Chapter 116

After everyone took down the atlas they cautiously approached the gate with concern vivid in their eyes, Lily narrowed her eyes at the gate and then suddenly tap it with her sword.

A transparent barrier pushed her Dragovian God Sword away from the gate causing Lily to frown "... Looks like it's sealed with a powerful spell" Lily then turned her head towards her godfather "Papa Harry can you open it with your keyblades?".

Harry smiled and nodded he then lifted Oathkeeper up towards the gate, and light began to coalesce at its tip until it gathered enough power, and then the gathered light shot forward as a beam until it hit the gate.

The barrier protecting the gate glimmered and then shattered like glass while a loud click echoed throughout the hallway, Harry put down his keyblade and nodded to Lily.

Lily nodded back to her godfather and then pushed the massive gate open while lifting her shield up, everyone then walked inside and into the inner chamber.

Until they reached the innermost area, there standing and seemingly waiting stood a humanoid monster unlike any of them had ever seen but what had everyone except Harry, Eri, and Jessica nervous was the darkness and power rolling off the monster.

Lily stared at the obviously powerful monster and noticed its appearance, a blue-skinned humanoid being who wields a crystal ball-topped staff in his right hand, on his head, he wears a finned helmet bearing a circular gem at the forehead, around his neck a necklace with a crystal adornment, and has a shroud draped over his body that prominently shows off a stylized bat.

Lily recognized that stylized bat as a symbol of a cult of monsters that existed a very long time ago a cult that worshipped a monster known as an evil God of Destruction and with this Lily recognized the monster before her.

Lily frowned knowing who this monster is from having read about him in the Dragovian Sanctuary Archives "You're... Hargon the devoted head cleric of Malroth's faith and the head priest of the cult known as the Children of Hargon but... you were defeated a long time ago...".

Hargon maliciously grinned and spread his arms wide "A beautiful destructive darkness spurred my soul from whence it rested and breathed life back to it bringing me back to life...".

Hargon glared at the group "and your right... I was murdered by a trio of meddlesome children a long time ago but now that I'm back and those children and their wretched descendants seemed to be gone from this world I'm free to continue with my plans!".

Everyone frowned while Hargon continued to rant "This world has changed a lot but it is still riddled with arrogant and foolish humans! and so I! The benevolent Hargon shall bring salvation to this world!... By destroying each and every human living in it! Hahahahah!".

Lily growled and glared at Hargon "You're insane... just how you were described in the archives you're nothing but an obsessed zealot, but you're wrong about one thing!".

Hargon stopped laughing and glared at Lily "Oh! and what could I be wrong about child? Just what do you mean?".

Lily grinned at Hargon which made him raise an eyebrow "The descendants of Erdrick might be gone from this world but that doesn't mean there aren't any heroes left to stop you!".

Hargon stared at Lily for a few moments before beginning to chuckle until he downright began to cackle in amusement "HAHAHA! and you're one of those so-called heroes!? Don't make me laugh! You're nothing but a child!... What can you possibly do?".

Lily looked down and then took a big breath and softly exhale, everyone stared at her curious as to what Lily was going to do but Harry just grinned already knowing what Lily is doing.

Lily closed her eyes and looked for the dragon inside of her within her soul and as always it responded to her call, Lily opened her eyes which began to glow as blue energy exploded from her sending an airblast outwards from her body.

Yangus and Red covered their faces and braced themselves so they wouldn't be sent flying by the energy bursting out of Lily while Hargon glared at Lily with a sneer.

Jessica, Eri, and Harry just stood beside Lily unaffected by the energy pouring out of her, and just silently watched Hargon, Lily then roared as even more blue scales began to manifest on her skin.

Two massive dragonic wings sprouted from her shoulder as two black horns grew backward from her head, her hands began to grow black claws and she exhale a thick white smoke out of her mouth which now had fangs growing in it.

Hargon hit the ground with his staff in aggravation "What is this!? What sort of creature are you child? No monster or human should have this much power unless they're a demonlord...".

Lily sighed as she felt the full force of her Dragon Knight power flowing through her body "... I'm a Dragon Knight! and Princess of Trodain! and I won't let you do whatever you want in this world Hargon!".

Lily exploded forward and disappeared in a blur of blue light, Hargon's eyes widen in surprise, and barely had time to block Lily's downward sword slash with his staff.

A blast of air blasted off in all directions from the collision while Hargon growled, being a magic user meant his physical strength wasn't very high compared to other demonlords but it wasn't anything to snuff at either, and this little girl before him was actually making him struggle.

Lily glared at Hargon and then roared "Ahhh! 'Thunder Slash!'" Lily's sword suddenly lit up with lightning causing Hargon to grunt and actually get violently pushed back by the strength behind Lily's sword technique".

As Hargon was pushed back he stopped himself by stabbing his staff on the ground, he then looked up and glare at Lily "I won't let you get in the way of my plans, foolish child!".

Hargon pointed his claw towards Lily and loudly cast a spell "'Kaboomle!'" a ray of orange energy shot forward towards Lily who used her shield to block the spell.

As soon as Hargon's spell crashed against Lily's shield she was suddenly engulfed in a massive explosion that shook the Dark Temple, Yangus and Red getting worried for Lily suddenly yelled out in concern at the same time "Lily!".

But Lily suddenly shot out from the smoke of the explosion seemingly unaffected by the spell, Hargon's eyes widen in shock "What!?".

But he didn't have time to ponder anymore because Lily was on him in seconds intending to impale him with her sword but Hargon threw himself to the side to avoid her.

He then pointed his claw at Lily who was forced to stop herself "'Kazamle!'" a blast of pitch black lightning shot forward from his hand towards Lily but then Eri apparated in front of her and hit the ground with her staff "'Reflect!'".

A bright barrier of light spread from around Eri and not only blocked Hargon's dark lightning spell but sent it back at him, the demonlords tilted his body away from his own spell in surprise barely dodging it.

But then Harry appeared behind him in a flash of twilight "Don't forget about us Hargon!" Harry swung Oathkeeper towards Hargon's back.

Hargon looked back "Damn it all!" he barely had time to block Harry's strike but unlike Lily's attack, he was sent flying and crashing through a stone pillar completely destroying it and making him roll on the ground a couple of times.

Hargon then stopped his momentum by stabbing the claws of his free hand into the ground but he was still unable to stop himself for a few seconds leaving five deep and long claw marks on the ground.

Hargon then immediately looked up at Harry with eyes wide and full of shock "What!? That strength is inhuman! Who-no what are you!?".

Harry grinned "You have bigger concerns Hargon" Harry pointed to the side and Hargon followed his finger until he saw Jessica gathering a large amount of energy.

Hargon gaped as Jessica began to chant "'I, who stand in the full light of the heavens, command thee, who opens the gates of hell. Come forth, divine lightning! This ends now! Indignation!'".

Hargon gasped as a massive magical circle spread from underneath his feet "What is tha-" he didn't even get to finish what he was saying when multiple lightning bolts rained down on him until a massive one dropped on him which a loud boom and crackle.

Hargon screamed in pain from the obviously powerful spell Jessica just hit him with "Yeaarrrghhh!".

Yangus and Red gaped at the spell Jessica just used, they both knew that she is a very powerful mage but the spell she just dropped on Hargon was something else entirely, it was plainly on a whole other level.

Jessica's spell finally subsided leaving a severely charred Hargon but the demonlord quickly raised his staff "'Fullheal!'".

Hargon's wounds and injuries instantly healed but he was now glaring at the the party both warily and with a lot of unadulterated hate "You pathetic mongrels! How dare you force me to use my most powerful healing spell!".

But even though Hargon had said that indignantly he was now very much aware that this group of humans weren't normal, especially the red-headed woman and the black-haired man.

Those two were seriously powerful much more than him but they seem content to just play around with him but then he also had to worry about the white-haired girl and the Dragon Knight.

Even though they are both young they were very powerful as well and that made Hargon worried {I can't believe I will be forced to do this again!}.

But he couldn't yet do what he was planning on doing, he still needed to prepare a bit more negative energy for this to work so he's going to have to continue to play with these humans.

That said he wasn't about to let himself be pummeled away by these worms, Hargon raised his staff towards the sky and then swung it hard towards the party "'Kaswoshle!'".

A blast of sharp wind shot forward from Hargon's staff and headed toward the party, Eri then grabbed her wand and pointed at the blast of wind, and began to twirl it around.

Hargon felt his control over his spell snap away from him shocking him and making him flinch, Eri then began to direct the blast of wind with her wand and made it head up towards the ceiling where it dissipated.

Eri then pointed her wand towards Hargon and brought into her mind the bad and sad memories of her past and the pain the Shie Hassaikai had brought her and fed it into her next spell "'Sectumsempra!'".

She waved her wand and shot forward the deadly dark curse towards Hargon who was caught by surprise by the anger-filled curse heading his way and was unable to avoid it.

Hargon wailed in pain as deep lacerations burst open from all over his body while his purple blood splashed all over the place, this is a dark curse that her mommy Hermione found in a potion book while she was in Hogwarts and she had added it to the Potter Household library.

Eri had learned it because it made use of her bad memories and anger and she believed that if she had to live with all of that, might as well turn them into something useful.

Hargon growled and wobble a bit from the damage he received from Eri's dark curse, he raised his staff and casted a spell "'Fullheal!'" but the powerful healing spell failed to fully heal Eri's dark curse effects.

Hargon looked livid now as the lacerations opened up again and he began to bleed once more "What sort of dark spell was that child?! You filthy humans dare create such a spell and use it against me?!".

But Lily suddenly appeared in front of him "Shut up hypocrite!" Lily lashed out with her sword and Hargon was barely able to parry her slash with his staff but Lily pressed on with her attack forcing Hargon to backpedal while trying to avoid getting bisected by Lily's attacks.

Lily was seriously impressed, even though Hargon was seriously hurt and bleeding all over the place he was still strong enough to fight back, it comes to show the tenacity and strength of the demonlords of old, and Lily respected the heroes who fought them in the past even more now.

But eventually, Hargon couldn't continue to parry and block Lily's attack especially since with each attack she lashed out with she seemed to be getting stronger and stronger and it was beginning to worry Hargon quite a bit.

But he then was too slow to block a raising slash from Lily and Hargon ended up screaming in pain as Lily cut open his chest, the demonlord grabbed hold of his chest in pain and huffed as he began to step away from Lily.

Hargon huffed as he glared at Lily, his clothes began to be stained with the purple of his blood "To think that I would be bested yet again by a bunch of brats...".

Lily glared at Hargon as she watched him struggle to even breathe from all the injuries he sustained especially from Eri's dark curse that would not heal, Hargon then maliciously grinned "But you're too late! I just finished gathering all the negative energy I needed! Now! I forfeit my life to the Great God Malroth! Raise and destroy this world!".

Hargon began to cackle as blue flames engulfed his body and began to consume what was left of his life force Lily had to actually jump back to avoid being burned by those highly powerful magical flames.

The ground began to shake as the air inside the inner sanctum began to to grown heavy, Lily had never felt anything like it before and she was quite honestly beginning to feel afraid but then her godfather's voice snapped her out of it "Lily!".

Lily turned her head towards her godfather and saw him waving at her to come to him and Lily immediately took off running towards her Godfather.

Lily arrived at where her godfather and everyone else had gathered "Papa Harry! What's going on!? What is this pressure I'm feeling!".

Harry looked around for a few moments and watched as a bunch of blue fireballs began to light up all over the place "That fool sacrificed his life to use as a catalyst to revive the evil God of Destruction Malroth... all of the negative energy that was gathered here from the around the world is now being used resurrect him".

Lily narrowed her eyes and looked down "... What should we do Papa Harry?".

Harry smiled at his goddaughter, she still had a lot to learn and hadn't had the chance to experience situations like this so, of course, she would get a bit afraid and concerned so he patted her head "It will be alright Lily don't worry just fight with everything you have".

Lily looked up at her godfather and felt at ease seeing his smile, Yangus and Red looked a bit nervous but they also seemed to be ready to fight.

Eri walked up to Lily and handed her a miracle gel with a big and bright smile "Eat it so you can recover Lily, that hybrid form of yours must burn a lot of energy".

Lily smiled back at her friend and immediately ate it, she then felt all of her sore muscles feel better and her energy fill up to the top making her smile "I love medical gels!".

Everyone smiled at Lily, Yangus walked up to Harry "Sorry mate, Red and I were caught by surprise by Lily's transformation that we weren't any help in the fight but we will fight against this so-called Malroth".

Harry grinned at Yangus and nodded "Just be careful, Malroth is above the level of Rhaptorne so be alert and don't take any unnecessary risk".

Yangus grinned at Harry and nodded while Red just smiled and got herself ready for what will be the biggest fight of her life yet.

The air began to tremble in the inner sanctum as an evil and heavy presence began to emerge from the deepest parts of the Underworld of the World of Light and everyone could feel it causing the party of warriors to get ready.

Suddenly a massive spiral of blue flames burst out from the very ground, Harry quickly reacted and raised Oathkeeper above his head and created a barrier of light that engulfed the party just in time.

The blue flames were repelled by Harry's light barrier and everyone watched as the pillar of flames began to destroy the Dark Temple around them, Harry suddenly narrowed his eyes and loudly called out to everyone "Here he comes!".

The blue pillar suddenly exploded outwards as a terrifying roar echoed throughout the entire area of the now destroyed inner sanctum, Lily looked up with wide eyes full of shock as Malroth emerged from the blue flames "He's enormous!".

Harry huffed in annoyance "Damn... Hargon was able to fully complete the ritual! That's Malroth's avatar at full power!".

Lily gulped a bit as he stared at the Rank-X monster in front of her, a demonlord known as the God of Destruction and Master of Destruction.

This Malroth was different from what he was described by the Dragovian Sanctuary Archives, in the archives he was described as a green-scaled monster who was no bigger than an atlas.

But Lily understood her godfather's words, in the archives, the three descendants of Erdrick had stopped Hargon from completing the ritual and that forced him to sacrifice what little life he had left to summon Malroth.

So the avatar that was summoned at that time might have been a weaker one from the incomplete ritual but this one, this was definitely something else and as Lily gaped at the massive blue-scaled, four-armed demonlord she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.

Malroth roared and then shot upwards completely destroying the Dark Temple now and the mountains above it to reach the surface, Jessica gasped "It's going outside! We have to stop it before it reaches a populated area!".

Harry nodded "I'm taking on my dragon form! Looks like this will be a flying battle so get ready! once I lift off there's no going back!".

Everyone nodded and got themselves ready, Lily took a big breath to calm her heart, and Eri who noticed her friend's nervousness walked up to her and grabbed her hand.

Lily turned her head towards Eri who smiled at her "It's going to be fine, we can do this Lily! So let's show off a bit!".

Lily smiled at Eri and nodded, Yangus walked up to Harry "Mate, I don't think your dragon form is big enough for all of us to take a ride".

Harry grinned at Yangus "Hahaha you missed a lot Yangus! Don't worry! I have this covered, now watch this!".

Harry walked away from everyone and took on his dragon form with a loud roar surprising Yangus and Red who gaped at his massive size and dragon form.

Yangus then chuckled and shook his head "I can't wait to hear the stories you have that explain this massive new dragon form of yours mate!".

Harry chuckled and then telekinetically brought everyone to him and onto the top of his head "don't worry about falling off I'll catch you so just give Malroth everything you have!".

Everyone nodded and Harry then took off flying up through the hole Malroth had made with his own escape from the Dark Temple, as soon as everyone made it out of the destroyed mountains, the Dark Temple finally and fully collapsed.

This time it was fully destroyed and Harry made sure as he used his Rinnegan to look at the entire structure of the temple and watched it crumble and be buried under tons of rock.

A loud roar alerted everyone of Malroth's location, Harry turn his head towards where the loud roar came from and watched as Malroth flew above the ocean towards the Baccarat region.

He immediately took off flying at full speed to intercept the massive demonlord lord from reaching the mainland.

Lily watched as her godfather's massive dragon form easily caught up with Malroth and once he was above him, her godfather lashed out with his tail and slap Malroth away from the mainland and onto a set of deserted islands.

Malroth roared in both surprise and pain as he was struck from above and sent crashing into some islands, it quickly righted and turned its massive body towards what had struck him only to be grabbed by Harry who then took a bite into his neck.

Harry held onto Malroth who roared in pain and Jessica seeing a chance loudly called out "Harry has him held down! Attack him with everything you have and don't worry about Harry nothing can hurt him".

Everyone nodded and immediately began to attack, Lily jumped off Harry's head onto Malroth's shoulders and ran towards his head with her sword alight with fire "'Inferno Slash!'".

Lily jumped towards Malroth's head and slashed down on the side of his face, half of Malroth's face was engulfed with red hot flames before those flames exploded into a massive spiraling pillar of fire.

Malroth roared and try to pry himself out of Harry's hold but Harry refused to let him go so instead the demonlord lashed out towards Lily with his snake head tail.

Lily saw the attack coming and jumped back to avoid it but the snake on Malroth's tail roared and then spat out a massive gout of flames at her, Lily covered herself with her shield and braced herself for pain as the flames traveled to her to fast.

But Eri appeared in front of her riding her broom and raised her staff towards the massive blast of flames coming at them, massive barriers of water rose around them and protected both Eri and Lily from the flames.

Suddenly whip lashed out towards the snake's head and struck it on the side of its head stopping it from breathing fire on the girls, as the snake's head whipped to the side from the force of Jessica's whip, three knives suddenly came flying and stabbed into one of its eyes causing it to roar and flail around in pain.

Yangus then jumped up and spun around while brandishing an axe he swapped for his scythe which began to ominously glow as he began to fall toward the top of Malroth's snake-headed tail "'Helm Splitter!'".

Yangus slammed his axe on top of Malroth's snake-headed tail causing it to slam on top of Malroth's shoulder, Eri and Lily seeing an opening immediately moved to take advantage of it.

Lily jumped over Eri and took off running while engulfing her Dragovian God Sword with her energy, since Lily was still in her Hybrid form the speed and force she used to take off running actually created a massive boom.

Meanwhile, Eri pointed her staff toward Malroth's snake-headed tail and began to chant "'O divine spear, run my enemies through, Holy Lance!'".

Eri's holy light spell created a multitude of spears of light that immediately dropped on top of Malroth's snake-headed tail and pinned it to his shoulder, Lily suddenly blur right into the side of the snake's head with her Dragovian God Sword glowing with deep blue energy.

She then swung her blade as hard as she could "'Light Impulse!'" Lily's sword technique collided with the snake's head and then blue energy exploded outwards into a bunch of light blasts that not only destroyed Malroth's snake-headed tail but also struck Malroth in the face as well.

Malroth's howled in pain from both the loss of his tail and being struck by Lily's sword technique, his body flailed around so hard that Harry lost his grip for a second and that allowed Malroth to push Harry off with his massive four arms.

Lily, Yangus, and Eri were sent flying off Malroth's shoulder but as promised Harry caught them with his telekinesis and brought them to the top of his head.

Malroth roared at the party that had been able to actually hurt him and spread his four arms wide, suddenly from the sky black lightning began to lash out and Harry immediately took evasive action to avoid the dark lightning from hitting his passengers "Hang on!".

Everyone did as Harry ordered but couldn't help but scream as Harry twirled around and moved at high speed to avoid the pitch-black lightning, well except Lily and Eri who were whooping in fun.

Harry chuckled as he heard Yangus and Red curse him out as he dodged Malroth's spell, as soon as the black lightning finished raining down Harry then shot forward towards Malroth and tackle him into one of the deserted islands which shook as two massive beings crashed on it.

Harry grabbed hold of Malroth's shoulders and then took a massive breath which alerted Malroth of what Harry was planning to do so he began to lash out with his four fists.

Malroth punched Harry's body as hard as he could but the Dragon God was unaffected by his strikes and proceeded to breathe white flames into Malroth's face causing the evil God of Destruction to howl in pain.

Lily was awed as she watched her godfather breathe holy fire and hoped he would teach her how to do that later, she also knew he was holding back since he wanted her and Eri to fight and learn from this battle and Lily was glad he was willing to humor her desire to grow strong.

It made Lily admire just how much control her godfather must have to be able to fight at the same level of power she has and how he lowers the power behind each of his attacks whether they be magical or physical to make the same amount of damage hers does.

It made her respect her godfather that much more and it made her feel safe knowing that if she were to fail her godfather would easily take care of Malroth but she wasn't about to fail.

Not when her godfather was putting in all of this effort into helping her grow, so as her papa Harry finished breathing holy fire onto Malroth's face she jumped up into the sky and spread her Dragon wings, and began to gather her energy into her sword and body.

Eri immediately began to chant as she saw Lily get ready for a big spell "'O holy one, cast thy purifying light upon these corrupt souls... light of judgment! Judgment!'".

Harry immediately pushed off Malroth's body and soon after big beams of pink light began to rain from the heavens right on top of Malroth's body causing him to roar in pain as his body was engulfed in explosions of pink light.

Lily finished gathering energy into her body and sword and got ready to use a technique her father had shown her once, she looked down and then shot downward toward Malroth who was still reeling in pain from Eri's holy light spell.

Lily came down from the sky engulfed in blue energy making her look like a falling star as she roared the name of her technique "'Dragon Soul!'".

Malroth couldn't do anything but watch on as a blue comet of blue light that suddenly took the form of a roaring dragon came crashing down onto his body engulfing him in a massive explosion of blue energy.

Yangus, Red, Jessica, and even Harry's eyes widen in surprise "Cor Blimey mate, I didn't know the little princess could use the Guv's special attack!".

Harry chuckled "I didn't know either, that Lily... she's just full of surprises".

The blue energy explosion subsided and Lily was left on top of Malroth's chest huffing for air since that attack took a lot out of her, Harry immediately picked her up with telekinesis and lifted her up to his head where Eri immediately gave her a miracle gel.

Lily ate it right away and gave Eri a smile "Phew... that took a lot out of me! I wonder how Daddy can do it so easily?".

But before anyone could answer her Malroth shot off from the ground and into the sky where it roared, Lily's eyes widen in surprise "What? My Dragon Soul didn't do anything to him?".

Harry softly shook his head careful not to send anyone flying off "No, he definitely felt that one but now he's angry and wary, it's not every day that someone can hurt a monster of his caliber".

Yangus scoffed "So now he knows not to underestimate us huh?".

Malroth's claws suddenly began to glow with darkness and he then swung them at Harry unleashing a multitude of black energy slashes at Harry.

Harry immediately covered himself and everyone else with his wings but everyone could feel the explosions caused by the black energy waves colliding against Harry's wings.

Lily narrowed her eyes "... Papa Harry! Do you think an Avan Strash will be enough to finish Malroth off?".

Harry thought about it for a few moments "You're going to have to overcharge the technique but you might need an extra push in order to take him out with one strike!".

Lily looked down and began to to think of a way to increase the power of her Avan Strash, Eri then suddenly spoke up "and if I add my energy into Lily's Avan Strash Daddy!?".

Harry hummed as explosions continue to go off "A combo attack?... It might work but both of you must be in perfect synch or the technique might blow up on you guys!".

Jessica hummed "An Avan Strash with Eri's energy added to the mix... energy that has both godslaying and dragonslaying properties? This is going to be big...".

Harry nodded in agreement "Yes it will but girls you have to be sure!".

Both Eri and Lily looked at each other in silence for a few seconds before smiling and nodding at each other, Lily then got her Dragovian God Sword in position "Let's do it Eri! Let's defeat Malroth together!".

(Play Dragon Knight - The Adventure of Dai Ost)

Lily once again ignited her body with her blue energy as she began to focus all of it onto her Dragovian God Sword which began to glow blue and loudly vibrate causing Yangus, Red, and even Jessica's eyes to widen in surprise.

Harry however smiled, Lily had come a long way and began to tap into her true power as a Dragon Knight, the fact that she was able to enter into her hybrid form and sustain it this long was proof of how strong she has become.

As Lily prepared her technique Eri pointed her hand towards Lily's Dragovian God Sword and began to gather her energy, suddenly her horn grew and began to let out a big amount of golden light as she focused.

As Eri mixed her energy with Lily's, the Dragon Knight's blue energy began to mix with a golden light until the Dragovian God Sword began to glow golden as well.

Lily smiled as she felt Eri's energy fill her body and mix with hers, as she felt the weight of Eri's energy she came to understand that her friend had lived a hard life but even though her energy was heavy and made Lily want to cry for her friend, it also felt warm and kind.

So instead of crying Lily smiled and promised herself to be the best friend Eri could ever want "Papa Harry I'm ready! I just need an opening!".

Harry grinned "Alright! I'll give you one, so give it all you have!".

Both Eri and Lily nodded and loudly exclaimed the same thing at the same time "Right!".

From Harry's back, countless chains made out of chakra shot out at high-speed towards Malroth who was too busy attacking Harry in rage to notice them until it was too late, and found himself being tightly wrapped by them stopping him from attacking.

Malroth struggled but he began to lose the connection to his power which began to make him panic in confusion, Harry suddenly opened his wings and Malroth was able to see Lily preparing some sort of attack.

The demonlord felt the power behind that attack and began to struggle even more, he began to feel dread to his very core as he saw the little human's sword lit up with a power he did not understand.

Lily glared at Malroth "Go back to hell where you belong! and never show your face in my world ever again!".

Lily then shot off from Harry's head as the golden energy from her sword began to now spiral and violently vibrate, Lily flapped her dragon wings to increase her speed and as soon as she came close to Malroth she unleashed her attack "'Avan Strash!'".

Lily swung her Dragovian God Sword as hard as she could unleashing a massive golden energy slash that to everyone's amazement actually cracked the air like glass as it struck Malroth who was unable to move and took on the attack full on with a roar of pain until he twitched and stop moving.

Harry gaped "... That Avan Strash actually cut through space and time..." Harry then remembered Eri's quirk and what it did {Her quirk must have given Lily's Avan Strash time manipulation properties...amazing}.

Malroth twitched one more time and then shattered like glass signifying his defeat while Harry made his Adamantite Sealing Chains dissipate.

Lily now spent and very tired went back to her human form and smiled "Finally!... now I'm going to sleep... night... night..".

Lily's eyes closed and fell asleep but before she could even begin to fall Harry caught her with his telekinesis and brought her to him and the rest of the party "Well done Lily now sleep and rest, you definitely earned it".

Lily just snored in response causing everyone to share a laugh while Harry laid her down on his head, Eri lay down beside her and decided to also take a nap.

Harry and everyone smiled watching both girls sleep, deciding that it was time to go home Harry took off flying towards Trodain so everyone can rest and let Hiro and Medea know what happened.

Still, Harry was feeling mighty proud of the girls for taking down not only a demonlord but two however, for now, they earned their rest, and Harry was more than happy to let them do so.