Chapter 80

Shoto woke up and was immediately surprised that he wasn't feeling any pain, the last thing he remembers is Midoriya blasting his fire and ice blast away with a massive dragon head made of green lightning and energy plus lots of pain before he passed out.

He tiredly sighed, Midoriya's last attack was the most amazing thing he had ever seen and he can quite honestly say that he didn't mind his loss against such impressive technique but his fight still left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Shoto then looked around only for his eyes to widen when he caught sight of his mother sitting by his bead and speaking with Harry-sensei, he stared at her in disbelief for a few seconds.

His mother must have felt him staring at her because Rei turned her head towards him and gave him a soft smile, Shoto then spoke unsure if he was still unconscious and dreaming or something like that "Mom?".

Rei nodded and then caress her son's face "Shoto... you fought so valiantly, I'm very proud of you".

Shoto held back a sob and desperately tried not to cry but Rei noticed and then hugged her son, it was at this moment that everything Shoto tried so hard to hold back came rushing out and he began to silently cry "I'm sorry mom...".

But Rei shook her head and began to cry as well "No! It's me who should apologize to you Shoto! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry for not being there! For not protecting you and I'm so sorry for what I did to you!".

Shoto just held his mother tighter as he silently continue to cry "It wasn't your fault mom... stop apologizing so much...".

But Rei just continued to apologize, Harry and Recovery Girl who were present through this just smiled, both of them turned their head toward each other and then turned around.

Both of them walked out of the infirmary and closed the door behind them, these two poor souls needed some space to talk, something both Harry and Recovery Girl were more than happy to provide.

Once outside Recovery left to make herself some tea while Harry teleported himself back to his seat in the stadium.


Fuyumi was holding Eri in her arms like a stuffed animal and was happily talking to her while they watched the second match of the second round of the tournament.

Eri had immediately stolen Fuyumi's heart from the moment the bundle of cuteness walked up to her and told her that she had pretty hair and from that moment on, Fuyumi held onto Eri and refused to let go.

Natsuo was having fun watching Luna make all sorts of gummy candy march up to her mouth, the fact that she was doing it with magic just further impressed him.

Susan and Hermione were watching Tooru beat poor Ida around who was doing his best to dodge her light-based attacks but the glasses-wearing student wasn't able to move fast enough to dodge them.

Himiko had gone to the bathroom since she had drank too much soda from her giant cup, it was here that Harry returned and everyone turned towards him.

Harry waved at them and Fuyumi didn't waste any time asking about her mother and little brother "Harry, how are mom and Shoto?".

Harry sat down next to Luna and smiled at Fuyumi "Shoto is fine, I healed him completely so don't worry, and right now, He and Rei are reconnecting again so I gave them some privacy".

Fuyumi nodded and Eri turned towards Harry "Daddy! Can you make Sacred Screws!?".

Harry raised an eyebrow while Luna giggled "She means Sacred Gears".

Harry chuckled "Ah! I see, as a matter of fact, I already created one, or rather I helped create one".

Eri smiled widely and cheered, while Susan and Hermione turned to look at him, Fuyumi tilted her head in confusion not knowing what they were talking about but still found it interesting.

Luna hummed "So you can make Sacred Gears, I wasn't sure but Eri asked and that made me wonder, what did you make?"

Harry smiled "The mecha the boys and I are making is a sort of Sacred Gear or rather it will act as one once it's complete, it will merge with the soul of its wielder, grow and it will also evolve according to its wielder since the first one we're making is a prototype it will merge with me first and we will see how it grows then we will use it as a base to create a few more".

Hermione gaped while Luna nodded "That sounds cool, I'm not surprised though that mecha was created with some of the smartest people in the multiverse, I can't wait to see how it looks once it merges with you!".

Harry smiled while Eri looked excited, she didn't know what a mecha is but if her daddy helped make it, it must be amazing!

Hermione however shook her head "Wait, wait, wait! That thing you guys are making in the basement is a Sacred Gear!".

Harry nodded "Yes and a marvel of all kinds of technological and magical arts, why?".

Hermione took a big breath and then slowly began to speak "Harry... That giant robot in the basement is a Sacred Gear... A magical divine object known to give humans power, power that can rival supernatural beings and what's worse! They possess a Balance Breaker, a technique so broken and powerful that some of them are known to be able to kill Gods and you built a new one in our basement! Why!?".

Harry smiled and patted Hermione's head who blushed a bit but still looked rather anxious "We didn't want to just build any old mecha, we wanted it to be able to grow and evolve, at first, we were thinking about adding an AI but that could potentially be dangerous, then we thought about giving it a spirit like a Zanpakutō but the spirit might limit the mecha's growth out of spite or because the spirit isn't compatible with its wielder so we all got together and thought about how to go about allowing the Mecha to be able to update itself".

Hermione listened intently, she still wasn't okay with a massive mecha capable of killing Gods being built in the basement of their home but she understood what Harry and the boys were thinking.

Harry went on "After thinking about it for a while we decided that the system built within the Sacred Gears would work the best and lucky for us I had a few Sacred Gear in my Inventory that we could research to see how to add it to the Mecha, took a while but Kisuke and I were able to find out that God used a very advanced form of soul magic which I was able to replicate and then we added the Sacred Gear system to the mecha, of course, I made sure that it wouldn't be added in God's system, it wouldn't be good for anyone if whatever we end up building ended up in the hands of a random human by mistake".

Hermione sighed and then nodded "Alright, at least the boys and you are being careful, just try not to make more crazy things Harry...".

Harry chuckled "Sorry I can't promise you that Hermione, you know me! I like to mess around with things!".

Hermione groaned while Susan and Luna giggled at her in amusement, Harry grinned and gave her a small peck on her lips which made her smile, Eri looked very happy while Fuyumi just smiled watching the small show of affection.

Natsuo however was very excited and his eyes were sparkling "You're building a Mecha! I want one!".

Fuyumi smiled at her brother and shook her head "Men and their toys".

Luna, Susan, and Hermione nodded in agreement while Harry gave Natsuo a thumbs up which Natsuo returned.

Himiko came back and looked at the ring, she was on time to see Tooru blast Ida out of the ring with a massive orb of light that sent the glasses-wearing boy flying through the air and smoking from Tooru's intense light.

Himiko flinched when she saw Ida land in a heap and bounce once on the ground before coming to a stop unconscious from the blast and impact "Ouch... he's going to be feeling that tomorrow...".

Everyone nodded and watched as Midnight announced Tooru as the winner of the second match, Tooru waved at the public as she walked away.

Harry smiled at his student in pride "They all have grown a lot, even Izuku has two girlfriends now, even I didn't see that coming".

Everyone except Fuyumi and Natsuo laughed, though the two Todoroki siblings smiled watching this family laughing together, Fuyumi stared and thought how fun it would be to join in.


A few minutes later in the participants' waiting room, Izuku was sitting between Ochako and Pony who were happily holding both of his hands, the poor boy was blushing so hard that his face was literally glowing red, suddenly he got a text, letting go of Pony's hand -who pouted at him- he checked the text only to gulp when he saw it was from his mother.

Nervously he opened it and gaped when he saw the short and simple text his mother had sent -bring your girlfriends for dinner soon Izuku, I want to meet them-.

Izuku then sighed, he was sure his mother was going to make a big deal out of his relationship with Ochako and Pony but he couldn't refuse her, so with a smile, he responded with a simple okay and put the phone away, Pony immediately grabbed his hand again.

He smiled at her but then from the corner of his eyes he saw Ida -who was healed immediately by Recovery Girl and given an Apple Gel and then sent into the waiting room- take out his phone and walked out of the waiting room talking with someone.

A few minutes later he came back and looked rather worried and angry for some reason, Izuku looked at his friend in worry and wondered what had happened but decided to leave him be.

But looking around a bit he saw that all of his fellow trainees had noticed Ida's change of mood and all of them worried for him.


At the same time, hiding in a dark alley stood a dark figure, this person was maliciously smiling, and in his hand was a jagged katana dripping blood on the floor while this mysterious individual began to walk away and then disappeared into the darkness of the alley.

Siren and the sounds of heroes running around everywhere could be heard but no one saw or even heard the mysterious individual leave.


Meanwhile back in the stadium Midnight cracked her whip bringing everyone's attention "Tooru Hagakure moves on to the next round! and next we have the third match between The Goddess of Creation Momo Yaoyoruzu versus the Acidic Dancer Mina Ashido!".


Hizashi and Shota watched the girls come out of the tunnels on each side of the ring, Hizashi then began to speak "Well ladies and gentlemen we have already watched these two girls fight and it was amazing! I can't wait to see more!".

Shota then spoke up "Yes! In their previous matches, these two girls showed us their skill and ability to surprise their opponents, as we know these two are students of Harry Potter so this promise to be a very exciting match".


Both girls stepped up to the ring and cheerfully waved at the public until they reached the middle of the ring, Mina grinned at Momo "Hey Yaomomo! Your not going to shoot me right?".

Momo sweetly smiled "Of course I am! With lots and lots of bullets! and explosives, it will be fun!".

Mina just continued to smile while everyone in the stadium sweatdropped and gaped at the way Momo just casually threatened Mina.

Mina couldn't help but giggle "Sounds like a fun time! Then show me what you can do Yaomomo!".

Momo nodded and seeing that they were ready Midnight loudly cracked her whip and loudly said "Begin!".

Mina immediately launched a wave of acid towards Momo who in response waved an arm and created a wall of metal that blocked the acid and hid her from Mina's sight.

Mina raised an eyebrow when she saw that her acid didn't melt the metal and frowned {What? What kind of metal is that? I used my strongest acid...}.

However she was snapped out of her thoughts when Momo suddenly threw a bunch of grenades over her wall of metal, Mina's eyes widen in surprise, and she then skated herself away to dodge and watched as the grenades exploded and froze everything around them.

Mina sweatdropped "Really!? Did you just throw cryo grenades at me Yaomomo!? Are you crazy!? That would have killed me!."

Momo, however, threw more grenades over the wall which forced Mina to dodge as fast as she could, Momo suddenly spoke up from behind her metal wall "Don't worry Mina! Harry-sensei can fix everything~ trust me I know!".

Mina sweatdropped "Just what did Harry-sensei do to you that first-day Yaomomo!? He can't fix what's dead!".

Momo however just giggled and continued to throw grenades over her metal wall while Mina desperately tried to dodge the explosions, getting tired of being on the defensive she breathe out a massive cloud of purple poisonous smoke that covered the entire ring.

Mina grinned thinking she got Momo but suddenly Momo appeared in front of her on her feet were the booster grieves she had on during the first event of the Sports Festival which explained the unexpected burst of speed, Mina growled and tried to jump back to avoid Momo's attack who now had a taser on her hand, she noticed that Momo also had a Respirator Mask on her face as well "Tch! So that's what you were doing behind that wall!".

But as Mina stepped back she slid on the frozen floor and fell on her butt, Momo who was already on her took advantage of this opening and jabbed the taser onto Mina's chest "Kyaaaaa!".

Mina screamed in pain as she was shocked by 50,000 volts of electricity but she gritted her teeth and somehow managed to kick Momo away hard enough to send her flying.

Momo flipped her body in mid-air while creating something with her quirk, Mina noticed this and struggled to create a wall of acid, she barely made it in time as Momo pointed a machine gun at her and began to shoot her.

Lucky the acid was strong and viscous enough to stop and melt the bullets almost instantly, Mina frowned at being cornered like this, she slowly stood up and sighed when she recovered from the shock she got from Momo "Boy I'm glad for Harry-sensei's blessing... otherwise I would have probably been turned into swiss cheese!".

Momo seeing as her machine gun wasn't working jumped back and waved an arm towards Mina, a bunch of Kunai with explosive tags flew and hit right in front of Mina's acid barrier, Mina recognized them since Harry-sensei like to use them against them "Ah! Shit!."

The explosive tags exploded and sent Mina flying back screaming in pain while the purple poison cloud in the arena was blown away, Momo then created a whip and rushed forward to catch up to Mina, Midnight's eyes sparkled and grinned at the fact that someone else knew how to use a whip too.


Hermione tilted her head and spoke up "Huh? How can Momo create explosive tags? Doesn't she need to know fuinjutsu first?".

Harry nodded "She took an interest in it when she saw me use it while we created her new uniform and I taught her, it is actually a great skill for her to have since she can put away anything she creates for later use, in fact, she has a few seals tattooed to her wrists though she did say that her mom almost had a heart attack when she saw them".

Hermione shook her head "I feel bad for Momo's mom, her once sweet and diligent daughter is becoming a delinquent because her teacher is a bad influence".

Harry gasped and dramatically held his chest in pain "How can you say that Mione! I'm not a bad influence!".

Hermione just rolled her eyes but smiled "Whatever helps you sleep at night Harry".

Harry grinned at her and Susan then spoke "How good is she in fuinjutsu? I've seen you do some crazy stuff with it so I know it's a very useful skill".

Harry nodded "She's a beginner but with the way she absorbs everything I teach her she might become a master soon, honestly its almost as if she was an Uzumaki and that's terrifying, the fact that she can create the paper, ink, and seals within seconds with her quirk is scary enough".

Luna, Hermione, and Susan nodded in understanding knowing how Fuinjutsu could be a very powerful art, especially since its only limit is a person's imagination".


Momo swung her whip and wrapped it around Mina's ankle while she was flying through the air and then swung her around to slam her into the ground, the air in Mina's lungs was pushed out from her from the impact "Agh!".

Dazed and in pain Mina couldn't avoid Momo's next attack, Momo ran towards where Mina was laying on the ground and groaning in pain, she then slammed her hand right on top of Mina's abdomen "'Fuinjutsu! Paralysis Seal Jutsu!'".

Mina's body tensed up as ink began to spread out of Momo's hand and take the form of an intricate seal, Mina then felt her muscles cramp up as she screamed in pain once again "Kyaaaa!".

Unable to move and in pain Mina couldn't do anything other than watch Momo sent a kick to her head and then she only saw darkness.

Midnight cracked her whip loudly and then said "And the winner by knock out! The Goddess of Creation Momo Yaoyoruzu!".

This time everyone was better prepared for Momo's brutality and so the public immediately exploded in cheer as Momo sat on her knees, sighed and frowned "I'm so hungry now... I created to many things at once".


Hizashi loudly began to announce "Another display of merciless brutality from Yaoyoruzu! She didn't even let Ashido do much! and had her on the defensive for most of the match!".

Shota nodded "Indeed the turning point of this match was when Yaoyoruzu created that Respirator Mask successfully nullifying Mina's second ability, it seems that revealing her new ability early in the tournament backfired on her".

Hizashi nodded "True! Also that metal that Yaoyoruzu created was strong enough to not melt under Ashido's Acid Quirk! I wonder what kind of metal is that? I've seen her acid melt steel quite easily".

Shota grunted "Who knows? Having a teacher like Harry Potter gives her access to all sorts of materials and information, more than likely its a metal compound only known to him, in any case, Ashido's attempts were good but her opponent had already prepared for her ahead of time though she did good fighting back as much as she did".


Momo began to make everything she created disintegrate when Harry appeared in the ring and walked up to Mina, he got on one knee and saw the big purple bruise on her cheek from Momo's kick "Errr... that looks like a nasty injury".

Momo having walked over tilted her head and then suddenly jumped in surprise "Ah! I forgot I had the booster boots on when I kicked Mina in the face!".

Harry sweatdropped and then silently healed Mina {Somehow I feel like I should apologize to Mina later...}.

Harry then stood up and then picked Mina's unconscious body off the ground with Telekinesis "Come on Yaomomo, the infirmary is busy right now so let's take her to the waiting room and let her rest".

Momo nodded, and both she and Harry began to walk to the tunnel suddenly Momo decided to ask Harry something "Sensei by any chance do you have any food with you?".

Harry nodded and to the shock of everyone watching them walk to the tunnel leading to the waiting room, Harry took out a massive cheeseburger out of his pocket and then a big cup of soda and gave them to Momo who brightly smiled and took them.

She began to eat and squealed in joy at how tasty it is while Harry just smiled at her and patted her head while she ate and walked, soon both of them disappeared into the tunnel.


Midnight sweatdropped having watched all of that happen but recovered quickly and cracked her whip loudly "The next match will begin in five minutes!".


Meanwhile, while everyone was enjoying the five minutes break Harry was already back in the stands with his family and friends this time however both Rei and Shoto had joined everyone.

Though Shoto felt a bit awkward at first but watching his mom smile and have fun while talking to Harry-sensei and his girlfriends put his mind at ease, the fact that Natsuo and Fuyumi were also here made things better.

However, Eri stared at Shoto with a small frown on her face, at first he thought that perhaps Eri didn't like him but the sadness in her eyes let him know that wasn't the case.

Eri continued to stare at Shoto until she wiggled her way out of Fuyumi's arms and walked up to him, she then reached up to his face and gently rubbed his scar.

This surprised Shoto but he silently watched her, Rei sadly looked down feeling ashamed of the mark she had left on her son's face, Luna saw that and grabbed her hand to support her, Harry gently patted her back knowing that she must be feeling horrible at the reminder of her mental breakdown.

Both Fuyumi and Natsuo sadly watched as well unsure if they should say anything, while Eri suddenly spoke "Does it hurt?".

Shoto shook his head "No... not anymore".

He turned his gaze towards her mother and smiled at her when she looked up to him, lettings her know that he didn't hate her for it, Rei teared up a bit while Eri nodded "I had a lot of scars... they hurt all the time but daddy healed them and made them go away, do you want yours to go away too?".

Shoto raised an eyebrow, he was aware of Eri's circumstances since he had heard Izuku and his friends speak about her having a hard life before living with Harry, Shoto looked down and thought about it.

At first, he kept the scar as a reminder, as a way to make his father know how much he hated him but now? His father is in jail and his mother was back in his life, he no longer needs to keep this painful reminder of his hate and sadness anymore "... Yeah, I don't need this scar anymore".

Eri smiled while everyone watched as a small smile appeared on Shoto's face, Eri's little horn grew and began to glow as she used her quirk to get rid of his scar.

This surprised Harry, Luna, Susan, Himiko, and Hermione, Eri has always been afraid of her quirk and even though she now has full control of it thanks to Harry's perks and blessings she was still very reluctant to use it until now that is.

Harry stared at his daughter and then smiled {She must have felt bad for Shoto, her having once had painful scars understood and empathized with Shoto, it seems like that was the push she needed to get rid of her fears}.

Soon Eri's horn stopped glowing and shrunk down, she pulled back her little hand and Rei, Natsuo, and Fuyumi stared at the now clear face of Shoto, his red scar was completely gone.

Shoto raised a hand and tenderly touched the spot where he once had the rough skin of his scar and felt only smoothness, he then looked down at Eri who was smiling at him "Thank you".

Eri nodded at him, happy to have been able to help someone just like she had been helped to, she then walked up back to Fuyumi and raise her hands at her letting her know to pick her up, Fuyumi overcome by the cuteness immediately picked Eri up and held her against her chest like a stuffed animal again

Everyone smiled at how content the both of them looked right now, Rei turned towards Eri "Thank you, sweetie".

Eri smiled and nodded "You're very welcome Rei-mama!".

Rei blushed and began to sputter while Fuyumi squealed "Yes! I finally have a little sister! Boys are stinky! You and I are going to have a lot of fun together Eri~ we're going to go shopping, try on clothes, eat lots of ice cream!".

Eri cheered while Shoto and Natsuo deadpanned at their sisters, Natsuo then spoke up to Shoto "Hey little brother...".

Shoto turned towards Natsuo and tilted his head while Natsuo went on "I somehow feel under appreciated all of the sudden...".

Shoto nodded in agreement while Harry chuckled at them and Luna and Susan were trying to help a panicking Rei calm down.

Himiko was just laughing at the chaos that Eri accidentally brought, her new family was always a lot of fun to be around.

Shoto then hummed which brought the attention of everyone "If Eri is my new sister... is Harry my new dad?".

Natsuo began to rub his chin while he thought about it while Rei was sputtering once again {Well... anyone would be way better than Endeavor and Harry is a cool Dragon God! So yeah... that sounds like fun}.

Natsuo nodded to himself and smiled "That doesn't sound bad at all, right Fuyumi?".

Fuyumi who was grinning at her blushing mother who was looking at her with pleading eyes said "Fuyumi Potter?... Hmm I like how that sounds~".

Eri cheered while Rei got too embarrassed and began to create a snow storm around her which just made everyone find it even more funny.

Harry chuckled and shook his head, he then patted Rei's head which caused the small snow storm stop, Rei looked up at Harry with a bright red blush on her cheeks but Harry just smiled at her which made her relax while everyone smiled at her.


Nezu who was anxiously waiting for the next match to begin suddenly got a phone call and immediately answered it.

Both All Might and Nana who were sitting with him noticed right away how Nezu's mood changed as they watch the Principal of U.A frown "I see... I think I can help him recover or rather I know of someone who can make sure he can continue to work as a hero, I'll ask him and let you know, keep me informed".

Nezu hung up and then looked down with a frown on his face, All Might worried for his old friend decide to ask "What's wrong Nezu?".

Nezu turned towards All Might and sighed "Tensei Ida known as Ingenium was attacked by the Hero Killer and crippled... I was just informed of his condition".

All Might frowned "The Hero Killer is in the city?...".

Nezu nodded while Nana sighed "We're going to have to keep an eye on Tenya Ida... he might do something reckless".

Nezu shook his head "Yes I agree, I'm thinking of asking Harry to help Tensei recover, hopefully, he will agree".

Both All Might and Nana nodded, Nana then spoke "I think he will, Harry is a nice guy after all... Well as long as you don't piss him off that is".

Nezu and All Might chuckled, Nezu then stood up "I'm going to go and make a few phone calls, we have to let everyone one know that the Hero Killer is in town, I want everyone prepared and ready to take him down".

With that said Nezu walked out of his booth and went to his office to make a few phone calls, inwardly he was very worried, the Hero Killer had been attacking and killing heroes for a long while and no one has been able to catch him yet.


Meanwhile back to the ring Midnight stood up and cracked her whip loudly and then began to announce "The next match is about to begin! We have the Maiden of Water Tsuyu Asui versus the Master of Gravity Ochako Uraraka!".

Both girls immediately walked out of the tunnels on each opposite side of the ring while waving at the public who as always were loudly cheering for the girls.


Hizashi then began to announce "These two girls have already amazed us with their skills and abilities! We have the powerhouse Uraraka whose quirk has been shown to be able to cause enormous amounts of destruction! For such a cute girl she can be very scary! I feel sorry for Midoriya!".

Shota nodded "Indeed! Asui has also shown us that water can be dangerous, her skill with manipulating this element and even being able to turn into water herself shows the amount of skill and dedication she has for mastering her abilities".

Hazashi then continued from there "That's right! This is going to be a fight between two forces of nature! Who will win! Water or Gravity!".


Tsuyu and Ochako met each other in the middle of the ring, Tsuyu tilted her head and put her pointer finger bellow her lower lip "So Pony beat you to the punch huh Ochako? Kero...".

Ochako flinched but nodded "Err... well yes she did, she caught me by surprise with her confession but at least it helped Deku and us get together".

Tsuyu nodded "Hmm we were all wondering when it would happen kero... but Pony caught everyone by surprise kero...".

Ochako got nervous and began to fidget "What do you mean by all?".

Tsuyu tilted her head "We all knew you have a crush on Izuku".

Ochako blushed deep red "Eh! Everyone knew?!".


Poor Ochako jumped in fright when the teachers, The students of 1A and even Harry plus his family suddenly screamed yes at her at full volume, Ochako then just stood there blushing "...".

Tsuyu giggled and shook her head "Izuku was the only one who didn't know but he's as dense as osmium so we can forgive him for that Kero...".


Izuku sweatdropped and slumped im embarrassment at being roasted by Tsuyu, while Pony giggled and gently patted his back.

The rest of his fellow trainees just grinned at him in amusement since they knew about their crush on each other, thank goodness Pony pushed things forward otherwise it would have taken forever for these two to get together.


Ochako coughed in order to regain her composure and then sighed getting rid of her blush, she then stared into Tsuyu's eyes "So you can turn into water huh? That's new".

Tsuyu nodded "I found that I can do that by mistake but it is fun".

Ochako smiled at her friend and nodded, Tsuyu nodded back, and then both of them got ready to battle, Midnight seeing as they were done speaking cracked her whip loudly and announced "Let the final match of the second round of this year's Sports Festival begin!".

Ochako pointed her open palm towards Tsuyu, but the frog girl shot out her tongue at high-speed forcing Ochako to dodge since she was interrupted from using her power.

Tsuyu immediately engulfed herself in water and launched herself towards Ochako, the gravity manipulator narrowed her eyes at Tsuyu and then took off flying towards the sky.

But Tsuyu waved her arms towards Ochako and shot out a multitude of water bullets towards her, Ochako easily dodge them all but then was caught by the ankle by Tsuyu's tongue and was pulled down so hard and fast she didn't have time for anything but scream "Ahhh!".

While Tsuyu pulled her tongue she clapped her hands together and the water around her formed a bunch of tentacles and as soon as Ochako got close all of them lashed out and whipped her around for a bit until she suddenly gritted her teeth and used her control over repulsive force to destroy the water tentacles and sent Tsuyu flying back.

Tsuyu just landed softly on the ground and engulfed herself in water again and stared at Ochako who was glaring at her for the thrashing she just got "This won't be easy kero...".