Chapter 101

A Dark Corridor opened up in the middle of the streets of New York City, thanks to some very powerful illusions no one noticed the big spiral of darkness that erupted from the ground in fact every person walking by actively avoided the Dark Corridor as if something was making them instinctively avoid it.

From the Dark Corridor stepped out none other than Harry Potter holding his daughter Eri Potter in his arms, in her arms sat two small, round, and white creatures known as YukimiBotamon, two baby-level Digimon.

Eri excitedly looked around and watched in awed the busy streets of the city, the little girl was certainly surprised at how busy and big the city of New York is, she had heard from her cousin Morgan and big sister Hope that New York was a big city and now that she can see it herself she had to agree.

The buildings were huge and Eri had to strain her neck to look up, the YukimiBotamon squeaked in awe as they too looked up, luckily for the little Digimon they didn't have a neck otherwise it would have been very sore right now.

Harry smiled watching his daughter look around so excitedly, Eri spend most of her life locked up so Harry always makes an effort to take her with him so she could see more of the world and he was glad to see that she was enjoying it.

He himself looked around for a bit, the city wasn't that different from the one he had lived for a long while during his time as an Avenger so he sort of felt a bit nostalgic, it was nighttime in this part of the world as opposed to the daytime it was in Japan.

But since both Eri and he are supernatural beings 'dragons to be specific' they weren't affected by the change in Time Zone however Harry suddenly felt a divinity fluctuating as if it was under constant stress.

It was a strong divinity but it felt sort of off to him, almost like it wasn't complete, to begin with, sure it was strong, to say the least, and Harry could only describe it as if the divinity was watered down for some reason.

But it was a lead, the only one he had and a chance to find out where the Greek Pantheon operated from, Amaterasu had only told him that the Greek Gods seemed to be moving about New York city but not their exact location, more than likely that was all the Shinto Gods could find out and he was sure they were cloaking themselves somehow too.

So he turned to Eri and with a smile on his face he spoke to her "Eri I sensed something nearby so we're flying there okay?".

Eri smiled at her father and nodded, she then jumped off his arms and summoned her big witch's hat, and immediately stuck her hand in it, a few seconds later she pull out her broom, and with a big smile on her face, she look at it.

She then mounted her broom and the YukimiBotamon jumped onto her shoulders to ride with her, she then took off flying waiting for her daddy a fair distance away high in the sky.

Harry chuckled and then took off flying after his daughter and after reaching her he then took off flying towards where he was sensing that over-stressed divinity with Eri following close behind in her broom.

It seems like his Potter luck was acting up again and he just knew that whatever they were going to find out next was going to lead them to some crazy adventure.


Percy Jackson was running in the middle of a dark forest for dear life from a monster of Greek mythology known as the minotaur, yeah sounds crazy and Percy was starting to think that perhaps he was having a mental breakdown with everything that had happened to him today.

First, his math teacher turned out to be a monster and tried to kill him, sure many of her students thought she was a monster for the insane amount of homework she would give them but not a literal one.

Then Mr. Brunner shows up, and hands him a pen 'which somehow turned into a sword!' and Percy found himself able to somehow fight and kill his math teacher, okay many kids would have applauded Percy for this but the fact of the matter was that Percy had just killed something.

But he wasn't even allowed to digest that, instead Mr. Brunner told his best friend Grover to take him to his mom and tell her that he has to go to the camp now.

Percy had zero ideas of what was going but again he wasn't even allowed to think more about all of this or even ask questions before he was dragged by Grover back home to get their mom.

To his surprise, it seemed like his mom knew what was going on but she couldn't answer his questions because they had to move fast though his stepfather decided to be an ass as usual and open his mouth.

Lucky Grover kicked Gabe's ass, something Percy was very happy to see, and then his mother, Grover, and he took off in Gabe's car to the so call camp.

Along the way, Percy got even more revelations and boy was his head spinning from all of them, it turns out that he's a Demigod, the child of a God and Mortal which actually explains all the crazy stuff he can do.

She also explained the reason she stayed with Gabe was that his stench hid his smell from the many monsters that would love to use him as a chew toy.

But that revelation just served to make Percy feel horrible, his mother sacrificed her happiness choosing to stay with someone like Gabe just to keep him safe, Percy already thought the world of his mom but now?

Now he knew he owed her a lot however as she was beginning to explain where they were going something rammed against the car and sent it flying and spinning for a bit before it crash-landed by the trees on the side of the road they were driving on.

Thankfully Grover revealed he had goat legs! Helped everyone get out of the car quickly and here's where Percy Jackson currently found himself, this whole crazy situation with him running through the forest with his mom and best friends from a Minotaur.

But eventually, Percy reached some sort of barrier and immediately ran through it however his mother was unable to walk in, she sadly looked at him and gave him a smile "I can't go on Percy".

Percy immediately turned around and grabbed his mom's hand and tried to pull her inside "Come on mom! Keep trying!".

But Sally Jackson sadly shook her head "I can't Percy, I'm a mortal and I'm not allowed in".

Percy angrily shook his head not liking this situation at all and kept trying to pull his mom inside the barrier and into the camp but then the minotaur burst out from the trees in the forest and with a loud roar launched himself towards Sally and stretched his arm to grab her.

Percy's eyes widen in both surprise and worry "No!".

But before the Minotaur could even touch Sally a small feminine voice called out from somewhere in the darkness of the night "'O mother praised for her indigo life, break apart and raise thy clear new voice! Aqua Laser!'".

A thin stream of water shot out from somewhere in the sky and went through the Minotaur's outstretched arm, suddenly a wall of water rose out from where the the thing stream of water went through the ground not only separating the Minotaur's arm from his body but also sent it away howling in pain.

To the surprise of Sally and Percy, a small little girl wearing a big witch's hat flew down from the sky on a broom and immediately jumped off the broom in front of them.

The Minotaur stood and roared in anger while the little girl just smiled "YukimiBotamon! Get him!".

Percy and Sally then noticed the small white creatures on the girl's shoulders for the first time and gaped when they saw them jump up and open their mouths big and wide, in a small and squeaky voice both of them at the same time called their attacks aloud "'Diamond Dust!'".

Both baby Digimon fired their ice elemental attacks which hit the Minotaur who was frozen from the neck down, the monster tried to shake and flail to escape its icy prison but it couldn't even move an inch.

Meanwhile, Eri took out her staff and pointed it at the Minotaur while her body began to glow with mana "'Earth Bite!'".

An orb of lightning materialized right where the Minotaur stood and began to electrocute it which caused it to roar in pain only to be silenced when two massive jaws made of dirt and stone suddenly clamped down on the Minotaur.

There was a burst of golden light from within little girl's spell signaling the monster's death which made her smile and fist pump in victory.

Sally and Percy, however, did not know how to react to the fact that they just saw a little girl kill a big monster so brutally and with some sort of magic but a new voice snapped them out it "Good job Eri".

The little girl now revealed to be Eri turned around and looked up which made Sally and Percy look up as well only to gape as they caught sight of a young man floating up in the air not to far away from them.

The young man floated down and Eri immediately ran up to him and jumped into his arms for a hug "Daddy! Did you see how both YukimiBotamon helped me? We've been practicing that for a while!".

The young man chuckled and nodded "I saw and I think something special is about to happen to your Digimon Partners Eri look at them".

Eri immediately turned towards her YukimiBotamon who were now glowing with a soft blue light engulfing their bodies, both baby-level Digimon suddenly spoke out "YukimiBotamon digivolve to...".

The blue light coming out of the Yukimibotamon's body suddenly formed an egg of energy which pulsed once and then cracked, it then bursts open after another pulse revealing Eri's Digimon partner's new form "Nyaromon!"

Both Digimon were now bigger and cat-like, they were bright yellow in color and had cat ears, red eyes, and a long tail with purple stripes.

Eri brightly smiled and immediately ran to hug both of her Digimon friends, the Nyaromon giggled and smiled, and one of them cheerfully spoke "Eri! Look, look! We're stronger and bigger!".

The other one groaned a bit "Eri.. you're hugging us too tight!".

Eri let go of her Digimon and giggled "You can talk!".

The cheerful Nyaromon grin "Of course we can silly! All Digimon can talk! Or squeak!".

The mature Nyaromon sighed at her sister "What my sister is trying to say is that now that we have digivolved we're not only got stronger but smarter as well".

Eri laughed a bit "You both remind me of big sister Hope and cousin Morgan!".

Both Nyaromon smiled at Eri, Harry walked up to the trio and got on one knee, he then gently scratched one of the cheerful Nyaromon's ears "Oh~ yeah that's the spot!".

The mature Nyaromon shook her whole body which for her was the same as shaking her head "Sister be more polite to Lord Harry!".

Harry chuckled and patted the Mature Nyaromon's head which made her purr "Just Harry both of you should know I'm not one for formalities and congratulations on digivolving".

Both Nyaromon nodded and smiled at Harry, Eri took out her Smartphone and used the digivice app "Hmm let's see Nyaromon: in-training level Digimon, Nyaromon is a lesser Digimon, it is a tiny Digimon which has cat-like characteristics.

It is always capricious, and that behavior seems to have been attached to Nyaromon as a result of it being like a 'cat', Although it is sometimes frivolous due to its overflowing curiosity, it also has a lonely side".

The Mature Nyaromon shook a bit "Ah! The digivice is airing our dirty laundry! Stooop!".

The cheerful Nyaromon just giggled finding her sister's reactions funny while Eri continued reading "Hmm looks like you have three new tail base attacks and can still use Diamond Dust so now we have more options!".

Both Nyaromon nodded and while Eri continued to read the information she got on the digivice app on her Smartphone, Harry then stood up and turned to look at the woman and boy who were gaping at them.

Harry grinned "Sorry about that but a Digimon digivolving for the first time is a very important event but in any case, I'm Harry Potter, this little one here" Harry put his hand on top of Eri's head who looked up from her smartphone and smiled at them "is Eri Potter and the two fluff balls as you heard are called Nyaromon, it's nice to meet you".

Both Sally and Percy nodded, Sally then snapped out of their surprised and awed state and smiled "Ah! Thank you for saving us!".

Harry nodded "I didn't do anything it was Eri".

Eri smiled and waved at Sally who giggled at how adorable she is, Percy sighed and slumped a bit "Boy I am tired... it's been one surprised after the other today".

Percy sighed, Eri put away her smartphone and walked up to Percy, and patted his leg, Percy turned his head towards Eri only to receive a worried smile, he smiled at Eri "I'm okay, don't worry".

Sally sighed too "It certainly has been a long day".

Harry, however, looked over the barrier with a frown, he could feel divinity from it, a very powerful one, he walked to the barrier and then spoke up "This barrier isn't allowing you to go into the camp right?".

Sally nodded and was about to explain why but stopped when she saw Harry grab hold of the barrier and twist his arm creating a doorway "There you go, it's temporary so quickly go in".

Sally didn't have to be told twice and immediately went inside the barrier where she was hugged by Percy, the doorway closed and Harry then stepped inside "Alright now that everyone is safe can someone explain what's going on here?".

But a voice suddenly called out which made everyone turn their heads towards where they heard the voice come from "I would also like an explanation, especially since Harry Potter is inside Greek territory...".

Harry turned his head towards the man who just spoke and he immediately recognized him, his Rinnegan and Observe Skill instantly told him who he is "Dionysus Greek God of Wine and Madness, I finally found the Greek Pantheon it seems... there's a lot I want to say to Zeus and Ares".

Dionysus sighed and said the only thing he could say that would surmise what he was feeling about this whole situation "Well... fuck..".


On the outside, Dionysus was calm as always as he lead Harry Potter his daughter, and the Jacksons to his office but on the inside he was terrified, everyone knew how ruthless and damn powerful the Dragon God before him is.

Plus he's one of the leaders of Neo Kyoto the most advanced and powerful Supernatural Faction in the world where even children are beyond the power of the Gods, as ridiculous as it sounds the Yokai Faction was feared, and for a good reason.

Many Gods were utterly shocked and angry at Ares for going to Kyoto and causing trouble, the muscle-bound idiot just had to go there and start a fight thinking that going to war with them would be fun.

Only to come back without an arm and extra crispy when Neo Kyoto turned on their War Time Wards and boy did it cause panic around the Supernatural world, the sheer amount of power and effects of the wards could even be felt here and they were overwhelming.

Many Gods thought that Harry Potter would show up at their home and destroy them after Ares pissed them off but no, it seems like the Dragon God was too busy with other things at the time.

But Zeus also felt the need to be his usual asshole self and ask for retribution for Ares's arm loss and here many of the Gods of Olympus were preparing themselves to be destroyed but again Harry Potter didn't show up again and the Yokai Faction just sent a note saying that they aren't giving them shit.

It seems that both Neo Kyoto and Harry Potter had deemed them too unimportant to deal with, Zeus was insulted and ranted for hours about him and how the whole Pantheon wasn't being taken seriously by Harry and the Yokai Faction.

He and quite a few others were actually relieved though, no one wanted Harry Potter to come here and deal with them they just hope that things would calm down and stay like that.

But then someone had to go and steal Zeus's Lightning Bolt who then went around and accused his brothers of stealing it, everyone knew they didn't do it of course but Zeus was always one to never listen to anyone and began to declare war on Poseidon.

This battle of will then began to have effects on the mortal world and that had attracted the attention of the one being no one wanted to attract and now Harry Potter was in his camp looking around everywhere while he was guiding him to his office.

Dionysus really wanted a drink right now, no he needed to drink but alas the old Greek God knew it wasn't going to happen so with a worried frown on his face he continued on.


Harry had been looking around for quite some time, this camp was full of demigods and he couldn't help to ask why there were just too many, and having caught sight of the cabins and the Gods they represent he was utterly surprised that these Gods slept around this much.

There was something he didn't like about all of this, first of all, the barrier surrounding this entire camp why would they need it for? Why would a bunch of young demigods need a barrier of divine power for this camp?

Second, the sheer amount of kids here, do the Greek Gods not know how to practice safe sex? Just what are they thinking having these many kids, are they perhaps preparing for war or something?

Sure demigods were strong but most of them only reach High-Class rank and only a few have ever reached beyond that to the Ultimate rank so Harry couldn't really see them being used for war even though there were a lot of them.

He turned his gaze at Eri and smiled as she excitedly spoke to Percy about her magic, the young demigod seemed rather impressed with her and he couldn't blame him.

Eri has a talent for battle magic and summoning though she tends not to want to bother the summon spirits very much though all of them would be more than happy to help her in any way.

Eri's Nyaromon were excitedly looking around everywhere and he couldn't help but smile fondly, these little cat-like Digimon reminded him a lot of Kairi's.

But a nervous voice snapped Harry out of his reminiscing "Umm are you perhaps a god, Harry?"

Harry moved his gaze towards Sally who had just spoken to him, Harry grinned at her "You could say that I'm something like that but you're human right? How did you get involved in the supernatural world?".

Sally looked towards Percy "His father is a god and through him, I became aware of the supernatural world though I'm only familiar with the Greek side of it since that's what I've been taught".

Harry frowned a bit and looked down, it certainly is very irresponsible to reveal the supernatural world to a human since it's very dangerous for them but since she's a mother of a demigod there's not much that could have been done "I see... there are different kinds of supernatural factions around the world, pretty much everything in myths and stories actually exist in some shape and form".

Sally sighed, she had come to expect this since she knew of monsters and gods but to actually hear it be confirmed was something else "Ah... I guess I should have known but it is a rather hard thing to accept even though I met a god before".

Harry nodded "I understand, the supernatural world tries very hard to keep itself hidden and away from humans for that reason, it really is a lot for them to understand plus it's very dangerous for them to be aware of what lurks within the moonlit world".

Sally nodded and looked up "It seems like this world is way bigger than we mere mortals are aware of...".

Harry smiled and nodded "You don't know the half of it, Sally".


The group finally reached Dionysus's offices where Dionysus sat behind his desk while Harry immediately conjured a couch to the awe and surprise of Sally and Percy.

Eri and the Nyaromon immediately sat down on it followed by Percy who bounced on it a couple of times to make sure it was solid enough, Eri giggled at him a bit which made him feel a bit embarrassed at his silliness but you really can't blame him though.

This was the first time he had seen someone create something out of thin air, his mom then sat down beside him and gave him an amused smile which didn't help his embarrassment one bit.

Percy looked around and notice that his best friend wasn't there "Where's Grover? He was with us a few minutes ago...".

Dionysus huffed "I sent him to get Chiron so he could attend this meeting Mr. Peggy".

Harry frowned while Percy looked confused "Umm it's Percy, Percy Jackson...".

Dionysus scoffed "Whatever".

Sally frowned, she had heard from Percy's father that the gods were arrogant and selfish at times but this one seemed rather rude as well but she knew she couldn't say anything, she was just a mortal after all and she was nothing to this God.

Eri frowned not liking the attitude and the way Dionysus spoke to Percy who she already considered a friend, he might be twice her age but he was pretty cool "It's not nice to respond like that...".

Dionysus frowned a bit but then Harry summoned Oblivion into his hand and glared at Dionysus who flinched back in his seat "Say his name correctly Dionysus, I won't tell you a second time...".

Dionysus gulped and nodded "Err Percy Jackson...".

Percy seemed a bit nervous with how tense the situation got, Eri nodded and smiled while Harry continued to glare at Dionysus who was sweating quite a bit until a voice caught everyone's attention "It's been a while since I've seen Dionysus being put in his place, it's amazing how easy the Olympians forget that there are far more powerful beings in the world than them".

Harry turned around and watched as a centaur walked in followed by Grover who smiled at Percy, Harry had seen some centaurs before but this was very different, he definitely had some sort of primal divinity in him.

Dionysus frowned "Chiron... you're late".

Percy however was gaping at the Centaur "Mr. Brunner! your-".

Chiron grinned and nodded "A real horse's ass?".

Harry chuckled in amusement at the pun while Eri and the Nyaromon giggled, Percy grinned "You're not human either huh? I should have known by now".

Chiron nodded and smiled at Percy, he then turned towards Harry, he then place a hand on his chest a bowed "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, Dragon God and leader of the Yokai Faction, Harry Potter".


Introductions were made and Harry was surprised that the centaur before me was the real Chiron, not a descendant or a reincarnation but the same Chiron that had trained heroes in the past.

{No wonder I felt primal divinity in him... he's the real deal, I don't think anyone is even aware that he's still around alive and kicking}.

Chiron stood in the middle of the room with his arms crossed over his chest and he thought of the situation beforehand, on his back sitting and enjoying riding him was Eri and her Nyaromon.

The small and adorable child had asked Chiron for a ride and the old centaur found himself unable to say no, so now he was a loyal steed to the adorable bundle of smiles on his back "I'm glad both you and your mother got here safe Percy but how was Sally able to get in? The barrier prevents anyone without divine blood from stepping inside the perimeter of the camp".

Percy pointed at Harry who grinned "He did it! He just grabbed the barrier thingy and gave it a purple nipple! That somehow opened an entrance and mom walked inside".

Harry laughed a bit at the way Percy described how he had manipulated the barrier while Grover, Chiron, and Dionysus sweatdropped, Chiron didn't know how to respond to that "I-I see... and Lord Potter what is the strongest dragon god doing here? So far from his territory if you don't mind me asking".

The fact that Chiron had called Harry a dragon god twice now caught Percy's attention "Wait! What do you mean a dragon god? I don't think I've heard of a dragon god in Greek mythology...".

Sally gummed "I think that's because he doesn't belong to the Greek Pantheon Percy".

Eri smiled "Daddy might look like a normal human now but his real form is a massive Golden and Silver Dragon! He's really big too! Bigger than the buildings here in New York".

Harry smiled at his daughter "Your mom is right Percy, I'm not part of the Greek Pantheon in fact dragon gods don't belong to any pantheon at all we are beings far beyond the understanding and level of power of the rest, only one of us has being mentioned before and that's Great Red the Dragon God of Dreams who is mentioned in the Bible as the Apocalypse Dragon or the Dragon of the End".

Sally and Percy's eyes widen in shock, Sally actually trembles a bit "Oh dear... that's kinda scary, how many dragon gods are there?".

Harry smiled "There's only three of us Great Red the Dragon God of Dreams, Ophis Ouroboros the Dragon God of Infinity and me the Twilight Dread Dragon God of Chaos and Creation".

Sally tremble a bit, something about all of those names and titles made her feel rather small and insignificant, Percy however looked very excited about this information "Whoa! Such cool titles! It's like you guys are end game bosses!".

Harry smiled at the irony in Percy's words and turned towards Chiron "I'm here because Amaterasu informed me that something big is going on here and it involves gods, since she doesn't have jurisdiction on United States soil she asked me to come, and investigate and here I am".

Dionysus gulped, at how Harry just casually dropped his title and two big names, Chiron nodded "I see so the god's anger has been noticed by other factions... and to make things worse it drew the attention of the one faction we didn't want to alert at all".

Percy tilted his head in confusion "Factions?".

Harry nodded "The supernatural world is big Percy and despite what some of the gods think they're not as unique as they want to believe, there's a faction for pretty much all pantheons, you belong to the Greek Pantheon or the Olympians as they're called by many, Eri and I belong to the Yokai Faction where Japan is our territory and thus the Shinto Pantheon are the deities that reside there".

Percy nodded in understanding "And the Olympians didn't want to bring your attention to them? Why?".

Chiron sighed "The Yokai Faction has been recognized as the strongest faction in the world... not only are they more advanced in their magical ways but their technological advances are well known as well, take that and add the fact that everyone in that faction could kill a god with ease and they make for a very dangerous faction to upset...".

Percy frowned "They can kill a god?".

Harry grinned "Yup even the kindergarten children can come here and kill Zeus before nap time though even if they do the god would regenerate a few weeks later but I and the rest of Neo Kyoto's Elite Squad can permanently kill a god, we're all have godkiller abilities".

Dionysus paled and Chiron nodded "I see, I take it that you were the one who created those wards around Kyoto and imbued it with a god-killing aura?".

Harry raised an eyebrow "That's right though I am surprised you were able to come to that conclusion with such little information but then again you are Chiron, I won't tell you the details about the wards around Kyoto but I can tell you that it was indeed me and one other person who created them".

Chiron nodded "That explains why Ares's arm hasn't regenerated after all this time, those wards have a god-killing aura in them... it seems Ares's foolishness finally caught up to him and us it seems".

Sally frowned "Ares? Isn't that the God of War? What did he do?".

Dionysus scoffed and was the one who answered Sally's questions "The muscle-bound idiot thought it was a good idea to go and bother the Yokai Faction and kept annoying them by punching the wards until they got tired of him and activated something that not only blasted his arm off in a shower of blood but also knocked him unconscious and out into the sea for weeks".

Harry grinned at Dionysus "Yasaka got pissed at the noise he was making and activated the War Time Wards which are at least 100 times more powerful than the ones we have protecting Kyoto and they cover Japan entirely".

Dionysus frowned not liking all this at all, Ares was heavily criticized for his actions by everyone except Zeus who was only mad at what had happened to his son.

Chiron sighed and tiredly rubbed his eyes "What a mess... I suppose that you want to be informed of what going on right?".

Harry nodded while Percy frowned "Should we be here? I feel like what you're about to tell Harry isn't something normal people should be listening to".

Chiron smiled at Percy but then shook his head "No, this also involves you Percy so you might as well stay here and listen".

Percy pointed at himself in surprise "Me? But how? I've never even knew all of this existed before today".

Harry was also curious about how Percy is supposed to be involved with all of this craziness going on, Chiron nodded and then went on to explain "Well to make things simple, someone stole Zeus's Lightning Bolt and he thinks you did it, Percy".

Harry frowned while Percy gasped and shook his head "But I didn't do it! Like I said before I didn't even know the gods and all of this even existed!".

Sally patted her son's shoulder "We know you didn't do it Percy calm down okay?".

Percy nodded while Dionysus sighed "It doesn't matter if you didn't do it, Zeus thinks you did and he's not known to think things through...".

Chiron nodded "Unfortunately as Lord Dionysus says, once something gets inside Zeus's head nothing nor no one can convince him otherwise...".

Harry crossed his arms and stared at both Chiron and Dionysus "There's something your not telling him and it has to do with why Zeus thinks Percy stole his Lightning Bolt, what is it?".

Sally was the one to answer the question "It's because of his father isn't it? It's because he's the son of Poseidon".

Percy gaped at his mom in shock "My father is Poseidon?... The God of the Seas?".

Sally smiled at Percy and nodded, Harry, however, hummed for a bit "I see... so he thinks that Poseidon used Percy to steal his Lightning Bolt and take over Olympus isn't it?".

Chiron and Dionysus nodded, in response, Harry scoffed and shook his head "That god-king of yours seems rather paranoid doesn't he? How pathetic... to blame a child that had no idea of the supernatural of stealing a godly weapon".

Chiron and Dionysus just stared at Harry, of course, whole heartily agree with him but they weren't brave enough to voice their real thoughts, Harry noticed this and grinned at them "You don't have to worry about anyone on Olympus listening in, my power is blanketing this entire area so I'm afraid they won't be able to hear, see or even sense us".

Harry then grinned at Dionysus "They won't be able to even hear you scream...".

Dionysus began to nervously sweat, he understood the threat, and even though Harry had said that with a smile on his face Dionysus knew that it was a threat as well.

He really wanted a drink now, all of this is too much to take while not being drunk.