Chapter 24

After the Triwizard tournament officially finished and Hogwarts celebrated Harry for winning, multiple things happened during the rest of the time Harry and company spent visiting Hogwarts.

The first major event that happened was Madam Maxime being immediately arrested after the Triwizard tournament finished, Madam Bones did not waste any time and sent her back to France in magic suppressant shackles, her court day was scheduled for about a month later but Lady Delacour told Harry and company to not worry about it and that she was personally going to be making sure that Madam Maxime spends quite a long time in prison for endangering her beloved daughter Gabrielle.

Speaking of the little veela, it seems that Serafall was successful in corrupting her and now France will be getting their very own magical girl something that made Serafall very happy and caused Gabrielle's parents to worry about her future.

Fleur was content with how the tournament ended as she was well aware that Harry would win but it was a fun year nonetheless and she learned a lot about the other supernatural factions during her stay at Hogwarts, plus Harry promised her a position on the Magical Research Branch in Kyoto, something that she was very excited about, she still hasn't succeeded in getting one of Harry's scales but she still hasn't given up and vowed to someday get one.

Viktor was also happy with his performance during the tournament, however, he still wanted to test himself and so challenged Harry into a wizard's duel.

Harry accepted the challenge with a smile on his face and even used the Elder Wand to duel Viktor, the battle was absolutely impressive and even Professor Flitwick was very impressed by Viktor's skill in wand magic, but everyone was equally shocked at how good Harry was with a wand and his knowledge of wand magic spells, of course, no one knew that his secret was that he had Voldermort's knowledge of duel skills and spells plus now that he was wielding the Elder Wand the wand itself was transferring all of the wand magic spells and knowledge of its previous wielders, this helped Harry increased his already vast and impressive library of wand magic.

As the duel raged on Harry continuously and easily batted Viktor's spells away with the Elder Wand and returned fire with all kinds of elemental charms and transfigurations, they were so unique and powerful that the teachers were openly gaping especially Professor McGonagall who gaped, even more, when Harry transfigured rocks into all kinds of monsters, dragons and send them to attack Viktor.

As Viktor watched the monsters launch themselves at him, he back peddled and fought back with cutting and exploding spells to take out as many as he could but the strange monsters were very tough and agile, especially the little blue slimes that kept on tackling him and the many spells the monsters were shooting at him, forcing him to shield too often.

Eventually, exhaustion caught up to him, and was eventually bashed in the head by a dragon wielding an axe knocking him unconscious and making Harry the Victor of the duel.

Everyone present was gaping at the sight of such powerful and strange monsters, except Hagrid whose eyes were sparkling in excitement at the sight of such wonderful creatures.

The only ones who had recognized the monsters were the girls, Sirius and Remus who had fought and seen them when they would train in Harry's Instant Dungeons inwardly they were very glad that Harry didn't transfigure demonlord Rhapthorn into the duel, it would have been very messy to deal with him.

Viktor woke up a few hours later and thanked Harry for the amazing match even though he was taken down too quickly he was happy with his performance, Harry just grinned and told him that he would wait for Viktor to challenge him again sometime in the future and that he was looking forward to seeing how much he would improve by then.

Cedric was happy with the outcome of the tournament since he knew from the get-go that it would be impossible for him to win with Harry being a part of the tournament, but he was just happy with having given it his all plus no one got hurt and more importantly no one died and that's what really mattered in the end, now he was making plans to work in the ministry and slowly make his way up the political ladder there, his plan was to help guide magical Britain towards change and progress, of course, he was well aware that it would be tough and time consuming but he was willing to work for it, his heart told him that it was a good thing to work towards to.

Harry's amazing duel with Viktor inspired many to take on dueling which made Professor Flitwick giddy with anticipation and he was ready looking forward to next year when he was planning to create a dueling club for Hogwarts.

No one cared about the death of Albus Dumbledore, not even his brother Aberforth who just shrugged and said 'good riddance!' it seems that the old fool's actions finally brought about the end of whatever was left of his self-imposed image as the leader of light.

The Daily Prophet had announced his death sometime after the third task but no one paid attention to the news since it was overshadowed by other news like the announcement of Harry's victory over the Triwizard tournament, this is how Dumbledore was soon forgotten by the British magical community.

Professor McGonagall unsurprisingly was chosen as the new headmistress of Hogwarts with Andromeda taking on the role of the vice headmistress, this made Madam Bones happily hand over control over Hogwarts's wards to Headmistress McGonagall, and soon new and exciting changes will arrive in Hogwarts, in the next term the students will have access to a new curriculum, branches of magic and even clubs which will be available to all the returning students.

Slowly Hogwarts will change towards a new bright future and its students will be free to learn and improve themselves as they wish, the magical British school will finally regain its title as the best magical school in the world sometime in the future.

Madam Bones now free of supervising Hogwarts made a deal with Yasaka and Harry, now the Aurors will receive specialized training from the palace guards and the Anbu corps of Kyoto, even old Moody join in the fun and all Aurors were looking forward to finally being allowed to improve themselves, especially since this training will be free thanks to Harry, though in exchange every Auror that wants to undertake this training will have to take a magical vow to not abuse it and to use it to protect everyone equally.

Serafall and Gabriel stayed in Hogwarts for a while longer and as always they were quite popular among the students, especially with the first years, and had fans from all ages, it certainly was fun watching Serafall play out her show's episodes with the first years, meanwhile, Gabriel spent her time helping the first years with their studies and going to class to experience the life of a student, though she would often spend more time being an honorary nurse with Madam Pomfrey who was glad to have some help with her everyday work, having to take care of the medical needs of a magical school's students was a big job after all.

Yasaka spent some time exploring Hogwarts and the forbidden forest where Kunou introduced her to the centaur herd who welcomed her with open arms, eventually some centaurs decided to leave and create a herd within Kyoto which made Yasaka very happy.

No one would notice the Acromantulas hiding in a dark corner of the forbidden forest and praying to any gods listening that those crazy powerful foxes wouldn't find them.

Ereshkigal enjoyed going on dates with Harry and even took him to her domain in the underworld for a visit, where Harry made a bunch of trees and flowers bloom with his Senjutsu and Mokuton which he was thanked for with a good long kiss from Ereshkigal who loved watching her domain being filled with so much life.

The girls continued with what they were doing throughout the rest of their visit, when the time came to go back home they will miss their time in Hogwarts but they will be forever thankful for the good times spent in the magical castle.

Harry, of course, continued to take them on dates, sometimes around the world, and at some point, he even took Le Fay to go visit her parents who welcomed him with smiles and open arms.

Harry was a bit confused about this since they have never met before and when he asked Le Fay's mom, who had introduced herself as Marianne Pendragon, she informed him that the Potters were old allies to the Pendragon family since all the way back to the era of Camelot and that they were excited to welcome the current Potter Lord into their family, this news caused Le Fay to panic and blush immensely but calmed down when she saw Harry smile at her and grab hold of her hand causing her to shyly return the smile.

At the same time, Arthur Pendragon who had left his home to travel around the world and improve his swordsmanship had a sudden urge to go dragon slaying for some reason.

He looked around for a bit confused as to where that sudden urge came from but then continued on his way however he was now letting off some very disturbing and dark aura as he walked through the forest in a very bad mood, it was so intense that it made the animals around the area flee.

After visiting Le Fay's family, Luna convinced Harry to do an intensive interview for the Quibbler where he explained everything that had happened between him, Dumbledore, and Voldermort, he also made mention of the prophecy, the betrayal of the Potters by Peter Pettigrew and how Sirius was left to rot in Azkaban by Dumbledore, he even provided his memories of the last battle and final moments of two of the most powerful wizard to have lived in Britain.

The Quibbler reached high sales for that interview and had to reprint the issue another two times since now that they were going international thanks to having hired many yokai, Luna's parents thought it help run the newspaper better, which turned out to be a very good idea since the newspaper was very popular throughout the supernatural world.

Every magical community around the world was appalled by how much power and control these two individuals were able to amass and they all vow to never be fooled by people like this again.

This had the side effect of Cornelius Fudge being kicked out of the ministry and arrested for taking bribes and many other crimes.

To Madam Bones' annoyance, she was nominated for Minister of Magic and she won by a landslide, now she can be seen walking around the ministry grumbling and sulking about not being able to retire for a few more years.

Susan and Hermione begged and annoyed Harry into training them further than he already had, which eventually he agreed to but told them that only after they had graduated from Hogwarts, that way he could take them to another world to get stronger sometime after that.

This made both Susan and Hermione excited and were very much looking forward to traveling to a new world with him in the future.

Valerie continued to cook with the house-elves to improve her domestic skills, which Elmenhilde had suggested to her to do if she wanted to be a good housewife for Harry, she had improved so much that the house-elves were now bowing to her in respect every time she would come to the kitchens, she would always giggle and hug the little creatures who had taught her so much, eventually, she started to cook meals for Harry daily, who immediately declared her to be one of the best cooks he has ever met and that's saying something since he had tasted the food from people like Shuna, Chi Chi, and Yuzu.

Kunou would often ask for late-night rides on Harry's dragon form, something that Harry was happy to do for his first student and now girlfriend, during those nights they would talk about the future and how Kunou decided not to inherit the leadership of the yokai faction from her mother when she would retire, instead she wanted to marry Harry, start a family with him and the other girls.

This made Harry extremely happy since he has always wanted a big family and once he landed and took on his human form he gently kissed Kunou which caused her to blush and stammer a bit until she fainted, reminding him of his friend Hinata and how she would act around Naruto, this caused a warm chuckle to escape him.

He continued chuckling as he lifted Kunou into his arms and princess carried her all the way to their Mokuton-made mansion, a soft and happy smile evident on his face.

Sadly their time in Hogwarts came to an end as the school term ended, they said their goodbyes to the many friends they made throughout the year and went back to Kyoto promising that they will see them all again in the future.

The Hogwarts students sadly said their goodbyes to an amazing year, to their Hero Harry Potter and to the girls.

Hogwarts, the staff, and the students will miss the girl's friendly and kind demeanor, Sirius and Remus's pranks, and Harry Potter's world-breaking abilities, it certainly has been a hell of a year.

But they all knew that they will see him and everyone else again sometime in the future and in the hearts of Hogwarts's students and staff they were already looking forward to that day arriving.


(Timeskip: 1 month)

~Kyoto, Yasaka's office~

After coming back from their vacation and settling back in, the girls jumped back into their training determined to reach new levels of power and catch up to Harry as much as they could, they all had a family to protect now and they would do anything to keep everyone they love safe.

A month quickly passed by and today Harry had called a meeting with Yasaka, Amaterasu, Gabriel, Serafall, Elmenhilde, and Madam Bones. Of course, the girls, Ereshkigal, and both Sirius and Remus joined in the meeting too.

Today he was going to announce a couple of things that he has been preparing in secret with Le Fay and he wanted to leave everything ready before he left for his extended leave.

Harry looked around and stare at each of the individuals present at this meeting he gave them all a smile and began to speak "Thank you, everyone, I know all of you are usually very busy so I am grateful that all of you could attend this meeting".

Yasaka nodded "Fufufu well I can't speak for everyone but every time you're involved in something, fun things are bound to happen Harry and no one would want to miss it".

Everyone chuckled or giggle at Yasaka's statement causing Harry to blush and scratch the back of his head in embarrassment "Heh.. anyways! I called everyone because Le Fay and I, have finished a project we've been working on since we created the emergency protective wards against other deities".

Everyone turned toward Le Fay who blushed and hid behind Harry from all the attention she was suddenly getting, Harry, chuckled and continued "As all of you are aware, these wards are connected to the leylines and the nexus right on top of Mt Fuji, what Le Fay and I didn't mention at the time was because I used my brand of Senjutsu which happened to be more potent and pure along with my own energy, it caused the leylines to evolve and are currently producing at least 50 times the amount of natural energy into all of Japan".

Everyone in the room opened their eyes wide in shock, however, Amaterasu was able to regain her wits and spoke up to ask some very important questions "But Harry, senjutsu is very toxic for everyone who is not a yokai or god and now you're telling us that the leylines have been releasing 50 times the amount of potent and purified natural energy and no one noticed?... How is every human in Japan still alive?".

Harry nodded and grinned, he knew full well the dangers of Senjutsu on untrained humans so he answered Amaterasu's questions to alleviate her worries "Well the answer to that is that Le Fay and I connected the surplus of natural energy into a pocket dimension I created, of course, we thought that having all of that energy just sit there and not use it for something somehow, to be a big waste so I created with the help of Le Fay, what I call the Infinite Dungeon which as we speak is using all of that extra natural energy to create an entire environment".

Everyone once again gaped except the girls who immediately got what that meant for Kyoto, Kunou spoke up "Wait, so you and Fay-chan created a natural dungeon? Like the ones you let us train in?".

Harry nodded and petted her head causing her to smile happily "That's right, Kyoto is now the proud owner of the one and only natural dungeon in the world, solely created for the purpose of entertainment and training".

Le Fay nodded and continued the explanation "It certainly wasn't easy! we had to connect that pocket dimension to Harry's Gamer system, which created an independent sub-control system and allows it to grow and learn from Harry's many types of Instant Dungeons, this allowed for the spawning of many different kinds of creatures that now live in the dungeon".

Harry grinned at the gaping faces of everyone in the room "The natural energy is now being used to create, respawn and expand the pocket dimension, everyone who goes in will have to go through each new floor created by the automatic system to reach a new floor, no floor will be the same but here's the exciting part!".

Everyone leaned forward in anticipation "The Infinite Dungeon is now spawning all kinds of monsters from many different worlds I have visited, items, money, weapons, and even skill orbs are also being spawned for anyone who dares to go in! This will be the best way to train any future Anbu corps members, Royal guards, and Aurors".

Everyone gasped and didn't know how to react to this news, it was certainly unbelievable, an ever-expanding dungeon where anyone can amass power, money, and treasures this will increase the power that the Yokai faction has even further, Harry continued on "This way members of the Yokai faction and our allies will grow in power and gain important battle experience, they don't even need to worry about death in the dungeon if anyone gets hurt to a critical condition they will be automatically teleported to Ophanimon's temple where they'll be healed for a fee".

Yasaka stared at Harry for a while and suddenly stood up and hugged him tightly, Harry happily returned the hug "Harry.. you're always helping me and my people, thank you...".

Harry smiled and stepped back a bit and gently petted her "No need to thank me Yasaka, Kyoto is my home too and I want everyone living here to have the very best lives that they can".

Everyone smiled at this scene but suddenly Le Fay spoke up drawing everyone's attention to her "However Harry and I decided that only our people, the Vampire faction, the wizards who have joined the Yokai faction under magical vows and a limited number of members of the church will be allowed to use the Infinite Dungeon".

Harry looked at Serafall who look down sadly "I'm sorry Sera but we don't trust the devil faction to not abuse this, only you will be granted special permission to use it whenever you want".

Serafall teared up and launched herself at Harry who was barely able to catch her "Oof!" Serafall hugged Harry tightly "Thank you, Harry! I promise not to abuse it".

Gabriel raised her hand and spoke up "Umm Harry why are only a limited number of members of my faction allowed in".

Harry looks down for a second and then looks straight into Gabriel's eyes "I don't trust your faction either Gabriel, the church has taken part in some very shady things in the past and Michael isn't doing anything to fix it, so, for now, you, Griselda, Xenovia and Irina will be the only ones allowed in with special permits".

Gabriel looked heartbroken but she understood Harry's decision, as of late she has been questioning how Michael has been choosing to deal with everything happening in their faction and the church, having been living in the human world and among the yokai, she has been able to learn a lot about how the world runs and that has made it harder for her to defend the church's and Michael's actions.

Harry walked towards the downtrodden Gabriel, patted her head, and gave her some candy he had in his pocket after that Gabriel looked a bit happier as she eat the candy and Harry continued on "So yes, soon the dungeon will open and every member of our faction and allies will be able to keep growing, acquire new skills and abilities plus they'll even be able to get a solid income with the monster slaying and or selling the many materials they'll find in the dungeon to the magical research branch, I'm positive that the researchers there will be excited to study anything coming out of the dungeon, unfortunately, I won't be in Kyoto when the Infinite Dungeon opens".

Everyone looked down sadly except Ereshkigal who is leaving with Harry for his extended leave, they were all aware that Harry will be gone for at least 3 years and they can't help but feel sad about it, Harry smiled "Hey... Don't make those faces guys, I'll be back soon enough I promise!".

Everyone nodded and smiled at him and the rest of the night was spent planning the grand opening of the Infinite Dungeon, when the news about this amazing place available only to the Yokai faction and its allies comes out, it will shake the world once again.

However, Harry won't be present to witness all of this, by the time the news hit he would be in a new world and on a new grand adventure with the first girls that stole his heart.


The next day Harry along with the girls and family gathered in Yasaka's gardens, this was the place he chose to summon Jessica, Milim, and Fuu.

He was excited to see them again and to hold them in his arms, finally, he'll be able to spend his life with them after having waited for so long.

Harry stood ahead of everyone else and mentally opened his menu screen, he selected the multiverse summon tab and picked the three names at the top of the list of available beings for summoning.

The moment he clicked on the names three pillars of blue light materialized in front of him and three individuals began to take form until three young girls finally appeared and blink their eyes open.

Harry smiled the moment he caught sight of them, he look at the redhead, with chocolate color eyes, she was wearing a blue long-sleeve blouse and a long red dress.

Jessica looked around confused about where she was at the moment but then she saw Harry and a big smile appeared on her face, he looked younger but now that she thinks about it he did tell her about his world jumping and having to deage to start in a new world.

However none of that was important for Jessica at the moment, she suddenly took off running and hugged Harry very tightly, Harry caught her and hugged her back while twirling her around a bit.

Then he put her down and smiled at her "Hey Jessica, I'm sorry it took me so long to summon you into my world".

Jessica shook her head and smiled back "It doesn't matter, I'm here now and we can finally be together".

However, they were caught off guard when they both got hugged by over excited Fuu "Yay! Group hug!".

Harry turned to look at Fuu and smiled at her, she hasn't changed after all this time, of course, she had also deaged but her cheerful and friendly attitude was still there, he looked at her smiling happily at him, her mint green hair bobbin up and down from her excitement and her tan skin glowing in the sun, she was wearing her white shinobi clothing, the only difference he can see is that her headband was one of Konoha instead of Takigakure.

Harry freed one of his hands from Jessica and caressed Fuu on her cheek "It's nice to see you again Fuu".

Fuu grinned and kissed Harry "You took too long to bring me, meany!".

Harry chuckled "Sorry, I was busy taking care of our new home and my new growing family, besides if I had summoned you too earlier you would have deaged too much".

Fuu pouted but Harry just smiled at her and looked around for his third girlfriend until to his surprise he found her happily scratching Yasaka behind her ears, what made him chuckle was Yasaka's face lost in bliss from Milim's legendary ear scratching skills.

Milim must have felt Harry's eyes on her because she suddenly turned her head to look at Harry, Only her eyes were glowing blue and Harry only had a few seconds to push Fuu and Jessica away before he was tackled at high speed by a pink-haired missile.

Both flew through the air for a bit and created a deep crater where they landed, everyone approached the crater and look down in worry for Harry but then sweatdroped when they saw him hugging a sobbing Milim, a soft smile evident on Harry's face as he hugged the small dragonoid tightly".

As Milim was crying, Harry began to gently stroke her pink hair "I'm sorry it took a long time to bring you here Milim".

Milim who was finally somewhat able to calm herself down a bit, began to berate Harry "Sniff! Idiot!, I missed you so much!, Rimuru and everyone in Tempest missed you too Harry! sniff...".

Harry chuckled and gently dried her tears with his hands, Milim has always been a sweet girl, sure she's a dangerous demonlord and she doesn't know how to hold back a lot but she loves those that she considers friends and family, so he and Rimuru were always on top of her list of favorite people in the world, especially since we showed her a lot of fun things to do that had nothing to do with being a demonlord, so I continued to gently stroke her pink hair as I float us up and out of the crater.

We land right in front of everyone and smiled at them, Milim finally let go and grinned at everyone while drying her leftover tears.

Harry nodded to himself "Okay, how about some introductions?".

Everyone nodded and the girls, Yasaka, Ereshkigal, Sirius, and Remus introduced themselves to the new girls.

After that the new girls began to introduce themselves to the Kyoto group starting with Jessica "Hello everyone, my name is Jessica Albert and as I'm sure you now already know I'm Harry's first girlfriend and a mage, it's nice to finally meet all of you".

Everyone turned to Harry and asked how Jessica already knew about them and the Kyoto girls "Oh, after the Triwizard tournament I started to send messages to Jessica, Fuu, and Milim through the gamer system, that way I could prepare them for when I summoned them and to explain somethings about this world along with the fact that I now had more girlfriends, it's great that the gamer system now allows me to do this, surprisingly it was a reward for killing both Dumbledore and Voldermort, I just didn't notice it at the time".

Once again the gamer system seems to give him something useful at the right time, he didn't know why or how the game could and would do this for him but he was very thankful for it.

Death was blushing and fidgeting as it saw Harry being thankful for its hard work "Fufufu you're very welcome master...".

Everyone nodded in understanding but Fuu suddenly jumped and fist pumped "Hello everyone! My name is Fuu, I'm Jonin of the hidden leaf village! and the Jinchuriki of the seven-tailed beast Chomei! It's always great to make new friends!".

Everyone smiled at Fuu infectious cheer and the happy glint in her orange-colored eyes.

Milim stepped forward with a grin on her face and her fits to her hips "Hehe! and I'm Milim Nava! a true demonlord! It's nice to meet any friends and family of Harry!".

Despite trying to look cool she ended up looking adorable instead, which caused everyone to chuckle or giggle to her confusion, however the Kyoto girls, Yasaka plus Ereshkigal immediately lifted and kidnapped the girls and took them shopping and to gossip, everything happened in such high speed that it left the men confused and all by themselves.

Harry "...".

Sirius "...".

Remus "...".

They were flabbergasted about how quickly everything had happened that they couldn't react which now that they think about it, must have been the girl's plan all along.

Sirius grinned at Harry "Well... looks like they forgot about you, Harry".

Harry nodded while Remus scratched his chin in thought "Hmm.. I think you should consider yourself lucky though, you could have been dragged into going shopping with them and that amount of girls shopping seems quite dangerous".

Harry turned towards them, waterfall tears falling from his eyes "They still have access to my in-game money... I'm going to have to grind for cash for many days to recover from this..".

Both Sirius and Remus winced and could only pat Harry on his shoulders in understanding since when their own wives go shopping together their wallets cry tears of blood too.

After spending the rest of the day with the Kyoto girls, Yasaka plus Ereshkigal, and spending a ridiculous amount of money on shopping for all kinds of cool stuff and clothes, the new girls met up with Harry who was sitting on the palace rooftop, grumbling about going into an instant dungeon soon to grind for money, something which caused them to giggle at him for.

Harry turned around when he heard their giggleling and smiled at them, Milim decided to sit on his lap with a big grin on her face while Jessica and Fuu sat at his sides.

Harry hugged Milim to himself tightly "So did you guys have fun in Kyoto?".

The girls nodded enthusiastically, Milim turned her head to look at Harry "Mhmh! It was fun! This place seems a lot like Tempest! and everyone here is so nice too! Plus the food is super tasty! I see that you wanted to follow Rimuru's example with this city".

I chuckled at the reminder of our mutual slimy friend "Yup! but without having to run it, I left that job to Yasaka, to bad Rimuru failed to do that with Tempest and now he is forever stuck having to rule it! Hehe!".


Meanwhile, in Tempest, a big blue slime suddenly sneezed "Ha! Why do I suddenly feel like hitting Harry with a black flames fireball?".

Shion who was with Rimuru right now "Don't be silly Rimuru-Sama! Harry-Sama is a good boy so you shouldn't hurt him!".

Rimuru sweatdrop, Harry was often spoiled by the women of Tempest because he was a child when he appeared in this world and that made him popular with all the girls, for some reason even Ciel would spoil him with skills and info.

Rimuru just stared at Shion "That kid sure is an evil master mind..." the fact that Ciel was giggleling in his mind didn't make him feel any better.


Jessica smiled at Harry "It sure is different from my world, it's so advanced and monsters live among humans too, that surprised the most".

Harry nodded and smiled at Jessica "How are Hiro, the Princess, the King, and the rest of our friends?".

Jessica grinned and rested her head on Harry's shoulders "After Hiro and Medea got married, King Trode retired and made Hiro the king of Trodain not too long after, and now he spends his days fishing or messing around with that alchemy pot of his".

Harry chuckled at the king's retirement routine and Jessica continued "Hiro and Medea had a daughter soon after Hiro became the new king of Trodain, they named her Lily, after your mother".

Harry teared up when he heard that two of his closest friends named their daughter after his mother, Jessica gently smiled at him and caressed his cheek "Red and Yangus got married too and now they spent their days looking around the world for treasure, and Angelo actually opened an orphanage though he's still quite the womanizer...".

I smiled, happy that both Yangus and Red got together and I couldn't help but chuckle at Angelo's womanizing ways "I'm glad everyone is doing okay, we should visit them sometime in the future".

Jessica nodded while Fuu looked around and then spoke "I noticed a few Anbu patrolling around, was that your idea Harry?".

Harry turned to look at Fuu and nodded "Yup, Kyoto needed a discreet way to protect it, we have the Royal guards and the holy knight Digimon but sometimes we need a stealthy way of dealing with problems, especially when in this world there are quite a few powerful factions that just love to be too nosy".

Fuu nodded "They're pretty good, I almost didn't notice them, it was only thanks to Chomei that I could even sense them, did you train them yourself?".

Harry once again nodded "Yes, I followed the third Hokage's example on how to train them and even made sure that all Anbu are at least kage-level or sennin-level shinobi at the most, after that they train themselves or whatever else they want to learn, that level of skill in this world is enough to face an ultimate class level enemy by themselves and a whole squad can take on a satan class level enemy".

Fuu nodded "That's impressive, I don't think Konoha trains their Anbu that hard but then again we don't have access to your instant dungeons".

Harry nods and looks up "How are Naruto and Sasuke?".

Fuu smiled "Naruto and Hinata got married" "FINALLY!" Fuu giggled at Harry's reaction and statement but continued after "They now have a son named Boruto and a daughter named Himawari".

Harry smiles at the mention of two of his friends building a family, meanwhile, Fuu continues on "Sasuke married Sakura and they have a daughter named Sarada, but Sasuke is not at home often since he tends to travel around a lot still".

Harry nodded "We have to visit them sometime in the future too, I can't wait to see how everyone is doing".

Harry cuddled with everyone tightly but he suddenly tensed up when a dark corridor materialized above them "Oh no.. shi- argh!".

He was cut off when the Kyoto girls along Ereshkigal, Sirius, and Remus landed on top of them, however, the roof couldn't take the combined weight of everyone and caved in, sending everyone down until they crashed on top of Yasaka's desk completely destroying it, Yasaka stared at everyone in shock since she had been working for quite a while and they took her by surprise, she gapped for a little while but then eventually shrugged and turned into her fox form on a smaller scale and then climbed the pile of limbs and curled up on the top of the pile, everyone was laughing except Harry who was at the bottom of the pile "Luna... why?".

Luna giggled "We wanted to cuddle too!".

Harry just sighed and then chuckled "and you Sirius? Remus?".

Both marauders grinned and then shrugged, Sirius answered Harry's question "It sounded like fun so why not?".

Harry sweatdropped and just watched as Yasaka began to softly snore on top of the pile "sigh... well I'm just going to go to sleep down here, don't mind me..".

Harry fell asleep to the sounds of his family laughing and having fun at his expense but he found himself not really caring about that and just smiled as he slept.


The new group of girls spent the next month familiarizing themselves with Kyoto, the yokai, wizards, and vampires living there.

Hagrid finally showed up to visit and Harry, Sirius, and Remus wasted no time in introducing him to the oni clans who accepted him right away and had instantly become popular with the oni woman, Harry felt bad for his friend and hoped that when an oni woman is finally able to catch him she would allow him a little mercy.

However, the lovable giant spent most of his time going around and playing with the many mystical animals living in the forest of Kyoto and the many different kinds of yokai.

Now everyone was always happy to see him and would greet him with a smile, even the Digimon would stop and have a talk with him when they would see him.

Milim spent her time going around and trying as many snacks as she could or asking Valerie to make her a cake or cookies, of course, Valerie gladly did so and quickly became one of Milim's favorite people, you want to tame a cute female demonlord? Feed her something sweet to eat, Rimuru proved that it was a very effective method to deal with overpowered demonlords!

Jessica soon found her place in the magical research branch and got on especially well with Le Fay and would be often found exchanging notes and spells with each other, this helped increase Jessica's repertoire of spells by quite a lot.

Fuu wanted to improve so she trained with the Anbu corps, this also helped them improve their own shinobi skills since now they had another ninja to train with, Harry also began to teach her senjutsu in order to increase her options and with Chomei helping in drawing natural energy she was learning fast.

The Kyoto girls would often spar with Milim who was having fun fighting strong opponents for once, the girls weren't on her level yet but they were approaching her at a fast rate and that excited the small dragonoid.

Everyone in Kyoto was motivated to grow in strength and be able to protect their home, Japan was now known as the home of the strongest faction and they wanted to keep it that way, they won't be pushed around anymore and they won't allow anyone to get away with anything any longer.

The people of Kyoto learned from Harry's example that if you want your home and family to be safe then you have to put in the effort to grow stronger and they will, how can they not? when they now have so many different ways available to do so and soon a new and exciting method for growing stronger will present itself and the yokai faction and its allies will forever cement their spot as the strongest faction in the world.

Soon enough the time for Harry's departure arrived and on the morning of that day, he had gathered everyone who was coming with him along with those who were going to stay in Kyoto in the palace gardens.

The day before he had already spoken with the Digimon holy knight and had left them with the orders of protecting Japan and the yokai faction with all their might.

The Digimon took a knee and vowed to their master and best friend that they would protect their home with all their might and punish anyone who dared endanger it

This made both Serafall and Gabriel nervously begin to sweat and had already decided to have a talk with their factions in order to prevent the destruction of said factions from someone being too stupid to poke the metaphorical dragon that is the yokai faction now.

Kunou, Le Fay, Valerie, and Luna were hugging Harry tightly and refused to let him go anytime soon but Harry promised to communicate often with the gamer system and to sometime take them to other worlds too.

With those promises being made they finally and reluctantly let go, Harry smiled at them and then turned to hug both Sirius and Remus, he made them promise to take care of everyone in his stead which they gladly promised to.

He then hugged Yasaka tightly, Yasaka smiled and hug him back and told him to have lots of fun and to bring souvenirs causing Harry to chuckle.

He then picked up Elmenhilde causing her to squeak and try to get him to let go but then gave up and hugged him back.

After that he hugged Gabriel and Serafall however both powerful beings didn't want to let go and were crying and sobbing for a long while, everyone chuckled and giggled at Harry's predicament as he tried to calm them down.

Eventually, he succeeded and was finally freed from their deadly embrace, he stepped back along with everyone going with him and smiled "Okay everyone, I'll keep in contact and I'll see you in three years!".

With a mental command, he used the multiverse jump tab on his menu and selected random, in a flash of light Harry, Milim, Jessica, Fuu, and Ereshkigal left this world.

Everyone waved goodbye for a while but then with determination present in their eyes they left to continue on with their training to protect Kyoto.


~New York, world ?~

Harry and his companions arrived on top of a big building, they looked around and noticed that they were in a big and modern city, however, they were somewhat caught off guard when they notice a whole in the sky and a bunch of creatures and whale like beings come out of it and start attacking and destroying the city.

Harry raised an eyebrow but suddenly was distracted from the alien invansion by the too familiar ping of the Gamer sytem notification.

[Ding, Ding!]

[New York is being invaded by aliens! so help the Avengers save and protect their world!?]


[1) Kill as many Chitauri as possible]

[2) Protect as many civilians as possible]

[3) Help the Avengers close up the portal]

[4) Teach Loki a lesson!]


[1) White mage skill orb (Final fantasy ver)]

[2) Random mystic weapon]

[3) New friends and allies!]

[4) Besides being fun? How about a random skill orb?]

Harry stared at the screen with a raised eyebrow for a good minute, it seems like the system was having fun with this situation, he then turned around to look at his girlfriends.

Milim's eyes were glowing as she took a look at everything around her, she seems to be concentrating on the building just below the wormhole in the sky.

Jessica was looking down below towards the civilians scrambling to get away from their aggresors.

Fuu was jumping from foot to foot and excitedly looked around at all the action, she seems eager to join in the fun.

Ereshkigal grinned at Harry, which Harry returned with one of his own "Well looks like we're a little late to the party, but how about we show these aliens who's boss?!".

The girls smiled and answered with a loud "Yes!".

With that said they all took off to join in the battle unknowingly unaware of the changes and chaos, they would bring to this marvelous world.