What can be touched but can't be seen?" she was really hoping for Harry to answer her riddle so he could leave already.

Harry closed his eyes to think for a moment. The Sphinx stared at him, she was curious if such a powerful and dangerous being can answer her riddle, suddenly Harry opened his eyes and spoke up "the answer is... someone's heart" a small smile appeared on Harry's face.

The Sphinx stared at Harry for a little while longer, she was surprised he was able to deduce the right answer to her riddle "correct... you may pass my lord".

Harry nodded and walk past the Sphinx, suddenly he spoke up again causing her to involuntary yelp "Kyaa!" Harry ignored all that and continued on "My name is Harry, if we meet again please call me that" he then continued to walk towards the prize room with a happy grin on his face.

The Sphinx watched Harry leave her room with a complicated look on her face "I rather not meet someone as scary as you again Harry..." she turned around and lay back on the ground to both wait for the other champions and to calm her nerves.

Harry kept walking and finally reached the trophy, he stare at it for a while and then reached for it, suddenly he was teleported by the Portkey on the trophy but he seem calm about, in fact, a small grin appeared on his face before he was transported.


~Little Hangleton, graveyard~

Harry was transported and looked to what he recognized as a very old graveyard, he started to once again look around when he heard someone yell from behind him "'Stupefy!'" but the spell harmlessly splashes off Harry's back, he then turned to look towards the fool who just tried to stun him "Hello Peter... I've been looking for you.." Harry grinned maliciously at the traitorous rat.

Peter Pettigrew stood there in shock and gaped when he saw his spell splash off Harry, he was carrying a bundle in his arms which Harry knew was the dark lord, Harry suddenly disappeared in a blur causing Peter to panic, Voldermort was about to speak to berate his useless minion but was suddenly dropped onto the ground when Peter was harshly backhanded by Harry who appeared right in front of Peter, the rat flew through the air and right onto a tombstone, the impact knocked him out immediately and laid there unconscious.

As the dark lord lay on the ground dazed from the unexpected drop he was suddenly startled when he felt himself being lifted off the ground, he looked up to find out who had picked him up off the ground, only to flinch when he saw a pair of glowing emerald green eyes stare at him with so much hate it brought shivers down his spine, he was about to demand he be put down when he was suddenly thrown into his prepared potion inside a cauldron.

After having thrown the dark lord into the cauldron Harry went to a close by a grave with a simple tombstone which he read, he recognized the name on it right away "Tom Riddle...I wonder how would you feel to know how much of a psychotic bastard your son turns out to be? but then again I'm sure you Wouldn't have cared" he shooked his head and with a wave of his hand the earth parted and a coffin rose up from its resting place, he opened it and took the spinal cord from the skeletal remains inside and walked towards the cauldron and dropped the bone in "Bone of the father, unknowingly given you will renew your son!" the cauldron began to let off a poisonous blue smoke.

He then pointed an open palm towards Peter and he suddenly flew towards Harry and stop just before touching his hand, Harry grabbed hold of Peter's arm and harshly ripped it off spraying blood all over the floor.

Peter woke up from his unconscious state from the intense pain and began to scream in agony then Harry lit his hand on fire and grab hold of the bleeding wound on Peter's shoulder and cauterized it in order to prevent Peter from bleeding out and dying, Harry then waved his hand and threw him onto the ground where he lay there cradling his armless shoulder while crying.

Harry raised a hand and points it at Peter, another fireball formed on his hand and Peter began to panic when he noticed what Harry was doing, Harry coldly spoke up while glaring at Peter "declare that your willingly sacrifice your flesh to Voldermort or die! slowly and painfully".

Peter scrambled and panicked and to Harry's disgust he began to beg and cry louder but Harry getting tired of the coward shot the fireball and it hit right beside Peter's head causing a trench to form and a big explosion to go off behind Peter causing him to shut up, Harry's action scared Peter enough to manage to do what Harry had asked him to do "I-i willingly sacrifice my flesh to Lord Voldermort!".

Harry glared and kicked Peter on his head, knocking him unconscious once again, he then walked back to the cauldron and dumps Peter's arm in "Flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed, you will revive your master!" a burning red smoke began to come off the cauldron.

Then Harry pulls out Dumbledore's arm from his inventory and slashed it open by using his dragon claws, Dumbledore's blood began to drop into the Cauldron "Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken, you will resurrect your foe!".

Once done with the ritual Harry stepped back and took a seat on top of an old tombstone as he watched the potion let out a blinding light, suddenly the cauldron exploded and from the remains, Voldermort began to rise from it, his body slowly being recreated by the ritual and potion.

Finally, the dark lord's body finishes forming and Voldermort stood there with his eyes closed and took a big breath enjoying the feeling of having lungs once again, he opened his eyes and looked around until he saw Peter's unconscious body on the ground, wandlessly he summon his wand from within Peter's clothes and magically created a black robe for himself, he then walked towards Peter, grabbed his arm and stabbed his wand into Peter's dark mark.

Harry watched and understood what Voldermort was trying to do from the memories he got when he consumed the Horcrux stuck in his head a long time ago, he snapped his fingers and I giant dome covered the entire graveyard, this caught Voldermort's attention and he turned to look at Harry who decided to speak up "your minions aren't coming".

Voldermort stared at Harry and approached him silently "Why not? They have always answered my call, my death eaters are loyal... well most of them but a little punishment will teach them not to turn their backs on their lord".

Voldermort's voice was soft and smooth but it still grated on Harry's nerves causing him to glare coldly into Voldermort's red eyes "They're dead Tom, every single member of your little club of inbred degenerates is gone, you must be able to sense the lack of connections from that fancy tattoo you gave them".

Voldermort glared at Harry for using his wretched muggle name and he wondered how he knows but then focused on the connection he has with all of his death eater's dark marks only to not find any "How?... I knew of the destruction of Azkaban along with the death of all my followers imprisoned there but I wasn't informed of the death of the rest, who and how was somebody able to kill them all?" he then turned to glare at Peter's unconscious body the useless fool should have told him of this.

Harry chuckled "You should have known that Peter wasn't reliable I mean what did you expect from a coward and a traitor?, but this time it wasn't his fault, anyways I was the one who had every death eater and supporter you had assassinated after your failed attempt of scare tactics after the Quidditch finals, I knew where you were hiding so I raised a ward around the area of your hiding spot so you and Peter wouldn't get any information about the fall of your death eaters and supporters, they all die screaming your name".

Voldermort stared at Harry in disbelief "You knew where I was hiding this whole time? How?".

Harry turned to glare at Peter "That idiot thought I wouldn't notice him in his rat form scurrying around during the death eater attack, I captured him and got all of your plans from his mind and then I erased his memories and let him go, he didn't even notice he suddenly appeared in a different spot and watched as I killed Barty Crouch junior".

Voldermort was seething in rage "You the boy who lived killing, torturing, and erasing the memories of your foes, how dark Harry... Dumbledore would be so disappointed".

Harry suddenly began to laugh surprising Voldermort "Hahahaha! Come now Tom, do you really think I care what you and Dumbledore think? You should have heard of how much I hate the old fool...".

Voldermort has indeed heard about Potter's hate towards the leader of light and the vicious beatdown he handed the old fool years ago, he just refused to believe that such a young boy held that much power but perhaps there was some truth to all of those rumors, the boy currently in front of him was very dangerous, he could feel it "I see... then why not join me, Harry! Together we can accomplish so much! you've already helped me regain a physical body! Come and jo-!".

He was cut off when Harry suddenly appeared behind him and kicked him in the ribs hard enough to crack a few of them, he flew through the air for a bit before landing and rolling on the ground a few times before stopping.

Harry glared and walked toward him "Shut up! The only reason I helped with your foolish and antiquated ritual, was because I wanted to personally and physically make you pay for what you did to my parents and finally kill you... for real this time!" Harry then raised a hand and opened his palm and white lighting began to dance around it, suddenly he brought his hand down, Voldermort on reflex created a shield around him thinking Harry was going to attack him"Kazapple!" to the dark lord's surprise that wasn't the case.

A giant bolt of holy lightning came flashing down and struck the snake trying to hide behind one of the tombstones instantly killing it and destroying the Horcrux within.

Voldermort watched in shock at the death of his familiar Nagini and the destruction of his latest Horcrux, he suddenly roared in rage and quickly jumped up to his feet and began to fling dark spells continuously at Harry who was dodging them effortlessly while slowly approaching the dark lord, Harry spoke up "That was the last of your Horcruxes Tom! I have found and destroyed each and every one of them, you're no longer immortal! This time when I kill you! There will be no coming back for you!" at this point Harry's eyes had taken on a dragonic look while glowing ominously.

Voldermort was once again shocked to his very core, this boy knew about his Horcruxes and had destroyed them something that should have been impossible but he can't disregard this so in a fit of both rage and fear he pointed his wand at Harry and used the killing curse to try and quickly end Harry "Avada Kavadra!".

But to the continuous shock of Voldermort, Harry caught his killing curse with his bare hand "Did you really think this level of magic can affect me? You should be able to sense how far above you in power I am" Voldermort made a complicated face "I'm very disappointed in you Tom, your death eaters spoke of you as if you were some kind of god, they swore as they all die that you would make me pay but honestly, I'm not very impressed by you so far..." Harry crushed the killing curse with his hand and glared at Voldermort.

"This what I hate the most about you and your followers! You foolishly think yourselves superior to everyone else in the world! You think you're perfect and a master of magic!" Voldermort actually took a step back from Harry's anger and sheer hate in his voice, no one had ever spoken to him like this before and for the first time in a long time he was truly afraid, however, Harry continued "You and Dumbledore stand tall and proud, you think your unbeatable, that your the only ones that deserve to rule and what really grates my nerves is that you fully believe that you can't be wrong! that you're incapable of making mistakes! It was because of both you and Dumbledore that my mother and father died!".

Harry started to walk towards Voldermort once again but this time the dark lord actually backpedaled until he bump into a tombstone and no longer could move back Harry finally stopped right in front of him "Both of you are nothing but ants compared to the real monsters out there in the universe and I'm done wasting my time with you and Dumbledore and after today I'll be washing my hand from you both, goodbye Tom...".

Voldermort eyes widen and wanted to say something anything to stop what was about to happen but suddenly his vision began to spin until all he could see was darkness and then nothing more.

Harry stared at the headless body of the man that murdered his parents limply fall to the ground, one of the men that took everything away from him was finally and fully dead "... one more asshole to go, mom... dad..".

This was how the end came for the dark lord Voldermort, an anticlimactic end to one of the evilest and vile wizards in history, in the end, he was nothing to a boy who had faced real tyrants, real evil and powerful men and women capable of destroying planets or even solar systems, to Harry Voldermort wasn't even worth fighting.

Voldermort to Harry was nothing but a mob enemy that didn't even deserve a skill to kill, Voldermort died being nothing but thrash and that was the biggest humiliation Harry could give to the dark lord who even in death will never know peace.


Unbeknownst to Harry, the conceptual being known as Death was deeply attached to him, Death was proud of what it's master had accomplished during his travels and wanted Its master to succeed in his endeavors, this was the reason why a long time ago it took control of the gamer system and evolved it beyond what it should have been able to, thanks to the connection it had to Ereshkigal for being a goddess of death and the creator of this version of the gamer Death was able to admin the game system and help Harry along the way, sometimes it would give him a quest or a skill and even guided him towards those that would make great allies, the conceptual being known throught the multiverse as Death has watched over Harry and will continue to help him grow, it has kept doing so by giving him skills orbs, weapons and quests to help his now growing family, this time Death itself will make sure that the disfigured soul of Voldermort would never find peace, Voldermort will spent eternity in torment and pain unable to move on, this was his punishment for having harmed and cause pain to Death's beloved master, no one gets away with that and all that try will be punish by Death itself.

However Harry right now was unaware of the semi-yandere tendencies of Death as he was busy preparing for the next part of his plan, he took out his cellphone and called Le Fay and when she answered he asked her "Fay? Is everything ready at your end?".

Le Fay on the other side of the phone call answered cheerfully to Harry's question "Yes! We're all ready, the third task is officially over and everyone is waiting for you, Mr. Goop took care of Fawkes so he won't be helping the old fool and I already raised a ward so no one can escape or interfere, Dumbledore actually looks excited and is waiting right on the middle of the arena along with the headmasters, Madam Bones and Ereshkigal he really believes that everything is going according to his plans, it's kinda sad actually".

Harry nodded to himself "Okay, then I'll be on my way soon, tell Sirius and Remus to get ready to take the rat, I'm pretty sure that they'll want to get their licks in before we get rid of him for good".

Le Fay waved at both Sirius and Remus, who noticed her and began to approach her "I will! See you in a few Harry!" Le Fay hung up.

Harry put his phone away and picked up Voldermort's head off the ground, then lobbed a fireball of holy fire at the dark lord's body turning it into ash.

He then approached Peter's unconscious body and made it float with telekinesis and follow behind him, with a wave of his hand a dark corridor materialized and he immediately stepped through.


~Hogwart's, Triwizard tournament arena~

The public and Harry's companions were all excitedly waiting for Harry to appear, they all knew he had won thanks to Serafall's and Gabriel's who had been projecting everything that was going on in the maze so everyone could watch so the moment Harry touched the trophy everyone cheered loudly.

But Harry never appeared, even when the other champions arrived at the arena built for celebrating the end of the Triwizard tournament and the winning champion.

Everyone waited patiently and some even went to look for him, however, a few noticed Le Fay answer a phone call and suddenly signal Sirius and Remus over to her.

This was noticed by the judges but they didn't say anything or even question it, however, Ereshkigal was grinning maliciously which caused Dumbledore's good mood to plummet when he noticed her grin, a bad feeling began to grip his heart and it got even worse when a dark corridor materialized in the middle of the arena, he knew that there's was no way Voldermort could defeat Harry but he had hoped that he could at least injured him with a dark spell or something but no, the moment he saw Harry walk through the dark corridor unharmed and an unconscious floating Peter following behind him, he knew his plans had failed once again.

Harry arrived and instantly glared at Dumbledore this made Ereshkigal grab Madam Bones and Headmaster Wolfgang by their waist and jump back far outside of Le Fay's ward, Harry pointed an open palm at Madam Maxime and blasted her outside the ward with a burst of wind.

Everyone stared in silent shock at both Ereshkigal's and Harry's actions, no one noticed that the students and staff of Hogwarts stayed inside the ward except Harry's group who stay inside just in case they need to protect the students.

Dumbledore was sweating as he stares at Harry as he glared at him, suddenly Harry threw something at his feet and as it rolled to a stop in front of him he couldn't help to gape as he watched the head of Voldermort staring back at him with his lifeless empty eyes.

Everyone gasped in shock and fear at seeing a head being so carelessly thrown like that but the adults recognized who the head belonged to, they knew it was Voldermort's head.

Harry waved his hand and Peter's unconscious body through the air and landed right in front of Sirius and Remus who grabbed it and disappeared in blurs, but no one noticed or cared about that right now, everyone was staring intently at Harry, Dumbledore, and at Voldermort's head.

Harry continued to glare at Dumbledore but suddenly spoke up "So what's the next part of the plan Dumbledore? Do you attack me now or are you going to wait to attack me from behind like a coward?".

Dumbledore tried to remain calm but inwardly he was panicking, he didn't know how but apparently the boy knew of his plans, so in a last effort to save his reputation, he tried to deny everything "I don't know what you're speaking about Harry".

Harry's eyes begin to glow as he coldly stared at Dumbledore "That's Lord Potter to you Dumbledore and don't act innocent I know it was you who put my name in the Goblet of Fire, you knew Voldermort had plans to come back, you knew that he would find a way to involved me in his plans, you thought and hoped that one of us would be heavily injured from the confrontation, or that we would kill each other...your plan was to take down the survivor of the confrontation to make yourself seemed all knowing and powerful, this whole show was just so you could recover you fame and power".

Everyone gasped and glared at Dumbledore, this was once again proof of how evil and heartless this man was and all of magical Britain was tired of him already.

Dumbledore lost it he could no longer handle all of this and had finally snapped, all of his plans were destroyed some even before he could even start them, all of his allies had abandoned him, turned their backs on him and he no longer had the power he had worked so hard to get.

It was at this moment that Dumbledore decided to no longer care, to no longer hide and in one last bad decision, he pointed his wand at Harry.

However he was suddenly hit from behind which caused him to stumble forward and grunt, he spun on his heel and pointed his wand at the one who attacked him from behind only to freeze when all he could see was a first-year-old Gryffindor student pointing his wand at him, the little boy was shaking but held a brave and hateful glare at him.

The boy whose name is Edward and was one of the many first years who had ridden on Harry's back spoke up "I-i won't let you bully Harry anymore!".

Dumbledore stared in shock at this little boy who dared to attack his headmaster to protect his hero Harry, Dumbledore tried to take a step forward but two more wands joined the little boy this time a first-year girl from Slytherin and another boy from Gryffindor.

Everyone watched in shock as these brave first years stood up to Albus Dumbledore a wizard known to be very powerful in his own right but all the Hogwarts students began to feel inspired by these tiny first years and slowly more and more wands joined them.

Dumbledore was certainly surprised, all of the Hogwart's students were turning against him, the children he sought to guide towards the right future now stood there pointing their wands at him, no love nor respect present in their eyes only hate and fear, he was powerful sure but even he couldn't hold off that many wands while facing Harry at the same time.

He turned his head towards Harry and saw him standing there proud and smiling "I told you that I was going to destroy everything you care about... to my surprise I didn't have to do much, you did this to yourself, all of it is the consequence of your actions, those kids now know what a truly evil man you are".

Dumbledore looked down and dropped his wand, he has been utterly defeated, the students kept their wands aimed at him not trusting the old man any longer, and that finally broke the old fool.

He turned towards Harry and glared at him "So what now!? Are you going to kill me!?".

Harry coldly stared at Dumbledore's eyes and snapped his fingers creating another ward this time keeping everyone out, he smiled at the Hogwarts students and caused them to relax and put their wands away, he then turned back towards Dumbledore "Yes... I'm bored of having to deal with you, you have nothing left you're nothing but a waste of space but don't think you'll find peace in death Dumbledore... I'll make sure you spend the rest of eternity in darkness".

Energy began to flare and dance around Harry as he summoned oblivion to his hand and began to approach Dumbledore but to the surprise of everyone present two ghostly figures began to form behind Harry.

Dumbledore, the Hogwart's staff, and both Sirius and Remus who had come back gasped. Sirius teared up "James... Lily...".

The spirits of Harry's parents appeared behind Harry and as he turned his head to look at them he smiled, a soft and happy smile.

James and Lily smiled back and nodded at Harry, Harry nodded back and turned to look at Dumbledore who was staring at the spirits of James and Lily Potter in silent shock, Harry spoke loudly "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore! For the crimes of betraying the Potters! Sirius Black and me Harry Potter! For the attempt to steal from the Potter vaults, for sentencing me to 5 years of abuse and neglect! and for having tried continuously to control the life of a Lord, I Harry James Potter, Dragon God and Lord of both the Potters and the Peverell families sentence you to an eternity in darkness! May you never see the light again!".

With that said Harry jabbed oblivion into Dumbledore's chest causing him to scream in agony, with a pull Harry pulled oblivion back along with Dumbledore's glowing and crystal-like heart.

Everyone stares in silence at what they were witnessing and when they watched Harry swing the black-colored key-like weapon at what they suspected was Dumbledore's heart which was floating right in front of him they could only gape when it shattered upon impact.

Dumbledore began to scream in agonizing pain and as his body began to break down in wisps in darkness he turned to look at Harry, the last thing he would ever see would be Harry's cold and uncaring eyes as he stared at him slowly vanishing.

Harry lets go of Oblivion which vanishes in wisps of purple light as he watched Dumbledore being consumed by darkness, he turned toward his parents and hugs them "It's finally over, mom! dad!".

His parents hug him back and smiled they both stepped back and wave at him, then they looked at everyone and wave at their old friends who were waving back with tears in their eyes, except the remaining marauders who wave at them cheerfully only for Sirius to flinch and yelped when he saw Lilly pull out a bat out of nowhere and point at her eyes and then at him.

Harry chuckled at his mother's action and watched his parents slowly vanish with a smile and then turned towards everyone who was now cheering or crying, completely forgetting the fact that Dumbledore was now dead, no one really cares about him anymore, this is how the story of the great leader of the light ended.

Harry broke the wards and Ereshkigal approached him and then loudly proclaimed "The winner of the Triwizard Tournament is Harry Potter!".

The public, the champions, and the people he considers family rush up to him to hug him and congratulate him, discreetly Yasaka burned away Voldermort's head with blue fire.

This is how the Triwizard tournament ended and how the lives of two powerful and once prominent wizards ended as well, soon they'll be completely forgotten and the British magical community will finally slowly walk towards change and progress.

Harry had single handily done what many had tried to do for centuries the funny thing is that he wasn't even trying to do that, all he did was get back at the people who had taken everything from him, he destroyed everything they built, took away their followers and then finally took their lives.

Harry looked up to the sky and smiled, he was finally free from the guilt he felt, at one point he even blamed himself for his parent's deaths and even wished he wasn't born, this way his parents would have lived but he found people who filled his life with love and care and those thoughts disappear from his mind.

As the wind gently blew and as the public, his friends, and family celebrated him, he couldn't help but to smile and look forward to what life will bring next.

And so a new chapter in Harry's life has begun and he was excited about it and as he hugged his girls tightly he began to celebrate with his beloved family.