Chapter 26

After a long day of fighting the Avengers and their new friends finally had the chance to go eat the promised shawarma and to the surprise of a few of them, it was very tasty.

As they were eating, the Avengers decided to question their new friends about what they were and where they come from since Harry and the girls had mentioned something about a different world a few times and that seem a bit odd to the Avengers but since they had Thor with them they were already guessing that their new friends were from another world, -they just didn't have a good idea of how far they really came from-.

Harry swallowed a bite of his shawarma and smiled "Well if my transformation isn't enough of a hint to tell you what I am then let me tell you that I'm a Dragon God among other things." the Avengers nodded, having watched Harry turned into a massive dragon really was a hint at to what Harry was, the god part still did surprise them, especially Thor.

Milim grinned and took a bite of her meal and spoke after chewing and swallowing it "As all of you know my name is Milim Nava and I'm a Dragonoid and a true Demonlord!" everyone stared at the tiny girl cheerfully eating and they couldn't believe that she was a Demonlord, they turned to Harry who just grinned and nodded having already known what was going through their heads.

Fuu who was drinking some soda spoke up next "I'm a shinobi and the Jinchuriki of the seven-tailed beast Chomei! He's the giant beetle you saw." they didn't know what a Jinchuriki was but that wasn't important right now. This girl just confirmed that yes she's a ninja and that the giant beetle was sentient and had a name.

Jessica who had already finished eating spoke up after Fuu "I'm just a magical human or a mage if you prefer." she smiled at everyone, but they all deadpan at her simplistic explanation like they didn't just see her rain down giant fireballs or ice spikes on the Chitauri like it was nothing a few hours ago.

Ereshkigal was rubbing her belly having enjoyed her meal and spoke up "I'm Ereshkigal the goddess of death and queen of the underworld." and now they have a death goddess in front of them, well shit maybe they should have taken her to a better restaurant.

Everyone couldn't help but deadpan at the sheer nonchalance these five just unloaded that information with.

Tony looks up in thought for a few minutes while everyone continues to eat, suddenly he heavily sighs "Okay let's pretend no one understood all of that, can you elaborate on just what all of that means?".

Harry smiled and as they finished eating and were starting to relax after their meal, he decided to explain to everyone but as Harry was about to answer Tony's questions, non-other than Nick Fury appeared, however, he looked haggard, annoyed, and just done with everything.

Nick glared at the newcomers "I would also like all of you to elaborate on that".

Harry raised an eyebrow while the girls just stared at the man who just spoke to them like that, like he was a fool, Harry than just snapped his fingers and teleported Nick Fury to the top of Stark tower.


Nick having been so abruptly teleported couldn't even react when he suddenly appeared back in Stark tower, the Shield agents working on clean-up could only stare in surprise as they just witness their boss appear out of nowhere.

Nick glared at the floor "motherfuc-".


Back with Harry and the Avengers who were gaping at how Harry just vanished Nick Fury like it was nothing.

Harry smiled at everyone "Don't worry I just teleported him back to the tower, anyways I'll explain a bit and hopefully it all makes sense".

The Avengers nodded and Harry continued on "First let me explain about myself, I'm a Dragon God, meaning that I'm a dragon who has ascended so far in power that I have gained true divinity, that I am powerful enough that I could destroy an entire solar system with a fart if I so wished luckily for you I'm usually a good guy".

Harry grinned at the nervous and sweating faces of his new friends "Also we're from another universe where the supernatural is very real, I'm talking gods, devils, angels, and yokai among other races and the power scale in that universe is really ridiculous".

Harry shrugged and shook his head "Anyways that's one of the reasons we knew right away that Thor and Loki weren't really gods, we have met real gods before and all of them are far more powerful than both of them, especially their counterparts in our dimension".

The Avengers were completely flabbergasted at this information, Tony and Bruce couldn't believe that they had proof that the multiverse theory was real in front of their eyes, Harry continued "Ereshkigal is as she introduced herself a goddess of death and as she is, she could crack the planet in half with a punch she also can and will bitch slap your soul out of your body so please don't provoke her" Ereshkigal grinned at the nervous looks she was getting from their new friends.

The Avengers were a bit nervous, after all, they have a legitimate goddess in front of them, Harry kept going "Milim here" he patted the now sleepy Dragonoid on her head causing her to sleepily smile "is a Dragonoid which is what you call the offspring of a dragon with something else, in her case her father was a dragon god like me and her mother an angel, she herself became a true demonlord when some humans killed her best friend resulting in her slaughtering an entire kingdom in revenge, the many human souls released that day were absorbed by her turning her into a true demonlord that can destroy continents quite easily, though she's even stronger now that she's been training and learning new skills".

Harry smiled as he watched Milim finally surrender to her sleepiness and fall asleep on his shoulder, after that Harry went on "Fuu is a shinobi and a Jinchuriki, I believe everyone knows what a ninja is?" everyone nodded "Then that's what Fuu is, she just has mystical powers added to her repotoir, she has an affinity to water and wind techniques as you seen her use water to eliminate her targets during the invansion but what makes her truly dangerous is the giant beetle made of energy that was sealed in her, its name is Chomei and you have seen what he's capable of, a Jinchuriki that has a bond with their sealed beast gains an enormous amount of power, enough that they could destroy an entire country within days and Fuu and Chomei are the best of friends so they are a fearsome duo, Fuu is way more powerful now and I taught her a all sorts of new skills to help her so just take what I said times 20 and you get an almost accurate estimate of her current power".

Once again the Avengers were shocked into silence as they stare at both Milim and Fuu, it was hard to believe that such small and cute girls could cause so much destruction if they so wish.

Harry then turned to Jessica and smiled at her which to the Avengers seemed to be the most normal one, they were proven wrong when Harry spoke up next "Jessica here is a mage and a hero who faced a powerful dark lord and defeated him, she's a master of fire, ice and explosion magic but now that I've been training her she has learned to use other elements, martial arts and even how to use other types of magic, her magical power now is enough to pretty much summon a meteorite from space and make them hit anything she wishes, so she can technically destroy a planet now with relative ease or at least wipe out all of humanity".

The Avengers just tiredly slumped in their seats, these guys were monsters but they are at least glad that these new and powerful beings are on their side.

However, Nick Fury arrived once again and glared at Harry "Oh? That was fast but too late, I'm already done explaining too bad" Harry shrugged.

Nick Fury was pissed, the government was on his ass about what had happened in New York and they wanted answers right away, especially about the beings shown attacking the aliens, specifically the giant beetle and big ass dragon that showed up.

So Nick Fury literally growled at being denied such important information and was about to give the boy a piece of his mind when he received a call, he answered and got some very bad news.

The Avengers noticed right away that something was up and waited for Nick to say something, after hanging up Nick spoke up "The Tesseract and Loki's staff are missing...".

Everyone groaned and grumble in annoyance, Harry and his group looked confused, but Nick Fury continued on "Did anyone see anything? What about you agent Romanova? you were the last one to see both of them when you shut down the wormhole".

Everyone except Harry and his group shook their head negatively, Natasha spoke up to answer her boss's questions "No sir, the last time I saw both the Tesseract and Loki's staff was when I destroyed the machine".

Jessica spoke up to ask a question "What are these Tesseract and Loki's staff that you're speaking of".

Nick was about to deny her any information but Tony beat him to the punch "Loki's staff is that spear-like thing you saw Loki holding for a while, it can manipulate emotions and brainwash people".

Harry narrowed his eyebrows, he remembers watching Loki holding that thing and shooting energy blasts with it during the attack but now that he thinks back on it, Loki didn't have it when he thrashed him around with the Hulk.

Tony continued completely ignoring Nick Fury's glare "The Tesseract is a glowing blue cube that lets off a massive amount of energy, the government was planning to use it to create weapons so I can honestly say that am glad is gone but it is worrying that it could be in the wrong hands".

The Avengers nodded at that statement but were suddenly surprised and jumped when Milim woke up and took out the Tesseract, she cheerfully spoke up "Oh~ I have that thing! It was so shiny that I just took it tehe!".

Everyone sweatdrop and Nick was about to demand it back when Milim suddenly clenched her hand and shattered it, everyone gaped at her "There! Now no one will make weapons out of that!, Problem solved!".

However she suddenly narrows her eyes when she felt something within the shards of the Tesseract, she opened her hand and sees an odd blue gem "Huh? What's this?".

She shows it to Harry who takes it and begins to inspect it, Thor began to panic when he saw Milim destroy his means to go back to Asgard but then he almost had a heart attack when he saw that there was an Infinity stone within the Tesseract and that both Milim and Harry could touch it without exploding, in his panic he spoke up "That's the Infinity Stone of Space! How in all the realms was it inside the Tesseract and no one noticed?!".

However, what Harry did next both shocked and terrified him, Harry suddenly threw the Infinity Stone into his mouth, and with a crunch, he eat it "hmmm minty!".

Thor looked like he was having a brain aneurysm about what Harry had just done, the Avengers didn't understand what was going on and they wouldn't until way later down the line but for now, they were trying to help Thor from his near death.

Nick Fury was pissed, they just lost a powerful resource and now he had to go and somehow explained what had happened to the council, how the hell is he going to explain all of this?!.


As the Avengers were busy trying to help Thor with his panic attacks and near-death Harry was busy mentally looking through his notifications.

[New York is being invaded by aliens! so help the Avengers save and protect their world!?][COMPLETE]


[1) Kill as many Chitauri as possible] [COMPLETE]

[2) Protect as many civilians as possible] [COMPLETE]

[3) Help the Avengers close up the portal] [COMPLETE]

[4) Teach Loki a lesson!] [COMPLETE].


[1) White Mage skill orb (Final fantasy ver.)]

[2) Random mystic weapon]

[3) New friends and allies!]

[4) Random Skill Orb]

Harry read through the objectives and was glad to find out that him and the girls were able to accomplish all of them, he checked the rewards and besides ensuring that the Avengers were their friends and allies now, he also got the White Mage skill orb and a powerful whip named Mystic whip.

He used his 'Observe' skill to get some information on it.

[Name: Mystic whip (Final Fantasy 4 ver.)]

[A powerful whip that can cause holy damage and slightly increased magical power.]

[An end-game weapon for Rydia a summoner from the Final Fantasy franchise, this weapon is not only powerful but also has a 30% chance of causing paralysis.]

Harry nodded and had already decided to give both the White Mage skill orb and Mystic whip to Jessica, this will increase her skill set and give her a more powerful weapon.

He then looked at what random skill orb he got and was surprised to see that it was for the skill 'Chaos Eater'.

Harry was intrigued about this peculiar skill, he had seen both his friend the orc king Geld and Rimuru use it before so he had an idea of what it does and so he used his 'Observe' skill on it.

[Name: Chaos Eater (Tensura)]

[A skill that corrodes everything it touches, using the user's essence.]

[Its effect is corroding and decomposing every material it comes in contact with.]

[When the resistance of the target fails to resist the corrosion, the target will most likely perish.]

[These effects are not limited to just physical damage and even affect the targets' spiritual body to an extent, which can break the spirit of the target, turning them into a "vegetable" mentally, even if they resist physical attacks or possess strong regenerative powers.]


[Because of the title of Master of Death, this skill will evolve if used by the Gamer Harry Potter, the skill will now not only do physical damage but also full spiritual and soul damage completely destroying the target.]

[This skill can and will evolve further.]

Harry's eyes widen in shock, he had no idea this skill could be this deadly and it can even evolve further, he suspect that the skill's evolution path would be the very same skill that had made Rimuru a terrifying force to face.

He closed his eyes to think for a bit, this was a very dangerous skill so it was not something he would give to the girls so in the end, he decided to use the skill orb himself and get the skill.

He takes the skill orb out and discreetly crushes, the information and how to use his new skill ran through his mind, having done that he checked the last notification he got from the Game just after eating that strange gem.

To be honest he wasn't sure why he did that, to begin with, it's just his instincts were telling him to eat it and so he did but now that he was checking the notification he can see and understand why.

[Ding Ding]

[You have consumed the Infinity Stone of Space and now you have total and full control of the concept of space allowing you to bend it to your will.]

[Note: All techniques, skills, and abilities with an affinity with the element of space now are 20 times more effective and are granted a piercing effect allowing for full damage of the target regardless of resistances or immunities.]

Harry just raised an eyebrow, he had already mastered the space element, it was why he could teleport anywhere he wanted with his dark corridor but the stone seemed to have increased the mastery of the element further and empowered all of his skills, abilities, and spells of the space element by a wide margin {hmm I wonder if theres more stones, and what do they taste like!?}.

Harry finally paid attention to everything around him and noticed a depressed Thor complaining about 'how was he getting home now?' so he spoke up "I can take you".

Everyone turn around and stared at Harry, especially Nick Fury, Thor smiled "You can?".

Harry nodded "Sure I can teleport anywhere I want and since I read through Loki's mind while I was slamming him around I know exactly where Asgard is".

Thor sweatdropped at the noncaring way that Harry mentioned his Brother's beatdown but decided not to comment about it, however, Nick Fury was having another panic attack today {Son of a bitch! The kid can read minds! Did he already read mine!? What does he know!?}.

Nick turned to glare at Harry but only received a knowing grin in return from him.


A few days passed by and Harry and the girls spent their days with Tony and his girlfriend Pepper who was a really nice woman who took care of them when Tony decided that they would be staying with them, not only to ensure that they have everything they need but to protect them from the government who had already wanted to meet with them, Pepper had taken a liking to the quirky kids and took them anywhere of course she was somewhat unaware that she was spending time with monsters capable of Mass destruction which is the reason the government and the army wanted to meet Harry and the girls something that Tony doesn't want to happen.

If Tony allows Harry to meet with the army and government officials they might just piss him off enough for him to destroy the planet, so nope! He decided that it was for the best to keep Harry away from those assholes.

Harry spent most of his time fixing everything that was damaged during the invasion and only took him two days to do so, he even healed everyone injured during the attack though he did it during the night so no one would know and they wouldn't bother him.

The girls continue to train, especially Jessica who had received a new whip and a new set of spells to master, though they did take plenty of breaks and went out with Pepper to see the city or go shopping, something that was destroying both Tony's and Harry's poor wallets.

However after Harry explained to the Avengers about his powers he would often take them into the instant dungeons to train and get used to working together, of course for the battle maniacs like Thor and The Hulk this was the most fun they ever had and Harry recovered his money pretty fast so everyone won.

Also both Bruce and Tony were practically over the moon over the raw materials found in the dungeons, which was funny to Harry, he understood where they coming from and did warn them that they might not have access to the Dungeons when he and the girls go back to their world and to not expect to have to many of the raw materials again for a long time after that.

Soon it was time to take Thor and Loki home and so everyone got together however the girls choose to stay back so they could continue to tour New York with Tony and Pepper, Thor vowed to come back to help find Loki's staff once they get information as to where it went.

With that said Harry, Thor, and Loki left for Asgard via a dark corridor where Harry will meet the all-father.


Meanwhile, Nick Fury was in a meeting with the shadowy government officials that support Shield financially and politically.

"Mr. Fury what have you found out about these five mysterious individuals?".

Nick Fury shook his head "Absolutely nothing, only that they're ridiculously powerful and not be messed around with".

The shadowy individuals didn't like that at all "What are we to tell our superiors?! Sorry but we don't have any information on these people that not only can they become a giant dragon and beetle but all five have quite the array of abilities that have been seen as highly destructive?".

Nick Fury just shrugged Your welcome to try and question them if you like but not only are they under protection of Tony Stark but they themselves have been known to be aggressive at worst or elusive at best".

Nick Fury rubbed his brow in annoyance "Look I don't like it either but I rather not antagonize the guy who can transform into a big ass indestructible dragon who happens to be a god by the way! but also his demonlord girlfriend and if I know my video games, which I do!, They tend to destroy worlds for shits and giggles not only that but there's also a ninja, a mage, and a goddess of death to take into account! So if you want to go poke that wasp's nest then go right ahead!".

The shadowy individuals just stared at Nick Fury in silence "I didn't think so! Plus I'm not inclined to help any of you after you went behind my back and fired a goddamn nuke into a populated city, which Harry goddamn Potter still has somewhere in a pocket dimension! Thank you, dumbasses! Now I still have work to do so if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my leave".

Having finished saying his piece Nick Fury left the dark little room where the meeting was taking place, the shadowy individuals just stay there in silence until one of them spoke "... I agree with Mr. Fury, let's not go poke a dragon in the eye ok?".

Everyone nodded and their holograms began to disappear however Hydra wasn't planning on backing off.

But in the end that would mark the destruction of this evil organization in the future.


Heimdall watched everything that had happened on earth and having done so he was both nervous and terrified of Harry Potter's visit to Asgard.

He began to sweat profusely when he watched a dark corridor open and coming through it was Thor, Harry, and a heavily injured Loki who was being dragged through the floor by the dragon god himself.

Thor smiled at Heimdall "Heimdall! I am back with my brother Loki!".

Heimdall smiled back and nodded at Thor "I watched the battle, it certainly was impressive" Heimdall turned towards Harry who was looking around until he stopped as saw the remains of the Bifrost so he called out to Thor "Hey Thor! Is that the bridge and machine the Asgardians use to travel around?".

Thor nodded "Indeed it is my friend but as you can see, it has been utterly destroyed...".

Harry nodded "Hmm... I can fix it" Harry raised his hand and used his newly acquired control over space and the time magic he arrady mastered to fix the Bifrost.

Both Thor and Heimdall gaped at the display of power from Harry "There! Good as new! Now you can visit us and your girlfriend whenever you want".

Thor grinned and patted Harry on his back "Incredible, my friend! By the way, this is Heimdall and you just got him his job back!".

Harry turned to Heimdall and waved "Hi there Heimdall! Nice to meet you!".

Heimdall only nodded still in shock about what he just witness while Thor and Harry continued to go meet both the king and queen of Asgard while still dragging Loki through the ground.


Soon enough they reached the castle halls and Thor took Harry straight to the throne room to meet his parents, Harry looked around, and even though he preferred places like Kyoto or Konoha he can still appreciate the beauty of the Asgardian world.

After a few minutes they reached the throne room where he saw who he suspected is Odin and Freya sitting up in their high thrones, Freya had a kind and motherly smile and Harry liked that since it reminded him of his mother's smiles, Odin, however, was looking down on him, he didn't know why but Odin seems to not to think too highly of him for some reason.

Once they were close enough Harry swung Loki right at Odin and he landed right below his feet groaning in pain, Freya looked worried but didn't move or do anything yet and Thor winced at the blatant show of disrespect shown to his father.

Odin rose an eyebrow and looked down at his son Loki, he can see that he was heavily injured "Thor, did you have to beat your brother so?".

Thor shook his head "It wasn't me father, it was the one called the Hulk and the young man beside me".

Odin turned to look at Harry "Oh? A mortal was able to injure a god to this extent?".

Harry rose an eyebrow and Thor facepalmed already knowing what was about to happen, Harry tilted his head "Do you really believe yourselves to be gods? I've been looking at each and everyone one of you and not even you have enough divinity to be considered gods".

Both Freya and Odin looked intrigued by Harry's statement but they did notice how his eyes were glowing softly as he stared at them, Freya spoke up "You have a special sight...".

Harry nodded and pointed at his eyes "Indeed I do, these eyes are known as the Rinnegan, but mine are a little bit special, over the many years I've been alive my eyes have mutated and evolved, now they let me see even the souls of all things, thats how I know your not gods not really at the least".

Freya nodded in understanding but Odin narrowed his only eye "and what would a mortal know of gods? You have special eyes but how do you know that what your seeing is true?".

Harry grinned "Because I've met real gods as a matter of fact one of my girlfriends is a goddess of death, I myself am a true god, you and your people are just a race of mortals who happened to be very powerful, long-lived and have access to magic".

Odin stood up and slammed his spear on the floor loudly, Thor was shaking his head no, trying to warn off his father from doing something foolish but he was ignored "You would call yourself a god!? After you just called my people and myself nothing but overpowered mortals?!".

Harry just rolled his eyes "I see where Loki got that arrogant attitude of his, It looks like I'm going to have to teach you a lesson in humility All-father..".

Odin growled but suddenly the air in the throne room changed and the boy in front of him began to let off a surge of red energy that seemed to dance in a spiral around him, his black hair and green eyes turned crimson red and for the first time in a really long time, Odin took a step back in fear.

Freya was gaping at the amount of power the young boy was letting off but suddenly she let out a squeak of surprise when her son Thor picked up both her and Loki and then suddenly jumped back away from her husband and her son's visitor "Thor? Who did you just bring into our home?".

Thor looked at his mother "A friend mother a very powerful friend, I just wished father wouldn't have done that... Harry is a good man, he even fixed the Bifrost just so I could visit whenever I want but he's not very patient nor forgiving to those that annoyed him and father just did that".

Meanwhile, Harry was staring at Odin when he received a notification from the Game.

[Ding! Ding!]

[Odin All-Father has challenged your hard-earned godhood!]

[Show him and all of Asgard how terrifying a true god is!]

[Objective: 1) Defeat Odin All-Father]

[Rewards: New title!]

Harry grinned as his energy flared "Alright Odin!, let's see how powerful you really are!".

Odin only had enough time to lift up his spear to block a kick from Harry, however, Harry as soon as he landed, he spun on his toes and then lashed out another kick directly into Odin's rib cage sending him flying.

But the old ruler of Asgard recovered in the air and landed on his feet, he was about to fire an energy attack from his spear but had to instead block a barrage of white-hot fireballs shot off by Harry.

Freya who was the foremost expert of anything magical on Asgard was flabbergasted at the spell used by Harry "Impossible... no incantation, no build up, and he combined light and fire together... such mastery over his mana..".

Thor nodded to her mother's assessment, he had already seen Harry's talents in magic and he himself was impressed of both his power and control.

Odin having blocked and slapped the fireballs away from him suddenly in a blur thrust his spear forward towards Harry but Harry caught the spear with his hand and then harshly pulled it forcing Odin forward where he received an elbow to the throat and was sent flying by a blast of wind, he flew and crashed into his throne destroying it, he rolled into his back and coughed a bit from being elbowed in the throat but had to quickly roll to his side when he saw Harry fall down towards him with darkness dancing around on his fist, the moment Harry made contact with the floor with his fist a pillar of swirling darkness shot up and almost dragged Odin into it but luckily he stabbed his spear onto the grounds to stop himself.

However this left him open to Harry who was inside the pillars and clapped his hand together "Mokuton: Jubaku Eisō! (Wood Style: Tree Bound Burial!)".

A tree sprung to life from behind the All-Father and engulfed Odin preventing him from moving, Harry then raised an open hand and a spiraling orb of energy and wind began to form.

The screeching sounds that the orb let out were so loud and fierce that Freya and Thor had to cover their ears in pain.

The orb grew four-blade pretusions made of wind and Harry lifted the technique above his head "Take this! Fuuton: Rasenshuriken!".

Harry then threw the technique at a trapped Odin surprising both Freya and Thor, when the technique made contact with Odin lifted him off the ground and dragged him all the way through the palace wall to the outside where the Rasenshuriken finally detonated trapping Odin in a massive explosion of cutting wind, where he couldn't do anything but suffer through the pain that such powerful technique inflicted upon him, as the technique ran its course Odin began to fall.

Both Freya and Thor had to cover their sight from the harsh winds and pressure from Harry technique that when it finished Freya began to look around for Odin and when she couldn't find him she began to fear the worst only to turned to look at Harry who had snapped his fingers and a dark corridor appeared ahead and above him.

Suddenly a heavily injured Odin drops from the dark corridor, his eyes wide in both shock and pain, Harry turns back to his base form and looks at Odin "As you can see, you don't compare to real gods be glad it was me who thought you this lesson and I held back quite a lot with that technique, there are gods in the multiverse that are pure evil and wouldn't hesitate to kill you and your people if you even look at them the wrong away".

[Ding! Ding!]

[Odin All-Father has challenged your hard-earned godhood!]

[Show him and all of Asgard how terrifying a true god is!] [COMPLETE]

[Objective: 1) Defeat Odin All Father] [COMPLETE]

[Rewards: New title!]

[Congratulations! you have received the title: Dragon God of Chaos!]

Harry stared at this new notification and grinned "Nice!".

He checked it on his status menu and read its effects.

[Title: Dragon God of Chaos]

[The bearer of this title is recognized by all in the multiverse as a true Dragon God of Chaos as such you mere presence changes the flow of history in whichever world your in.]

[Fates are changed, will you destroy or save the world who knows? the important thing is to have fun!]

Harry chuckled and smiled, he finally has a godly domain, and its chaos, he couldn't help to think that it matches him perfectly as he watches both Thor and Freya try to help a groaning Odin up, hopefully, the arrogant old man learns his lesson in humility, if not then he wouldn't mind kicking his ass again.