Chapter 27

After giving Odin a much-needed lesson in humility Harry picked up the All-Father's spear and began to expertly twirl it around while both Thor and Freya were helping Odin sit up on Freya's throne.

The All-Father was severely injured and his body was full of lacerations, cuts, and gashes, a peculiar thing about Odin's injuries was that the injuries themselves were so finely cut and were some many that it seemed like Odin was being handed a true and painful death by a thousand cuts was only because Harry held back that Odin wasn't torn apart, right now he was having a hard time breathing as he sat on his wife's throne, Freya was worriedly trying to help him recover a bit with magic but she was having a hard time closing Odin's wounds.

Thor turned towards Harry who in his opinion was doing some very impressive twirls with his father's spear and spoke up "Harry, did you have to beat my father so?".

Harry stopped playing with Odin's spear and turned to look at Thor "Honestly he's lucky I didn't kill him, the only reason he's still breathing right now is that you're my friend".

Thor sweatdropped at Harry's statement but he did agree with him his father was unnecessarily rude to Harry and to be honest his father really should have known better "Can you at least heal him a bit?, I rather him being able to do his job, I'm not ready to rule Asgard yet".

Harry closed his eyes and sighed heavily, he then threw Odin's spear back to Thor who easily caught it "Sigh.. if I must, but if he acts foolish again I'm not holding back next time".

Thor nodded, he was sure his father wouldn't antagonize Harry again and as Harry began to approach the heavily injured Odin, Freya began to fidget around a bit, she seem nervous about Harry approaching Odin but Harry just smiled at her to calm her down, and pointed an open palm at Odin "'First aid!'".

A soft green light begins to engulf Odin and slightly heals all of his wounds, he begins to breathe more easily and moves around wincing a bit in pain but still being able to move now that the damage to his muscles and nerves was healed a bit.

Freya smiled and couldn't help to comment on Harry's height spell "amazing... a healing spell that heals in percentages and no full incantation either... impressive".

Harry smiles and nods at Freya "That's right! 'First aid' is actually a beginner-level healing spell that heals from 25% to 30% of your overall physical condition but if mastered you could increase or decrease that percentage at will around 50% to 75% so it's a very useful healing spell to have, I'm impressed that you were able to tell all of that with a mere look".

Freya nodded and grinned "Well I am a master of the magical arts in Asgard so I would be very disappointed in myself if I wasn't able to read the way your mana moved when you used your magic but... that tree-growing spell and that orb of wind... those weren't magic spells right? The way your energy moved was different from any magic spell I know".

Harry chuckled at Freya's curious nature, while Odin frowned and spoke up "I have never felt such pain before... what was that?".

Harry grinned and looked at Freya "You're right those techniques aren't magic spells, they are called ninjutsu, they're shinobi techniques from another world where magic doesn't exist, instead humans there use an energy called Chakra..." he then turned towards Odin "...and that technique was created by a very powerful and intelligent man called Minato Namikaze and was later mastered and completed by his son, one of the few people I can honestly call my best friends, his name is Naruto Uzumaki and both him and his father were mortals that worked really hard for their power, each one of them can easily kill you and everyone in Asgard in a few minutes and you wouldn't even know they were there until it would be too late, I was lucky to be one of two people that Naruto thought this technique too and one last thing Naruto who has become something akin to a god now could easily destroy Asgard in with that same technique just in another completely different level".

Odin began to sweat as he realized that the terrifying being in front of him was completely serious about what he had just said, Odin now knew that there were mortals out there that can easily surpass and kill gods but even before all that new information it turns out that they're not even gods themselves, he honestly didn't know what was worse, so he could tiredly say one thing {I'm getting too old for this shit..}.

Harry watched Odin slump on his wife's throne and nodded at a good job well done, hopefully, Odin doesn't forget this lesson in humility and learns that just because you're a king and powerful you shouldn't be arrogant and think yourselves untouchable.

It's a lesson he learned a long time ago and that's why he has never stopped training, he doesn't want to get caught with his pants down again.

Thor was trying not to laugh at his father's defeated look, while Freya was busy fretting over the old man, Harry then turned towards Thor and spoke "Well my friend, is about time I go back home, I can't leave the girls by themselves or poor Tony might end up broke or insane hehe".

Thor barked out a laugh "Hahaha go my friend and do visit whenever you want! I'm sure everyone in Asgard would love to try those instant dungeons of yours! I certainly do!".

Harry nodded and with a wave of his hand, he opened a dark corridor "Sure! and stay in contact Thor! We still have to find your brother's staff! Bye for now and take care Lady Freya!" Harry grinned at Thor and then turned towards Freya and waved at her, finally he turned to Odin "Old man, make sure Loki is properly punished, I'm sure you wouldn't want me to come and do it for you" with that ominous threat Harry stepped inside the dark corridor which vanished as soon as Harry stepped through.

Odin was sweating but Freya was smiling at Thor "What a nice boy you befriended Thor, a little scary but he seemed very polite! Hopefully, he can teach me some of his spells next time he visits".

Thor smiled and nodded while Odin sweatdrop and was inwardly praying to norns that the monster that his son befriend wouldn't visit anytime soon.

Meanwhile, everyone forgot about the still heavily injured Loki who was still on the floor groaning in pain.


Harry appeared in the living room of Tony's condo and looked around, it seems like Pepper and the girls were out again, though it looks like Tony in in his lab/shop in the basement so Harry teleported there with a dark corridor intending to bother his new friend for a bit.

Tony was busy working on an updated version of his armor and was hard at work on the schematics but suddenly he was surprised when a dark corridor appeared in the middle of his lab from which Harry soon stepped out of and cheerfully waved at Tony "Hey Tony! I'm back".

Tony stopped what he was working on and nodded at Harry, he was curious about Asgard and he wanted to question Harry about it a bit "so how was Asgard?".

Harry shrugged "It was a mix of super modern technology with old school viking culture, though they seem to have a good grasp of the magical arts and have been successful in combining it with their technology, so not bad at all really and the city itself was very beautiful".

Tony nodded at Harry's description but he had one important question that needed answering right away "...and the women? How do they rank?".

Harry raised an eyebrow and chuckled "I didn't see any, just Thor's mother and she was a nice old lady".

Tony nodded "That's too bad, I would have gone and looked for the fabled Valkyries just to find out if they are as beautiful as the legends depict them".

Harry grinned "...and Pepper would have kicked your ass and the girls would more than likely help her do so".

Tony winced and nodded "Right! I have to behave now... how the mighty have fallen".

Harry laughed "Don't be so dramatic Tony, Pepper is a wonderful woman and you should marry her before she gets smart and leaves your butt for someone better".

Tony dramatically grasps at his heart in fake pain "Ah! you're supposed to be my bro! and you betray me like this?!".

Both Harry and Tony stop for a second and then burst out laughing for a while, until Harry speaks up with a question "So what are you working on?".

Tony grinned at pointed at some of the schematics he was working on "Just upgrading and building some more Ironman armors, I was caught awfully unprepared during the New York attack and if you and the girls weren't there I would have eventually run out of juice and probably died or something".

Harry nodded in understanding "That makes sense just make sure you take some time off to rest and spend time with Pepper".

Tony grinned and nodded "Sure, sure oh wise dragon god!".

Harry shook his head and smiled and so they spent some hours talking about how to upgrade the Ironman armor even though Harry had zero knowledge of this type of advanced technology, Tony was just glad to have someone to talk to while he worked.


A few hours later the girls arrived and Tony along with Harry went upstairs to spend time with them, Happy who Harry and the girls were introduced to was laying on the couch tired and out of breath.

Harry raised an eyebrow at Happy and turned towards the girls "What did you girls do to this poor man?".

Tony handed a bottle of water to his exhausted friend while Pepper answered Harry's question "Erm.. we might have overdone it with our shopping, we ended up dragging poor Happy all over the mall while carrying our bags...".

Harry turned towards the girls "...and why didn't any of you use your hammerspace inventory?".

Tony gaped at the girls in disbelieve, having what amounted to an infinite pocket dimension where they could keep things inside safely was something he would love to have, Pepper and Happy only understood that term because they have played video games with Tony before and that term has popped up before, the girls blushed embarrassedly, Milim was that one who nervously spoke up "We forgot? Tehe!".

Harry just deadpanned at Milim making her sweat "Don't tehe me Milim!".

Harry suddenly grabbed Milim by the cheeks and began to pull causing the poor Dragonoid to flail around in pain "Aaahh am showwyy!".

Harry let her go and then stared at the other girls who jumped and ran away, including Pepper for some reason however they were all laughing and having fun running away while poor Milim crawled away in pain in order to escape from further torture.

Harry just smiled and shooked his head amusingly and turn towards Tony and Happy who were grinning, then Harry took out a Melange gel and threw it at Happy who easily caught it.

Both Tony and Happy raised an eyebrow at the gel and then looked at Harry who grinned "Eat it, it'll heal you and take care of your fatigue plus it's delicious!".

Happy turned to look at Tony who just shrugged and so Happy close his eyes and threw it into his mouth trusting Harry and began to chew until he swallow it "Mmm wow! You were right that was tasty and I feel good!".

Happy got up and began to move around and jump a bit, Tony looked at Happy impressed and then turned towards Harry "That was fast... and very effective, what was it?".

Harry looked up in thought for a bit but answered Tony's question anyway "That was a medical gel, it is a synthesized creation made with magic".

Tony nodded and thought about this medicine a bit "Is there a way to somehow replicate it with technology?".

Harry scratched his chin "I don't know... you need magic in order for the materials to react and synthesize with each other but if you can somehow replicate mana or at least create an energy source similar to it, it could be theoretically possible".

Tony closed his eyes in thought, this medicine would be perfect for the Avengers' future missions and for emergencies "Could you give me some samples to do thorough research with?".

Harry nodded and took out one of each medical gel he had "Here, the red one is the Apple gel, this one heals injuries by 40% to 60% but that's because I'm the one making them otherwise they would heal less, the orange ones are called Orange gel and they restore mana or stamina by the same amount as the Apple gel, the one that looks reddish with a bit of orange both heals and restores mana plus stamina by 40% to 60% too this is the same type I gave to Happy just now its name is Melange gel, the green is a Lemon gel and the yellow one is a Pineapple gel, they heal 80% to 90% of injuries with the green one and mana plus stamina with the yellow ones and finally the blue ones which are called Miracle gel, this one heals 90% to 100% of both health, mana and stamina like the other gels these are this strong and effective because I made them otherwise their effects would be less effective".

Tony smiled and nodded, he took the gels and went downstairs to lock them up while he research them, if he can replicate them with even half of their current strength they would make things easier for the Avengers and the world, though he was going to have to be careful that these never get misused by anyone.


Soon after as Harry with the girls went about their days in New York City, while Tony worked on both his new armor upgrades and the gel research, though he is planning to get Bruce involved in this medical project, he was sure he would love to work on something that could save lives.

Pepper had left to run Tony's company and Happy drove her there. However, Harry did ask her why she was in charge of Tony's company and not Tony, to which Pepper answered with a grin "Would you trust Tony with a multi-billion dollar company?" the fact that Harry was thinking too hard and long about it had made Tony make a face of utter betrayal which caused everyone to laugh at his expense.

However, as Harry and the girls were relaxing and watching a movie a sudden loud boom and crack was heard throughout Tony's condo alerting everyone inside, Harry and the girls jump out of their seats from where they were sitting and ran outside where the crack was heard, only to gape at the group of people laying on the lawn groaning in pain and looking a bit burned, Harry looked at their peculiar black uniform {Hmm? They must have tried to teleport inside Tony's condo and slammed right into the wards Jessica and I raised}.

Harry stared at the group while Milim proceeded to grab a stick and poke at the bald man in a wheelchair who lay there on the ground groaning in pain, Tony suddenly appeared from the sky fully armored and ready for battle.

Tony landed beside Harry and stared at the strangers laying on his lawn in confusion"what was that Harry!?".

Harry turned his gaze towards Tony "That was the anti-teleportation ward I raised to prevent anyone from just teleporting inside your home, well except us since I registered everyone we know just in case, that boom and crack? That was these people crashing against the ward when they tried to teleport inside".

Harry turned towards the people on the floor and saw the wild-haired man begin to recover too quickly "The question is why? Why teleport here? Why try to break into Tony Stark's home? Seems rather stupid no?".

Suddenly the wild hair man stoop up and growled, he jumped towards Milim who was busy poking the bald man, to the surprise of everyone present metal claws extended from the knuckles of the wild-haired man as he pounce on Milim, however Milim in an impressive show of speed appeared in front of him in mid-air and grabbed him by the throat and proceeded to slam the wild-haired man onto the ground, Milim grinned wildly when she saw the man recover quickly and swipe at her face with his blades but she jumped back to avoid his counter attack.

Everyone raised an eyebrow when the wild-haired man jumped up completely unharmed from Milim's attack and growled, Milim giggled "Hoh! You want to play?!".

The wild man roared and lunged himself at Milim intending to cut her in half but Milim sidestepped him and punched him in the ribs with a loud thump, however she felt that something was weird when she hit his body so she blasted him away from her with an energy blast, he flew for a bit and crashed against the ward and slammed hard, he then fell to the ground but recover quickly and launched himself again towards Milim.

Harry narrowed his eyes at the wild-haired man "He's healing at an accelerated speed...".

Tony turned toward Harry as Milim was dodging the wild man's intent to cut her, Tony spoke up "What do you mean?".

Harry kept looking at the fight but answered Tony's question "Even when Milim is holding back her punches are powerful enough to destroy mountains, that man is tanking her hits and is not slowing down which means that he's somehow healing as fast as Milim is causing damage, it's actually quite impressive" Tony nodded in understanding and turned his attention to the fight.

Milim jumped back from another swipe from her opponent and then jumped forward catching the wild hair man in the chest with her knee she then twirled her body and side-kicked him away, but the man was suddenly stopped mid-air and was put down on the ground by a red hair woman who had just recovered, she tries to send Milim away with a blast of psychic energy but Milim didn't even budge and just rose an eyebrow at her.

Harry turned towards the red-haired woman "...and now that one is using telekinesis... since when do people get superpowers like this?".

Tony look down in thought as he heard Harry's question and remembered a file in Shield's database about mutants and enhanced individuals, he turned towards Harry and spoke up "I think they're mutants or enhanced at least, according to Shield they are humans who have a gene called the X gene and they have evolved to have superpowers, they're under Shield's list of interest".

Harry nodded "I humans have evolved in this world to that extent, interesting but what do they want with us?".

Milim stared at the red-headed girl in curiosity but then was suddenly blasted by a red beam of energy from a glasses-wearing man who slowly got up, the man spoke up "Did I get her?".

The wild-haired man walked up to them with his claws still out "No... that didn't even scratch her.." he growled when Milim stepped forward completely unharmed by the energy beam.

Milim grinned at the trio "Whoa that was cool! and that beam came out of your eyes! Nice!" she raised a hand and blue energy began to gather in her palm "Try this one out for size Big bang attack!".

The trio panicked but the red-haired woman raised her hands and stopped the attack from moving forward but she seemed to be struggling, Milim looked impressed "Hahaha! You actually stopped it! Let's see what you do now?".

Milim increased her energy and the orb of energy began to grow and push harder, the red-haired woman began to scream in both pain and exertion but the orb suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke and then exploded high into the sky, everyone except Harry, Tony, and the girls were thrown into the ground from the blast, suddenly a tired looking blue demon appeared and dropped to his knees and hands trying hard to breathe.

Milim looked confused at what just happened, however, Harry raised his voice to alert her of something "Milim that guy can teleport! These guys seem similar to the summoned humans in your world, they seemed to have unique abilities each so be careful!".

Millim nodded "Ah! That makes sense! This will be even more fun!" Milim grinned as the rest of the group began to get up except the bald man who was still unconscious and groaning in pain.

Harry looked at the people who had recovered and looked at Jessica "Give her a hand Jessica, don't let them touch her or get too close, we still don't know what their powers can do so keep an eye out".

Jessica nodded and took out her whip, she snapped her fingers and another ward materialized around the group, Milim smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up.

Jessica smiled and nodded at Milim and got ready, meanwhile the group finally recovered and got ready, the glasses-wearing man spoke up "Wolverine you and Colossus go in and keep the pink-haired one busy with close-quarter combat, Storm you support them, Kitty and Rogue pay attention and try to catch one of them off guard and take them out, Rogue! Jean you and I will cover everyone else, you too Iceman! Nightcrawler stay there and rest" everyone in the group responded in affirmative to their leader, the redhead now known as Jean spoke up "Cyclops most of our attacks don't seem to affect her..." Cyclops nodded.

Milim grinned and shoot off at high speed and appeared right in the middle of the group, both Storm and Jean tried to blast her off with telekinesis and a wind blast but she didn't budge at all, Milim then punched Wolverine away and then gathered energy on her leg and lash out a kick "Milim kick!" the kick hit Colussus in the chest and sent him flying away and crashing against the pavement where his skin turned back to normal and lay there unconscious

As Milim softly landed on her feet she was then blasted with a giant lightning bolt but she just stood there unaffected and turned to stare at Storm who was flying above her "Rimuru's black lightning and Harry's Kirin hurt more..".

Storm gaped but was suddenly blasted by a giant fireball courtesy of Jessica who then used her whip and smacked Cyclops in the back with it, a loud crack resounded when the whip made contact with his back, and Cyclops was stopped from attacking Milim in the back by the sudden lash he received Jessica.

Cyclops screamed in pain and dropped to his knees, Iceman then tried to blast Jessica with frost air but Jessica just stood there unaffected and just swung a hand at him "Kasizzle!".

A giant wave of flames engulfed Iceman and severely burned him, knocking him unconscious from the pain, Nightcrawler had tried to teleport to Iceman to try and take him out of there but found himself unable to do so for some unknown reason, at least to him it was unknown.

Milim sidestepped another attack from wolverine from behind "You again? You're pretty stubborn..".

Milim narrowed her eye and stop holding back for a second and punched Wolverine in the chest and then turned her body down and punched him into the ground at full force which cracked the floor, suddenly Milim let out a roar "Drago Nova!".

A giant explosion let out but Harry waved a hand and a barrier appeared around Milim preventing the explosion from affecting anything outside of it but even then the ground still shooked fiercely.

After the explosion subsided Milim broke the barrier with a swing of her arm and stared at the metal skeleton below her in surprise, even now the muscle and organs were regenerating "Huh? That's pretty neat...".

However, she lashed out with a kick toward Kitty and Rogue who appeared behind her but Milim's eyes widen when her kick went through them and Rogue reach out to touch Milim.

However Jessica pointed a finger at the duo "Stopza!" and time froze for both Kitty and Rogue allowing Milim to jump back, Milim smiled at Jessica "Wow! That was close, thanks".

Jessica winked at Milim and nodded, the spell ran its course and the girls could move again, Harry who was watching everything go on stepped forward "So laser beam, telekinesis, teleportation, accelerated regeneration, cryokinesis, weather manipulation, organic transfiguration, an ability similar to Obito's Sharingan ability" Fuu frowned knowing how annoying such an ability was "and what I can only guess some kind of energy drain that needs touch... quite the arrangement of abilities you have there and you're all trained to fight together too".

Harry's eyes turned dragonic causing the group to take a step back "Why would such a group come to Tony's home? My only guess is me and my group since we're the only new thing in his home, if it was him you were looking for you would have approached him way before we started living here. The remaining questions are why and what do you want from us?".

The group of super-powered individuals couldn't speak, they were absolutely terrified of the young man in front of them, they didn't know what or why but something was telling them that he was very dangerous, even the recently recovered Wolverine didn't move.

However a voice spoke up from close by catching the attention of Harry and the girls "I assure you, that we came with good intentions, we were just caught off guard by the protections in your home and my kids just reacted in defense of what they thought was an attack".

Harry turned towards where the voice came from and saw the old man being helped back up to his wheelchair by Ereshkigal "... alright but just who are you, people?".

The bald man smiled and spoke up proudly "I am Professor Xavier and these are the X-men".

Harry just rose an eyebrow while Milim jumped up and down excited "Oooh~ cool name! Harry! let's come up with a name for our group!" Harry just chuckled at his girlfriend's childish excitement.


Somewhere in Kamar-Taj, a bald lady was having a panic attack during the last few days, this woman is the Ancient one, Sorcerer Supreme, and the master of mystical arts of this universe.

This lady is in charge of protecting the world from all magical threats but a few days ago she sensed the arrival of 5 beings into her dimension, 3 of which are beyond anything she had ever seen or sensed in her rather long life.

The moment she sensed them she tried to find out more about them and it was thanks to the Chitauri invasion that she was able to get a glimpse of the magical powers of these individuals and she was utterly terrified of what she witnessed.

What she felt and the amount of mana these beings... no monsters!... were firing off was on a massive scale, even with all her knowledge and skill couldn't even get close to that amount of power or control.

So she sent some of her students to find out as much as they could about these outwardly visitors and what they found out just made things worst, the footage she received showed things she wished she had never seen, a literal and physical goddess and she knows she's a goddess from the energy she felt that day, a giant beetle that was letting of an energy signature so big it felt like she was next to a small star.

A mage whose magical skills have already surpassed her own from what she could see with the amount of destruction and control she possessed and that pink-haired one... dear gods did her energy give her nightmares! It was like she was standing on top of a mountain of corpses, her energy was so dark and sinister that she seem like one of those demonlords of old.

But the worst one, the one that she's truly terrified of, is that young boy that transformed into a giant dragon, looking at his energy was like trying to look at the center of an ever-expanding universe, his power alone was on a different level compared to some of the beings she knows in this world and what really confuses her is the nature of his energy, light and darkness in harmony, it was twilight and chaos!.

The Ancient One couldn't comprehend the nature of the being before her and in an attempt to find an answer or solace to her predicament she used the Eye of Agamotto in order to see what would the future say about this being.

Only to be shocked and once again terrified when she couldn't see anything in the future anymore, it was like time itself had lost meaning; like the future was changing so fast and so abruptly that it was blank and couldn't establish a timeline.

Now anything could happen the future is free and blank for the first time in so many years the Ancient One had no idea on what to do and to make things worse today she felt a massive burst of time magic 'which should be impossible!' and even more bursts of energy so she took a look where the commotion was occurring.

She wasn't surprised to see the same group of troublemakers causing even more trouble, though she was impressed by the skills shown by the mage and the little eldritch horror, when facing the group of mutants that had tried to foolishly teleport inside a base of a magic user.

She really doesn't want to have to do this but it seems like she's going to have to meet with these terrifying beings and hope that they're friendly enough with her, she really doesn't want to fight with either of these beings.

Especially the young man who can transform into a dragon, though to her relief they seem to have joined the Avengers so that's always a plus, she already knows that the Avengers would save the universe once, and with these beings on their side, they might be able to prevent many tragedies in the future.

For now, though she'll just keep an eye on them and hopefully learn more about them, though for some reason she feels like she's being watched and laughed at.


The conceptual being known as Death was having fun watching her beloved master cause so much chaos and fear in this universe, she can't wait for him to show every arrogant and ignorant fool how powerful and terrifying it is to face the master of death.

Death giggled in excitement as she watched this so call Sorcerer Supreme panic in fear of her master, she just knows that she'll be getting the souls of so many powerful and foolish individuals soon.

Many beings in the multiverse shuddered in dread for some unknown reason and as they looked around in dread they couldn't help to wonder where that feeling came from, meanwhile, Death continued to plan "I'm going to have to find some cool things to reward master with, I wonder what I should get him?..." with a soft smile Death left to go through to the multiverse to look for good rewards for her beloved master.