Chapter 93

The day started, as usual, the kids of U.A. woke up early, made some breakfast together, and went outside to start training.

However today the Shota and more surprisingly Harry have allowed them to take it easy with light exercises and even let them relax making everyone very happy about having an opportunity to hang out and have some fun.

But Izuku and his friends knew that this was a sign of things to come, Harry had already informed them about the plan to deal with All for One, and knowing that Harry was more than likely letting everyone take it easy as to not give any information to any spies they decided to discreetly get ready.

All of them equipped their bracelets and their Medical Supplies pack while they hang out with friends and classmates, tonight was going to be busy and they were going to be ready for it.


After a day full of light exercises and fun, the night finally arrived and everyone was happily enjoying the very cool mountain breeze while they hung out outside.

However Harry suddenly sensed someone step over his wards and he instantly snapped his fingers, most of Class 1A and 1B were teleported away back to U.A. where Nezu was already waiting to explain the situation to them.

This also alerted the Wild, Wild Pussycats, Mirko, and Shota that the time had come while Izuku and friends immediately activated their bracelets and their bodies flashed in a bright light equipping their costumes and gear.

Harry walked up in front of the group and glared towards the edge of the forest where a tall man wearing a black suit and a metal mask walked out, the man spread his arms as more individuals began to walk out from the darkness of the forest "Well... it seems like we were expected... it is a pleasure to meet you, Harry Potter".


Meanwhile, Dr. Garaki was grinning ear to ear as he finished his final touches on his Nomu, he turned towards his creations and smiled as he began to activate them to begin a parade of destruction and chaos against the heroes of Japan.

But the moment he tried to activate the Nomu, the capsules where they were resting began to glow with an eerie black light drawing the attention of the doctor "What?!".


Outside, standing on top of a building and looking down on the hideout of Dr. Garaki was Luna who grinned when there was a sudden explosion of darkness that engulfed the hideout.

The darkness coalesced and then turned into a black hole that began to let out a horrible screech, the screech echoed throughout the night as the black hole ravaged the area where the hideout stood.

Thankfully Luna was there to make sure her magical trap wouldn't grow out of control and destroy everything in the city, darkness is a very volatile element and she more than anyone knew that.

Still, she enjoyed the black hole her trap created and watched as it destroyed everything Dr. Garaki ever work with including himself, Luna softly smiled "There, now you won't ever hurt anyone and abuse death ever again".

The spell's effect finally subsided and the black hole dissipated leaving nothing of the headquarters and of Dr. Garaki.

Luna then nodded to herself and walked from the edge of the building, she then waved a hand and created a dark corridor which she walked through right away and left the area.

The dark corridor dissipated right away and once it was gone only the sound of the approaching police cars and their siren could've heard in the silence of the now-empty area.

This is how Dr. Garaki one of the most vile and evil scientists in the world met his end, not even knowing what happened before he was consumed by darkness and completely destroyed.


Harry stared at All for One in silence for a few seconds before he sighed ad shook his head "All Might told me you were one for grandstanding but this is ridiculous, are you that confident right now? Do you really think that you will win?".

All for One stood there in shocked silence, he expected panic and fear once he showed himself, even some anger or even hatred was expected but not this amount of nonchalance.

Harry just closed his eyes and then snapped his fingers, a massive ward was raised around the entire mountain range and All for One suddenly flinched when he felt the connection to his quirk Warping disappeared.

Suddenly Harry narrowed his eyes when he felt a young energy signature close by now that his wards were up "... Mandalay?".

Mandalay turn her head towards Harry to give him her attention while Harry continued "Did you give Kota a tag?".

Mandalay panicked the moment Harry mentioned Kota "Yes! I gave it to him last night".

Harry narrowed his eyes "Then he didn't have it with him when I teleported everyone out...".

Mandalay's eyes widen in shock and fear, she remembers that she had given Kota the tag that Harry gave to her so he could be teleported away with the rest of the kids but knowing how he's been acting lately it didn't surprise her that he didn't have it with him "... He must have left it in his room...Kota..".

Harry frowned and turned towards Izuku "Go Izuku, there's a villain heading that way".

Izuku nodded and then immediately turned into lightning and left towards the one place he knew Kota would go at this hour, his secret hideout.

All for One tried to stop Izuku from leaving by trying to blast him with his quirk Air Cannon but Harry quickly summoned his dark Keyblade Oblivion and threw it at All for One while being engulfed in darkness forcing the villains to block it with his arms while activating his quirk Impact Recoil to both stop the attack and destroy whatever weapon Harry threw at him.

To his surprise though, not only did Oblivion ignore his quirk but also exploded in a blast of darkness that sent All for One skidding back while Oblivion flew back to Harry who caught it while he summoned Oathkeeper on his other hand.

All for One looked at his arm in shock as he felt it shake from the strain his quirk went through trying to push back the strange weapon Potter just attacked him with, he then looked up and stared at him with his quirk Infrared Ray.

Harry just began to walk towards him while Mirko, Shota, the Wild, Wild Pussycats, and his students began to walk with him side by side while the villains that came with All for One began to cackle and grin in excitement.

All for One closed his fist and tighten it in anger, with one move Harry Potter had not only pushed him aside like a child but also prevented him from getting to his primary objective "No matter... I'll deal with you first".

Harry eye's narrowed which began to glow as he began to run towards All for One "Then come and get me asshole!".

Everyone else with Harry immediately ran towards the villains and began to immediately take them down, Harry students held nothing back and permanently took their targets, Mirko followed in their example and also took her targets down permanently.

Only Shota and the Wild, Wild Pussycats knocked them out and made sure they were out so they can arrest them later on.


Izuku rushed over to where he knew Kota was and as soon as he got close he was able to see him standing in front of a tall man engulfed in muscle tissue who had his arm back ready to punch Kota.

Something was wrong with Kota since he seemed to be frozen in shock and anger as Izuku watched Kota glare at the villain with tears of fury in his eyes.

Izuku knowing that Kota wasn't in any condition to dodge wasted no time and in a flash and a roar of lightning and thunder that echoed throughout the entire area he appeared in front of Kota whose eyes widen in surprise.

The villain glared at Izuku but also maniacally grinned in joy however Izuku paid him no mind and lashed out with a punch engulfed in green lighting that smashed against the villain's chest.

The villain screamed in pain from the electrical shock and the force of the punch which sent him flying back and crashing against a cliff, the force of the crash made his body crush the cliff and get buried underneath tons of rocks.

Izuku frowned and then turn his head towards Kota who was gaping at Izuku "Kota! Go back to your room and grab the tag Mandalay gave you yesterday!".

Kota snapped out of his shock and nodded but the villain suddenly burst out of the pile of rock on top of him which were sent flying all over the place "Hahaha! Yes! I actually felt that!".

The villain suddenly rushed forward and lashed out with a straight punch but Izuku engulfed his elbow with green lightning and jabbed it into the villain's wrist causing him to grunt in pain and his arm to whip to the side.

Izuku jumped back grabbed Kota and then jumped back again to gain some distance, the Villain just grinned at Izuku "Hahaha! Stop protecting the kid and fight me!".

Izuku let Kota down and immediately rushed forward toward the villain and met him halfway but instead of clashing against him he jumped up and spun kicked toward the villain's head which caused him to lift up his arm to block Izuku's kick which push him to the side.

Izuku softly landed on his feet and stared at the villain who frowned at him "I knew it... your quirk protects your body but not your head very well huh?".

The villain glared at Izuku "Tch!.. your one of those brainy types of heroes".

Kota suddenly yelled at Izuku "He's the one who killed my parents!".

Izuku turned his head towards Kota and watched as tears fell down his cheeks in both sorrow and fury.

The villain suddenly cackled in sheer joy "Hahaha! I didn't know he was the kid of those two heroes! I told them to go and leave but the idiots just wouldn't get out of my way! So I killed them!" the villain then maniacally grinned "But not before they took my eye! I don't hate them though! They tried to stop me and they died for it, that's all!".

Kota growled and glared at the villain while tears continued to fall down his cheeks, Izuku glared at the villain not liking how callous he was talking about Kota's parents.

The villain however just continued to speak having fun watching Kota just stand there and fume at him "They put off an excellent fight and we all did our best! My name is Goto Imasuji! but they call me Muscular! Let's dance kid!".

Suddenly the now-revealed Muscular's body was engulfed in even more muscle fibers causing Kota to step back in fear but then Izuku stood up straight and then turned his head towards him "Don't worry Kota, I'll make sure he never hurts anyone ever again! You don't have to be afraid because I am here!".

Kota's eyes widen when Izuku said those words to him and then gaped when Izuku's body exploded in green lightning and energy, Izuku smiled and then spoke "One for All! Full Cowling! 80%!".

Muscular and Kota had to cover their eyes from the sudden surge and burst of air and energy coming from Izuku, Muscular even took an involuntary step back but then he grinned excited "You'll make sure I'll never hurt anyone?! You sound like you're going to kill me, kid! That's not very hero-like! Hahaha!".

Muscular found Izuku's words amusing and he couldn't help but laugh at him until he noticed the serious look in Izuku's eyes which immediately killed his good mood and cheer "... You're serious... You're really going to kill me".

Izuku then raised a hand towards the sky and shot a big lighting bolt up to the sky where it spread and began to create a massive black cloud that covered the moonlight, Izuku then stared into Muscular eyes "I was taught that a hero has to sometimes make difficult decisions... we have to be ready to do anything to protect the defenseless even if we have to become monsters! We'll do anything to keep the world safe from people like you... and if that means I have to drench my hands in your blood so be it!".

The sky began to rumble and lit up with green lighting, Muscular frowned as he heard Izuku speak with such conviction "... What's your name kid?".

Izuku grinned and pointed a thumb at his chest "I'm Izuku Midoriya but you can call me Deku!".

Thunder began to roar in the sky while Muscular grinned back at Izuku "Hahaha then let's do this Deku! If you fail to kill me I'll kill that kid behind you and then all your friends down in that facility!".

Kota stared in disbelieve at what he was hearing but Izuku's words echoed in his mind 'I'll make sure he never hurts anyone ever again!' Kota hated heroes, he even hated quirks but right now he couldn't help but admire Deku "Deku! Please! Avenge my parents!".

Izuku nodded and then bent on his knees low and put his hands on the ground while grasping the dirt hard "I don't have a lot of time, I have to get Kota out of here and go help my friends so I'll deal with you in one move! Flow!".

From the sky, multiple lightning bolts rained down on Izuku and began to coalesce on him the electricity and energy then took the form of a Dragon head that roared loudly shaking everything in the area.

Muscular's eyes widen in shock and he immediately scrambled to make his muscle fibers cover as much of his body as possible but Izuku then immediately went to attack.

The green-haired wielder of One for All exploded forward and rushed at full speed towards Muscular while the dragon head made of green lightning and energy roared at the now scared-out-of-his-mind villain, Izuku moved so fast that in a blink of an eye he appeared in front of Muscular and kicked him as hard as he could "Night Fury!"

Muscular received the kick full on his chest and grinned when he at first didn't feel anything but then his muscles fiber were blown away and the dragon head made of green lightning and energy closed its jaws on him and took off flying into the sky with him trapped within and howling in pain.

Kota watched as Izuku kicked Muscular so hard that the dragon head around Izuku closed his jaws on him and then took him into the sky, the dragon head actually collided against the cliff but it was blown away and completely destroyed as the dragon head continued its trajectory towards the sky.

Once high enough the dragon head violently exploded in the sky and unleashed a storm of green thunderbolts that lit up the night sky, within the storm as Muscular screamed in pain he watched as his body began to slowly turn into ash, before long he knew no more.

Bellow in the forest the remaining villains, All for One, Harry, his students, and the pro heroes looked up and watched as Izuku's green lightning dragon lit up the sky, this made the villains gape and widen their eyes in shock as they watched the lightning storm that was unleashed from Izuku's technique ravage the forest.

The pro heroes, Harry's students, and Harry himself took Izuku's massive attack as a signal to finish this right away and all of them rushed forwards to quickly take down their remaining targets.

Meanwhile, Izuku stood there staring up at the sky while Kota's eyes stay on his form as Izuku stood there until the poor kid's eyes filled with tears that soon began to fall, Izuku noticed Kota standing there crying.

Following the example of All Might and Harry, he gave Kota a big smile and a thumbs up, which made Kota smile even though he was still crying.

To him, the smile on Izuku's face looked stupid but it still brought him an ease that the poor kid needed, Izuku walked up to Kota and then patted his head "Let's go, Kota, I have to take you out of here, me and my friends still have work to do!".

Kota sniffed and rubbed his nose with his wrist, he then nodded to Izuku who smiled and picked him up on his should and then took off running to take Kota back to his room so he could use his tag and get teleported away from there.

Inwardly Izuku was very happy at the fact that he could use Night Fury without taking any damage to his body anymore, it seems that all the hard training he had over the summer paid off.


Meanwhile, All for One was being pushed back effortlessly by Harry, no matter what he did Harry Potter either reflected it back, dodged it, or bat it away with those strange weapons of his.

But what worried him the most was that the villains he had brought with him are being taken down with extreme prejudice, he was sure Muscular was killed a few moments ago and by All Might's successor no less.

He watched Muscular turn into ash within seconds thanks to his Infrared Ray quirk "Tch! Just what are you teaching these kids!".

Harry appeared in front of All for One in a flash of light and darkness and lashed out with Oathkeeper but All for One blocked it by combining two quirks of his Proliferation and Hypertrophy to both create multiple arms and enlarge them but Harry in a flash of speed cut them all off causing All for One to grunt of pain.

Harry glared at All for One and answered his question "I taught my kids not to play around! I taught them to make sure someone like you won't hurt anyone again, I showed them how to become more than simple heroes!".

All for One then unleashed another one of his quirks Air Cannon and began to fire at Harry with an air blast at high speed but Harry would move so fast that all he could see were flashes of darkness and light as his air blast continue to miss him.

Harry ran around All for One as he continued to try to hit him "You were only able to thrive in this world because everyone was too afraid of you! Because no one wanted to do what was necessary to stop you so I made sure that my kids wouldn't make the same mistakes! They're more than heroes! They're Avengers!".

Harry then rushed forward and launched himself at All for One while spinning his Keyblades around as they were engulfed with both darkness and lights creating a drill of twilight, the villain had to cover his arms with his quirk Bonespear as he tried to stop Harry's drill-like technique.

But as soon as Harry's attack collided with All for One's arms he was pushed back by Harry's drill attack while the dragon god landed on his feet and took a big breath which alerted the villain who used Airwalk to fly up and away as Harry breathed a massive blast of white flames that devastated the area beneath All for One.

The flames were so hot that the air itself scalded All for One who grunted as he flew up and looked down only to nervously start sweating when he saw a big area of molten rock beneath him.

But he didn't even get time to think to much because Harry was on him in a second and smashed him with Oblivion on his ribs, he then blasted All for One away with a blast of light from Oathkeeper which he jabbed on his chest.

All for One was sent falling down at high speed while Harry then raised Oblivion and whip it to the side hard shooting forth a multitude of dark orbs that shot forwards towards All For one.

The villain crashed against the ground and was then barraged by the orb of darkness which violently exploded causing the entire mountain range to shake from the force of Harry's dark elemental attack.

Harry then raised Oathkeeper which began to glow with a pure white light that began to to dance around Harry and in a flash of light he disappeared.

All for One quickly stood up and wave his arm to get rid of the dust cloud covering the area but even with his Infrared Ray quirk he couldn't even see nor react when Harry suddenly appeared behind him with Oathkeeper glowing brightly with white light "Sonic Blade!".

Harry ran through All for One's back with the light-infused Oathkeeper and disappeared in a blur and reappearing to the villain's left side and running him through again.

He disappeared in a blur once again and All for One found himself at the receiving end of a barrage of thrusting attacks so fast that he couldn't react or move, after a few seconds of countless attacks Harry reappeared above All for One in a blur, and then dropped on top of him Keyblade first.

The moment Oathkeeper made contact with All for One the villain found himself engulfed in an explosion of white spiraling light which sent him aggressively flying but Harry then pulled back his arm holding Oblivion which began to glow in pitch black darkness.

Harry then glared at All for One as he flew through the air and swung Oblivion hard while letting go of his Keyblade "Strike Raid!".

Harry's Oblivion flew through the air like a disk engulfed in pitch-black darkness and struck All for One on the chest and buzz-sawed into him with darkness, but then Oathkeeper struck him the same way and sawed him with pure white light.

Oblivion reappeared in Harry's hand and he then threw it again while Oathkeeper then came back to him, he did this again and again while keeping All for One in the air until both Keyblades appeared on his hand and he pulled both arms back "Judgement!".

Harry whipped both arms forwards and threw both Oblivion and Oathkeeper who turned into pure darkness and light and multiplied in many spinning energy disks which then crashed against All for One and engulfed him in an explosion of twilight.

The explosion sent All for One crashing against a few trees until his momentum finally died out and he stopped on the ground after rolling a couple of times, he used the last roll of his body to get on his knees and hands and then looked up.

Harry began to walk up to him and stared at the villain, whose mask was cracked and falling apart revealing his mangled face while his suit coat and shirt were heavily damaged.

All for One began to breathe hard and grunt in pain {In just a few seconds he gave me enough damage to force me to my knees and he still looks fresh! my quirks don't work on him either...}.

Harry stopped a few feet away from All for One and looked at his face "Sheesh... All Might really messed up your face, you looked like a shaved testicle you know?".

If All for One had eyes he would have glared at Harry with so much hatred but all he could do is frown "Just how are you doing all of this? Darkness, Light, Super Speed, Super Strength, and so much more, you don't make any sense!".

Harry tilted his head "Didn't your little mole tell you? I'm a Dragon God so the amount of things I can do are quite simply ridiculous".

Harry shrugged while All for One frowned "So you know about my mole?... I'm going to have to take care of him and his parents then...".

Harry smirked finding what All for One just said amusing "You still think you will get out of here alive? How funny and you're not going to hurt Yuga nor his parents, we already have them under our protection and you will never be able to find them, even though you're not going to be alive to even try".

All for One looked down with a frown on his face though he was starting to really struggle to breathe with his mask so damaged "I see... so this was all a trap?...".

"Yes, we have known of your plans for a while now, I've known for a while about you too... the soul of your younger brother lived on by leeching onto One for All, I ate his soul and got all his memories so I know everything about you".

All for One flinched at the mention of his younger brother and anger began to grow in him "You did what?...".

Harry closed his eyes "I ate your brother's soul so he's gone and not coming back, in fact, I sent the rest of the souls who were living on thanks to One for All to the afterlife except Nana Shimura, I gave her a second chance at life and she now teaches in U.A".

That was it for All for One, first, he finds out about his brother's soul having lived on in One for All and now he finds out that Nana Shimura one of the people he hates the most is alive again.

In a sudden burst of energy brought about by anger and hate, All for One launched himself at Harry at high speed, Harry however only smiled and let him do whatever he was planning on doing.

So the villain grabbed hold of Harry's face and began to maniacally laugh "Yes! it's over Harry Potter! Your quirks are mine now and with them, I'll become the most powerful demonlord to have ever existed in this wor-".

However, All for One's rant was caught off when Harry began to laugh "Hahaha you? A demonlord?! Don't make me laugh! You don't have what it takes to become a demonlord! At best you would become a prinny!".

All for One could only mutter a confused grunt when he began to search for Harry's quirks "What? but... you don't have a quirk! How!? This doesn't make any sense! Don't tell me that nonsense of you being a supernatural being is true! It can't be Arghh!.".

Harry once again cut off All for One by grabbing his wrist while letting go of Oblivion which began to float beside him and crushed his wrist with his hand "A demonlord is a being of pure chaos and power! We do what we want, whenever we want, and however, we want! You are just a manipulative old man past his prime! You will never be deserving of the title of demonlord!".

All for One began to desperately pull his arm away from Harry since the dragon god began to manifest pitch-black darkness that began to slowly eat away at his arm and body while ignoring all his regenerative and defensive Quirks.

Harry then smiled and let go of All for One and crouched allowing Izuku who appeared behind him to kick All for One hard in the face "'Dynamic Entry!'".

A blast of green lightning and energy made All for One's head violently whip back, suddenly Tsuyu appeared to his side engulfed in her water veil, and jabbed a massive orb of raging water into All for One's body which then exploded outward and then shot back while dragging the villain away within the orb.

The orb crashed and destroyed a multitude of trees until it stopped and imploded sending water all over the place and All for One crashing against the ground.

Harry stood up and smiled at Izuku and Tsuyu "Is Kota safe?".

Izuku nodded while not letting his gaze drift away from where All for One had crashed "Yes, I took him to his room and gave him the tag, he was immediately teleported away".

Harry nodded Tsuyu then spoke up "All the other villains are either taken down or captured kero...".

Harry nodded "Good, I guess Shota and the Wild, Wild Pussycats are the ones who made captures right?".

Tsuyu nodded, suddenly All for One burst out of the ground and flew over but he was then smashed by a warhammer made of light by Tooru and sent towards the ground again but he was able to stop himself mid-air before he hit the ground by using his quirk Air Walk.

All for One frowned and growled in both pain and anger {I didn't even see them move with Infrared Ray... it must be those weird powers Potter gave to these kids}.


But All for One wasn't allowed to ponder any longer because a sniper shot hit him in the shoulder and ripped his whole shoulder and arm off causing him to scream in pain.

He was then suddenly shot down by multiple missiles that crashed against him and exploded, Harry looked to his side and saw Momo and Eijiro walking over then.

Momo was carrying a big anti-tank rifle while Eijiro had Variant Detonation activated, Harry smiled at his students who smiled back at him.

Suddenly a multitude of arms and hands shot forward from where All for One had landed and headed straight to Harry and his students but then a whirlwind of sharp wind clashed against the arms and sliced them apart.

All for One was forced to deactivate his quirk Proliferation and moved away to dodge the whirlwind of sharp wind only to then get hit by a massive glob of acid and poison which made him scream in agonizing pain as his skin was being eaten away by the poisonous acid.

Kinoko and Mina walked over to Harry's side and glared at All for One who had dropped to the floor on his knees while screaming as the acid and poison from Mina's attack continue to ravage his skin.

But he didn't get to continue screaming in peace because Ochako pulled him toward her with Banshō Ten'in (Universal Pull) as soon as the still screaming in pain All for One got close to Ochako she moved aside and let him pass her over.

Where Ibara was already waiting for him, she caught him with her vines and then slammed him on the floor where she then stomped the floor causing a pothole to open up underneath All for One who dropped in.

Ibara then clapped her hand and the pothole slammed closed, Harry watched all of this happen so fast and efficiently that he couldn't help but feel proud of his students.

Ibara and Ochako then walked up to Harry who smiled at them, suddenly All for One burst out of the ground with a roar and then stood there trying to catch his breath since his mask was now completely destroyed and could no longer help him breathe.

For all his experience and power All for One was utterly stunned at the fact that these kids just tried to kill him and if it wasn't for his many regenerative quirks they would have already succeeded.

He frowned as he watched the kids with his Infrared Ray quirk and saw them stand beside Potter, he already had a difficult time fighting against Potter so he knew he couldn't win this fight, not if he had to fight the brats who were really trying to kill him.

So he began to think of a way to escape, to get away so he can recover and plan how to deal with Potter and these children but before he could even think of something, multiple golden glowing chains burst out from the ground underneath him a wrapped around him.

All For One then began to panic when he felt all his quirks deactivate leaving him defenseless "What is this!?".

Harry then began to walk up to All for One and the villain then saw how the golden chains trail back to Potter's back "You!? What did you do!".

But Harry didn't answer his question and just walked over to him "You know, I also destroyed that little piece of your soul you left inside Tomura".

All for One growled in anger and began to aggressively try to get out of chains but without his many quirks, he was just a very damaged and weak old man that was fading fast.

Harry shrugged while ignoring All for One's anger and then jabbed his hand into his chest which made All for One howl in pain, he then began to pull out and absorb all the quirks All for One had stolen including his own quirk All for One and made them into Skill Orbs that he then put them in his inventory, the now to weak villain slumped while being held up by Harry's Chakra chains

After a few seconds Harry then pulled his hand out of All for One's chest and then grabbed both sides of his head, he then strongly and suddenly twisted his head snapping his neck, and finally ending the life of the oldest and most feared villain in this world.

Harry shook his head and then snapped his fingers, All for One's lifeless body suddenly burst into white flames which instantly incinerated his body and turned into ash, Izuku walked up to Harry "Is it finally over?".

Harry nodded and then smiled at Izuku "Yes, with this the vicious cycle of the battle of All for One and One for All is finally over".

Izuku nodded and then sighed "I'm glad I didn't have to deal with all of this nonsense... if it wasn't for you Harry-sensei then I don't want to even imagine what would have happened...".

Harry smiled and then patted Izuku's head "Don't let it bother you Izuku, now just enjoy your life and have fun growing up, become the hero you always dreamt of becoming at your own pace but above else enjoy life okay?".

The rest of Harry's students walked up to Izuku and Harry and smiled, Harry proudly nodded at them "Good job with dealing with those villains fast and hard".

Momo shrugged "They weren't particularly strong or smart, more than likely they were supposed to be fodder to distract everyone while he tried to get Izuku".

Ochako then smiled "Plus they were very unhinged too... all they wanted to do is kill, honestly I don't know how All for One kept them under control".

Izuku shook his head "Fear, they were all very afraid of him and what he could do, the villain who attacked Kota was actually pretty strong but very unhinged as well... he was actually the one who killed Kota's parents".

Harry frowned "So that's why you killed him, are you okay Izuku?".

Izuku smiled and nodded "I'm fine, I had plenty of time to prepare myself for this, we all have so don't worry Harry-sensei if I ever begin to have problems I'll go to counseling but for now I'm okay, he truly was too dangerous to let him live".

Harry nodded and then turned to his students "Alright then let's go find Eraserhead, Mirko, and the Wild, Wild Pussycats, they're going to need help transporting those villains into prison".

Everyone nodded and began to walk back to the facilities, Kinoko then spoke "I don't think we need to worry about Mirko though, I saw her kicking the head off a villain before I arrived here~".

Harry chuckled and shook his head in amusement, it was a busy night but one that was easily dealt with and now this world won't have to worry about All for One ever again.