Chapter 100

It took a week for Harry, Gabriel, and Serafall to help the 15 girls that were rescued from the Astaroth clan, these poor girls were not only mentally broken but spiritually and physically as well.

It took Harry taking them in a time dilation room with Luna and Gabriel to even begin to help them, first Harry restored their bodies to a perfect condition erasing everything Diodora ever did to then physically something that the girls were really grateful for.

Harry was very upset with how many scars and the amount of damage he found on the girl's bodies, so he took it upon himself to make sure he healed the girls completely.

No longer feeling that they were soiled and corrupted helped the girls along the way to recovery but then came the hard part, erasing years of torture, abuse, and brainwashing.

Harry and Luna used Legilimency and slowly helped each and every girl overcome their trauma and forgive themselves but most of all convinced them that they didn't do anything wrong to deserve what happened to them.

Harry and Luna knew that they might never truly recover from their emotional and mental scars but at least they will help them get a head start at a new life and perhaps the girls will be able to finally live in peace.

That week inside the time dilation room became seven months for Harry, Luna, Gabriel, and the girls but it turned out that it was exactly what these girls needed and they slowly but surely were able to recover enough to be able to survive in society on their own.

This, however, was a very big concern for Harry and Gabriel, they were afraid that if the girls were left on their own they might just give up, emotionally shut down, or worse so that's why they decided to help them until they were ready and so it took seven months for the girls to feel confident and okay enough to try living.

Once they came out of the time dilation room they all took a big breath and all of them were ready to start their new lives, none of them wanted anything to do with the Heaven Faction since they felt betrayed by them and their was no way they would ever even contemplate going back to the Devil Faction.

So instead they choose to join the Yokai Faction as priestesses for Harry, Gabriel had jokingly called them the Dragon Priestesses and the girls took that title with pride.

Of course, Harry was embarrassed since he was not used to being worshiped or prayed to, sure he was a Dragon God but he wasn't one to care about things like these.

But these girls felt abandoned and betrayed by the Church and God especially since they found out that God was dead and they desperately needed an anchor, something to believe and pray to.

So Harry begrudgingly accepted them as his priestesses and Yasaka even built them a temple in Kyoto for them to tend to and decorate into a place of worship for the Twilight Dread Dragon God of Chaos and Creation.

Harry thought that Yasaka was having way too much fun with this but in the end, Harry allowed it to happen, the fact that the girls were now happy and busy with their new duties was something Harry wouldn't ever regret.

So now Neo Kyoto had a place of worship for its very own Dragon God and to Harry's surprise, many people from the Yokai Faction and its allies began to visit the Temple.

Especially since the girls started to make handcrafted charms which he personally blessed to grant small Miracles, simple things like good health or protection but they were very popular.

The girls themselves were also popular in Neo Kyoto with their green and white Japanese Priestess outfits.

Though Harry sweatdropped when he saw them and sighed knowing that it was more than likely Yasaka and Serafall who had designed them since they seemed rather anime-ish in design, in any case, Harry was happy that the girls now had something to believe in again, and a home they can make their own.

They might still have a lot of insecurities and traumas but they were also giving it their all to move forward and Harry was more than willing to help them with this.


Heaven was completely enraged when they heard what had happened and Ajuka and Sirzechs had to haul ass to try and calm everyone down, Serafall refused to help them calm things down so the two Super Devil Maou had to deal with this disaster on their own.

In the end, the Devil Faction was heavily fined by Heaven, it was a heavy blow to the Devil Faction's finances and everyone knew that the Astaroth Clan was the cause of this.

The Astaroth Clan lost a lot of its reputation and influence but the worst part was the fine they got from the Yokai Faction for the actions of Diodora Astaroth causing the once prestigious Clan to lose a lot of their riches and even more power and prestige.

It certainly was a bad situation for the Devil Faction as a whole but most factions just shrugged, they were certainly happy that the devils were once again put in their place.

But Neo Kyoto was far too busy to care what the Devil Faction was going through, the entire faction was preparing for the match between Harry Potter and Sairaorg Bael.

For Neo Kyoto, this was a big event since the match is going to be televised allowing for the first time in many years for Kyoto to be shown, something that many Factions were very interested in and many couldn't wait to see the match and whatever they could see of Kyoto thanks to the event.

But that event was still two weeks away and even though the Yokai Faction was preparing everything with plenty of time Harry himself was taking a nap in his dragon form right in his backyard.

It's been a while since he had a chance to nap like this and he was taking full advantage of this chance, everyone knew that Harry had been so busy as of late so they all decided to let him enjoy his nap.

But life is sometimes unkind to Harry and Serafall found herself forced to go wake up her poor boyfriend, so with a sad smile, Serafall walked out to the backyard and walked up towards Harry.

Once she was in front of the massive sleeping Dragon form of Harry she softly caressed Harry's snout, Harry immediately opened one eye and tilted his head a bit when he saw that it was Serafall who had awakened him "Sera?... what is it? Is something wrong?".

Serafall smiled at Harry, she knew he wouldn't mind or care to be awakened by anyone in the Potter Household but that just made her feel worse when they had to wake him from his nap "I'm sorry Harry but a member of the Astaroth Family wants to speak with you".

Harry closed his eye and huffed a bit "The Astaroth? What do those devils want now?".

Serafall giggled and how sleepy and tired Harry looked in his Dragon form, he looked so done with everyone and everything right now but in her eyes that just made Harry look adorable so she gave Harry a kiss on the snout "Apparently the new Astaroth heir wants to apologize to you in person, she's actually a sweet and kind girl so could you hear her out?".

Harry opened his eyes and stared at Serafall for a second "Alright, but I'm staying right here, I'm very comfortable and the sun feels nice~".

Serafall giggled and nodded to Harry, she then snapped her fingers and added the visiting Astaroth heir into the wards which the devil must have noticed because he or she chose to teleport right in front of Harry right away.

Harry watched as a tall, blonde with almond-colored eyes, devil girl appeared from the Astaroth Clan Magic circle with a smile and closed eyes, the girl immediately bowed "Hello, I'm Latia Astaroth the new Heir of the Astaroth Clan! It's nice to me- Kyahhhhh!".

Harry and Serafall sweatdropped when Latia stopped her speech mid-sentence and let out a scream when she opened her eyes and saw Harry in his dragon form.

Latia got on her knees and covered her head in fright "Please mister monster don't eat me! I'm sure I don't taste any good!".

Harry raised an eyebrow and looked behind himself to look for this monster Latia was talking about, Serafall couldn't help it and burst out laughing at the silliness of the whole situation "Harry dear, I think she means you".

Harry's eyebrows went up and he pointed at himself "Me!? Hey! I'm a very handsome Dragon thank you very much!".

Serafall smiled and patted Harry on the snout "Of course you are Harry but you must have caught her by surprise".

Latia looked up and stared in disbelieve as she watched Serafall Leviathan pat the massive Dragon in front of her but then something clicked in her mind "Wait... Lady Serafall you just said Harry... you mean to tell me that this massive dragon is Harry Potter!?".

Serafall nodded while Harry puffed out his chest in pride, Latia began to panic and immediately stood and bowed to Harry "I'M SO SORRY! I didn't know it was Harry Potter who was standing before me! I can't believe I called you a monster!".

Harry looked down at the young devil and notice how her legs were still trembling in fear, as she sincerely apologized to him {Hmm this girl is quite the honest one...}.

"It's fine miss Latia, I accept your apology I am sorry that I startled you... I was taking a nap when I was informed that a devil wanted to speak with me so I decided to see them in this form".

Latia stood up straight and nodded "I-I see... then I'm sorry for interrupting your resting time Lord Potter".

Harry just shook his head "It's fine, I don't mind that but I am intrigued as to why a member of the Astaroth Clan would want to apologize to me much less even talk to me after what has happened to the Clan".

Latia nodded and looked down "I see, well after the scandal Diodora brought to our clan the Astaroth decided that they needed something different for the clan if it's meant to survive everything is going through so I was chosen as the next Astaroth Heir".

Harry tilted his head in confusion since he didn't understand what Latia becoming the heir to the Astaroth Clan meant, Serafall, however, noticed his confusion and decided to elaborate "Harry, Latia here is a member of the branch family of the Astaroth, she's well known to be kind and understanding to Low Class and Reincarnated Devils and has spoken on their behalf before".

Harry blinked "Huh? That's interesting... so the Astaroth Clan is shifting to a more liberal agenda to save face towards the other factions and the Devil Faction as a whole, after all the consequences Diodora's actions brought on the clan".

Latia nodded "Yes, the Astaroth Clan has been dragged through the mud by Diodora... we took a hit not only financially but in social standing so the clan decided that we needed a new perspective and here I am".

Harry sighed "I do not envy you, what Diodora did was not only horrendous but also brought the hate of the Church, Heaven, and the Yokai Faction towards the Astaroth Clan, I myself was ready to pop Ajuka's head like a pimple because he should have been more attentive with what was going on with his brother...".

Latia sweatdropped "Please don't pop Uncle Ajuka's head like a pimple... he might be a big nerd and might lose sight of what's important when he's doing his research but he has tried to help the Devil Faction nonstop...".

Harry looked down a Latia who flinched hoping that Harry wouldn't kill her for speaking in the defense of her uncle but Harry moved his gaze towards Serafall who nodded and smiled at him.

Harry huffed and shook his head "Don't worry, as long as Ajuka is still useful to Serafall I won't kill him... still it takes a lot of guts to speak out to me in defense of someone I hate".

Latia eeped loudly as Harry narrowed his eyes at her "Ever since I met Sairaorg I've been meeting more and more kind and caring devils, devils I wish I would have met before... you're a good girl Latia, you said you came to apologize right?".

Latia smiled at Harry, happy to be getting praised by someone of such importance as Harry Potter "Yes! I believe that the Astaroth Clan has to make amends after everything that has happened, I think it's the right first step to take in order to begin to change! So I Latia Astaroth would like to apologize to you Dragon God Harry Potter, Seraph Asia Argento, and the 15 girls for everything Diodora Astaroth had done to all of you!".

Harry stared at Latia and confirmed by looking into her eyes that she was sincere with her apology "... I Harry Potter accept your apology, you're going to have to speak with Asia personally but that's not a problem since she works nearby but you're going to have to wait a while to apologize to the 15 girls... they're not ready to see any other devil that isn't Serafall yet".

Latia nodded, she was glad that she will get the chance to apologize to Asia for what Diodora did to her but was saddened about the fact that she couldn't apologize to the poor 15 girls that Diodora hurt so much but she understood the reason "Do you think I could apologize to Asia right now?".

Harry hummed and then nodded "Sure! Just hop on my back and I'll take you there~".

Latia jumped in surprise "Eh? I-I can't do that!? I could never dare to hop on the back of a faction leader to get a ride!".

Latia turned towards Serafall to get some support but sweatdropped when she saw that she was already on top of Harry's back and waving at her "Come on Latia! It's fun to ride a Dragon's back!".

Latia gaped which made Harry chuckle a bit "Here in the Potter Household we don't care much for formalities and things like that, we're a family of chaos so this is nothing compared to how we usually act".

Latia just nodded and gave up, with a sigh she spread her wings and took off flying until she gently and carefully landed on Harry's back, she nervously took a seat beside Serafall who hugged her with "Don't be so stiff Latia! Harry wouldn't have let you take a ride on him if he didn't like you~ so just relax and enjoy the ride".

Latia nodded and then took a big breath "Alright... thank you for the opportunity Lord Potter".

Harry looked back and grinned at Latia "No problem and call me Harry! Lord Potter was my dad and he would tell you that it was grampa who was Lord Potter and so on and on! we Potters really don't like formalities!".

Serafall giggled while Latia smiled and nodded to Harry who gave her a grin and took off flying with one big flap of his wings towards Kuoh's Healing Temple while poor Latia scream her lungs out because of how fast Harry was moving.


Asia was happily humming as she prepared a few gels to restock their supplies, since Harry's students train almost every day they often need a lot of healing supplies because they get hurt a lot.

Today she had Ophis hanging out with her, quite literally too since she was hanging from her back and watching what she was doing, Asia always found it adorable how Ophis would cling to people to spend time with them thankfully she didn't weigh anything.

Though that made her wonder if Ophis is manipulating her weight somehow and if she is, could she learn how? She was certain many women in Neo Kyoto would kill to learn such a skill.

But her train of thought was derailed when both she and Ophis sensed Harry approaching, Ophis smiled and rub her cheek against Asia "Harry is coming...".

Asia nodded and smiled, she quickly put what she was working on in stasis and immediately went outside to meet with her older brother in all but blood.

She stepped out of the Healing Temple, once outside she looked up and watched as Harry was already flying down, a few seconds later the Dragon God landed on all four and lay down on his belly in the backyard of the Healing Temple.

Asia immediately approached Harry and hugged his snout while Ophis floated up and sat on Harry's snout and gave him a soft pat which made Harry smile.

Ophis then looked up at Harry with a soft smile on her face "Harry, I thought you would be napping all day did something happen?".

Harry slightly nodded "Well we received a surprise visit that wanted to speak with me and Asia and after talking with her we came here for her to talk to Asia".

Asia looked up while still hugging Harry's snout "Someone is looking for me?".

Harry smiled at Asia and slightly nodded while being careful not to send either Ophis or Asia flying "Yup in fact she's on my back right now with Serafall".

Both Asia and Ophis tilted their heads in curiosity and then took off flying, Ophis just floated with her power while Asia spread her ethereal angel wings.

Once they reached high enough they looked down only to sweatdropped when they saw Serafall bent down over a devil and poking her belly, to which the devil only responded with groans and moans.

Serafall looked up and waved at both of them, both Asia and Ophis turned their eyes toward each other and decided to go down to meet with Serafall and this unknown devil who looked like she went on the world's fastest roller coaster.


Latia was very dizzy and stressed from Harry's sudden take-off and fast flying that she couldn't help but feel a bit sick and Serafall's poking wasn't helping either but suddenly she began to feel better and better.

She slowly opened her eyes and stared at a pair of green eyes looking down at her, she then noticed that it was a blonde girl who was gently holding her head while her hands were glowing with a soft blue light.

The blond girl smiled at her "Do you feel better? I'm sure that riding Harry's back for the first time was a little too much but he does enjoy giving rides to the people he takes a liking to so I hope you can forgive him".

Latia took a look to her left and saw Harry's enormous Dragon head, she slowly sat up while the blonde girl helped her "Harry... no offense but next time can we just teleport?".

Harry chuckled and nodded "Sure! Though that seems like a waste when the day is so nice!".

Latia groaned while Asia giggled "Be nice Harry~ not everyone can handle the way you fly".

Latia turned towards Asia and finally recognized her "You're Asia Argento...".

Asia turned her head towards Latia "Hm? Oh yeah! Harry said you were looking for me right? Then how can I help you?".

Latia slowly stood up and bowed to Asia whose eyes widen in surprise not expecting that from Latia "My name is Latia Astaroth the new Heir of the Astaroth Clan and I want to officially apologize for what Diodora Astaroth did to you, Asia Argento! I and the Astaroth Clan apologize to you!"

Asia tilted her head and turned her head towards Serafall and Ophis who were watching all of this go down, Ophis shrugged not really caring if Asia accepted this devil's apology or not.

The main culprit was dead and that was enough to make her happy, she and Tsunade were livid when they found out what Diodora Astaroth had done to Asia and what else he was planning of doing to her.

It took Harry to put his foot down to prevent both of them from going to the Underworld and killing the entire Astaroth Clan the only reason they didn't was that Harry had told them that Serafall was dealing with it and they trusted her to make them hurt.

Which did happen Tsunade was extremely happy that the Astaroth Clan took a severe beating not only financially but in standing as well.

Serafall knew that Latia was being sincere so she wanted Asia to consider accepting her apology though she also knew that she didn't have to convince Asia of anything, she really is too kind as to not accept Latia's apology.

Asia tilted her "... You don't need to apologize to me nor does your clan either, sure I was sad and quite upset that Diodora had me excommunicated from the church in fact if Harry hadn't killed him I would have bathed him in so much holy light that there would be nothing left of him".

Latia sweatdropped at the harshness in Asia's words, she had heard that she was a kind and caring girl so it came as a surprise to hear her say that, Asia must have noticed because she smiled "I'm not the same naive little girl that Diodora tricked into healing him by taking advantage of my kindness, being a Potter and a member of the Yokai Faction taught me a lot and among the many things I learned the number one lesson in my family is 'No one messes with a Potter' we always retaliate full force when provoked".

Harry smiled proudly at Asia and gently rub his snout on her face which made her giggle while Ophis once again hung onto her back again, Serafall nodded in agreement to Asia's statement.

Asia after laughing for a bit and patting the overly affectionate Dragon Gods she continue to speak "Besides what Diodora did actually allowed me to find my family so in a way I am thankful he did all of that because I wouldn't have met Harry and everyone else and be this happy".

Latia looked down and nodded "I see... still what Diodora did was horrible and the clan should have noticed earlier what he was doing, at the very least accept my apologies for our incompetence".

Asia softly smiled and nodded, she didn't feel like she needed an apology but accepted it because Latia seemed to need it, Latia sighed ad nodded to her "Thank you, Asia, I will make sure the Astaroth Clan keeps in line from now on".

Asia just nodded "I will trust you to keep your word, I might be okay but those other 15 girls are still on the long way to recovery".

Latia nodded, she then spread her wings and floated up "I have to go but I thank you all for allowing me entry into Kuoh and Japan, I hope we will continue to have a friendly relationship from now on".

Everyone nodded and waved a Latia who waved back with a smile and then disappeared into her family magic circle.

Asia smiled "She's really nice".

Serafall nodded "She is, it's because she grew up in the branch side of the Astaroth Family so she grew up with better values than most noble devils, honestly? The Astaroth couldn't have chosen a better heir, she's actually a good friend of Seek-chan!".

Harry smiled "Oh! If she's friends with someone like Seekvaira then she must be a good person".

Ophis hummed "She doesn't feel as dark as other devils, she sort of feels like Sera... just less glittery".

Serafall giggled "I do wear a lot of glitter sometimes huh?".

Asia smiled "I don't think that's what Ophis meant Sera...".

Everyone shared a laugh, Harry then looked around "Where's Tsunade?".

Asia turned her head towards Harry and smiled "Oh! She's in the basement back home, Hope and Morgan brought these very curious herbs with them not to long ago and Tsunade deemed them very powerful and useful for healing so she's planting a whole bunch in the basement".

Harry nodded "Oh! I think I have seen a few pots with those herbs all over the house, I did ask Morgan and Hope why they were leaving herbs and ammo all over the place and they told me that it was a precaution in case of a zombie apocalypse...".

Serafall and Asia giggled in amusement while Ophis smiled, those two little girls were always doing something weird in the house though all of the family found everything they do amusing and just let them have their fun.

Sure that usually meant finding a box of 9mm handgun ammo on the floor, or a case of shotgun shells, or even a whole pack of grenade launcher shells in the bathroom but everyone found it fun, especially Valerie who was the firearms expert of the house "Those girls I swear, sometimes I wonder what they get up to in their little adventures".

Serafall giggled "I think it's fun finding all sorts of stuff around the house like that, I once found this big green turtle shell and out of instinct I kicked it! It went skating along the floor until it hit a wall and bounce off and accidentally hit Sirius who was stepping into the living room~ he was sent flipping through the air cursing something fierce!".

Harry laughed already having that image running through his mind, Asia giggle "Oh! That was a koopa shell! You can actually jump on them and skate around on top of it! It's very fun!".

Ophis and Serafall looked like they were already planning of trying out that the next time they find another one of those koopa shells.

Harry just smiled enjoying the fact that everyone is having a lot of fun and smiling all the time.


The next few days were once again busy for Harry, first, they brought Misla Bael to Kuoh, or rather Harry sent Omegamon and Alphamon to pick her up and took her to Kuoh, which meant no one dare to even try to stop him.

Though it did cause a mild panic when a few devils noticed the mega-level Digimon and spread the word but since they were just walking around for a bit and then disappeared they just took it as them walking around.

Once in Kuoh, Serafall let Sairaorg know that his mother was already in Kuoh's Healing Temple and that by orders of Harry he was granted a special permit to come and go to Kuoh anytime he wanted.

Sairaorg of course took advantage of the permit and immediately went to see his mother who was being tended to by both Asia and Tsunade.

Tsunade was perplexed in that whatever was wrong with Misla, it wasn't biological in nature which meant that it was out of her expertise, luckily Asia was there and was able to diagnose her.

It turns out that the Devil Sleeping Syndrome was a curse an old and very powerful one, which shocked Serafall, Sona, and Sairaorg who were there.

Serafall frowned "A curse?... but from whom? and why?".

Asia looked down "It's demonic in nature Sera".

Sona gasped in shock while Sairaorg frowned, Serafall narrowed her eyes "... is the Great King Faction doing this?".

But Asia shook her head "No, this curse is very old and dark as well, whatever had created it, didn't set a particular parameter to choose who it targets, it sort of makes it so that the curse itself is an accident of sorts or at least it wasn't meant to kill devils".

The three devils present seemed very confused at this, they just didn't know what to to think about all of this, Tsunade then spoke up "The curse is magical in nature so I don't know much about it but I can tell you the effects it has on the body".

Everyone turned towards Tsunade who was holding a notepad in her hands while Tsunade continue on "This curse is draining the mana off Misla at a slow pace but the rate that it does increases over time and eventually the organs begin to fail, devils are a highly magical race and without mana, their bodies can't function properly... this is quite the slow and agonizing way to kill someone, the only good news about all of this is that since the afflicted are in a coma they can't feel any pain".

Everyone frowned not liking this news, Harry then looked at Misla "and what's miss Misla's physical condition?".

Tsunade smiled and put a hand on her hip as she began to give everyone some very needed good news "Luckily she hasn't been in a coma for too long so the curse hasn't progressed much so she'll make a full recovery but if Harry does the healing then her recovery will be instantaneous".

Harry smiled and immediately walked up towards where Misla Bael was sleeping, he then waved a hand towards her "'Dispel!'".

An inky and pitch-black aura spread out from Misla's body and then shattered like glass, Harry then pointed an open palm at Misla "and now let's fix all the damage the curse did to her body, 'Curaja!'".

Misla's body was engulfed in a bright green light and everyone watched as her pale face and skinny body began to recover almost instantly, Sairaorg actually teared up seeing his mother so healthy now.

Sona and Serafall smiled as they watched Harry's healing spell do its job, while Tsunade and Asia were keeping a close eye on Misla's condition through the many monitors connected to her.

The green light subsided and Misla now looked very healthy, Harry nodded and then took out the Elder Wand and pointed it at Misla "and finally it's time to wake up 'Enervate'".

A bright blue light shot off from the Elder Wand and hit Misla on her chest, a few seconds later she opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times, Harry put the Elder Wand away and stepped aside.

Sairaorg immediately walked forward and hugged his mother who looked a bit surprised at first but then she softly smiled and sighed "Sairaorg? My sweet child... how much have you grown".

Everyone smiled and decided to give both son and mother some privacy, they were sure that they had a lot to talk about after many years of being unable to do so.

Though that still left the question of who and why did someone curse the devil race with a thing as a sleeping curse that slowly kills its victims.

Harry would investigate this later and see what he can find but for now, there's quite a lot for Harry to do, in the meantime, he was sure that both Tsunade and Asia will be making a cure for this curse soon enough.


After a few minutes both Misla and Sairaorg walked out of the Healing Temple, Sairaorg then asked Harry permission to allow his mother to live in Neo Kyoto but under her true clan name as she didn't want anything to do with Bael anymore.

Harry blinked in surprise at Sairaorg's request and turned towards Serafall who nodded and told him that Misla was a good and kind devil and that she could be trusted and that her true clan was actually very important to the Devil Faction and having it live in Kyoto and joined the Yokai Faction will be a major blow to the devils.

This is how Harry learned about the Vapula Devil Clan and their ability to tame lions, so the Dragon God hummed and then made the decision to allow Misla to move to Neo Kyoto and have the Vapula Clan officially join the Yokai Faction.

A few days later Misla found acceptance and a place to belong, she even joined the Monster Taming Guild and began adventuring inside the Natural Dungeon with her Lion Familiars.

Sairaorg was actually very surprised about his mother's adventuring when he heard about it but he was glad that she found something to do and even said that now he knows where he got that adventurous side of his.

The Devil Faction wasn't happy to lose another Devil Noble Clan and even less so the Bael Clan who was livid and had the gall to question Sairaorg about it but all he did is grin and say that if they had any complaints he was sure that Harry was more than willing to answer them.

The threat was clear as crystal, the Vapula Clan and Sairaorg along with his peerage were under the protection of Harry Potter the Dragon God, and no one had the courage to go ask him about it.

So the Devil Faction had no choice but to accept the fact that another important Noble Devil Clan had been lost to the Yokai Faction and there was nothing they could do about it.


Time went on and the Yokai Faction was busy setting up for the friendly battle between Harry Potter and Sairaorg Bael, preparations were almost complete and everyone was very excited to watch Harry battle Sairaorg.

However, there were some very disturbing events happening over in the U.S.A., events that were starting to worry the Shinto Gods, and deciding that something must be done they decided to call upon the one being who could go there and intervene.

So Amaterasu arrived at the Potter Household and immediately sweatdropped when she found herself staring at three little sets of eyes who were staring back at her.

Eri watched the very pretty black-haired lady look at her confused while her YukimiBotamon were silently blowing bubbles at the lady as a way to say hi, Eri tilted her head "You're very pretty miss!".

Amaterasu blushed and smiled at the little girl in front of her "Thank you, sweetie, I'm looking for Harry do you know where he is?".

Eri brightly smiled and nodded "Oh! you're looking for daddy? He's in the backyard being a lazy bones! Come on I'll take you to him".

Eri suddenly grabbed Amaterasu's hand and began to pull her towards where Harry is, Amaterasu amused by Eri's adorable behavior allowed her to drag her "So your Harry's daughter? I've only met Hope but I didn't know he had another".

Eri smiled and cheerfully nodded "Big sister Hope is daddy's first daughter, I'm his second! Though he adopted me".

Amaterasu nodded and smiled, it seems like Harry continues to just adopt more family members wherever he goes.


It didn't take long for Amaterasu to find Harry with Eri's help, she couldn't help but giggle when she found him laying on his back in his Dragon Form with his limbs sticking up and snoring.

While Amaterasu was giggling herself silly Eri walked up to Harry and patted his snout "Daddy! A very pretty lady is here to see you! Wake up!".

Harry grumbled and rolled over, he then opened his eyes, he noticed Eri, and gave her a smile "Oh! Eri, what's wrong? Do you need something?".

Eri shook her head and then hugged Harry's snout with a big smile on her face "No daddy! A pretty lady is looking for you!".

Harry raised an eyebrow "A pretty lady?".

He looked around and then notice Amaterasu who was standing not that far away from him and smiling at him and Eri, the YukimiBotamon were somehow now on her head watching everything happening "Oh! Ama-chan! It's nice to see you! but what brings you here?".

Amaterasu looked down and then approached Harry who noticed how tense Amaterasu seemed to be "Amaterasu?".

The Goddess of the sun sadly smiled at Harry "I'm sorry Harry, I've come bearing bad and worrisome news".

Harry frowned and immediately turned into his human form and stood up straight with Eri in his arms "Alright, what's the situation?".

Amaterasu nodded "We found where the Greek Pantheon moved, they're in the United States but something seems to be happening there right now... it seems like they're going to go to war, and if they do it could cause massive damage to the planet".

Harry sighed, Eri not liking that her daddy seemed to be in a mad mood now decided to pat his cheek to cheer him up which worked because her daddy gave her a big smile.

Harry then turned towards Amaterasu "They just had to start trouble a week away from my friendly fight with Sairaorg... looks like I no longer ignore the Greek Gods, very well then they have been asking for my attention well then! They have it, come on Eri! let's go and show these Gods why it is a bad idea to annoy a dragon!".

Eri nodded and cheered "Yay! we're going on an adventure with daddy! Let's go YukimiBotamon!".

The twin Digimon excitedly squeaked and jumped towards Eri and Harry, and both of them landed on Eri's arms.

Amaterasu nodded and smiled at Harry "Thank you, Harry! I'm sorry to have to ask you to do something about this but if we let the Greek Pantheon go to war with each other it would only bring destruction to the world".

Harry nodded and smiled "No problem Amaterasu, besides I have a couple of things to say to Ares, now where exactly should we go?".

Amaterasu hummed "The origin of the disturbances was pinpointed on New York City".

Harry nodded and waved his free hand, a dark corridor opened up and Harry immediately stepped through with Eri in his arms and the Yukimibotamon in hers.

Amaterasu nodded to herself and then turned around to walk inside the house to look for Yasaka and the rest of the girls to let them know what was going on.

Harry Potter is on his way to New York to deal with the Greek Pantheon but as always his presence and actions will change the fates of many, just what sort of adventure awaits Harry in New York City a week away from his friendly match with Sairaorg?