Chapter 94

The rest of the night was long and tedious but a great learning experience for Izuku and his friends since they helped Shota, the Wild, Wild Pussycats, and Mirko transport and process the Villains.

So the pro heroes decided to take advantage of the situation and teach the kids how to handle all of this and how to fill up the paperwork as well.

Harry stayed behind to repair the mountain, forest, and surrounding area from the battles that went down tonight, they weren't long battles but the kids and Mirko didn't hold back and ended up destroying a big portion of the area owned by the Wild, Wild Pussycats.

Still, it didn't take Harry long to fix everything and put it back to how it was before the students and teachers even arrived, afterwards he also cremated the bodies of all the villains his students and Mirko dealt with.

After that he waved a hand and created a dark corridor, he then looked around one more time before he stepped inside the dark corridor which then dissipated after he walked through.


A dark corridor opened in the middle of Nezu's office where All Might, Nana, Luna, and Nezu were already waiting for the dragon god to arrive, Harry then stepped through and smiled at everyone.

Everyone inside Nezu's office smiled back at Harry. Luna walked up to him and as the dark corridor dissipated behind him, she then hugged him and gave him a kiss.

Harry smiled and lifted her off the ground as he hugged Luna, Nana giggled at how funny it looked to see Luna with her feet dangling in the air as Harry hugged her.

Harry then let Luna down and smiled "Looks like you're in a good mood Luna, your trap must have gone off without a hitch right?".

Luna nodded and grinned "Yup! Dr. Garaki and his Nomu were eaten up by a black hole! So we don't have to worry about them any longer plus everything he work on was also destroyed too!".

Nezu smirked obviously liking what has happened to the crazy Dr. Garaki "I had Wisemon delete every piece of data on his research and work from the net, the evil Dr. Garaki has brought into this world is gone forever".

Everyone nodded in agreement, Nana then spoke up "Is it really over? I must admit that it's still hard to believe...".

Harry smiled and nodded "Yes, it's over All for One is dead and I made sure that he didn't have any quirks before I snapped his neck and then cremated his body with holy fire".

Nana looked down and grabbed hold of her chest with both hands in relief, All Might frowned and then walked up to his teacher and patted her back which made her turn towards him and give him a smile.

Harry smiled and then took out the orb holding the Quirk All for One "What should we do about his quirk? I don't have a need for it plus I think you guys deserve to decide what happens to it".

All Might and Nana stared at All for One's quirk and silently pondered on what to do while everyone patiently waited for them to speak, this was a big decision for them since this quirk and its user had caused nothing but suffering and pain to both Nana and All Might.

All Might then straightened his back and closed his eyes "I think we should destroy it... this quirk is too dangerous to be left alone and it can become a temptation... no it's best to just get rid of it and erase everything All for One ever stood for".

Nana and Nezu nodded, Nezu then jump onto his desk and grinned "Yes, It is best to just destroy everything about All for One once and for all, it's time for everyone to move on from all the evil he brought to this world".

Luna smiled and Harry nodded and lit up his hand with his Power of Destruction and erased the Skill Orb containing All for One, the quirk that had brought so much terror and pain is now gone forever bringing to a close the story of the most powerful and feared villain known simply as All for One.

With this done All Might and Nana felt like a weight was lifted off their shoulders so for the first time in years they breathe easy, Nezu smiled at his friends happy that their nightmare was finally over.

Nezu then turned towards Harry and grinned "Thank you, Harry, I don't think this world can ever repay you for everything you've done for it".

Harry shook his head and smiled at Nezu "Nah this is a regular Wednesday for me so you don't have to thank me".

Everyone chuckled at Harry's nonchalance, All Might then grinned and decided to ask about the kids "How did young Midoriya and the rest do?".

Harry smiled "They did great! They took down the villains fast and effectively, and they even had the chance to give All for One a few hits hahaha the old villain was screaming in pain for a while".

Everyone smiled proud of how far Harry's students have come, Harry then grinned and fist pumped "Izuku was even able to safely use Night Fury and was able to move and keep fighting after it".

All Might excitedly grinned "Wonderful! Young Midoriya has come a long way from always breaking his body when he uses his quirk, I'm so very proud of him".

Nana nodded and softly smiled "Izuku has taken One for All and made it into an extraordinary quirk! He can do things with it that I never could have imagined doing, I don't think any of the predecessors ever even knew about all of the possibilities within One for All".

Luna hummed "Well Izuku has always been observant and smart about quirks, his creativity is something to be feared too".

Harry nodded "Yeah, all of his techniques are recreations from just listening to me tell stories about the people I've met, if that isn't proof of how talented Izuku is I don't know what is".

Nezu nodded "Ah yes, young Midoriya's mind is incredible, if he didn't have One for All I would have taken him under my tutelage but alas! He is dead set on becoming the next number one hero".

Nana and All Might smugly grinned at Nezu who just huffed in amusement but then turned to stare at Harry with a serious look in his eye "Well how are we going to deal with the media and such? We can't very well say that we set up a trap for villains using the students as bait".

Harry nodded "We'll keep everything that happened a secret, there's no need to inform anyone of what went down tonight and we can easily have Mirko, Shota, and the Wild, Wild Pussycats keep quiet, I'm sure they'll understand ".

Nezu nodded "Well it shouldn't be difficult to keep everything quiet and your right we don't have to explain anything since no one would know what happened but what about the students you teleported here tonight? I'm sure they're confused with what happened?"

"We can explain everything to them and continue the training camp here, I'm sure they'll keep quiet about what happened, this way the public and the government won't jump at your throats for being attacked by villains again plus I restored all the damage and cremated the bodies so there shouldn't be any evidence".

Nezu sighed "Well, let us do that then and let what happened tonight become nothing but a memory for some".

Everyone nodded but then Nana turned her head towards Harry "So what's next Harry?".

Harry turned his head towards Luna who smiled and nodded to him, Harry smiled back at Luna and then turned his head back to Nana "I think it's time for us to back to our world, with All for One gone Izuku and his friends can take their time to grow and become the heroes they want to be and I don't have more to teach them anymore, it's up to them to take what I taught them and truly make it their own".

Luna then softly smiled at everyone "We also have Rei, Eri, Himiko, and the Todorokis to introduce to the rest of the family and we also have things to take care of at home".

Nana, All Might, and Nezu frowned feeling a bit sad that they will have to say goodbye to Harry and his family, Nezu sighed "I see... do you know when you're leaving?".

Harry hummed and thought about it for a few seconds "In a couple of days perhaps a week at most, we're ready to leave but we do have a few things to prepare before we can go".

Nana slumped "That soon? I'm going to miss all of you...".

Luna smiled at Nana, she then walked up to her and gave her a hug which Nana returned which looked funny because Luna was way shorter than Nana, Harry grinned and crossed his arms "You make it sounds like we'll be gone forever, I'm planning of creating a portal and connect it to our home in our world".

Nezu, All Might, and Nana perked up and smiled, Nezu then began to cackle "I should have known you wouldn't leave us just like that!".

Harry chuckled "Of course not plus the kids can take advantage of what Neo Kyoto has to offer, especially since they want to recreate their own Avengers team in this world".

Luna who was still hugging Nana smiled and spoke up "They might need more training or even support so Harry decided to connect a portal so they can come over whenever they want and we can help with whatever they might need".

Harry nodded "Plus this world doesn't have any big threats so having an open portal to my world wouldn't be a risk, of course, I will be warding it to hell and back still".

Everyone cheered and Nana spun Luna around making her giggle and cheer in fun.

Harry just watched his friends celebrate the fact that they wouldn't have to say goodbye yet and he couldn't be any happier.


The next few days were busy for Harry since he had quite a few things to take care of starting with telling his kids that he and his family were going back to their own world.

Poor Harry had to deal with a lot of tears, yells, and even some cursing before he could even tell the kids about the portal he was making but once he did his students calmed down and cheerfully accepted the fact that it wasn't a permanent goodbye.

Though Harry decided to spar with them for the sudden cursing he got from them, needless to say, that the kids regretted overreacting was an understatement but they were still happy that they'll be able to visit their friends whenever they want to.

Nothing was ever found out about the defeat and death of All for One, as planned everyone kept quiet and Harry erased the memories of the villains who were captured, and no one ever talked out about their attack on the U.A. training camp.

Mirko was happy to have been able to fight villains, spar with strong people, and hang out with Harry and friends so she was more than happy to keep quiet about everything that went down though she did make Nezu promise to allow her to come over and spar with Izuku and friends whenever she wants something Nezu was more than happy to allow her to do.

The Wild, Wild Pussycats were not really thrilled about keeping everything that went down that night a secret but they understood why it was necessary plus Harry did give them an amazing gift.

To their surprise and shock Harry brought back to life the pro heroes Water Hose though because they were officially dead they couldn't work as heroes anymore.

But surprisingly they didn't care about that and instead decided to spend their days with their son who they felt very guilty about leaving behind when they died.

Kota was very happy to have his parents back and cried for hours while not letting go of them when Harry brought them to him, Kota had even changed his view a bit.

He no longer hated quirks and heroes, he didn't like everything about it though but at least he can respect what they were trying to do and that was enough, Izuku and Harry were happy to see him smile after all the anger and sadness that filled his heart not that long ago.

Kota even became a full-on fan of Izuku though he tries to deny and hide it but everyone knew he looked up to Izuku.

Another big event that had happened was the fact that Eri's Digiegg had hatched giving birth to twin Yukimibotamon, these two digimon were immediately loved by all the girls with how cute and adorable they are.

Harry then showed everyone how much he loves Digimon with the way he treated the babies with some much care and kindness, he was always sneaking them snacks and playing with them along with Eri who was very happy to see this side of her daddy.

Nejire's Digiegg hatched two days later while she was in class, everyone was curious as to why she was carrying a big egg all over the place and at all times but when asked all she would say was that she didn't want to miss her new friend's birth.

So during class Conomon was born, the little brown Digimon immediately looked around everywhere and smiled as soon as she saw Nejire's smiling face looking at her, Nejire immediately fell in love with her new friend and hugged her.

The both of them had been inseparable since then, of course, Nejire brings Conomon to play with both Yukimibotamon often and promised to do so often even when they went back to their world.

Rei, Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Toya were both ready and excited to move in with Harry and his family back in their world, especially Rei and Fuyumi who couldn't wait to meet everyone.

Rei was very excited to meet all of her harem sisters and new daughter Hope plus she was also very excited to meet Morgan and all of Harry's adoptive sisters and family.

Fuyumi was super excited at the fact that she will be getting a ton of new mothers, cousins, and a third sister! Growing up in a house with three males was tough on her so she couldn't wait to meet all the ladies of the Potter household.

Hermione was busy finishing a few projects and things she had working with Nezu, David, Mei, and Melissa, even though she will be coming over often enough to work with them she still wanted to make sure everything was working well since back home she had quite a few responsibilities as well.

Though Melissa and Mei promised to come over often to learn from her, Tony and Urahara who were the brains of Neo Kyoto.

Susan who during this entire vacation took the role of pseudo mom and nurse to Harry's students, Mei, Melissa and even the adults found herself surrounded by people all the time since no one really wanted her to go.

Her caring and maternal demeanor had won the hearts of many in U.A. and a lot of people were sad to see her go, Susan was amused by this though, she found it a bit silly since she was a portal away and everyone can come to visit her at any time.

Though in their world she's busy with the Magical Law Enforcement and the Bounty Hunter Guild she would always make time for everyone, to her they were all family after all.

Harry worked hard the entire week to create a powerful and stable portal connecting his world in a room provided to him by Nezu so he had to go back and forth between his world and this one in order to create the portal and then ward it to hell and back as promised.

Of course, Nezu also put up some of the most advanced defensive and security measures available to make sure no one can even reach the room, only friends and family can even walk up to the door and use the portal.

Anyone else would be stopped and arrested immediately or killed on the spot by Harry's wards after that Harry spent the last few days hanging out with his students, daughters, and sons.

He took them to the movies, a water park, an amusement park, and even arcades something the kids enjoyed and loved to do with him, especially Eri who was extra happy to always hang out with her big brothers and sisters.

The girls even convinced the boys to go shopping something that they instantly regretted but even if they wanted to they couldn't escape, not unless they wanted a bunch of super powerful pissed off girls going after them afterward.

But Harry gave them some fun and relaxing memories to show them how much he cares about them, this is how Harry's last week in a world of Heroes and Villains came to an end.


Everyone that knew the Potters had gathered to say their goodbyes, all of them were now inside the special room built specifically for the portal connecting to Harry's world.

Harry's students, the teachers of U.A. Nezu, All Might, Nana, Mirko, Ryukyu, Nejire, David, Melissa, Mei, and the Classes of 1A and 1B had come to say their goodbyes to Harry and his family.

There were hugs, tears, and sad goodbyes but Harry took all of that with a soft smile on his face and told everyone that they shouldn't be sad, that this wasn't a goodbye but literally a see you later.

This made everyone cheer up, it was hard to say goodbye to someone that they got used to seeing every day and spending so much time with but the fact that Harry had made it possible for them to visit his world easily had made them all feel better.

Sure everyone might be busy and Harry more than anyone might be caught up with something important but they'll all promised to always make time for everyone.

Luna hugged the kids and gave them all a kiss on the forehead, she then told them to smile and to come over anytime, she then surprised the teachers and adults by giving hugs to them as well.

But all of them hugged her back and gave her a smile, Luna has always been a caring and loving girl and they all love her for it, they're very happy to have met her.

Susan fuzzed over the children and kept nagging them about always eating healthy, taking baths, and to always train and take care of each other, the kids just let her rant and enjoyed being taken care off from someone who had become a sort of second mom to them.

Hermione spoke to all the teachers, David and Nezu about upcoming projects and how to reach her right away in case they needed anything, of course, she also gave everyone her patented Hermione hug.

Mr. Goop just stood there with a smile on his face while the Yukimibotamon sat on top of his crown with a smile on their faces, the old slime had a lot of fun on this trip and met a lot of new friends but he couldn't wait to go home, he missed the family after all.

Rei smiled and said goodbye to all the people who supported her throughout her ordeal, she will forever be thankful to U.A., the teachers, and Nezu for having helped her when she needed the most, though she was very excited about starting her new happy family life in another world she will miss everyone.

Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Toya said goodbye to Harry's students and Shoto who had decided to stay behind to become a pro hero and work with Izuku and the rest, all of them got a new chance in life and they were going to fully take advantage of it.

Himiko hugged everyone with a smile and tears on her face, she was also happy that she had a very loving and supportive family plus they all accepted her and loved her for who she is, she will never forget the friends she made and the memories she gained but right now it was time for a new chapter in her life and she couldn't be more excited about it.

Eri was a bit sad to say goodbye for a while but she still smiled and gave everyone hugs and kisses, it was adorable to see Eri hug big guys like All Might and Vlad King and see them tear up because they were going to miss the bundle of cuteness.

Harry smiled and head patted all of his students and told them how proud of them he was, that it was time for them to take everything they learned from him and to take it to even higher heights.

It was time for their very own legend to start and that he would always support them, the kids cried hard and all hugged their teacher and friend while sobbing.

The adults all smiled as they watch the kids say goodbye to the person who gave them the world and the power to protect it, Harry chuckled and then softly smiled at his students.

He then surprised everyone by spreading with two sets of ethereal feathered wings and engulfing his kids in a fluffy blanket of wings, this was a show of love and care for a Dragon.

After that everyone began to walk through the portal while waving at everyone goodbye, Harry let go of his students and smiled "Don't forget... be strong, be brave, always protect each other but more importantly don't forget that if you ever need help all you have to do is call my name and I'll come in a blink of an eye".

Izuku, Ochako, Momo, Eijiro, Tooru, Kinoko, Ibara, Pony, and Tsuyu nodded with tears falling down their faces, Harry smiled and nodded at them "And do come over whenever you want, even if I'm not at home or busy with something, my family will be there to always welcome you home with a smile".

With that said, Harry turned around and walked over to the portal but he stopped a few inches away from it and then turned his head towards everyone and gave them all a grin "See you around!".

Everyone smiled and nodded at Harry who nodded and walked through the portal while everyone watched him leave this world.

Everyone will miss him and the chaos he brings with him but they all knew that they will see him again soon, after all, Harry Potter will forever be family to them.


Harry arrived back to the Potter household only to see that his entire family was already waiting for him he smiled and prepared himself for what was about to happen and just like he knew it would happen, everyone launched themselves at Harry and dogpile him.

Harry now on the floor and at the bottom of the dogpile of friends and family groaned in discomfort but still smiled at everyone "I'm home!".

He received smiles from his girlfriends, Milim, Fu, Jessica, Le Fay, Kunou, Valerie, Ereshikal, Jean and Ophis were the first on top of him followed By Serafall, Gabriel, and Yasaka.

All of his girlfriends that stayed behind all smiled at him, then he saw Sirius, Remus, Tony, Urahara, Yoruichi even Hela and Pepper were on the dogpile while Morgan and Hope sat on top and fist pumped in victory.

Everyone then brightly smiled at Harry and loudly said "Welcome home Harry/Daddy/Uncle Harry" it made Harry chuckle at the impromptu chorus he just got.

Suddenly Eri walked over and kneeled down close to his head, her Yukimibotamon were sitting down on her head now looking rather confused but amused, Eri tilted her head and then spoke, "Are you okay, Daddy?".

Harry smiled at Eri and nodded while his family who was still on top of him gasped "I'm fine sweetie this is just how our family says hi to me".

Eri smiled and looked at the people on top of her daddy, at first she was a little frightened when she saw them launch themselves at her daddy but her mommy Luna patted her head and gave her a reassuring smile helping her calm down.

But now that she was close to everyone she can recognize them all from the way her daddy and her mommies described them but what really had her very happy was the kind and soft smiles everyone was giving her.

She didn't know how, but somehow she knew that they love her and accepted her even though she never met them before they all already think of her as family.

Everyone on top of Harry smiled at Eri and then jumped off Harry and began to introduce themselves to the adorable bundle of cuteness who smiled at everyone as they told her their names.

Harry chuckled and then sat up, he looked on as everyone was already getting to know his new daughter, Hope and Morgan were also excitedly talking to Eri.

Harry then stood up and cleared his throat "Alright everyone! To the living room! We have a lot to talk about!".

Everyone fist pumped and immediately began to run to get to the living while leaving Eri, Rei, Himiko, and the Todorokis rather confused but Harry just smiled at them "Come on, I'll take you to the living room, it's time for a Potter family meeting!".

Harry then grabbed Eri's hand and Rei's and began to lead the newest addition to his already enormous family to the living room of the Potter household.


As soon as Harry arrived in the living room he introduced everyone again, he then explained that the new additions to their family were going to be living with them from now on and what has happened during their vacation in another world starting with Eri.

Everyone was appalled to hear about what Eri had gone through and all of Harry's girlfriends immediately hugged her and accepted her as their daughter, Hope hugged Eri and refused to let her go for a while though Eri didn't mind and quite loved that her new elder sister cared about her so much.

Morgan held her hand and also refused to let her go, she even promised to always protect her and that to her she was already a little sister making Eri very happy.

Harry smiled at the trio of little girls knowing that they were now and forever inseparable, he was sure that no matter what scars remained from Eri's past life, with the help and love of her new mommies and sisters they would eventually heal.

He then introduced Himiko to everyone, she of course was a little nervous but was immediately taken off guard when everyone just hugged her and introduced themselves with smiles on their faces.

Harry explained her situation and her new family immediately showed her acceptance and support, Valerie smiled at her and showed off her fangs which made Himiko smile and show off hers as well, something she doesn't do often but she felt an odd kind of kinship with Valerie.

Yoruichi also took a liking to Himiko and her cat-like looks and personality, Himiko was in awe at Yoruichi and both got along pretty well which did not surprise Harry given how wild their personalities are.

Then came Rei and again everyone was appalled at what she went through, Harry had to even stop all of his girlfriends and friends from going back to her world to kill Endeavor which wasn't easy when it was Milim and Ereshikal at the front of the group of people wanting to murder the guy.

Eventually, everyone calmed down and Harry then told them the rest of the story and what he had personally done to Endeavor to teach him a lesson which further calmed everyone down.

Of course, Harry also told them that Rei was now one of his girlfriends which immediately got her welcome and accepted by Harry's girlfriends, Rei actually cried a little bit which made everyone panic but she quickly explained that her tears were happy ones.

Then came his new grown children, Harry introduced Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Toya to everyone as his kids which made everyone smile at Harry; Remus, Sirius, Urahara, and Tony cheered loudly for the new additions to the male ratio of the Potter household.

They immediately surrounded the new guys and began to bro bond with them and speak about all kinds of cool stuff they will be doing together from now on which made Natsuo and Toya extremely happy.

Fuyumi was immediately hugged and accepted by her new moms and boy did she feel weird thinking about the fact that her new moms weren't not only extremely powerful but most of them weren't even human.

Though she did get along with all of them and began to ask questions about everything about them, especially the non-humans in her new family who were very happy to explain everything she wanted to know.

Eventually, the Todorokis met Hope and Morgan who had walked over to them while dragging a smiling Eri with them, and introduced themselves while posing a very cool pose with a very confused Eri who somehow followed through with a pose of her own.

It was at this moment that Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Toya declared that they would protect their new sisters with their lives which only got a nod of understanding from everyone present while Harry watched all of this with an amused smile.

Soon after Harry then spoke of the world they arrived in, about the heroes and villains, the government, the friends they made, and his students who everyone noticed how fondly he spoke about them.

Everyone heard with rapt attention to everything Harry told them, Tony and Jean didn't really like the way that world handled superpowers and how they commercialized the word hero.

They understood the need for some kind of control since the number of people born with superpowers in that world is massive compared to theirs but to commercialize heroism was something that they could never get behind.

This was something Harry whole heartily agreed with which is why he trained Izuku and his friends and agreed to their plan to create their own Avengers group in that world specifically one that's a private organization and away from the government.

Tony who already knew about this agreed as well and promise to help whenever and with whatever the kids needed, even Jean agreed to help as well.

But besides that particular issue, everything else was a relaxing and fun vacation, one that Susan, Hermione, Luna, Mr. Goop, and Harry won't ever forget.

The Potter meeting lasted for hours while Harry and the rest of the new additions to the family spoke of everything they did during their visit, and everyone enjoyed the stories but eventually, it was time for dinner and everyone gathered at the dinner table and enjoyed a big family dinner.

The new additions to the family were shocked by how chaotic dinner was in the Potter household but they also loved the fact that everyone was laughing and having fun while eating, it was something they have never experienced before and they couldn't help but to fall in love with it.

Especially when even more people arrived for dinner and this is how Eri, Rei, Fuyumi, Natsuo, Toya, and Himiko met with Tsunade, Sumire, Asia, Irina, Xenovia, the Kurosaki, the Uzumaki, the Uchiha, Sona and her peerage, Hanabi and her students.

Chaos reign over the dinner table of the Potter household with how full of people it was with everyone joking around and talking, it was a party and the new additions were very surprised by the diversity of people there.

Harry smiled and then spoke to them "Welcome to the Potter family, it's crazy, chaotic, and sometimes very dangerous but we all care and love each other and now you're a part of it".

Everyone stopped what they were doing upon hearing Harry's words and smiled at them, then they all fist pump and together loudly yelled "Welcome to the family!".

Which made the new additions tear up but smile at the fact that all these people were now their family and they wouldn't change that for the world!


The reunion went all out to very late at night but eventually, everyone had to go to sleep since they all had work, projects, or things to do the next morning, Harry created new rooms in the Potter Household for everyone new and helped them unpack everything since he was carrying all their stuff in his inventory.

He did use shadow clones to help unpack and set everything up right away and then almost everyone went to sleep soon after, Harry tucked in Hope, Morgan, and Eri in Morgan's room since they refused to let go of Eri.

And after that, he went outside to relax and enjoy the summer night plus there were a few people that wanted to talk to him about some things.

As soon as he arrived in the backyard he smiled at Yasaka, Gabriel, and Serafall who were already waiting for him, he then turned into his dragon form and laid down on his belly with his snout facing them.

Yasaka, Gabriel, and Serafall giggled while Harry gave them a smile, the trio then flew up and then sat on his snout.

Harry then closed his eyes and then said "Alright, tell me what's been going on since I've been gone".