Chapter 81

Ochako glared at Tsuyu not happy she got thrashed and whipped around from her water whips {I can't get to close to her... her control over water is very annoying but the worst thing is that Tsuyu is a long-range specialist like myself, the only difference is that I'm more of destructive force while Tsuyu is about precision shots}.

Tsuyu stared at Ochako with a frown on her face, she can't stop moving or Ochako will grab and drag her to herself and at the same time she can't get to close or Ochako will blast her away or hit her with her open palm fighting style which according to Pony, it hurts like hell.

She can't afford to get or let Ochako get to close at all, she's going to have to overwhelm her with tons of powerful attacks if she wants a chance to get through her repulsive forcefield.

With that in mind Tsuyu decided to cut loose with her Water Manipulation, she clapped her hands together and a massive amount of water began to coalesce above her.

Ochako's eyes widened and she stared at the massive orb of water forming above them, in fact, the entire public was gaping as they watched Tsuyu gather enough water to fill a lake just above herself and Ochako.


Harry chuckled and shook his head {I shouldn't have told her about Kisame, of all the water users in the shinobi world it had to be him that inspired Tsuyu the most... after this, I'll take her to Mount Myōboku, I'm sure Pa and Ma will love her and even train her in the sage arts}.

Harry smiled at the idea of Tsuyu becoming a toad sage, for some very obvious reason he thought that it would fit her the best, everyone noticed his smile, and Hermione, Susan, and Luna knew that he was plotting something while everyone else tilted their head in confusion.

The Todorokis were curious about Harry's mischievous smile but decided not to ask, Eri and Himiko were having way to much fun cheering for Ochako and Tsuyu to notice.


Ochako not wanting to wait and see what Tsuyu was planning pointed her hand towards Tsuyu but the frog girl narrowed her eyes at Ochako, suddenly from the massive orb of water a barrage of water bullets began to to shoot towards Ochako at high-speed.

Ochako scrambled and began to dodge and slap the water bullets away with her modified Juken but she began to grimace in pain, the speed of the highly condensed water bullets made it extra difficult to dodge or slapped away.

Tsuyu watching that Ochako was too busy trying not to get a hole in her body continued her attack while also gathering more and more water above her.

Ochako gritted her teeth and then spread both arms widely "'Shinra Tensei!'" a massive blast of repulsive force spread outwards from Ochako.

Tsuyu however jumped into the massive orb of water and swam up, the water orb rippled from Ochako's Shinra Tensei but didn't get blasted away, it was so big and condensed that it was otherwise unaffected by Ochako's power.

Ochako narrowed her eyes towards the massive orb and watched as the massive orb of water began to drop on top of the ring {Tch! She's trying to have the field-home advantage now! I have to stop it!}.

With that thought in her head, Ochako raised both hands towards the dropping massive orb of water and with a yell of exertion, she began to use her power over gravity to keep the water orb up.

But it was easier said than done, not only was the orb of water very heavy Tsuyu herself was using her power over water to push it down, Ochako was finding it very difficult to push back the massive water orb but she didn't have any other choice.

If she allows it to drop than she won't last long inside the water where Tsuyu would be in her element "Mgrrrr!" but it was turning out to be a fruitless endeavor as the water orb eventually broke free for Ochako's power and dropped on top of her and the ring.

Ochako took a big breath and then held it as soon as she saw that she lost against the massive orb but now she saw herself inside the water and at the mercy of Tsuyu who began to swim around her at high-speed.

The pressure inside the orb of water was making it very difficult to move and follow Tsuyu, Ochako knew that she didn't have much time left, either Tsuyu would take her down or she will pass out from the lack of oxygen {I have to do something and fast or I will lose! I can't blast all of this water away from me with Shinra Tensei, it's to condensed and it's too much water for me to do so!... grrr I'm going to have to use that, I just hope Harry-sensei can make sure to not let it cause too much destruction...}.

Ochako close her eyes and began to focus as much of her energy as she can, Tsuyu noticed that Ochako was planning something so not wanting to let her go through whatever she was planning on doing she went on the offensive.

Tsuyu shot forwards and began to hit Ochako multiple times as she kept swimming around her, Ochako ignored all the hits and continued to gather more and more of her energy but the pain and lack of oxygen were making it difficult.

Tsuyu kept going faster and faster while hitting Ochako as hard as she could to try and knocked her out but Ochako was stubborn and refused to quit.

Eventually, Tsuyu slowed down her attack and stopped to watch Ochako who was floating in the water all bruised up and bleeding everywhere {Kero... Ochako is as stubborn as always but she must be at her limit and she must be running out of oxygen as well, she will pass out soon so I have be ready to take her out of the water before she passes out Kero...}.

Ochako gathered all the energy she could and opened her eyes, she then stared at Tsuyu and suddenly smiled which made Tsuyu widen her eyes.

Ochako then clapped her hands together which prompted Tsuyu to take off swimming at high-speed toward her to stop her from whatever she was planning of doing.

Ochako inwardly giggled and then slightly opened her hands revealing a small black orb of energy, she let it go and watched as it floated upwards {'Chibaku Tensei!' (Planetary Devastation!)}.

Tsuyu watched with her eyes widen in shock as she stared at the black orb fly up, she knew what that is, she had seen Harry-sensei do it against them when he would spar with all of them, she just didn't know that Ochako could use the same technique as well {Shit kero...}.


Harry was taking a drink from the soda he just bought and watched as Tsuyu began to pummel poor Ochako nonstop, Harry knew that chances are that Tsuyu had won.

Having overpowered Ochako's control over gravity with a massive amount of water and limiting her movements while forcing her underwater was an excellent tactic on Tsuyu's part.

Ochako might have a lot of power but she wasn't anywhere near the level of Pain, Sasuke, Madara, and himself so there was no way that Ochako could blast that amount of highly condensed water off of her with her power over repulsive force.

However as he watched on as Ochako was preparing to do something he took a drink only to do a spit take and cough, he then stood up and covered Eri's ears surprising and confusing her at the same time, Harry then loudly exclaimed "Fuck!".

He let go of Eri's ears and then summoned Oathkeeper into his hands surprising everyone around them, he then pointed it toward the arena and a beam of light shot out from his Keyblade and hit the barrier around the ring.

The barrier glowed a golden color surprising everyone in the stadium, Harry then magically projected his voice to everyone "Hold on to your hats everyone! This is going to be rough!".

Suddenly the very ground began to shake as the black orb of energy finally floated up from the top of the massive orb of water and began to ominously glow in the sky.


Inside the massive orb of water, everything began to tremble and shake as Tsuyu watched the water begin to be dragged up by the the black orb, eventually the ground around the ring began to be rip out and also float up.

Tsuyu began to swim downward to avoid being pulled by Ochako's techniques but she was then suddenly hit by a blast that not only sent her spiraling into the water but also made her get dragged by the black orb's pull.

She recovered from Ochako's attack and tried to swim as fast and hard as she could but no matter how much she tried she couldn't stop herself from being dragged up towards the black orb of energy along the water and debris she as then hit once more, Tsuyu looked down and watched as Ochako was rapidly sinking towards the ring floor, her hand pointing towards her but the grin on Ochako's face told her that she was the one who blasted her away.

Ochako stared at Tsuyu trying to swing away while she was using her Quirk to increase the gravity of her body and sink onto the ring which was well underwater.

She finally hit the ring floor and lay there while watching the water lift up off the ring and her, once she was out of the water she aggressively coughed and began to heavily breath "...Ugh.. I almost drowned...".

Ochako lay on the ring trying to regain her breath as she watched her Chibaku Tensei create a mini-moon with the water and dirt plus stone around the arena.

Luckily the ring seemed to be resisting the pull of Ochako's technique thanks to whatever Harry did to it but some parts of it were getting ripped out and floating up but she was running out of energy and soon the mini-moon will collapse without her supplying the technique with more energy.

This wasn't a true Chibaku Tensei she didn't have the Rinnegan which would help support the technique and make it self-sustainable, all she did was try to imitate the effects of the true technique.

But keeping a technique of such a scale active for too long is too much for Ochako right now so she was already struggling to keep it active.


The public gaped as a mini-moon was formed before their very eyes, no one could believe what they were watching right now, Midnight stared with wide eyes full of awe as she watched a girl like Ochako wield that much power.

Hizashi gaped "Unbelievable! Uraraka just continues to amaze us with her power! This ladies and gentlemen is like an act of a god!".

Shota however stared towards Ochako and watched her breathe heavily and sweat profusely "... Looks like Uraraka is running on fumes, she seems to be barely able to keep her technique going...".

Hizashi turned towards Ochako and watch her grimace and strained herself to keep the technique going "You're right... but then that means-".

Shota nodded "That whatever goes up, must come down...".


Ochako couldn't hold on to her techniques any longer and she let go of her control, the mini-moon immediately shook and rumbled as it began to fall apart, without Ochako supporting it, it couldn't keep its shape.

Ochako huffed and then took a big breath, she gathered what little she had of her energy to create a repulsive forcefield around her as everything her Chibaku Tensei technique had dragged to itself began to drop all over the ring.


Harry stopped reinforcing the shield around the ring and put away his Keyblade, he sighed and shook his head "These kids never cease to surprise me".

Luna and Susan giggled while Hermione shook her head "You're the one teaching them all of this Harry, why are you so surprised?".

Harry grinned at Hermione and then shook his head "I didn't teach Tsuyu how to use the Suiton Dai Bakusui Shōha (water style Great Exploding water Colliding wave) and most certainly didn't teach Ochako how to use the Chibaku Tensei they recreated those techniques on their own by just listening to me telling them about the original users of those techniques, the same with Izuku's Night Fury that one was inspired by another master of the shinobi world".

Hermione's eyes widen in surprise "You mean to tell me that the kids created these highly destructive attacks on their own? With only your stories to go on with!? Harry that's insane! Tsuyu just created a lake inside the stadium and Ochako a mini-moon!".

Even Luna and Susan were surprised by this, Susan had seen a lot during her training and Luna was one of Harry's original students but even her Kunou, Le Fay, and Valerie weren't this creative at first, it took a while for them to grab what Harry taught them and make it their own.

Himiko grinned and then suddenly spoke up "We wanted to get stronger, to show to Harry-sensei that he wasn't wasting his time training us, we want to make him proud! So even after training in the morning and after school, we trained with each other in the evenings to create our very own super moves!".

Everyone turned to look at Himiko in surprise at her revelation, Harry softly smiled and gave Himiko a head pat that actually made her purr "I was already proud of all of you, you didn't have to do all of that but... it makes me happy to know that you guys went an extra mile for me".

Himiko smiled at Harry and fist pumped in victory, she couldn't wait to let everyone know what Harry-sensei had said, Harry chuckled and then looked up at the sky.

He loves teaching, it was something that he found he had a talent for when he trained Gohan with Piccolo before Vegeta and Nappa attacked earth so long ago.

Sure he had already trained Konoha's Anbu Corps but that was just general lessons and it was very focused, there was no room to teach each one something unique, he taught the same thing to everyone at the same time.

Since then he had also trained a few more people like Goten and Trunks, he even helped train Videl when she blackmailed Gohan into training her but they were only trained in martial arts and Ki techniques

But then Kunou, Valerie, Le Fay, and Luna became his first official students, students who he passed down so many of his own techniques and spells, each one learned everything they could and then turned it into something unique to them, they created their very own styles of fighting and he couldn't be prouder.

After that he continued to teach, he taught all of his girls, Sirius, Moony, the Kyoto Anbu corps, the Royal Guards, and the Avengers, he was very happy with them and proud of everything they had accomplished with everything he taught them.

As Harry looked up at the sky and reminisce about the past, the girls and Todorokis couldn't help but smile at how proud and happy Harry looked right now.

Hermione huffed but she couldn't help but smile at her boyfriend, Shoto looked down, inwardly he was cursing his past self for not accepting Harry's offer of training, Rei noticed and smiled.

She would see about asking Harry to give Shoto a second chance and train him, she wanted her son to become a great Hero and who else can help him accomplish this but Harry?


A few minutes later there was water, mud, rocks, and even lawn grass all over the ring, it was complete and total devastation and no one could see either Ochako or Tsuyu.

Suddenly there was a loud yell and a blast that sent debris all over the place, luckily the barrier stopped any from reaching the public who watched Ochako as she lay on the ground breathing heavily.

They watched as she rolled on her belly and groaned in pain as she began to slowly get up, once on her feet she swayed a bit but smiled as she was able to stand up straight.

She looked around and tiredly sighed "Come on Tsu-chan! I know you're still here!".

Suddenly water began to gather and coalesced, the gathered water then began to raise and take a feminine form until Tsuyu appeared from the water, she looked worse for wear.

The poor frog girl had bruises all over her face and arms plus her hair was all over the place, the thing that made Ochako sweatdropped was the very impressive deadpan that Tsuyu was sending her way " Kero... Really Ochako? Kero...".

Ochako sighed but awkwardly smiled "Well you were trying to drown me so I had to do something right?".

Tsuyu actually pouted, a real legit pout which surprised Ochako, Harry, and his students even Susan, Hermione and Luna were surprised to see Tsuyu actually sulk, Luna hummed "She looks adorable like that..".

Tsuyu as she pouted then said, "I wasn't going to let you drown kero... you made a moon with me in it Ochako kero... Just what did Harry-sensei teach you? Kero...".

Harry sweatdropped at how upset Tsuyu sounded but Ochako just shook her head "Err Harry-sensei didn't teach me that... I recreated the technique from one of his stories".

Tsuyu just continued deadpanning at Ochako which made her very nervous {Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to do that to Tsu-chan she looks very upset...}.

Tsuyu suddenly sighed and raised her hand and all the water that had fallen into the ground rose up forming three massive eastern dragons that roared at Ochako who gaped at them {She's definitely angry... Dang it I don't have any energy left!}.

Tsuyu narrowed her eyes and then let her hand drop towards Ochako who just closed her eyes knowing that whatever came next, was going to hurt, a lot! "'Water! Tri-Dragon Explosive Bite!' kero...".

The three massive water dragons instantly shot forwards Ochako, the middle one opened its jaws wide, then it closed them right on top of Ochako and took her up into the air where the other two water dragons twisted around the entire length of the middle dragon and collied against its head unleashing a massive explosion of water.

Ochako was sent flying out of the water explosion unconscious, a few seconds later she aggressively crashed against the ruins outside of the ring, everyone winced at the force she bounced against the ground a couple of times and then rolled to a stop right against the wall.

The public stared at Ochako's unconscious body in sympathy and then turned towards Tsuyu who was still pouting, not that anyone can blame her since Ochako did turn her into a piece of debris for her mini-moon.


Midnight sweatdropped and made a mental note to be extra nice to Tsuyu from now on, that girl had a serious mean streak, who knew?, the R rated Hero raised her whip and then loudly cracked it "And the winner of the second round's last match is the Maiden of Water Tsuyu Asui!".

The public exploded in cheer as Tsuyu sighed and then dropped face-first into the ground, she was spent and had no energy left whatsoever, having had to turn herself into water to survive Ochako's crazy technique and last for so long had seriously drained her.

Still, she was able to survive Ochako's last-ditch attack and still had enough to win but now she wanted to sleep so bad "Kero... Everything hurts so much...".

Harry then appeared right beside Tsuyu, he immediately lifted Ochako's unconscious body off the ground with Telekinesis and then gently picked up Tsuyu of the ground in his arms, he smiled at her "Great fight Tsuyu, though both of you went a little crazy with your attacks, I'm proud of you".

Tsuyu blushed and nodded, Harry then healed both of the girls' injuries but sweatdropped at the amount of damage Ochako received, as he began to walk to the tunnel he turned his head towards Tsuyu "You really don't hold back, do you Tsu-chan?".

Tsuyu deadpanned at Harry and then huffed "Ochako turned me into an ornament for her mini-moon Harry-sensei kero...".

Harry awkwardly chuckled because he had no response for that statement, before he stepped into the tunnel to take the girls into the infirmary he made Tsuyu's body float for a second and then waved his hand.

Immediately all the damage and destruction made by Ochako's and Tsuyu's attacks disappeared, leaving the ring good as new, Harry nodded to himself and then grabbed Tsuyu into his arms again and walked into the tunnel.


Hizashi whistled "Boy was that an incredible display of power ladies and gentlemen!, We had Uraraka actually create a small moon right here in the stadium!".

Shoto nodded "It truly is amazing to see young people capable of doing amazing things like this, the next generation of heroes is bound to do even more spectacular things in the future".

Hizashi nodded "Of course, we can't forget about Asui and her impressive control over water, she created an entire lake of water right above our heads!".

Shoto hummed and then spoke, "It was a great way to control the environment to her advantage, her quirk Frog allows her to do everything a frog can, and being underwater gives her an advantage against any sort of enemy".

Hizashi nodded while the public continued to cheer and chant the girls' names, this year's Sports Festival turned out to be the greatest yet and everyone knew it.


Mirai Sasaki aka Sir Nighteye narrowed his eyes as he watched the teacher known as Harry Potter take both Ochako Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui off the ring.

Like anyone else in Musutafu he has been watching the Sports Festival with rapt attention, he was curious about the next generation of heroes and with what he has seen so far he can pretty much tell that the future will be at the very least very interesting.

But that technique young Uraraka used during her match looked eerily familiar in fact it was almost the same in description as what had happened some time ago right above the Shie Hassaikai headquarters.

But the thing that got his suspicious about Harry Potter was a few facts, first, the girl was trained by Potter, second, the girl had said that Potter didn't teach her the technique but rather re-created it from a story told by Potter and third, the time when Harry Potter joined U.A. correlates with the time in which the Shie Hassaikai was taken down.

Everything leads to Harry Potter in some way or the other, the question is how to get close to him to question him, he could have Mirio bring him to him or perhaps test those students of his.

Or he could call All Might and ask him to introduce him to Potter, that way he could use his quirk to see if he has anything planned of the same level as what had happened to the Shie Hassaikai.

The problem with that plan was that Nezu was protecting Harry Potter, he already had been trying to get any information on the enigmatic teacher but all the information was heavily protected by Nezu and there was nothing he could do to break through that level of cyber protection unless he wants to get caught.

That wasn't an option though no one wants Nezu to point his attention toward them, it was well-known how vindictive and sometimes downright cruel Nezu can be.

So asking Mirio to deal with all of this might be the best way to go about it, still, there were a lot of weird things happening lately.

First was the Shie Hassaikai and then Endeavor's arrest, Sir Nighteye had read the report that was apparently sent to everyone and their pets, of all the crimes that the number two hero had committed.

It was truly disgusting and he couldn't believe that someone could get away with it for so long because of their fame, now the man is in jail and facing many years in prison but the thing that worries him the most is the fact that Endeavor or he should say Enji Todoroki, no longer has a quirk.

That detail raised many red lights inside Sir Nighteye for there's only one monster capable of taking quirks away, he's only hope is that All Might has already passed down One for All to a worthy user.

Otherwise, they might not be ready for the upcoming storm heading their way.


All for One stared at the TV in silence not showing any sign of the turbulent thoughts going through his head, he had been watching the Sports Festival and as the third event of the tournament progressed he was speechless at what he has witnessed.

Not only are first years students, young people just starting their training to become heroes capable of mass destruction the likes of which he hasn't seen before.

All for One wholeheartedly believed he was the only one capable of such power but now there were quite a few children capable of matching him in pure raw power alone.

What makes things worse was the fact that one of the strongest ones is the wielder of his brother's quirk, that boy showed an overwhelming amount of power.

For the first time in a very long time, All for One was having doubts about his plans, Tomura was definitely not ready to face someone like Izuku Midoriya, a young boy that has shown an impressive tactical mind and the power to back it up.

The old villain turned his Heat Vision and Sonar Quirk towards Tomura and frowned as he watched him loudly ranting and complaining about the young heroes in training.

He was ranting about how much they have leveled in such a short time and how unfair it was to use cheats or something like that {... young Tomura is not ready for this but there's no one else and the fact that he's Nana Shimura's grandson makes him the perfect weapon against All Might but... these new heroes will tear him apart}.

That was the most shocking part about all of this, these kids were ruthless, merciless, and brutal something that he has never seen before, perhaps the closest things would be vigilantes and underground heroes but even they would hesitate to do anything close to what these children are willing to do.

Just what sort of man is Harry Potter that he would teach this sort of behavior to his students? Just what was he dealing with?

As he continued to watch young Tomura rant and complain like a child, All for One couldn't help the small sliver of fear beginning to grow in his heart from growing even more.


Midnight had given everyone a ten-minute break, since the semi-finals were about to begin they had to make sure everything was ready for the last matches.

Having some time to rest and relax, all of Harry's students decided to go meet up with Ochako, Tsuyu, and him in the infirmary.

Once they reach the infirmary Izuku and Pony immediately headed towards Ochako who was trying to convince Tsuyu to forgive her but the frog girl only continued to deadpan at her.

Ochako immediately smiled when he saw her boyfriend and her harem sister and they in return hugged her tightly and began to excitedly speak to her about her awesome performance.

Everyone smiled at them and Harry chuckled, he then gave Tsuyu a head pat which caused her to let out a content soft kero, he then handed her a Pineapple Gel so she could recover her energy for the next match.

Tsuyu took it and happily ate it, the Gels were really popular among Harry's students since they were not only delicious but also very helpful.

With that done Harry smiled at his students and left the room to let them hang out in peace, on his way back to his seat he received a text from Nezu asking him to meet him in his booth.

Harry found it weird that Nezu wanted to speak with him right now but it must be important if he's calling him to meet with him.

So he waved a hand and created a Dark Corridor and immediately walk through it, the Dark Corridor instantly dissipated right after.


Nezu, Nana and All Might were quietly waiting for Harry but they didn't have to wait long because a Dark Corridor sprouted right beside their seats and Harry walked out of it, the Dark Corridor closed right after.

Nezu turned towards Harry and gave him a smile, Harry waved and then asked "So what's up? Your text seemed serious".

Nezu sighed but nodded at Harry "Yes, as matter of fact something serious has happened and I need your help, Harry".

Harry raised an eyebrow "Alright, now I'm getting nervous, what happened that you had to call me to ask me for help?".

All Might was the one who answered Harry's questions "We just received intel that the Hero Killer is operating close to Musutafu".

Harry narrowed his eyes and frowned "Hero Killer? Who's that?".

Nezu spoke up next "A very dangerous and aggressive vigilante but this one attacks heroes or at least the ones he believes don't deserve to call themselves heroes, he has already claimed the lives of many heroes and sometimes even crippled some of them".

Harry raised an eyebrow upon hearing who the Hero Killer is and why he has that name "Well, did those heroes do something that would make them a target for this so call Hero Killer?".

Both All Might and Nezu frowned but Nezu then nodded "Yes... most of the heroes he has attacked, crippled, and killed had been involved in all kinds of crimes".

Harry huffed "So like Endeavor? Self-centered assholes that think that they can hide behind the title of hero to do anything they want and get away with it right?".

Nezu nodded but All Might frowned and spoke "Harry, I understand that you don't like how things are run in this world and I can see where you coming from, Endeavor was just a very extreme situation, not all of these Heroes had anything that incriminating, most only had a flaw or were very fame drunk but that's it, they still did their job".

Harry shook his head "It doesn't matter All Might, no one should be claiming themselves a hero if all they ever care about is money or fame you should know better what kind of monsters can rise from the kind of people who grow disillusioned by what a hero should be".

All Might looked down but nodded "Okay I'll give you that much but we can't just let this Hero Killer go around killing heroes, that's not justice".

Hardy sighed "You're too idealistic All Might but that's what I like about you, fine I do agree that an unhinged person like the Hero Killer is a danger and should be stopped but that's not what you called me for right Nezu?".

All Might smiled at Harry glad that he was an understanding person, Nezu nodded at Harry "That's right Harry, right now all the Hero Agencies are being informed about the Hero Killer so leave that to them but what I called you for, is to see if you were willing to help one of the victims of the Hero Killer? This one was crippled, apparently, the only crime he committed was trying to stop the Hero Killer from killing someone else".

Harry tilted his head and hummed "You want me to heal someone? That's new... but okay, who's the victim?".

All Might answered Harry's question "Tensei Ida...".

Harry's eyes widen in surprise "Shit! Ida is going to fly off the handle! We're going to have to keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid and get himself killed".

Nezu, Nana, and All Might nodded in agreement while Harry shooked his head and rubbed his eyes in annoyance "I'll heal Tensei after the Sports Festival, I want to watch the Semifinals and the finals of the tournament, some of my kids have reached so far, the least I can do is cheer for them".

Nezu, All Might, and Nana smiled at how proud Harry seemed and he has every right to be, his student's performances have been nothing but extraordinary, and as they waited for the first match of the semi-finals to begin they all talked about what they had seen the kids accomplish during the third event of the Sports Festival.